NameSilo vs!

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We currently own the domain:

It is widely known for free / paid image hosting. Has over 30k members over the past year of its operations.

It has recently come to our knowledge that has been registered and developed - AS A FREE IMAGE HOST! They have exactly they same motives that we do by offering free image hosting.

Is there anything we can do about this? We are working on trademarking the hostmysig name. We have also registered in case.

The views expressed on this page by users and staff are their own, not those of NamePros.
You can ask to remove their site, since you didn't have trademark BEFORE they appereaded I don't see much youi can do about it. Except ATTACKING THEM in ADVERTISING.
Haha, no attacknig going to happen man. Not like that :)
The existence of .net is probably beneficial to you. Very VERY few people who regularly go to will go to the .net version by mistake. However, you can expect a lot of .net clients to end up at your site. The only thing you have to watch out for is if they pretend to be affiliated with you in any way, so people pissed off at them for any reason could turn to you.

But if you really care about your brand, then you can certainly try to get them one way or another. My 2 cents.
Originally posted by armstrong
The existence of .net is probably beneficial to you. Very VERY few people who regularly go to will go to the .net version by mistake. However, you can expect a lot of .net clients to end up at your site. The only thing you have to watch out for is if they pretend to be affiliated with you in any way, so people pissed off at them for any reason could turn to you.

But if you really care about your brand, then you can certainly try to get them one way or another. My 2 cents.

Very, very good point. Not much you can do about it, but hopefully you'll end up benefiting.
Its bound to happen sooner or later, not much you can do about it at this point.

As tippy said not much you can do but im sure you have more members then them
Just email them saying that they should resolve the issue now without legal action. It may scare them.
well josh as you conned my friend out of $$ by using his coding without paying him and locking him out of the ftp i have no sorrow for you.

You deserve every bit and i hope blows your site away. You're only 15 and you con everyone you do business with.
Originally posted by Jeff
well josh as you conned my friend out of $$ by using his coding without paying him and locking him out of the ftp i have no sorrow for you.

You deserve every bit and i hope blows your site away. You're only 15 and you con everyone you do business with.

Whoa! lets not get nasty here :)
What are you talking about Jeff? Where do these allegations come from? What proof doo you have to back up your accusations?

You can talk with Ryan (WhSox21) or Wayne Robinson ([email protected]) about the backend of the site. They have both worked hard on coding it themselves. Although Wayne is no longer with us, you may still be able to reach him.

Maybe if you could enlighten us all more on why you would chose to blantantly attack my company? Please do not com in here and start hate threads for no apparent reason.

Thank you.

Originally posted by Jeff
well josh as you conned my friend out of $$ by using his coding without paying him and locking him out of the ftp i have no sorrow for you.

You deserve every bit and i hope blows your site away. You're only 15 and you con everyone you do business with.

Hey theres 1000s of members on every forum that are 15 If you guys are gonna fight take it to " Aim " or pm even B-)
I am not trying to fight or argue with anyone here. I am most certainly not 15 years old. I was simply defending myself against personal attacks that were spawned from this guy's apparent dislike / dissapproval of my moral character. Why he felt the urge to compile these falsehoods is beyond my resoning.
Thanks for staying cool, Josh!
I've sent a PM to Jeff for clarification here.
I would contact them nicely and see if they will come to an agreement.

I don't appreciate the attack at someone being "15 years old".. I am 15 years old.. own my own server and run a business.. all whie managing a limo comany.. age is just a number.
Originally posted by Josh
It has recently come to our knowledge that has been registered and developed - AS A FREE IMAGE HOST! They have exactly they same motives that we do by offering free image hosting.

Is there anything we can do about this? We are working on trademarking the hostmysig name.

Sure, there's always something you can do. First step is normally having a lawyer send a Cease & Desist letter requesting the other site change their name and/or turn over the .net domain nane, offering to pay costs.

Depending on the response, you could file a UDRP action against them and let a judge decide. This is going to cost you a minimum $1500 plus expenses to draft your complaint. I believe you would have a pretty good case against them.

You'll have to weigh if it's worth it to you or if you have better uses for your money and efforts. A good strategy may be to send the C&D now and a UDRP down the road.

It was silly of them to develop a copying service on an identical domain. They will always run the risk of losing their name and the traffic they have built to it.
Ok, here is how this has turned out so far:

I sent them a nic Cease and Desist letter yesterday afternoon. I had my Lawyer write it up and send me the copy. I sent it to the support email on their site and the admin contact in the WHOIS information.

In the email I had asked for them to
immediately cease the use and production of all infringing material derived from the Name, and all copies / clones of it, and transfer the ownership of the domain over to our possession, and that you desist from this or any other infringement of my rights in the future.

I recieved an email later today stating thet they were going to change the name of the domain and deactivate it on th e 19th of october to allow for dns to be updated. They also statsed that they would transfer the domain over to our posession and appologized.

If you go to the url now, there is a splash page redirecting to their new domain.

Scratch off one victory for the home team :)
Glad it all worked out here for you, Josh. :tu:
Highly professional.
Originally posted by Josh
I recieved an email later today stating thet they were going to change the name of the domain and deactivate it on th e 19th of october to allow for dns to be updated. They also statsed that they would transfer the domain over to our posession and appologized.

Nice, and not too messy. :tu:
I have seen 15 year olds a lot more mature than ppl who were 35. So i believer your statement is unwarrented.

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