
discuss Timely Domains? - Display and explain

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Over the years I've registered a dozen or so what I consider to be "timely domains". Timely domains can come from sports, politics or current news and events.

Most of you know when Caitlin Clark set the all time scoring record for NCAA basketball (for both men and women), i registered a domain in recognition of her special accomplishment. Speaking of "timely", i registered the domain within hours of the occasion.

Listening to the news this am, I heard Nikki Hailey (Republican candidate for President of the United States) say that she was going to vote for her opponent Donald Trump for President. Her reasoning; "Biden has been a catastrophe"

You may be able to guess the 2 word domain I registered that has to do with both Biden and the noun catastrophe. No one ever owned or registered the domain before now:xf.wink:

Thanks Nikki.....youda man:ROFL:

ps. anyone else like to share their timely domains or care to comment.
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Damn right I'm proud of this venture:xf.wink: While Fidgety Fan is hard at work designing tees and lawn signs for, i just registered as an option to "Fear the Bitch" idiom. As I told you, I don't even need to sell these domains, and in most cases content isn't even necessary. In case you missed it, the tees cost me $10 and they sell for $25 to $30. As for the signs, they cost on average $15, and they sell too for $25 to $30.

Joe, that's all there is to it, nothing more nothing
I wasn't asking questions about the t-shirt business, though. Although it's not clear to me why the domain names are on the shirts instead of just the slogans you're choosing. It seems more confusing to add a .com to the end of them when there's no content on the pages.

But no, the questions I was asking were in regards to your statement about the $1,200 you received for two signs.

Here they are again:

In regards to the payment you received for your signs - Is the $1,200 for the purchase of the signs, or is it a donation to a political candidate (with the signs being a "thank you" gift)?

Some other follow-up questions:
  • Have any signs been sold to political candidates?
  • How are your customers/friends using the signs once purchased/gifted? Are they being displayed on front lawns?
  • Do customers/donors ask about domain name content before purchasing/donating?
I wasn't asking questions about the t-shirt business, though. Although it's not clear to me why the domain names are on the shirts instead of just the slogans you're choosing. It seems more confusing to add a .com to the end of them when there's no content on the pages.

But no, the questions I was asking were in regards to your statement about the $1,200 you received for two signs.

Here they are again:

In regards to the payment you received for your signs - Is the $1,200 for the purchase of the signs, or is it a donation to a political candidate (with the signs being a "thank you" gift)?

Some other follow-up questions:
  • Have any signs been sold to political candidates?
  • How are your customers/friends using the signs once purchased/gifted? Are they being displayed on front lawns?
  • Do customers/donors ask about domain name content before purchasing/donating?
Joe....i know you and Brad attempt to discredit pretty much everything I do and say, but maybe this podcast interview with Aaron "The Voice" Phillips from Vegas will confirm I'm for real. Note that during this interview starting around the 20 minute mark you will hear some talk about my domain portfolio. Enjoy!
Joe....i know you and Brad attempt to discredit pretty much everything I do and say, but maybe this podcast interview with Aaron "The Voice" Phillips from Vegas will confirm I'm for real. Note that during this interview starting around the 20 minute mark you will hear some talk about my domain portfolio. Enjoy!

If you answered basic questions simply instead of baiting with more half-baked claims you would cop a lot less heat :xf.grin:

The video doesn't answer a single question in this thread. There is just a mention that you have some domains, which we are all well aware.
If you answered basic questions simply instead of baiting with more half-baked claims you would cop a lot less heat :xf.grin:

The video doesn't answer a single question in this thread. There is just a mention that you have some domains, which we are all well aware.
You think i care about the "heat", :ROFL: I'm just happy you're following me which reminds me of a domain I own;
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@ThatNameGuy Maybe you should join a tshirt forum instead of wasting your precious time on Namepros, considering you haven't sold a single domain name in the almost seven (!) years you've been here. It's getting pathetic...
Actually Joe, I already have an investor (not buyer) in And as a matter of FACT, I now have three investors in my political domains. While I've displayed signs like seen in this thread, I'll be meeting with my local tee shirt maker Fidgety Fan for "Fear the Bitch".

The reason he'll be doing that is because they already make "Fear the Fin" t-shirts for the Lynnhaven Middle School sports teams, the Bluefish, whose slogan Richard has co-opted in a form that I would bet the people responsible for the young pre-teens and teens in that school would prefer their shirt vendor not produce:

Screenshot 2024-09-17 at 12.59.12 PM.png

Screenshot 2024-09-17 at 1.04.33 PM.png

They make shirts for a number of area elementary and middle schools:

Screenshot 2024-09-17 at 1.10.03 PM.png

So, one can imagine the thrill and excitement the administration at Lynnhaven will enjoy when they find out their middle school sports program apparel fundraising partner has allowed their "Fear the Fin" slogan to be adapted to a "Fear the Bitch" political slogan for which the same vendor will produce shirts.

Maybe parents of children in the school will rush to purchase them for their 11-14 year olds.

The school is located in the Virginia Beach area, probably within a few miles from Richard's residence. It is quite a coincidence that he would just happen to pick a "Fear the [word]" slogan AND the same t-shirt vendor who makes them - who shows one of the shirts on the front page of their site.
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...speaking of politics and domains, I did sell a "political" domain (.com) in 2019. It was RepublicanAF. Also, it was via (probably a year or two before the GD acquisition).

/useless commentary -- make that UselessAF
Joe....i know you and Brad attempt to discredit pretty much everything I do and say, but maybe this podcast interview with Aaron "The Voice" Phillips from Vegas will confirm I'm for real. Note that during this interview starting around the 20 minute mark you will hear some talk about my domain portfolio. Enjoy!
Discredit you? I helped you list hundreds of your .online domains when no one else would.

I'm interested to learn more about the ventures you seem very keen to promote here, but your extreme resistence to discussing them makes me wonder if there's something to hide.
Discredit you? I helped you list hundreds of your .online domains when no one else would.

I'm interested to learn more about the ventures you seem very keen to promote here, but your extreme resistence to discussing them makes me wonder if there's something to hide.
"Something to hide":xf.rolleyes: What are you doubting Joe? That's not really me? These aren't domains that I own? Or the FACT that I'm being paid for my creative genius? I've always said I'm not your typical domainer, nor do I care to be:xf.wink: Thanks for doubting me Joe, it only encourages me. Sorry you wasted your time:xf.cry:
Abort Hate Black and Blue Matter.jpg
Pretty pathetic twist of the thread. Even considering OP is @thatlameguy.

Have fun spreading hate.

Even though your post is getting upvoted, the mods will likely delete it. They deleted two of my responses to ThatNameGuy that I spent a lot of time on earlier on, despite all the upvotes they received, for not being relevant to domains. Never mind that I'm the only person who has posted any sales data for actual "timely" domains in this thread, which OP is incorrectly using to mean "political."

So I guess ThatNameGuy registers worthless domains so that he can post his political views outside of the political thread? Doesn't seem worth it at $10+ a post.
"Something to hide":xf.rolleyes: What are you doubting Joe? That's not really me? These aren't domains that I own? Or the FACT that I'm being paid for my creative genius? I've always said I'm not your typical domainer, nor do I care to be:xf.wink: Thanks for doubting me Joe, it only encourages me. Sorry you wasted your time:xf.cry:
Show attachment 263132
I see that there's a photo of a child on your sign. Do you have permission from the child or their parents to publicize and monetize a photograph of the child? I'm a parent and I'd be pretty disgusted by somebody doing this with a photograph of my crying child. Have you ever thought about how creepy this sign is?

I see that you credit the photographer at the bottom, but beyond getting photo credit from the photographer, most normal people agree that there are stricter social rules when it comes to targeting people's children. There are lines that most people instinctively avoid crossing.

Additionally, did you get the photographer's permission to use his photo? You keep insisting that you're getting paid for these signs and for your domains, so you're making money from his work, assuming you're telling the truth. This means you likely don't have a good fair use argument to defend yourself.
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Even though your post is getting upvoted, the mods will likely delete it. They deleted two of my responses to ThatNameGuy that I spent a lot of time on earlier on, despite all the upvotes they received, for not being relevant to domains. Never mind that I'm the only person who has posted any sales data for actual "timely" domains in this thread, which OP is incorrectly using to mean "political."

So I guess ThatNameGuy registers worthless domains so that he can post his political views outside of the political thread? Doesn't seem worth it at $10+ a post.

Exactly. Its a pitty. threads like this (bar some actual on topic contributions) makes nP look like a total clown show.

I understand why they allow it, and clean up some posts, but definitely don't agree with it.

Oh well...
I see that there's a photo of a child on your sign. Do you have permission from the child or their parents to publicize and monetize a photograph of the child?

The child he is exploiting for commercial purposes, and the child's parents, are dead.

Devonte, now 15, 16-year-old Hannah and 12-year-old Sierra Hart are all missing.Three other siblings are dead along with their parents after their SUV plunged 100 feet off a cliff along Highway 1 in California and into the ocean.


As pointed out above, news photos are not magically free for commercial use, which is what is being claimed here. As noted by the original publisher:


To license photos and videos, fill out this form with your licensing request details. Please reference our FAQ below to see answers to the most commonly asked licensing questions.


Who do we NOT license to?

We cannot license material to be used for
fundraising purposes, political purposes of any kind, reselling photo prints or merchandise using our images or their likeness.
"Something to hide":xf.rolleyes: What are you doubting Joe? That's not really me? These aren't domains that I own? Or the FACT that I'm being paid for my creative genius? I've always said I'm not your typical domainer, nor do I care to be:xf.wink: Thanks for doubting me Joe, it only encourages me. Sorry you wasted your time:xf.cry:
Not doubting at all, Rich. The venture sounds really interesting. The only reason it seems that you're not being totally forthcoming is that you won't share more than the basic info you repeated above, even when asked.

I suspect there's a lot more context behind what exactly you're being paid for, and who is making the purchases (or donations). Maybe it's not very flattering context for your purposes here, but I'm interested all the same.
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