
analysis World War III

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SaveThyWorld.com Let's not leave anyone behindTop Member
I believe that President Biden was right when he said that Russia is going to Invade Ukraine.

Any intelligent person is going to come to the same conclusion knowing that Russia has already decided to pay any price imposed on it by the West through sanctions.

Short of full military confrontation by the West there is nothing that can make Russia to change its mind as they see this as a golden opportunity to resurrect the once powerful superpower that was equal to the USA.

But Russia’s ambitions are not going to stop with taking over Ukraine since it already has made plans to increase its sphere of influence to Asia, Middle East, and South America and perhaps the whole World knowing that the West is most likely not going to do anything beyond just imposing sanctions which ultimately will hurt the West itself by effecting the Global economy in an adverse way the longer that they go on.

I personally don’t like any of the old ideologies, philosophies, and doctrines of Capitalism, Communism, Socialism, Religious Fundamentalism and all the other “ism” that are derived from the bad human characteristics of Greed, Lust, Hate, Cruelty, Jealousy, Prejudice, and lack of Empathy and that have been infringing on our rights in one way or another throughout the history because they can only exist through supporting inequality, oppression, suppression, torture, killing, and War.

When it comes to saving the World the last thing that I want to see is the further expansion of these old systems that have all already proven to be a failure in dealing with the existential problems that are currently facing Humanity and the Environment.

We don’t want all these political, Religious, and Racial parties and groups to resurrect their past, we want something new that can propel the World into the next Era that is based on the Universal Principles and Values that have been derived through Logic and Compassion and not through Force and Violence.

By “We” I mean all the Intelligent, Righteous, and Peace loving people of the World.


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You have a very clear picture of this situation, I wish all the Countries involved here were also seeing this situation for what it really is.

In my opinion threatening Russia with more and more sanctions while clearly indicating that NATO is not going to get directly involved against Russian advances in Ukraine has pretty much given Russia the green light to not only take over Ukraine, but to also already be making plans for expanding its sphere of influence in Europe and the rest of the World.

Russia has long been having ambitions for becoming a superpower equal to that of the United States. At this time for Russia choosing the rewards of becoming as such against having to live with the risks of being sanctioned is a no brainer.

Nevertheless there is still some hopes for peace if all sides choose to follow the path of Logic and Compassion and be willing to abandon their old fanatic agendas and policies.

For the past two years the whole World has been trying its best to save the lives of people that were stricken with Covid and now we all have to watch with sorrow as millions of lives are going to be lost again.

All of it is really up to society as to what is or isn’t going to happen , the USA has to be the most divided country in the world , it appears country leaders have made their choice and it appears to be final , win - lose - or draw .. Canada Trudeau is an example , Trudeau is with China IMO , the Australian gov is with China , but what people are not understanding ? This is not pick a side , not this time, this is 100% about all of humanities future. It appears the USA could find that out the hard way.

If things jump off, society is going to get the largest dose of reality in the history of the world. It will be brutal and non forgiving , I still have a glimmer of hope that things can be resolved without WWIII happening , but it’s just a small glimmer I have , right now it looks pretty inevitable.

If and when it starts , we can pretty much stick our heads between our legs and kiss our asses good bye .. we will have done it to ourselves ..
All of it is really up to society as to what is or isn’t going to happen , the USA has to be the most divided country in the world , it appears country leaders have made their choice and it appears to be final , win - lose - or draw .. Canada Trudeau is an example , Trudeau is with China IMO , the Australian gov is with China , but what people are not understanding ? This is not pick a side , not this time, this is 100% about all of humanities future. It appears the USA could find that out the hard way.

If things jump off, society is going to get the largest dose of reality in the history of the world. It will be brutal and non forgiving , I still have a glimmer of hope that things can be resolved without WWIII happening , but it’s just a small glimmer I have , right now it looks pretty inevitable.

If and when it starts , we can pretty much stick our heads between our legs and kiss our asses good bye .. we will have done it to ourselves ..

Although there is a big enough risk of this conflict escalating into a much bigger War, but there are also other scenarios that can unfold within the next 10 days that can not be written off yet:

1- A peaceful solution might be reached through diplomatic channels to defuse the current situation by taking Russia's security concerns more seriously and giving it some of the reassurances and guarantees that it seeks.

2- A limited military reposturing might take place by the West as NATO forces enter the western Ukraine in order to take a stronger stand against Russia taking over the whole Ukraine and a buffer Zone might be created between Eastern and Western Ukraine to keep them separated.

3- Russia will only invades the Pro Russian regions and not advance any further which is what the West was expecting from the very beginning when they indicated that a limited invasion might be acceptable to them.

There is a possibility , Biden sent that message to Putin about , “If you only invade Ukraine we will be ok with that”

Because if Putin gets going Biden knows Putin isn’t going to stop, then Biden turns around and Tells Putin now that if does invade Ukraine , the consequences will be server LOL … I am telling ya, he is gas lighting Putin , I don’t think Putin fears death at all right now , I think he has Nuking on his mind right now , he sees the countries that onboarded with China are not backing down , it’s a very dangerous situation IMO
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There is a possibility , Biden sent that message to Putin about , “If you only invade Ukraine we will be ok with that”

Because if Putin gets going Biden knows Putin isn’t going to stop, then Biden turns around and Tells Putin now that if does invade Ukraine , the consequences will be server LOL … I am telling ya, he is gas lighting Putin , I don’t think Putin fears death at all right now , I think he has Nuking on his mind right now , he sees the countries that onboarded with China are not backing down , it’s a very dangerous situation IMO
This is a very dangerous situation,

and for that reason Diplomacy should be put in high gears in the next 10 days in order to try to defuse this conflict before it gets totally out of hand.

Diplomacy means making compromises by all sides based on Logic and Compassion and not issuing more and more empty threats that are going to make the situation worse.

Well, I agree , but the society of the world has been lied to , deceived , murdered , it has to end , rather it’s a peaceful ending or Armageddon, it has to end , and soon .

I want a peaceful ending to the big show, but I want an ending either way it goes , the worlds society is not living, it’s only existing and has been for 2 years now , It’s time all this ends , one way, or the other
Well, I agree , but the society of the world has been lied to , deceived , murdered , it has to end , rather it’s a peaceful ending or Armageddon, it has to end , and soon .

I want a peaceful ending to the big show, but I want an ending either way it goes , the worlds society is not living, it’s only existing and has been for 2 years now , It’s time all this ends , one way, or the other
Well, I agree , but the society of the world has been lied to , deceived , murdered , it has to end , rather it’s a peaceful ending or Armageddon, it has to end , and soon .

I want a peaceful ending to the big show, but I want an ending either way it goes , the worlds society is not living, it’s only existing and has been for 2 years now , It’s time all this ends , one way, or the other
I understand your frustration,

but we should not wish Armageddon on the whole World. The majority of the population of the Earth are innocent people who are just trying to make a living to get by and rather be a force for good if they had a choice.

With the right education and guidance these people can be lifted to a higher level of existence and thinking that could make it possible for them to be able to live to their full potentials.

The problem here is a small portion of the population of the Earth that want to keep the status quo at all costs and are putting any and all obstacles that they can in the way of human progress because they see any change or improvement as a threat to their power and interests.

So we don't need Armageddon,

We need a Global Reform to get those who want to keep the status quo of things off of our backs and out of our way.

Developing GlobalReform.com is another one of my projects if my health allows.

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I would never wish Armageddon, but it’s a possible reality we face , if just one country fired missiles it would effect the whole world, I think there would be at least 3 countries launch if one decided to launch .

The realities we face today are unprecedented just like everything thing else that has happened over the last 2 years, I knew when this all came down that 1 world leader would intervene in the full narrative, I figured there was no way all world leaders would comply with narrative agenda set forth 2 years ago , so here we are now at that point of a world leader bringing resistance , I do not think Vladimir Putin will hold anything back in this , I do think he will launch 100% , at the West and China if he doesn’t get what he wants.

I think the world leaders who are enrolled in the narrative agenda don’t think Putin will launch , they feel confident they have their agenda narrative pretty much set to be completed
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As diplomacy continues and the World leaders engage in high level talks again this would be a good opportunity to go beyond just the current events and try to bring lasting peace and security to the whole World by addressing all the issues and problems that are going to ignite yet another War down the road in the future.

We need to bring it all to the open as to who is working towards the betterment of Humanity and our Home Planet (and beyond) and what forces are dead set on continuing with their fanatic and outdated agendas and policies that are going to keep the World in bondage.

True peace and security can only be achieved if we find the will to put an end to the status quo of running things and enter a new Era that is going to propel the World out of the animalistic and to some extent evil state of mind and existence that is causing so much pain and carnage all around the globe.

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As diplomacy continues and the World leaders engage in high level talks again this would be a good opportunity to go beyond just the current events and try to bring lasting peace and security to the whole World by addressing all the issues and problems that are going to ignite yet another War down the road in the future.

We need to bring it all to the open as to who is working towards the betterment of Humanity and our Home Planet (and beyond) and what forces are dead set on continuing with their fanatic and outdated agendas and policies that are going to keep the World in bondage.

True peace and security can only be achieved if we find the will to put an end to the status quo of running things and enter a new Era that is going to propel the World out of the animalistic and to some extent evil state of mind and existence that is causing so much pain and carnage all around the globe.

If approached and done correctly it can be achieved , it was not correctly approached in the USA as no one tried to dialogue the want for a Socialist - Marxist - Communist mix of government in the USA , no world leaders announced that they wanted a one world - new world order , they instead chose violence, disruption, deceit and lies in their attempt. Now no one trusts them to even have dialogue , and rightly so .

You are seeing the beginning of the fallout of their narrative agenda.

All they had to do was bring it all to the table for some sort of dialogue from the very start , they chose the other path

Let Freedom Be , Be it in life or in Death
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If approached and done correctly it can be achieved , it was not correctly approached in the USA as no one tried to dialogue the want for a Socialist - Marxist - Communist mix of government in the USA , no world leaders announced that they wanted a one world - new world order , they instead chose violence, disruption, deceit and lies in their attempt. Now no one trusts them to even have dialogue , and rightly so .

You are seeing the beginning of the fallout of their narrative agenda.

All they had to do was bring it all to the table for some sort of dialogue from the very start , they chose the other path

Let Freedom Be , Be it in life or in Death
It's not too late,

First there has to be a ceasefire on all sides,

Then everything should be brought to the open if there is going to be any chances of finding some common grounds between all the different systems of governments around the World.

We can't kick the can down the road any longer. The recent divisions and hostilities have shown us that there has to be some fundamental changes in the way that the World operates and is run if there is going to be any chances for peace and security not only for now, but for all the future generations that are going to inherit this World.

As I have already mentioned before in my opinion all the existing philosophies, ideologies, and doctrines have failed us, we need to come up with something new that can meet the challenges that are facing Humanity and the World in the third millennium and beyond.

At this time let's hope that the cool heads can prevail and find the Logical and Compassionate path out of this mess.

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It's not too late,

First there has to be a ceasefire on all sides,

Then everything should be brought to the open if there is going to be any chances of finding some common grounds between all the different systems of governments around the World.

We can't kick the can down the road any longer. The recent divisions and hostilities have shown us that there has to be a fundamental changes in the way that the World operates and is run if there is going to be any chances for peace and security not only for now, but for all the future generations that are going to inherit this World.

As I have already mentioned before in my opinion all the existing philosophies, ideologies, and doctrines have failed us, we need to come up with something new that can meet the challenges that are facing Humanity and the World in the third millennia and beyond.

At this time let's hope that the cool heads prevail and follow the Logical and Compassionate path out of this mess.


This Could and Should have been accomplished in the very beginning , all people had to do was “. Talk” have some dialogue on the issues , that didn’t happen , although I have just a hence of hope left within me that there is still a chance, my gut tells me it’s a done deal, people no longer trust to make dialogue with people who have betrayed them day after day for 2 years , they chose the course they have taken , none of this should have ever happened , but it did.
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This Could and Should have been accomplished in the very beginning , all people had to do was “. Talk” have some dialogue on the issues , that didn’t happen , although I have just a hence of hope left within me that there is still a chance, my gut tells me it’s a done deal, people no longer trust to make dialogue with people who have betrayed them day after day for 2 years , they chose the course they have taken , none of this should have ever happened , but it did.
I hope that the World chooses life over death and destruction even at this late stage in the game.

It’s no longer in the hands of the worlds society, it’s in the hands of the world leaders , another choice society made. The USA forefathers knew this day would come I feel , they provided us a constitution, a bill of rights , a free market , rights , none of which the Democrats like at this time

I feel there is so much term oil in the world now that trying to elect dialogue may be close to impossible at this very point . We need an outright miracle now , anything short of that and I feel we are fixing to enter into a no world winner territory, no one wins anything , perhaps we die trying , either way i am ready for the ending to this inhumane movie.
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It’s no longer in the hands of the worlds society, it’s in the hands of the world leaders , another choice society made. The USA forefathers knew this day would come I feel , they provided us a constitution, a bill of rights , a free market , rights , none of which the Democrats like at this time

I feel there is so much term oil in the world now that trying to elect dialogue may be close to impossible at this very point . We need an outright miracle now , anything short of that and I feel we are fixing to enter into a no world winner territory, no one wins anything , perhaps we die trying , either way i am ready for the ending to this inhumane movie.
Miracles can happen, but it requires for everyone to stop living in the past and open their minds to all the new possibilities that the future has to offer.

That is a future that is based on the Universal Principles and Values that are derived through Logic and Compassion which can make it possible for everyone to come out of bondage and be able to live a safe, secure, productive, righteous, healthy, and happy life.

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Miracles can happen, but it requires everyone to stop living in the past and open their minds to all the new possibilities that the future has to offer.

That is a future that is based on the Universal Principles and Values that are derived through Logic and Compassion which can make it possible for everyone to come out of bondage and be able to live a safe, secure, productive, righteous, healthy, and happy life.

The only I am doing is praying , and 🙏 with all my soul. The rest will be what it is meant to be.
Further Analysis and predictions of future events as I see it:

In my opinion at this time the declaration of Independence for the two pro Russian regions in the Eastern Ukraine is going to conclude any further military actions by Russia provided that Ukraine does not take any offensive actions in the coming days.

I also believe that at this time the highest priority for Russia is going to be to establish several permanent military bases in the two Independent States and Belarus in addition to what it already has in Crimea. Although offensive military actions by Russia most likely have already come to an end (absent provocations by Ukraine) but the likelihood of non military invasions in the form of political interventions should now be a major cause for concern for all the East European Countries as Russia most likely is going to do its best to change any unfriendly regimes in that region.

Also in my opinion at this time Russia does not necessarily want to control all the geographical expanse of its old empire, but rather most likely prefers to bring together all the pro Russian people in Eastern Europe as the ultimate goal for Russia is to become a more powerful but Modern Country rather than one that has to deal with a lot of unruly regions.

I also believe that at this time normalization of relations with Russia is more important for the West than trying to keep the existing geographical borders in the region and as such I don’t believe that there are going to be any severe sanctions against Russia despite what is being said publicly.

Russia has the power and unlike NATO has shown that it's willing to use it and so in the long run I predict that either Russia will be accepted as a friendly European Country or that it will eventually take over Europe.

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Some more analysis:

I believe that all sides should be counting their blessings if this situation stops where it is now as far as any invasion staying limited just to the Donbas region.

At this time perhaps it's in everyone’s interest for NATO to accept the two Independent States, after all NATO has to take some responsibility for allowing the situation in Ukraine to get so serious in the past 8 years and now should be careful not to be fanning the flames anymore by putting Russia in a situation that it will have no choice but to strike back at a much greater scale.

For the West to keep pushing Russia’s back to the wall any further by wanting to destroy its economy is going to put this situation at more risk of escalation as Russia might hit back by disrupting the World oil supplies in the Middle East which then surely will bring the World to a much bigger War than what the diplomats are trying to defuse in Ukraine.

Everyone should thread carefully going forward as to not to make this situation much worse than what it already is as Russia is not another third World country that can be punished by the West as it also has the capabilities and more importantly the will to punish Europe in return.

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In the interest of keeping the World Peace I believe that the two newly independent States in the larger Donbas region should be accepted as the new reality on the ground in order to prevent a larger military confrontation in the Ukraine which without direct intervention by NATO forces will most likely result in total destruction of Ukraine.

If there is any chances for 11th hour diplomacy to prevent this slaughter and bloodshed I believe that all sides have a duty to work towards taking the peaceful way out of this situation before many innocent people are killed in the coming days.

It would be considered a crime against Humanity for NATO to sit on the sidelines while sending thousands of innocent Ukrainian people to their deaths just to preserve Europe's cold war mentality.

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In the interest of keeping the World Peace I believe that the two newly independent States in the larger Donbas region should be accepted as the new reality on the ground in order to prevent a larger military confrontation in the Ukraine which without direct intervention by NATO forces will most likely result in total destruction of Ukraine.

If there is any chances for 11th hour diplomacy to prevent this slaughter and bloodshed I believe that all sides have a duty to work towards taking the peaceful way out of this situation before many innocent people are killed in the coming days.

It would be considered a crime against Humanity for NATO to sit on the sidelines while sending thousands of innocent Ukrainian people to their deaths just to preserve Europe's cold war mentality.

Putin has the war he wanted. Scary times.
Putin and Russia have officially invaded Ukraine .. you folks will see soon that all of this really has nothing to do with Ukraine , it’s just a justification for Russia to get started and be able to mobilize in the region.. by the USA and NATO telling Putin they are going to essentially break Russia , expect the worst and hope for the best
Our prayers are with all the people in that region.

Let's hope that this operation ends within hours and that there will be the least amount of casualties.

Our prayers are with all the people in that region.

Let's hope that this operation ends within hours and that there will be the least amount of casualties.

Putin is not after Ukraine, only a hand full of people within it , 70% of Ukraine supports Russia , they are born Russians . Putin is not looking to kill his own people at all..

You will see as more unfolds .

This won’t end until the complete agenda is accomplished , if not accomplished , I expect nukes balls to the walls , people make choices , perhaps this is the last chance to make the right one.
Putin is not after Ukraine, only a hand full of people within it , 70% of Ukraine supports Russia , they are born Russians . Putin is not looking to kill his own people at all..

You will see as more unfolds .

This won’t end until the complete agenda is accomplished , if not accomplished , I expect nukes balls to the walls , people make choices , perhaps this is the last chance to make the right one.
That all depends on if the Ukraine Government puts up a fight or not, if it does there is going to be a great number of casualties. Although perhaps Russia could minimize the number of casualties by informing Ukraine of where it is going to hit ahead of time.

NATO could have prevented the expansion of Russia's military operations into the whole Country by accepting the two newly Independent States in the east couple of days ago which would have also reduced the risk of having a lot of casualties now, but not only that NATO didn't do that they actually caused Russia to become more concerned about its security to the point that Russia now wants to invade so much further into Ukraine.

Although Russia's political ambitions go beyond Ukraine, but I believe that for now it will keep its military operations limited to just Ukraine. (This could have been kept limited to just the Donbas region if NATO had taken the right steps in the last few days to settle this situation through diplomacy.)

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More analysis:

In my opinion all these Sanctions are useless,

It only pushes Russia to become more self contained and self sustaining which will eventually end up making it totally independent from the Western economy.

This will make Russia immune to any future sanctions and considering that Russia has already shown that it's willing to go all the way when it comes to using its power that will put Russia in a much stronger position in the future to punish Europe.

That's why that taking the right steps to defuse this situation through diplomacy is still of such importance .

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