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I just got high*IQ %com which I'm honored to hodl.

This will be a labor of passion and love.

(p.s reach out if you have IQ 155+, I'd like to share some things I've been reading etc)
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There's a bigger pool of end-users for LowIQ/com :)

JK, congrats, nice acquisition!
Good one...

I think you should post in recent acquisition thread...

It is not coming under any informative discussion... isn't it a point irrespective of IQ...?!

There's a bigger pool of end-users for LowIQ/com :)

JK, congrats, nice acquisition!

Thanks my friend. Fwiw..

People with super low IQ are similarly a statistical anomaly. For example, you need an IQ of 45 to be the same equivalent standard deviation from the mean as an IQ of 155 is.

100+55 = 155
100-55 = 45
I thought IQ testing is passé?
Did you know...

It is illegal to use IQ as criteria for a job opening?

However, the US military do an IQ test and won't draft those with an IQ in the sub-85 range.

Their test is called ASVAB/AFQT based on the WAIS.
I thought IQ testing is passé?
It is understandably a very sensitive subject but testing itself continues especially in schools.

There is an effort to identify those at risk who could benefit from attention and specialization from (hopefully) skilled educators and (good) psychologists.
hodl is a crypto term
so even with yoru iq, you won't be hodling any domains

but u can hold it if u wanna

hodl is a crypto term
so even with yoru iq, you won't be hodling any domains

but u can hold it if u wanna


A more fluid thinking permits use of expressions like HODL outside of their original context.

That said, on a technical level you are right as it is a custodial relationship we have to our domains in domaining where the custodian is our registrar.
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Thanks my friend. Fwiw..

People with super low IQ are similarly a statistical anomaly. For example, you need an IQ of 45 to be the same equivalent standard deviation from the mean as an IQ of 155 is.

100+55 = 155
100-55 = 45

True. Although both types of anomalies are to be considered a disorder.

Having a low IQ is a bliss, having a high Iq is a burden. I could go on for ages about this matter but I'd like to conclude with this quote by Paul Weller: 'The more I know, the less I understand.'

Edit: you Brits will know him. If you're not, look him up, his music is brilliant.
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True. Although both types of anomalies are to be considered a disorder.

Having a low IQ is a bliss, having a high Iq is a burden. I could go on for ages about this matter but I'd like to conclude with this quote by Paul Weller: 'The more I know, the less I understand.'

Edit: you Brits will know him. If you're not, look him up, his music is brilliant.

What you say is too glaringly conclusive and judgemental. A bit like saying all muscle builders are 'meat heads' or blondes are 'bimbos'. This is for me at least, not the world I see. Sure there are generalizations but very content and haply geniuses do exist too along with people who are mentally handicapped and at peace with their existence.
What you say is too glaringly conclusive and judgemental. A bit like saying all muscle builders are 'meat heads' or blondes are 'bimbos'. This is for me at least, not the world I see. Sure there are generalizations but very content and haply geniuses do exist too along with people who are mentally handicapped and at peace with their existence.

On this we can only agree. One has to generalize to get a point accros though. You have to, to get your point accros to the mass.

In real life its different, like you justifiably stated. I work with, and are befriended with, people of all levels of intelligence and find all of them equally as interesting. I hold no judgement but am saying people with a high Iq tend to think they're superior to people with a lower Iq while I beg to differ... if I read between the lines we agree on that as well so I'm not sure what we're discussing here. :)
How do you manage to provide a link to a source, refer to it, while completely misquoting it?!

Because look at the graph. And also, you misquoted me lol.

I didn't say anything about income. I said there's no correlation between iq and wealth, which is explained on the article.

Wealth =/= income according to the author.
Because look at the graph. And also, you misquoted me lol.

I didn't say anything about income. I said there's no correlation between iq and wealth, which is explained on the article.

Wealth =/= income according to the author.

I apologize. You are right. The author distinguishes between those.

Apparently, income doesn't translate into wealth that quickly and takes generations to build often.

About 30%, if I am not mistaken, of US millionaires are self made, meaning the majority have inherited it. Also, to become really rich, just IQ is not sufficient. You need persistence, grit, people skills, connections, frugality, entrepreneurial spirit...
Controlling your schedule and time completely without external demands is the greatest form of wealth and happiness. That means no boss, no hassles, no employees, no bills, no mortgage or rent, no deadlines, little stress, etc. Too many people focus on achieving material wealth, and collecting expensive “stuff”, which is all about projecting their ego. Being a slave to your possessions. I have met enough smart, financially successful people who are miserable and fail to realize this.
I apologize. You are right. The author distinguishes between those.

Apparently, income doesn't translate into wealth that quickly and takes generations to build often.

About 30%, if I am not mistaken, of US millionaires are self made, meaning the majority have inherited it. Also, to become really rich, just IQ is not sufficient. You need persistence, grit, people skills, connections, frugality, entrepreneurial spirit...

... or a lot of luck. Recently read a study and luck turns out to be the biggest factor. It was an interesting read. I seem to have misplaced the paper but if I come across the online version I'll share it.
Controlling your schedule and time completely without external demands is the greatest form of wealth and happiness. That means no boss, no hassles, no employees, no bills, no mortgage or rent, no deadlines, little stress, etc. Too many people focus on achieving material wealth, and collecting expensive “stuff”, which is all about projecting their ego. Being a slave to your possessions. I have met enough smart, financially successful people who are miserable and fail to realize this.
Potentially an underrated post but I feel you.
I'd add an amazing upbringing from early age with lots of educational fun and stimuli (though for the record, not something I received but I'm ok)
... or a lot of luck. Recently read a study and luck turns out to be the biggest factor. It was an interesting read. I seem to have misplaced the paper but if I come across the online version I'll share it.

Yes, could very well be. I have some published work by him. Definitely worth reading. Im not sure though as I'm redoing my study so I have a lot of stuff boxed up atm.

I hardly watch any tv, instead I read a lot so I have accumulated quite some volume over the years. I prefer the actual hardcopies over epubs... it takes up space :) Would love to have a photographic memory to be able to memorize everything, unfortunately that's not the case. That, plus I'm bad with names in general.
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