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Who is to Blame for the Troubled US Economy?

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Trump promised violence if he was convicted, meh, where's the beef? :blackeye:
Trump has strong moral fiber. The dems are hoping RFK JR. drops out because he takes as much as 2% of the vote from Biden in key swing states (even though without him Trump is ahead in most key states). RFK JR running as spoiler, will be fun to watch. I'm just now getting used to RFK Jr.'s voice because of his brain disorder, but of course voting red (GOP) not gray (independent) or blue (democrat).
GOP is live and let live, don't resort to violence, sometimes the dems hire protesters that pretend to be Republicans to make GOP look bad.
GOP is live and let live, don't resort to violence, sometimes the dems hire protesters that pretend to be Republicans to make GOP look bad.
Anybody can be bought with money....go ask Trump
LMAO 🤣 😂
Trump has strong moral fiber.
really? if he was that moral then how did he end up with multiple criminal indictments as a former president?
The dems are hoping RFK JR. drops out because he takes as much as 2% of the vote from Biden in key swing states (even though without him Trump is ahead in most key states). RFK JR running as spoiler, will be fun to watch.
I kinda agree with this.
I'm just now getting used to RFK Jr.'s voice because of his brain disorder, but of course voting red (GOP) not gray (independent) or blue (democrat).
All the presidential options this year are bad, but i guess too many Americans arent smart wise enough to validate a broken and decaying polical system..
GOP is live and let live,
so why did so many minorities and immigrants feel they couldn't live freely and safely at the start and during Trump's 1st term? this is rubbish and based on virtue signaling- on paper Republicans are great, but in reality, they actually have few worthy achievements that have benefited the country, and NO, Republicans dont grow the economy more than Dems.
don't resort to violence,
then what happened on Jan 6?
sometimes the dems hire protesters that pretend to be Republicans to make GOP look bad.
at least that's not violent or traitorous..
so why did so many minorities and immigrants feel they couldn't live freely and safely at the start and during Trump's 1st term? this is rubbish and based on virtue signaling- on paper Republicans are great, but in reality, they actually have few worthy achievements that have benefited the country, and NO, Republicans dont grow the economy more than Dems.

then what happened on Jan 6?

at least that's not violent or traitorous..
Welcome to the political chat. Violence is never good, especially after Trump won and Clinton supporters went bonkers protesting in the streets and doing violence.
Welcome to the political chat. Violence is never good, especially after Trump won and Clinton supporters went bonkers protesting in the streets and doing violence.
Republicans help the economy better than Democrats.
Republicans help the economy better than Democrats.
Republicans and Trump will remove social security Medicaid Obamacare
And put all women in prison for abortion right and men too
My choices will be so limited
@marijuanadomain How do you afford to eat with such bad inflation?
I know where to shop and grow my own veggies
I don't gouge overeating like your belly
There is a couple of good Asian Mexican supermarkets that are close by...that sell good quality produce and low prices
Fuji apple at 69cent per lb ...and more
I know where to shop and grow my own veggies
I don't gouge overeating like your belly
There is a couple of good Asian Mexican supermarkets that are close by...that sell good quality produce and low prices
Fuji apple at 69cent per lb ...and more
Yeah I was curious as in the past you said you wanted your Social Security Check to be raised. Good to grow stuff for sure.
I know where to shop and grow my own veggies
I don't gouge overeating like your belly
There is a couple of good Asian Mexican supermarkets that are close by...that sell good quality produce and low prices
Fuji apple at 69cent per lb ...and more
Yeah I was curious as in the past you said you wanted your Social Security Check to be raised. Good to grow stuff for sure.
We don't agree on all stuff only some but Mr. M you are a high quality chatter.
Elon pretty much out for his support of Trump now. Going on and on about the verdict, he disagrees with it and:

If his name was Hillary Clinton or Joe Biden he wouldn't have been prosecuted (Biden had classified documents at his house when VP). Such a double standard plus what he did wasn't exactly illegal. False business records many inflate wealth or assets actually banks often approve of it. I don't do it myself but don't despise those that do. Providing so-called hush-money is not illegal.
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If his name was Hillary Clinton or Joe Biden he wouldn't have been prosecuted (Biden had classified documents at his house when VP). Such a double standard plus what he did wasn't exactly illegal. False business records many inflate wealth or assets actually banks often approve of it. I don't do it myself but don't despise those that do. Providing so-called hush-money is not illegal.
A+ to Trump's strong moral fiber. God Bless Trump & Musk.
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Send Biden packing. Vote Trump 2024!
@JB Lions Did it excite you when Trump was convicted?
We don't agree on all stuff only some but Mr. M you are a high quality chatter.
not only I am a high quality chatter, I am a consistent and a reliable one not like you.....MIA
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