
WARNING: Dynadot Issue, No Expiration Emails, CEO Response

Spaceship Spaceship


Established Member
A warning to everyone with domains at Dynadot:

I did not receive any email expiration notifications & I had 2 domains already expired.

I confirmed with Dynadot support that indeed they DID NOT SEND OUT EXPIRATION EMAILS TO ME FOR A LONG TIME (not even at 30 days, all the way to being passed expiration).

It was only by luck that I logged in for something else, and spotted that 2 had expired!!!

This is completely against ICANN's legal rules,
"Registrars are required to send renewal reminders to registrants approximately one month and one week prior to the expiration of a domain name. In addition, registrars are required to send registrants an expiration notice within five days after the expiration of a domain name. The registrar must display on its website the methods for sending these notices and also include a similar description (or link to the website description) in the registration agreement.
If you did not receive renewal reminders from your registrar (or reseller), please submit a Domain Renewal Complaint Form."

They have told me it was a "bug".

I have told Dynadot that I already have severe anxiety & this has triggered me massively, and for the CEO to respond to me directly (as Dynadot staff continued to cause me harm via support ticket, despite me asking for them to not respond, due to their incompetent responses that were causing me harm to my already severe anxiety)."

I only wanted the CEO of Dynadot to respond (due to my "severe anxiety" / worries - that I warned them about endless number of times), and they would not directly, "After taking my time and speaking with management we would unfortunately not be able to have Todd respond to you directly, however, he has looked into this issue as has our engineering team."

"Due to the nature of technology, we can never guarantee that no issues will arise again"

So Dynadots response essentially is:


Everyone should now contact Dynadot support & ask for them to pay for your domains to be moved out of Dynadot to a different registrar, due to this COMPLETELY INCOMPETENT RESPONSE FROM THE CEO.



Everyone should now ask for Dynadot to pay for your domains to be moved to a registrar that GUARANTEES IT'S CUSTOMERS WHAT IS LEGALLY REQUIRED BY ICANN.
The views expressed on this page by users and staff are their own, not those of NamePros.
This is starting to look like slander. Can you demonstrate that there is a pattern? Are other people complaining about this just like you? The longer you continue, the more you will have to substantiate your claim.
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I already have like 20-25 Points where OP fingerprinted on others, to mention the one where he says that NP Members are foolish - it is simply disrespectful.
It's time to listen to Taylor Swift again.

I was not even aware that a simple Thread answer can have so many memorable characters ="%)"§)!£!£@$^^^^!£!£@$^^^^!£!£@$^^^^!£!£@$^^^^!£!£@$^^^^
And "acts of God"?????Q?!@?Q@@?

But don't forget the essential thing - In case I get a tattoo at some time in my life (I will not, because only criminals have tattoos - kidding), it will be:
"Due to the nature of technology, Dynadot can never guarantee that no issues will arise again."

Calm Down, share love:)))))
If there is specifically something where we can help, let us know.
We can also help, you dunt need to Hann(t) Tod, The CEO of Dynadot.

By the way. "Acts of god" sounds a bit religious. In my country, it's called:
"Höhere Gewalt" -> Which would mean (translated word by word only): Higher Violence

This describes an unforeseeable and unavoidable situation that is beyond human control.

Get the examples with the House, Plain, Bus, or whatever.
By the way, these "Act of God" sections are in almost every relevant contract - and literally in every insurance contract.

How long do we want to be in this loop, explaining, getting no proper answer, then doing the same again, just with a Text Spinner rephrasing, answering, and so on?

Your Thread has already reached Thread of the Month, with your attitude not to believe - not "normal" users, but even professionals who are lawyers and try to help you.

Pushing a company in such a bad light on one of the biggest Domaining Forums. At least after reading 2 Pages, everyone can see what the thing is. Otherwise, I, as a Dynadot Legal Department Employee, would escalate that.

There is absolutely no reason to keep this Thread open.

And that^ is why it is DISABILITY DISCRIMINATION also, whether that’s Dynadot, ICANN, all registrars, whoever is involved. No matter what the TOS might say - they are unlawfully discriminatory against DISABLED PEOPLE.

And as I've been saying, this needs to be addressed by the registrars/ICANN - if no registrars then, are guaranteeing the security of people's domains.

Are you proposing some sort of domain handicap stickers so domainers with anxiety or another recognized disability can have special parking?

Sign me up ♿
Are you proposing some sort of domain handicap stickers so domainers with anxiety or another recognized disability can have special parking?

Sign me up ♿
Are you seeking an aggressive lawyer to take on a "Big Dog" domain registrar for millions (individual) billions (class) in @Damages regarding losing domains due to not receiving expiration emails?

Perhaps you may know a lawyer with really BIG BALLS who's interested in the case of his/her lifetime. If so have them contact @ThatNameGuy

Lol, I skipped most posts in this thread. So many layers in yours. Golden!
If the OP has anxiety of these kinds of issue then I would strongly recommend the OP avoid domain auctions and negotiations.
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Lol, I skipped most posts in this thread. So many layers in yours. Golden!

I gave it my best to give good advice in my first post.

After seeing OP ignore just about everyone trying to help, it became apparent trying to help would just be a waste of time; I've since reverted to the witty comments.

I'm hoping OP recovers soon, and can visit this thread when he's better, and chalk it up to one of those, wow, I can't believe I got that heated over domains. Grilled Jesus knows I've been there too many times than I can count. How do you think I knew where the ICANN complaint form was for this issue? It's because i needlessly lost my shit during a similar anxiety expiration ICANN rule freakout, that has since become a spot of embarrassment.
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This is starting to look like slander. Can you demonstrate that there is a pattern? Are other people complaining about this just like you? The longer you continue, the more you will have to substantiate your claim.

Yes, but you've just ignored it haven't you. So what does that say about you then, "slander"?!!?!?

"I had the same problem ,,suddenly the expired emails stopped ..Support told me to put the domains on DO NOT RENEW ...Still no emails ..."

HOW MANY PEOPLE HAVE "SLANDERED" ME THEN? But once again you all completely ignore it.

There was already proof in this thread, Dynadot responded themselves. Another person had the same thing happen.

But they're all ignored somehow.

You're all aware that I couldn't can't post images due to the new account, another person even mentioned it & that was ignored also.

"I had the same problem ,,suddenly the expired emails stopped ..Support told me to put the domains on DO NOT RENEW ...Still no emails ..."
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"If the OP has anxiety of these kinds of issue then I would strongly recommend the OP avoid domain auctions and negotiations."

This is why there are laws to protect people with disabilities:
citizensadvice .org.uk/law-and-courts/discrimination/discrimination-because-of-disability/what-counts-as-disability-discrimination

when providing goods, facilities, services

Disability discrimination can either be direct or indirect.

Direct discrimination is where you are treated less favourably because of your disability than someone without a disability would be treated in the same circumstances.

Indirect discrimination is where there is a rule, policy or practice which seems to apply equally to everyone, but which actually puts disabled people at an unfair disadvantage compared with people who aren't disabled.

Here is an example of indirect discrimination:

A local authority produces an information leaflet about its services for local people. It does not produce an easy-to-read version of the leaflet in order to save money. This would make it more difficult for someone with a learning disability to access the services and could amount to indirect discrimination.

Even for learning disabilities it is UNLAWFUL.

If you're telling someone, e.g. "NEVER LOSE A DOMAIN", and then they're LIED TO. Causing them HARM/DAMAGES...

That somehow everyone is also ignoring, and then even casting "slander", "troll", "stupid", etc. at me.

No one, not even the attorney has been able to clarify this.
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You can keep repeating the same point over and over again, but you are not making it clear in any way that Dynadot is discriminating against you for any reason.

You have not renewed your domains and have not enabled automatic renewals. Now you have lost them. This thread is not going to help you get the domains back.

From now on, it is urgent advice to pay attention to the expiration dates of your other domains, and better management of the things you own or administer.
"If the OP has anxiety of these kinds of issue then I would strongly recommend the OP avoid domain auctions and negotiations."

This is why there are laws to protect people with disabilities:
citizensadvice .org.uk/law-and-courts/discrimination/discrimination-because-of-disability/what-counts-as-disability-discrimination

when providing goods, facilities, services

Disability discrimination can either be direct or indirect.

Direct discrimination is where you are treated less favourably because of your disability than someone without a disability would be treated in the same circumstances.

Indirect discrimination is where there is a rule, policy or practice which seems to apply equally to everyone, but which actually puts disabled people at an unfair disadvantage compared with people who aren't disabled.

Here is an example of indirect discrimination:

Even for learning disabilities it is UNLAWFUL.

If you're telling someone, e.g. "NEVER LOSE A DOMAIN", and then they're LIED TO. Causing them HARM/DAMAGES...

That somehow everyone is also ignoring, and then even casting "slander", "troll", "stupid", etc. at me.

No one, not even the attorney has been able to clarify this.

"Life’s tough, get a helmet." — Candace Owens
"If the OP has anxiety of these kinds of issue then I would strongly recommend the OP avoid domain auctions and negotiations."

This is why there are laws to protect people with disabilities:
citizensadvice .org.uk/law-and-courts/discrimination/discrimination-because-of-disability/what-counts-as-disability-discrimination

when providing goods, facilities, services

Disability discrimination can either be direct or indirect.

Direct discrimination is where you are treated less favourably because of your disability than someone without a disability would be treated in the same circumstances.

Indirect discrimination is where there is a rule, policy or practice which seems to apply equally to everyone, but which actually puts disabled people at an unfair disadvantage compared with people who aren't disabled.

Here is an example of indirect discrimination:

Even for learning disabilities it is UNLAWFUL.

If you're telling someone, e.g. "NEVER LOSE A DOMAIN", and then they're LIED TO. Causing them HARM/DAMAGES...

That somehow everyone is also ignoring, and then even casting "slander", "troll", "stupid", etc. at me.

No one, not even the attorney has been able to clarify this.

So basically we all agree. You're the issue here.
"If the OP has anxiety of these kinds of issue then I would strongly recommend the OP avoid domain auctions and negotiations."

This is why there are laws to protect people with disabilities:
citizensadvice .org.uk/law-and-courts/discrimination/discrimination-because-of-disability/what-counts-as-disability-discrimination

when providing goods, facilities, services

Disability discrimination can either be direct or indirect.

Direct discrimination is where you are treated less favourably because of your disability than someone without a disability would be treated in the same circumstances.

Indirect discrimination is where there is a rule, policy or practice which seems to apply equally to everyone, but which actually puts disabled people at an unfair disadvantage compared with people who aren't disabled.

Here is an example of indirect discrimination:

Even for learning disabilities it is UNLAWFUL.

If you're telling someone, e.g. "NEVER LOSE A DOMAIN", and then they're LIED TO. Causing them HARM/DAMAGES...

That somehow everyone is also ignoring, and then casting "slander" at me.

No one, not even the attorney has been able to clarify this.

OP can make 1,000 posts in this thread, but none would be as impactful as an ICANN complaint or finding a lawyer with big balls.

But when you join a domain forum with the username @Damages, and focus on this one issue with no other posts, 2 things come to mind.

(1) Is this a duplicate account?

(2) If not, then OP is showing his cards that he/she cares more about damages than anything else. Nothing specific. Never said how she/she wants their issues rectified. Just seeking damages. All this with no hello posts, no attempting to mingle with the forum just straight to attempting to damage the registrar's reputation. What does that say about (1).
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"If the OP has anxiety of these kinds of issue then I would strongly recommend the OP avoid domain auctions and negotiations."

This is why there are laws to protect people with disabilities:
citizensadvice .org.uk/law-and-courts/discrimination/discrimination-because-of-disability/what-counts-as-disability-discrimination

when providing goods, facilities, services

Disability discrimination can either be direct or indirect.

Direct discrimination is where you are treated less favourably because of your disability than someone without a disability would be treated in the same circumstances.

Indirect discrimination is where there is a rule, policy or practice which seems to apply equally to everyone, but which actually puts disabled people at an unfair disadvantage compared with people who aren't disabled.

Here is an example of indirect discrimination:

Even for learning disabilities it is UNLAWFUL.

If you're telling someone, e.g. "NEVER LOSE A DOMAIN", and then they're LIED TO. Causing them HARM/DAMAGES...

That somehow everyone is also ignoring, and then even casting "slander", "troll", "stupid", etc. at me.

No one, not even the attorney has been able to clarify this.

Question, when you file a lawsuit, will you be using "damages" as your first name, or is that a last name?

I remember this one guy, named Damages, at Domain camp ...
You have not renewed your domains and have not enabled automatic renewals. Now you have lost them.

Is there a post where the OP says that? All I got out of this so far is that the names went past expiration, and he hadn't gotten renewal notices. I haven't checked Dynadot's renewal timeline lately, but I'm not clear on whether or not he then manually renewed post-expiration.

or finding a lawyer with big balls.

Ah, yes, 3.5 inch diameter gets a full Harvard scholarship these days.
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Is there a post where the OP says that? All I got out of this so far is that the names went past expiration, and he hadn't gotten renewal notices. I haven't checked Dynadot's renewal timeline lately, but I'm not clear on whether or not he then manually renewed post-expiration.
Good point. I'll ask OP to clarify.

OP, please clarify without further distractions, thank you.
This topic should seriously be closed and the title removed, I mentioned it before and I know I am only feeding this more by posting but this is a mental health issue, there is a counter for each slander this member is making.

It's going from but what if I get sick, to funding the account to but what if I get sick for 5 years and the funds run out.

There isn't going to be a reply that will satisfy this member any time soon unless he or she checks in for even a consultation to help him/her deal with "anxiety", I am well aware the members here are smart enough not to blame Dynadot here, but it keeps getting bumped with WARNING + Company name in the title.

Please don't get me wrong @Damages I'm well aware of mental health and dealt with plenty myself and you are not going to get the answer you are looking for as your mind doesn't seem very grounded at the moment, possibly other life events happening around you, seek help and come back at a later stage and zoom out and you will find out that everything is going to be just fine.

Part of anxiety is thinking about the worst possible scenario that is going to happen but we are in the tens of thousands if not more holding absolute premium domain names with Dynadot, and aren't worried at all, nothing is going to happen.

And the more you feed this anxiety of yours the worse it becomes, nobody on here is attacking you and is actually taking you seriously by replying with detailed information.

The help you seek isn't available on this forum, I truly wish you the best and hope you find some relief from your anxiety, It's hard but you can get through it!
I was just scolding myself, thinking I might have been a bit of a "Karen" during a recent interaction with Dynadot - and then along comes "Damages" claiming that Todd the CEO of Dynadot (a decent, responsive, welcoming human being with whom I have corresponded dozens of times in person and by email) is somehow immoral. Perhaps it is just a difference in how people manage their domains? I own thousands. My Dynadot control panel is open on my desktop 24/7/365. I, like others in this thread, find the renewal notifications annoying and ignore them all. If I only had 2 domains reg'd at Dynadot and only logged in once a month/quarter/year I might manage those domains differently.
How? By moving them to the registrar that I visit frequently. Or set auto renew. Or renew them for multiple years at a time. Or set a calendar reminder in my phone.
I can't comment on the fragility of your mental health and how it is that this event caused you so much trauma. But the underlying theme from most of the responses here is the same. And it's not sympathy. You even infer that an email from Dynadot reminding you to log in periodically (which is of course your responsibility anyway) might be sufficient.
Which reminds me of the joke about the guy who eats bran cereal while sitting on the toilet - to which his room mate comments - "why not skip the middle man and just pour the bran straight in the toilet".
I don't need Dynadot's renewal notices - I check my domains myself. They are my domains.
Renewing your domains in a timely manner and keeping track of expirations is your responsibility - to infer otherwise is just being a giant Karen.
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