
域名|Chinese Perspective

Spaceship Spaceship
I believe only short and easy-to-remember domain names are sustainable, regardless of where in the world you live and which cultural background you come from.

Now that the Chinese domain market has become a hot topic, I myself want to understand this trend too. Is there any real meaning behind each domain name sold in China? Here, I'd like to share with you what I've found as I read the Chinese news everyday.

GZX can stand for 更自信 (even more self-confident) which can be used in many fields such as education, self-help, and even consumer products to raise your self image.

XLY can stand for 夏令营 (summer camp) or 新领域 (new field) which can be used in recreation and high-tech products.

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There's a saying we have in the hedge fund business "The market can stay irrational longer than you can stay solvent" I'd say the same applies here but good luck!

lol thanks! I know it's not a "Great" idea. but that .sucks company sure is making "bank".

update. just out of curiousity. I checked Baidu.Sucks lol it redirects to http://www.saksfifthavenue.com/.

that's funny! they bought Baidu.sucks ! and Tencent.Sucks too! lol crazy! and Weibo.sucks???

The heck is going on here? lol isn't this Trademark problematic? lol
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Also-do you happen to know where the name LUAN.com was auctioned?
I did a Baidu search and eName is the only company that reported the sale, so I assume the auction was held by eName.

CHina will still look "next door" and see another big business opportunity in India, because they already know how big business has gotten in China already.
I recently read a Chinese article that said Chinese have acquired very short numbers and letters of many ccTLD so the day will come when citizens of the respective countries realize they don't own their country's best domain names and have to pay high prices to get them back.
Hi Kassey-we just bought hk16.cn your thoughts? Thank you!
just want to say thanks for the info, and thought you'd find the following article interesting
Thanks for the info. I've been using the terms "legal name" and "trading name" to distinguish the two. Trading names are what consumers recognize and remember.

-we just bought hk16.cn your thoughts?
I'd like to know your thoughts instead. How did you decide to acquire this name? How did you determine it has good value? Thanks.
Thanks for the info. I've been using the terms "legal name" and "trading name" to distinguish the two. Trading names are what consumers recognize and remember.

I'd like to know your thoughts instead. How did you decide to acquire this name? How did you determine it has good value? Thanks.
Ahhh ! Im not sure it does but here's what I think a company in "Hong Kong" or China could use this name because it's short and the "hk" along with a very low number ( 16) is very easy to remember. Exactly what companies in China are now looking for-or at least i think so. Unless im wrong this name can mean "hong kong want to have fun" .
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News with Chinese source...

New rich in domaining? A Chinese article named Rick Schwartz, Mike Berkens, Frank Schilling, Mike Mann, Daniel Negari, Castello Brothers, Mike Robertson, and Michael Cyger as the 八大土豪 (the eight big Nouveau riche or new money) in the domain circle. Really? >>

.cn registration ended long upward growth. CNNIC reported total number of registrations as 18,507,125 in March, with about 1% drop over previous month. >>

Well-known legal service provider 华律网 (Hua Lv Wang) activated its Chinese IDN.IDN 华律网.世界 (Hua Lv Wang.world in Chinese) which redirects to the company's corporate site at 66Law.cn. This may illustrate future direction of Chinese IDN.IDN being used only a name for redirecting consumers to main site. >>

Latest stats on new gTLD registrations: .top has 1,999,969, . wang 1,069,881, and 网址(website address) 339,532. All three belong to Top 10 new gTLD. >>

Also, today's post: Useful 6Ns That You May Not Know >>
News with Chinese source...

New rich in domaining? A Chinese article named Rick Schwartz, Mike Berkens, Frank Schilling, Mike Mann, Daniel Negari, Castello Brothers, Mike Robertson, and Michael Cyger as the 八大土豪 (the eight big Nouveau riche or new money) in the domain circle. Really? >>

.cn registration ended long upward growth. CNNIC reported total number of registrations as 18,507,125 in March, with about 1% drop over previous month. >>

Well-known legal service provider 华律网 (Hua Lv Wang) activated its Chinese IDN.IDN 华律网.世界 (Hua Lv Wang.world in Chinese) which redirects to the company's corporate site at 66Law.cn. This may illustrate future direction of Chinese IDN.IDN being used only a name for redirecting consumers to main site. >>

Latest stats on new gTLD registrations: .top has 1,999,969, . wang 1,069,881, and 网址(website address) 339,532. All three belong to Top 10 new gTLD. >>

Also, today's post: Useful 6Ns That You May Not Know >>
I was surprised to see Michael Cyger on that list ( i had no idea his blog did so well) but im not at all surprised to see the Castello brothers on the list-not only did they sell Whisky.com for $3million -they also have turned down $5 million for PalmSprings.com ( it's a developed site they own) among others in their portfolio.
How is the .in market in China? Just wondering...
How is the .in market in China? Just wondering...
Hopefully good lol we own a few pinyin and i80.in but somewhere here Kassey made a comment on .in but also as did another person and a broker recently told me it's catching on as is .ch in China-good luck.
Hopefully good lol we own a few pinyin and i80.in but somewhere here Kassey made a comment on .in but also as did another person and a broker recently told me it's catching on as is .ch in China-good luck.
Thanks for the reply. How much a NLL.in may bring in from Chinese market? Any idea?
Thanks for the reply. How much a NLL.in may bring in from Chinese market? Any idea?
No idea-probably not a lot right now-we bought i80.in for a long term hold.
News with Chinese source...

What does 426 in domain name 426.cn mean? 426.cn is an intellectual property portal and 426 refers to April 26, World Intellectual Property Day. The domain name was acquired for 6 figures CNY last year.>>

2nd largest .wang registrar West.cn lost momentum. Growth in .wang registration stalled at a mere 435 versus over 100,000 in previous month. >>

Investor "Mars" (nickname) recently bought 288 LLLL .com domain names for mid 6 figures CNY from an overseas seller. His reasons for the bulk purchase are: (1) LLLLs are short and easy to remember, (2) There are many end user companies for LLLLs, and (3) LLLLs can be used in China and the rest of the world. >>

DDD.com recently acquired by Chinese buyer. DDD may mean 大嶝岛 (Dadeng island in Xiamen city),
D大调 (D Major), 多多贷 (lend a lot), and 贷贷贷 (lend, lend, lend). >>

Also, today's post: Some 4Ns Have Special Meanings in China >>
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News with Chinese source...

Not knowing how to find a desired domain name is the biggest reason end user companies cannot buy the domain names that they want, according to a survey by Aliyun. The 2nd reason is the lack of understanding how domain purchase is transacted. >>

.ee extension (Estonia) being repositioned as gTLD meaning Internet+ (first "e" interpreted as "Internet" and second "e" as "+"). Because .ee is ccTLD, registrants can apply for ICP licenses and build websites in China. 2016 Q1 sales exceeded 100,000 registrations. All 2N, 3N, 4N are bought out. >>

Ali Paimai (pai.taobao.com), subsidiary of Alibaba, sold 18 .club domain names in recent auction, including best one S.club at 245,344 CNY. S may mean 搜 (search), 商 (business), 赏 (appreciate), and 食 (eat). Such auction using consumer-oriented Taobao platform may push domain investment to mainstream. >>

Good result from April 29 auction by 22.cn, with YXW.com sold for 1.2m, GP.cn 1.09m, 32.cn 1.6m, 533.com 2.72m, and YB.com 7.7m CNY. Even .cc did well, with 1688.cc sold for 360k and 955.cc+910.cc for 130k. >>

Also, today's post: Focus on Meaning, Not Chip >>
News with Chinese source...

Not knowing how to find a desired domain name is the biggest reason end user companies cannot buy the domain names that they want, according to a survey by Aliyun. The 2nd reason is the lack of understanding how domain purchase is transacted. >>

.ee extension (Estonia) being repositioned as gTLD meaning Internet+ (first "e" interpreted as "Internet" and second "e" as "+"). Because .ee is ccTLD, registrants can apply for ICP licenses and build websites in China. 2016 Q1 sales exceeded 100,000 registrations. All 2N, 3N, 4N are bought out. >>

Ali Paimai (pai.taobao.com), subsidiary of Alibaba, sold 18 .club domain names in recent auction, including best one S.club at 245,344 CNY. S may mean 搜 (search), 商 (business), 赏 (appreciate), and 食 (eat). Such auction using consumer-oriented Taobao platform may push domain investment to mainstream. >>

Good result from April 29 auction by 22.cn, with YXW.com sold for 1.2m, GP.cn 1.09m, 32.cn 1.6m, 533.com 2.72m, and YB.com 7.7m CNY. Even .cc did well, with 1688.cc sold for 360k and 955.cc+910.cc for 130k. >>

Also, today's post: Focus on Meaning, Not Chip >>
Kassey-we like the "Alibaba" mention We own FangchanPaimai.com and FangdichanPaimai.com ( long I know but such great words/meanings im not sure it will matter to the right party)
News with Chinese source...

2110.com sold for 6 figures CNY, same range as those having no 0 and 4 in names. Similar results also achieved by 9098.com (340k) and 2072.com (169k) sold recently. >>

Pug.com sold for close to 380k CNY in May 3 auction. Pug may mean 普工 (general work), 普光 (general light), 普高 (senior high school), and 蒲瓜 (white flowered gourd). Note that the name is Pinyin "pu" + letter "g" so difficult for Chinese consumers to remember.>>

PKQ.com sold for 281k CNY in May 3 auction. PKQ may mean 皮卡丘 (Pikachu), 跑酷圈 (Parkour circle), 浦口区 (Pukou district of Nanjing city), 贫困区 (poor area), and 赔款期 (reparations period). >>

SCQ.com sold for 280k CNY in May 3 auction. SCQ may mean 杀出去 (kill to get out), 生成器 (generator), 生产区 (factory district), 朔城区 (Shuocheng district of Shuòzhōu city), 生存权 (right to live), 删除期 (deletion period), and 商城圈 (mall circle). >>

Also, today's post: How One Company Upgraded Its Domain Name >>
Kassey-we like the "Alibaba" mention We own FangchanPaimai.com and FangdichanPaimai.com ( long I know but such great words/meanings im not sure it will matter to the right party)
You really like Pinyin domain names!
News with Chinese source...

.top registrations reached 2.1m and Chinese registry Jiangsu Bangning Group is releasing reserved 2-pin and 3I domain names for registration at 139 registrars across the world. >>

BIBO.com sold for 6 figures CNY recently. Bibo is 2-pin which may mean
碧波 (blue wave), 毕博 (complete and extensive), and 必博 (will fight). Last one good for betting sie. >>

CXN.com sold for 260k CNY in May 4 auction. CXN may mean
嘲笑鸟 (sneering bird), 程序鸟 (programming bird), 潮汐能 (tide energy), 粗心男 (careless man), 出行牛 (a cow setting out on a long journey), and 查询牛 (inquiry cow). >>

281.com sold more than 1.5m CNY recently. 2 may mean love and 8 is assoicated wih fortune. Also, 9161.com sold for 266k, 3754.com 115k, and 62222.com 20k. >>

Also, today's post: A Funky but Difficult Name >>
News with Chinese source...

ZDW.com sold for 420k CNY in May 5 auction. ZDW may mean 直达网 (nonstop net), 知道网 (knowledge net), 指导网 (guidance net), 注定网 (destiny net), 战斗王 (battle king), 账单王 (billing king), 镇党委 (town party committee), and 终端网 (terminal net). >>

End user companies like Pinyin domain names. Its quantity is large but prices vary to a large extent (unlike 4N or 4L). Meaning of a Pinyin name is most important. Some recent sales are Luan.com (can be single- or double-pin) for 700k CNY and MeiRong.com for 2.2m. >>

eName just cut .wang renewal fee from 55 to 23 CNY. When the company launched "9 CNY .wang registration" in October last year, they sold close to 100,000 .wang domain names overnight. Currently, .wang registration has reached 1.07m. With eName's aggressive pricing, .wang is poised to continue to grow in number. >>

Listed pump maker Leo (Leogroup.cn) ventured into new field by launching Che.com as a car buying and selling marketplace. Che (车=car) is 3L but also a big money single-pin word. Very smart domain acquisition! >>

Also, today's post: A Creative but Difficult Domain Name >>
News with Chinese source...

ZDW.com sold for 420k CNY in May 5 auction. ZDW may mean 直达网 (nonstop net), 知道网 (knowledge net), 指导网 (guidance net), 注定网 (destiny net), 战斗王 (battle king), 账单王 (billing king), 镇党委 (town party committee), and 终端网 (terminal net). >>

End user companies like Pinyin domain names. Its quantity is large but prices vary to a large extent (unlike 4N or 4L). Meaning of a Pinyin name is most important. Some recent sales are Luan.com (can be single- or double-pin) for 700k CNY and MeiRong.com for 2.2m. >>

eName just cut .wang renewal fee from 55 to 23 CNY. When the company launched "9 CNY .wang registration" in October last year, they sold close to 100,000 .wang domain names overnight. Currently, .wang registration has reached 1.07m. With eName's aggressive pricing, .wang is poised to continue to grow in number. >>

Listed pump maker Leo (Leogroup.cn) ventured into new field by launching Che.com as a car buying and selling marketplace. Che (车=car) is 3L but also a big money single-pin word. Very smart domain acquisition! >>

Also, today's post: A Creative but Difficult Domain Name >>
We own jiucheshichang.com I think we might have drop Leogroup.cn and/or che.com a note.
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@Kassey Lee This is why Estibot.com is pretty much useless when it comes to pinyin names. I was curious so i put baoxian.com ( "insurance") into Estibot. I think we all know that this name is probably worth over $5million to the right company. Estibot says " $1,800" .
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