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Who is to Blame for the Troubled US Economy?

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How about a Donald vs. Hillary rematch? :unsure:
No please! :ROFL: If you have to choose... please choose someone younger.:ROFL: Also, that match didn't end quite well for Democrats last time... don't you think? :cautious:
For God's sake, listen to the voters.... biden must go
The excuses are so f lame and nobody wants excuses

What don't you understand???
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At the end of the day:

any Democrat would be better than Trump, even if they have to get a dolly to move Biden around because again, you get the whole crew.

It's also possible some Supreme Court judges get replaced again. Ages of 3 Conservative justices: 75, 74, 69. Need a Dem President (whoever) to put some judges in.

Dementia is a way out for Dems. Just say he has that or something else.

If they're going to make a change, they have to do it soon.

The Democrat Convention is next month - August 19–22, 2024

There is 1 more debate scheduled, September 10, 2 months before election. Another performance like he had could seal the deal for Trump.

I don't see Biden lasting another 4.5 years. I guess Dems are thinking just make it thru November, switch to Kamala when the time comes.
So much BS aka "Biden Shit".....Bidengate.:xf.wink: and here's how we'll Flip the Senate via FlipthatSeat:xf.eek:com
Also, that match didn't end quite well for Democrats last time... don't you think?

It didn't end well for her because voters stayed home thinking the election was in the bag. She's not the most likeable character, but besides Michelle O, what Democrat has the name recognition to go against Trump? Not a lot of time to get to know a new candidate at this stage.
For God's sake, listen to the voters.... biden must go

There's the other option too... Dark Brandon. Biden could stay in and use the new powers bestowed to the president by the Conservative Senate and, like an omnipotent monarch, completely hamstring any competition and not be held accountable (like Trump would do if elected again). :sneaky:
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Bernie Sanders/Jon Stewart is +50 over Trump.
A comedian for president? Worked out well for Ukraine, why not? And old school Communists always bring prosperity. Still young, too - only 83 years old.
USA is not a democracy, it's a republic China.
Yes, and North Korea is a Democratic Republic. Cuz they say so.
Yes, and North Korea is a Democratic Republic. Cuz they say so.

Join the club... the step from freedom to totalitarian rule is a short one and the transition has already started.
Putin 2030! God Bless Russia & God Bless America

I get it. Russia and USA will be one. Putin's plan has worked so far, but two's company, three's a crowd and I don't think China will take backseat.
It didn't end well for her because voters stayed home thinking the election was in the bag. She's not the most likeable character, but besides Michelle O, what Democrat has the name recognition to go against Trump? Not a lot of time to get to know a new candidate at this stage.
More than recognition, it needs to be a young candidate with stamina and charm. That's all that you need.
Hillary would be giving again the elections to Trump. You can bet almost the same voters who stayed home on that election, would stay home again if they had to choose Hillary.

For recognition I would go for Gavin Newsom.
There are others young (not in their 70s or 80s) and well qualified that would destroy Trump on a presidential debate.
And even having low recognition at first, they would instantly increase their recognition the same day they are chosen to be the Democratic presidential candidate.
More than recognition, it needs to be a young candidate with stamina and charm. That's all that you need.

...and less baggage to boot, politics is a mudsling afterall.

Hillary would be giving again the elections to Trump. You can bet almost the same voters who stayed home on that election, would stay home again if they had to choose Hillary.

The electorate are so partisan I don't think that would be a factor. Of course there are better options, even Biden staying in would probably be a better option, but as JB said, I don't think he has 4+ years left in his tank (and you can't hook up solar panels) :xf.wink:

For recognition I would go for Gavin Newsom.
There are others young (not in their 70s or 80s) and well qualified that would destroy Trump on a presidential debate.
And even having low recognition at first, they would instantly increase their recognition the same day they are chosen to be the Democratic presidential candidate.

They may have strong arguments, but who are they trying to convince?

The undecided voters... roughly 10% of the population will decide the fate of United States in the next election. God bless the 10%.
There is 1 more debate scheduled, September 10, 2 months before election. Another performance like he had could seal the deal for Trump.

I don't see Biden lasting another 4.5 years. I guess Dems are thinking just make it thru November, switch to Kamala when the time comes.
Biden did worse than I thought even as GOP I expected Biden to do better. I thought he would either 1 Biden be on drugs, or two simply prepared hard for the debate. Trump came out as very quick to respond, and more alert than Biden. Biden only has one more chance to do a good debate. This is a close election but Trump should win by a bigger than expected electoral margin. I wish President Biden had succeeded as I want America to succeed. Even though he's a democrat I've been rooting for Biden to do a good job instead he failed America. Trump 2024!
Biden did worse than I thought even as GOP I expected Biden to do better. I thought he would either 1 Biden be on drugs, or two simply prepared hard for the debate. Trump came out as very quick to respond, and more alert than Biden. Biden only has one more chance to do a good debate. This is a close election but Trump should win by a bigger than expected electoral margin. I wish President Biden had succeeded as I want America to succeed. Even though he's a democrat I've been rooting for Biden to do a good job instead he failed America. Trump 2024!
Protect our planet vote for GOP for President, Senate & House. Save, Medicaid, Medicare, and Social security. Trump 2024!
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Protect our planet vote for GOP for President, Senate & House. Save, Medicaid, Medicare, and Social security. Trump 2024!
It's precisely the opposite of what Trump is going to do. But it seems that you like to lie like your beloved leader.
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It's precisely the opposite of what Trump is going to do. But it seems that you like to lie like your beloved leader.
Hopefully, when America has a choice between Biden & Donald J. Trump America re-elects Trump and sends Biden to nursing home.
Hopefully, when America has a choice between Biden & Donald J. Trump America re-elects Trump and sends Biden to nursing home.
Hopefully it won't be Biden the Democratic candidate for next november elections. So it won't be so easy for Trump to win and destroy the US democracy.
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Hopefully it won't be Biden the Democratic candidate for next november elections. So it won't be so easy for Trump to win and destroy the US democracy.
My taxes will go down by 20% if Trump wins, I predict drill baby drill, lower gas prices. Also secure border and less inflation. We shall see if Trump can whip Biden, Nate Silver gives 52% chance of Trump winning electoral college, it's close but I think this will be more like 1980 election than 2020.
My taxes will go down by 20% if Trump wins, I predict drill baby drill, lower gas prices. Also secure border and less inflation.

That's a pretty good schtick, but as you're aware, the reality will be different for most Americans.

Trump tax breaks will soak the coffers (benefitting the rich & bringing the country into even more economic peril), while Biden's tax plan cuts the deficit by $5T. America will be EVEN again. :xf.wink:

The US does not set gas prices. Drilling for more oil does not lower gas prices, only creates more pollution.

Unlike most products, oil prices are not determined entirely by supply, demand, and market sentiment toward the physical product. Rather, supply, demand, and sentiment toward oil futures contracts, which are traded heavily by speculators, play a dominant role in price determination.

Sentiment toward oil futures... it's now or never, get it? 🟢

Oh yeah, and more inflation due to Trump tariffs on all imports... raw materials etc. I suppose he plans to make money from billionaires ordering exotic cars and luxury items from elsewhere.

Border security? He sold you a dream last time, time to wake up. 😪
Protect our planet vote for GOP for President, Senate & House.

I wish that was true, but unfortunately it's not, quite the opposite actually.

SCOTUS just overturned the Chevron Deference limiting powers of EPA and allowing polluters more options... like setting up zombie drilling companies that rape the land and leave the mess behind, then open a company elsewhere. Been there, seen that. :wideyed:
Protect our planet vote for GOP for President, Senate & House. Save, Medicaid, Medicare, and Social security. Trump 2024!
If you say so
So how is he going to do???
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