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Who is to Blame for the Troubled US Economy?

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Here you can spout your USA political views.

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4. US Political views, No Religious views
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It is a lie that Republicans do not support access to contraception. Republicans didn't want to pass an unneeded bill that was only promoted by Democrats for political purposes so that liars like JB Lions could say that Republicans did not support access to contraception. Republicans just don't want to pass unneeded laws for political purposes.
You going to make a website for this guy too

I am British, l am far from anti-USA, but may l ask why so many Americans cannot see the corruption, the deceit, and the idiocy of Donald Trump?
In my opinion, there are three types of people who support Trump. The first is the dedicated Republican voter who would rather die than vote for anyone other than a Republican. I don’t know how strongly they believe or accept Donald Trump’s beliefs, the R in front of his name is all they care about.
The second group are the Fundamental Christians that support Donald Trump as a means to an end. They turn a blind eye to his faults as his actions bring them what they want. He has already provided them with a Conservative Supreme Court and effectively killed abortion in much of the US. Christian Dominionists see him as a way of bringing forth a Fundamental Christian government. Other Christians see him as a means of bringing forth the second coming of Christ, fulfilling the requirements set forth in the bible. He has already recognized Jerusalem as the Capital of Israel.
The third group is the MAGA crowd, those that Clinton referred to as the deplorables. He mirrors what they want to believe. He reflects their racism, their misogyny, the xenophobes. As a result they accept his word as gospel. No matter how discordant his words, they will bend their minds like pretzels to justify them and fit them into their worldview. That is how they can accept the “Biden Crime family” in spite of the failure to show any evidence of a crime, while completely ignoring the crime and graft of Trump and his children.
Funny. Almost none of the Trump supporters I know fall into any of those groups.
This grouping is just another masturbatory exercise so people can feel superior to those with different viewpoints rather than actually trying to understand them.

The vast majority of Trump supporters are simply people who are sick of the Marxist-fueled corruption and destruction of society they see. Trump is not ideal, but he is the only viable alternative in this election.

But keep telling yourself half the country is motivation by racism or zealotry and see what that gets you.
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Top MAGA activist Charlie Kirk, pushing Trump’s Project 2025 plan to go after contraception, says birth control “screws up female brains”
You can always find a few exceptions on every issue, but Republicans will not support a birth control ban.
Arizona +5 Trump Nevada +5 Trump Florida +4 Trump Virginia(hasn't went GOP in years) Tie, North Carolina +5 Trump, PA 2.3% Trump
Biden is doing poorly even in VA which hadn't went GOP in years. Those are just a few of the states Trump is ahead in, even Nevada (+5 Trump) which hadn't went GOP Since 2004. Trump is beating Biden or tied in every key state and even winning additional states that voted dem in 2016. Biden & the Dems are running scared. The final polls after debate shall be interesting, I think Trump will clean the floor with Biden & Biden will show-up on illegal drugs to help him focus (like he did in 2020).
Arizona +5 Trump Nevada +5 Trump Florida +4 Trump Virginia(hasn't went GOP in years) Tie, North Carolina +5 Trump, PA 2.3% Trump
Biden is doing poorly even in VA which hadn't went GOP in years. Those are just a few of the states Trump is ahead in, even Nevada (+5 Trump) which hadn't went GOP Since 2004. Trump is beating Biden or tied in every key state and even winning additional states that voted dem in 2016. Biden & the Dems are running scared. The final polls after debate shall be interesting, I think Trump will clean the floor with Biden & Biden will show-up on illegal drugs to help him focus (like he did in 2020).
Fake stats
Manipulative chatter
Arizona +5 Trump Nevada +5 Trump Florida +4 Trump Virginia(hasn't went GOP in years) Tie, North Carolina +5 Trump, PA 2.3% Trump
Biden is doing poorly even in VA which hadn't went GOP in years. Those are just a few of the states Trump is ahead in, even Nevada (+5 Trump) which hadn't went GOP Since 2004. Trump is beating Biden or tied in every key state and even winning additional states that voted dem in 2016. Biden & the Dems are running scared. The final polls after debate shall be interesting, I think Trump will clean the floor with Biden & Biden will show-up on illegal drugs to help him focus (like he did in 2020).
Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania gives Biden the win. He’s either winning already in those 3 swing states or moving his way in new polls
Thanks but they are all from real polls.
Odd that you like Nikki but hate Trump both are Republicans maybe Donald J. Trump is too conservative for you. Again those are real polls showing Trump doing well. Do you have swing-state polls that show otherwise?
Nikki can do a better job than Trump
time for a woman President of the United States of America
Trump is an old white racist geezer--
PA +2.3% Trump.
Only if people who hate America Vote would Biden be Re-elected. Strong Americas of great moral fiber will vote Trump. People are tired of inflation, endless wars, high taxes, high interest rates, and others with a huge wrong direction number Biden will lose.
@JB Lions Be careful what you vote for you'll regret Biden vote.
@JB Lions Even though your wrong all the time I deeply love you even when it get's heated here.
Frankly I'm in shock that anyone who loves America would vote Biden. Maybe, they love America but not as much as me!
Popular Vote=Possibly Biden win. Electoral College=Favors Trump.
Frankly I'm in shock that anyone who loves America would vote Biden. Maybe, they love America but not as much as me!
I 😘 love America more than you and more than anyone else
I have given America my blood sweat and tears and lots of money during my hard working years
I have given so much that people like you are enjoying the fruits of my labor
I 😘 love America more than you and more than anyone else
I have given America my blood sweat and tears and lots of money during my hard working years
I have given so much that people like you are enjoying the fruits of my labor
Your lacking a bit on the love for America because you keep wanting more Social Security. I can keep paying taxes but if they double your SS they will double my taxes. The wasteful government spent the money you paid in, while SS is a good program it is a pyramid scheme that relies on the younger people to pay in so benefits can continue. They keep saying SS is going to go bankrupt but I doubt it and only Trump can save it!
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@Cannuck Trump is great choice for POTUS.
Your lacking a bit on the love for America because you keep wanting more Social Security. I can keep paying taxes but if they double your SS they will double my taxes. The wasteful government spent the money you paid in, while SS is a good program it is a pyramid scheme that relies on the younger people to pay in so benefits can continue. They keep saying SS is going to go bankrupt but I doubt it and only Trump can save it!
Because me and millions of seniors deserve the social security Medicaid Obamacare
We work hard for the USA

Daniel want your mom and dad to die??
Because me and millions of seniors deserve the social security Medicaid Obamacare
We work hard for the USA
You can count on Trump, Nikki or any Republican to keep those programs safe. You sound like a John McCain fan hope you voted for him in 2008 (better choice than Obama) and as later he voted to keep your precious socialism (I mean Obamacare). Trump will lower inflation and increase your SS check, and keep your healthcare safe.
You can count on Trump, Nikki or any Republican to keep those programs safe. You sound like a John McCain fan hope you voted for him in 2008 (better choice than Obama) and as later he voted to keep your precious socialism (I mean Obamacare). Trump will lower inflation and increase your SS check, and keep your healthcare safe.
How can someone trust your false promises...
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