
poll Domain Buyer Requests

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Should we post our domain names in the comments section of the Buyers Domain Request section?

  • This poll is still running and the standings may change.
  • Yes

  • No

  • This poll is still running and the standings may change.


The-Billionaire.comTop Member
Good morning,

I am always looking in the Domain Buyers Request section as I am convinced that one day I will see a post which makes all my Birthdays come at once.

This is unlikely of course, but I also use it as a terms of reference whilst trying to learn as much as I can about this industry.

I'd be interested to know whether you could see any merit in posting your 3 most applicable domains in the comments section rather than just 'DM/PM sent'.

Our business is primarily about maximizing the opportunities to sell our domains and should the originating poster of the thread not wish to proceed to purchase a domain, then it is a secondary opportunity for someone else to open up a discussion about buying the domain which can all take place in private.

Please let me and everyone else know what you think.

Thank you.

Kind regards,


The views expressed on this page by users and staff are their own, not those of NamePros.
Also what's the reason behind the rule that has people posting ''DM sent'' instead of the actual domain name @Eric Lyon ?
The buyer has the right to state how they want names submitted to them. Each thread starter has that right and Namepros is not changing that.
The buyer has the right to state how they want names submitted to them. Each thread starter has that right and Namepros is not changing that.

Thanks for your feedback. However, I am all about maximizing the potential to make a sale which we all know is probably the hardest part of Domain Investing.

The Buyer can maintain that right but realistically, who doesn't like to brag about how many domains one holds? It is also a potential opportunity to showcase domains and although the Buyer who is also the one who started the thread as the right to not buy any domains posted, I might be sitting at home looking to buy domains without necessarily starting my own thread.

Maybe I am just too new to domaining to fully understand how things have always been done, but sometimes that doesn't always mean that it is the way that it should be done 'ad infinitum'.

Generally speaking, I check the main content of the thread, see that I don't have anything relevant and sadly just move on. However, if this became a showcase for additional domains I would then go through the listings and maybe I might see something that is more pertinent to my situation.

We may have to just agree to disagree, but I think it may have some merit, even if that is just for newbies like me.


Thanks for your feedback. However, I am all about maximizing the potential to make a sale which we all know is probably the hardest part of Domain Investing.

The Buyer can maintain that right but realistically, who doesn't like to brag about how many domains one holds? It is also a potential opportunity to showcase domains and although the Buyer who is also the one who started the thread as the right to not buy any domains posted, I might be sitting at home looking to buy domains without necessarily starting my own thread.

Maybe I am just too new to domaining to fully understand how things have always been done, but sometimes that doesn't always mean that it is the way that it should be done 'ad infinitum'.

Generally speaking, I check the main content of the thread, see that I don't have anything relevant and sadly just move on. However, if this became a showcase for additional domains I would then go through the listings and maybe I might see something that is more pertinent to my situation.

We may have to just agree to disagree, but I think it may have some merit, even if that is just for newbies like me.



Well first off let me say I get where you are coming from but the point I was making was that the Buyer starting the thread is not trying to maximize anyone else's business, they want the look, they want the time to look at the names and look at the prices. Namepros is never going to make buyers change that because buyers would just stop making posts, people are not going to lessen their advantage.

It's the same way with make offer threads and the seller tells you do not make the offer in the thread, I will report you if you do. They don't want others seeing what the high offer is, again they are not looking to give any competitive advantage away, whether real or perceived to be real in their own mind.

But Namepros management is not going to take those rights away, they understand they will just lose views and members.

Now @Vito did this and I said I love that way because people will not be able to send you a .net when you said .com the mods can see and infract right away because it's out in the openand then Marek from @Brands.International did it even better, I have been working on a blog post about this method, because I think it cuts down on the b.s. and exposes people who do not follow rules.

But again those were their preferences others will not want that.
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We live in a crazy world whereby you can be in a relationship with yourself rather than just being 'single'. The world of domaining takes four things in equal measure, namely time, patience, experience and money.

Now, who ever really has enough money? The best leveller of all is time. If you're the richest person on the planet or just me, then we both only have 24 hours in a day. My way of thinking for the above proposal would be to save everyone time. We could all see what was being posted and maybe it is just a way for members to see who is posting crap names, or outside of the remit and they may be encouraged to stop, or just stick to the rules.

What is 'woke' today may not be tomorrow or in just one hour. Things change. In today's world, there are two types of business. The quick and the dead. Time waits for no human.

I am the little fish at the bottom of the ocean who is too small for anyone to eat yet, but I will grow. When I grow (metaphorically of course), I will not be that little fish anymore and what I have or what I have become will interest you and the rest of the little fishes. You can feed off the laughable scraps of my naivety and you will be free to pick off my best (if any) domains. But, how will you ever find out what domains I have in the first place?

I'd love nothing better than being able to show what I have on a consistent basis and receive valuable feedback as I go along on this journey. Know this, I am not going away. I am just going to get bigger and better and maybe it will be me buying your domains.

It's called evolution for a good reason. Evolve or die I guess.


I think it's still the prerogative of the buyer. It's called Buyer "Requests" for a reason. Besides you can always post your names in the For Sale section.
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I'd love nothing better than being able to show what I have on a consistent basis and receive valuable feedback

Suggest you post in appraisals section, reg of the day, purchase or snap threads, you will get feedback. Pay attention to feedback from pros / experienced members.

Agree with @NamePrime and @equity78 buyer can state what they want
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@Reddstagg , I think you're missing a very important point below

the point I was making was that the Buyer starting the thread is not trying to maximize anyone else's business, they want the look, they want the time to look at the names and look at the prices.

as, I see it, you're only looking at it from a sellers point of view (exposure),
rather than a buyers perspective (discretion)

and basically, that's how majority of newbies see domaining when they enter.
it's only about the sales that draws their attention, but not the purchases or when the purchases were made.

additionally, though buyers can ask members to post their names in the thread...
in that scenario, there is always a possibility a viewer may undercut the OP of the thread, with a higher offer, before they have had time to fully review.

@Reddstagg , I think you're missing a very important point below

as, I see it, you're only looking at it from a sellers point of view (exposure),
rather than a buyers perspective (discretion)

and basically, that's how majority of newbies see domaining when they enter.
it's only about the sales that draws their attention, but not the purchases or when the purchases were made.

additionally, though buyers can ask members to post their names in the thread...
in that scenario, there is always a possibility a viewer may undercut the OP of the thread, with a higher offer, before they have had time to fully review.


Right and the most important point is someone else does not get to propose what another member they have no jurisdiction over gets to do with their thread. #SpamIsNotEvolution
@Reddstagg , I think you're missing a very important point below

as, I see it, you're only looking at it from a sellers point of view (exposure),
rather than a buyers perspective (discretion)

and basically, that's how majority of newbies see domaining when they enter.
it's only about the sales that draws their attention, but not the purchases or when the purchases were made.

additionally, though buyers can ask members to post their names in the thread...
in that scenario, there is always a possibility a viewer may undercut the OP of the thread, with a higher offer, before they have had time to fully review.


I can't just be looking at it from a sellers point of view as I haven't even sold one domain. I am also looking and learning for that day when I don't necessarily have to just rely on hand regs.

In my own somewhat biased opinion I must be doing something right which is somewhat contradictory to what the long experienced VIPs would advise.

I see today that there are two potential buyers of domains offering between 5% to 10% of the GD valuation. For ease of simplifying matters I will use the mid-point of 7.5%.

My little portfolio of 148 names has had an initial total investment of €2,000 and the GD appraised value is €80,000. This means on a good day I could expect to receive an offer between €4,000 and €8,000 at the mid point this would be €6,000.

Therefore, I have the potential to treble my initial investment, which I would gladly take on any given Sunday.

All of my domains are hand registered. Imagine what I could achieve when I start buying

The road ahead is long and winding and I look forward to the journey.
Majority of buyer requests are fishing expeditions by people with zero or minimal trader rating, along with no verification of massive budgets, it’s essentially a farce unless you are dealing with an established member.
Well first off let me say I get where you are coming from but the point I was making was that the Buyer starting the thread is not trying to maximize anyone else's business, they want the look, they want the time to look at the names and look at the prices. Namepros is never going to make buyers change that because buyers would just stop making posts, people are not going to lessen their advantage.

It's the same way with make offer threads and the seller tells you do not make the offer in the thread, I will report you if you do. They don't want others seeing what the high offer is, again they are not looking to give any competitive advantage away, whether real or perceived to be real in their own mind.

But Namepros management is not going to take those rights away, they understand they will just lose views and members.

Now @Vito did this and I said I love that way because people will not be able to send you a .net when you said .com the mods can see and infract right away because it's out in the openand then Marek from @Brands.International did it even better, I have been working on a blog post about this method, because I think it cuts down on the b.s. and exposes people who do not follow rules.

But again those were their preferences others will not want that.
Exactly, I can confirm that I was experimenting with this new format and it worked pretty well for me. I was actually able to purchase some nice names this way, and it cut down the crappy names I usually get when it is via private DMs - it seems like when it is done publicly, people act much more responsible when submitting their names, and it then saves time both for buyers and sellers :)

(I think it is also very important to add there some "lock" period for the name, in case of my WLTB thread it was 24 hours - otherwise it can happen that before I choose the name, someone else can take advantage and buy it).
Well, the poll is currently tied at 50/50 so the verdict is still out.

I just don't think that we all have to be so secret squirrel about everything that we do. There is obviously a hierarchy within the industry and I respect that but as I have said before, I am new to domaining but I'm not new to life. I've lived a little and I am using that experience in my new venture.

I was repeatedly told to just buy Dot.Coms and yet my own portfolio shows me that of my top 10 highest valued domains, only 4 are Dot.Coms.

Maybe, that is just a freak of nature and as time goes by I will try to spread my portfolio across many different avenues and see what tops out.
It’s the requesters perogative how they want to receive and negotiate a deal. When you get a real buyer out there it will be a private matter between you and them. This is no different.

Another reason to conduct in private is these threads are google indexed. Do you want a buyer two years from now complaining you want $2500 when you only paid $30 over here?

if you are in huge hurry to sell you can try selling your names on your own threads.
50/50, who voted, careful where you get your feedback.

I voted, have bought several names through domain wanted requests over the years, always request names to be submitted via direct message.

Would be interesting to find out who voted for the names to be public. Have they created buyer requests and bought names that way.

For example, I think a poll structured like this would provide a better picture

I am a buyer (pro/experienced)
1. Yes,
2 No

I am a buyer (new to domaining)
3. Yes
4. No

I am a seller (pro/experienced)
5. Yes
6. No

I am a seller (new to domaining)
7. Yes
8. No

I am a spectator (never sold or bought a name this way)
9. Yes
10. No
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I am new to domaining but I'm not new to life. I've lived a little and I am using that experience in my new venture.

I was repeatedly told to just buy Dot.Coms and yet my own portfolio shows me that of my top 10 highest valued domains, only 4 are Dot.Coms.


at one time or another, all of us were new to domaining, just as domain names became a new thing to the world.

and all of us had/have lived a little too, and we bring that life experience with us, like you do.

however, many of us have lived longer, in the life of domaining, and we try to share that experience, along with what we bring to the table as well.

if you admit to ignoring what you were repeatedly told, and believe that "amount valued @", equals what those names will sell for..... then clarity, your eyes have yet to see.

sure, you retain the right to free choice, and free thought, but choices made based on "valued at ranges" will loose you more cash, than you think you will make.

hopefully, time will teach you, and I hope you stick around long enough to learn.

Good Luck!

Valued by whom?

It doesn't matter who they were valued by or the amounts that they were valued by. Even if I asked NASA, the Oxford University Mathematics Department and a Scientist from CERN, the pattern would be the same.

And, it would seemingly go against the conventional wisdom handed down..."only register Dot.Coms"

Either this advice needs to be updated and acknowledged as fallible by the experts or I am just some sort of freaky genius who defied the odds and hand regged a few crackers.
It doesn't matter who they were valued by or the amounts that they were valued by. Even if I asked NASA, the Oxford University Mathematics Department and a Scientist from CERN, the pattern would be the same.

And, it would seemingly go against the conventional wisdom handed down..."only register Dot.Coms"

Either this advice needs to be updated and acknowledged as fallible by the experts or I am just some sort of freaky genius who defied the odds and hand regged a few crackers.
In theory.
But you really should mostly register .com if you want to be a serious investor.
I hope you come back to .com in a year.
If you have money to blow then diversify it during your learning phase.
Any poll is subjective and isn't 100% representative of the total population so it is only to be used as a rough guide to spur discussion.

At present, the 'Nos' have a majority of 8 to 6 and as things stand, Namepros will not formally be instigating a Brexit strategy and will remain in the Domain Investing Union.

The point that I wish to re-iterate is that if anything were to change all pertinent information would remain in private and only the names proposed would be visible to either act as a learning tool or to stop the posting of poor quality names or those outside of the clearly stated parameters.

I will leave you all with a parallel piece if observation. Within the last 5 years everyone that mattered was suggesting that we should all buy diesel cars. Heck, even my own Government were doing it and they were facilitating the importation of diesel cars from Britain. Everyone loved diesel.

There is only a few cent difference between a litre of diesel and a litre of petrol.

Personally, I hate diesels. They are noisey, dirty and smelly. I have never owned one and I never will. Does that make me a maverick or someone who is not experienced and hasn't spent hundreds of hours reading about cars or someone who hasn't been in the car game very long?

Fast forward 5 years. Everyone who bought into the hype is now stuck with a big expensive diesel that they will have to practically give away 'cos guess what, we are now 'woke' and everyone who matters is now promoting electric/hybrids as the future of the automotive industry.

Me, I'm still driving my 2005 petrol car that passes it's annual road-worthyness test without too much bother and although it is parked outside in a country where it is permanently damp it has never failed to start on a cold wet winter morning.

The battery is inside, under the front passenger seat. Well, feck me with a rusty hedgehog. Who would have thought of that back in the day? It will never catch on they say, it goes against conventional wisdom and every other car manufacturer is still putting the battery under the bonnet/hood so it must be wrong.

Oh wait, we will all be driving battery driven cars with the battery under the floor. Go figure. Who would have thought that just 10 years ago.

Things change. Deal with that and move on. I am constantly told that I am wrong in my approach to domain investing but I can bend a little but can you, or will you still be driving your big old diesels in 5 years time?

Enters stage right and picks up mic as it appears that someone who is stuck in the past uses it as a means of communication. Oh, how we laughed using our VUI.
NASA, the Oxford University Mathematics Department and a Scientist from CERN,

Well no the pattern would not be the same, those three fine organizations have no expertise in domain name pricing and sales.

When you are saying value, you are talking about GoDaddy, Estibot and Nameworth. But here is the thing everyone has names like that, automated appraisals mean nothing. The only thing that matters is real offers and real sales.

I can go find you names not registered currently that the three appraisal engines will value high.

There is no universal advice, .com generates the most sales and has the most liquidity, can you sell other extensions? Sure.

Your email and your bank account tell you if you are doing well in this business. Everything else is just conversation.
In theory.
But you really should mostly register .com if you want to be a serious investor.
I hope you come back to .com in a year.
If you have money to blow then diversify it during your learning phase.

I have many Dot.Coms but I also have domains across many different genres or trending categories and I have tried to spread my investment across as many different extensions in case there were ever to be a sharp decline in the popularity of any one particular extension.

I am in a Country that blindly insists on using the Country extension .ie and I can't see that changing anytime soon. In fact, they will probably all just skip Dot.Com completely and move straight to the new tlds.
I have many Dot.Coms but I also have domains across many different genres or trending categories and I have tried to spread my investment across as many different extensions in case there were ever to be a sharp decline in the popularity of any one particular extension.

I am in a Country that blindly insists on using the Country extension .ie and I can't see that changing anytime soon. In fact, they will probably all just skip Dot.Com completely and move straight to the new tlds.

A lot of countries use their cctld predominantly, Ireland, England, Germany, it makes sense if you are not looking to do business outside your geographic region. @jmcc has done a lot of research there.
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