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Who is to Blame for the Troubled US Economy?

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Here you can spout your USA political views.

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Seriously Costa Rica could invade us in a blink of an eye.

Canada has no plans to meet NATO targets... so imagine if Trump got re-elected. Easy pickings for Costa Rica eh?! :xf.wink:

Like he said, Trump would let Russia do whatever the hell they want to any NATO country "that doesn't pay enough". Sounds like a racket to me.
You do talk nonsense. Fauci was one of the senior advisors and architects of Operation Warp Speed. Republicans and Democrats voted to fund it to the tune of $18 billion. Meanwhile, Trump was telling gullable people to put bleach and a flashlight up their backsides.
He was there. That's what happened, no thanks to all the anti-vaxxers out there.
All of them. It's their job.
You really have no idea how this works, do you? OWS funding went through the Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority (BARDA), who allocated the funds approved by both Republicans and Democrats in Congress.
Everyone wants to take credit for the vaccine now. But even Jake Tapper of CNN, in a rare moment of honesty, gave Donald Trump the credit for creating Operation Warp Speed.
But, I have seen enough of your posts to know that you are a partisan liar. Just like you just lied about the bleach comment. And a lot of people shouldn't have been made to take the vaccine, especially children, as the long term effects are still unknown.
@marijuanadomain I'm pretty sure Biden thought he was having coffee with his wife Jill and didn't know he was at a debate. Poor old Sleepy Joe. On, to victory Trump 2024! What do you think about Nikki 2028?
Trump will the dictator for life for the United States of America
Trump family will run this country

Be careful what you wish for. Daniel Owens....the USA empire will be run by the Trump family for centuries
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Has anybody else noticed VP Harris not appearing much in the media? Is it normal for VPs to have so little media coverage?

Maybe it's tradition not to cover the VP, but nowadays with more media sources than ever, it seems odd for Americas 2nd in command to be out of sight.

After the debate, and wondering who could replace Joe, it dawned on me that I don't remember the last time I've seen a video clip of VP Harris. Surely the cameras are covering her, but for whatever reason I'm not seeing it.
Trump will the dictator for life for the United States of America
Trump family will run this country

Be careful what you wish for. Daniel Owens....the USA empire will be run by the Trump family for centuries
Trump is high quality.
Trump is high quality.
Ok so you're being facetious didn't take this into account in earlier remark. Do you have a real stance? Like actually caring. We only have one earth man and one chance. How old are you btw?
Ok so you're being facetious didn't take this into account in earlier remark. Do you have a real stance? Like actually caring. We only have one earth man and one chance. How old are you btw?
I'm also high quality person & chatter. One earth but also one more chance to change the direction of this country. Vote Trump 2024!
I'm also high quality person & chatter. One earth but also one more chance to change the direction of this country. Vote Trump 2024!
What direction is that?
Towards more freedom and prosperity for all our people.

Literally impossible under Trump. Cutting taxes for billionaires does not move towards freedom and prosperity for all. The rich get richer, the poor get poorer.

If you want freedom and prosperity for the people, look at the Scandinavian model. Not only do they rank highest in freedom and prosperity, but also in happiness and quality time...
@Cannuck Interesting link. What do you think about America since it's a Republic and not a Democracy? Would you prefer direct democracy or is this whole house/senators voting on our behalf better (for bills)?
For the first time, the conservative party, the anti-immigrant party, has won the first round of voting in France.
(I don't know why they have 2 rounds)
Literally impossible under Trump. Cutting taxes for billionaires does not move towards freedom and prosperity for all. The rich get richer, the poor get poorer.
The hedge fund billionaires pay the capital gains 20% tax rate on their incomes because they give the Democrats
millions of dollars in donations, while I was paying 50% of my income working as an engineer in California.
Salary workers are slaves of the government. And the only reason hedge fund owners give this money to the Democrats is that they were extorted by the leaders of the Democratic Party. The Democratic Party is a criminal organization. Democrats don't even care that Biden took bribes from China and paid them back by letting a Chinese spy balloon hover above American military bases. And Biden never talks about the fentanyl that China
uses to kill thousands Americans because he doesn't want to stop the money he gets from China.
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@Cannuck Interesting link. What do you think about America since it's a Republic and not a Democracy?

To each his own, call it what you will.

Would you prefer direct democracy or is this whole house/senators voting on our behalf better (for bills)?

A direct democracy cannot work in a country the size of USA.

The hedge fund billionaires pay the capital gains 20% tax rate on their incomes because they give the Democrats
millions of dollars in donations, while I was paying 50% of my income working as an engineer in California.

No surprise there, Republicans are on the take too. 50% is hefty, maybe you ought to hire a better accountant...

Salary workers are slaves of the government.

Trump Tax Cuts Helped Billionaires Pay Less Taxes Than The Working Class

Ok so you're being facetious didn't take this into account in earlier remark. Do you have a real stance? Like actually caring. We only have one earth man and one chance. How old are you btw?
We like to think of @Daniel Owens as at least half a dozen people with no idea what each other has posted, working from their sweaty cubicles in a KGB troll farm in St Petersburg. They are all very pro-Trump and very pro-Putin.
The hedge fund billionaires pay the capital gains 20% tax rate on their incomes because they give the Democrats
millions of dollars in donations, while I was paying 50% of my income working as an engineer in California.
You need a better accountant. Hedge fund billionaires average 8.2% tax rate.

What do Bezos, Musk, Bloomberg, Icahn, & Soros all have in common? They've all managed to pay no federal income tax. Zero. 0% tax rate.

Salary workers are slaves of the government.
No, you have to be an incarcerated convict to be a slave of the state. That's in the Constitution. 13th Amendment.

And the only reason hedge fund owners give this money to the Democrats is that they were extorted by the leaders of the Democratic Party. The Democratic Party is a criminal organization. Democrats don't even care that Biden took bribes from China and paid them back by letting a Chinese spy balloon hover above American military bases.
The problem is that you're the only one that knows about this and you refuse to share. We're all listening. Do go on.

And Biden never talks about the fentanyl that China uses to kill thousands Americans because he doesn't want to stop the money he gets from China.
It's very old news. Trump did absolutely nothing about it when he had the football. Here's the DEA Intelligence Program's report that was published under the Trump administration that Trump completely ignored: Fentanyl Flow in the United States_0.pdf

You obviously missed Biden's meeting with President Xi at Woodside in 2023, and Biden's subsequent press statement talking about Chinese fentanyl:

In 2019, you may remember, China took action to greatly reduce the amount of fentanyl shipped directly from China to the United States. But in the years since that time, the challenge has evolved from finished fentanyl to fentanyl chemical ingredients and — and pill presses, which are being shipped without controls. And, by the way, some of these pills are being inserted in other drugs, like cocaine, and a lot of people are dying.
More people in the United States between the ages of 18 to 49 die from fentanyl than from guns, car accidents, or any other cause. Period.
So, today, with this new understanding, we’re taking action to significantly reduce the flow of precursor chemicals and pill presses from China to the Western Hemisphere. It’s going to save lives, and I appreciate President Xi’s commitment on this issue.

Here's the Select Committee on the Chinese Communist Party's findings under the Biden administration:


Here's the press release from last week announcing the Fentanyl Policy Working Group that you obviously missed:“Earlier this spring, the Select,law to the United States.

You also missed the White House Director of National Drug Control Policy, Dr. Rahul Gupta, leading a delegation of senior officials to Beijing:
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The problem is that you're the only one that knows about this and you refuse to share. We're all listening. Do go on.
CNBC anchors make cynical jokes about Democrats always pretending they want to close the hedge fund loophole when they really don't want to because they are paid by the hedge funds not to.
The last time the Democrats pretended they wanted to close the loophole, Senator Seneca killed it.
CNBC anchors claimed that she took the bullet so that Democratic Senators could keep up the pretense.
Some years back CNBC admitted that the hedge funds were being extorted by the Democrats for this reason.
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CNBC anchors make cynical jokes about Democrats always pretending they want to close the hedge fund loophole when they really don't want to because they are paid by the hedge funds not to.
The last time the Democrats pretended they wanted to close the loophole, Senator Seneca killed it.
CNBC anchors claimed that she took the bullet so that Democratic Senators could keep up the pretense.
Some years back CNBC admitted that the hedge funds were being extorted by the Democrats for this reason.
Follow the money. It's a mixed bag. 2012-2016 leaned heavily Republican. 2018-2022 leaned Democrat.

Here's how they appear today:

Lean Republican: Citadel LLC, Elliott Management, AQR Capital Management, Key Square Group, Prescott Investors & Duquesne Family Office.

Lean Democrat: ART Advisors LLC, Soros Fund Management, DE Shaw & Co, Oaktree Capital Management, TGS Management & Meritage Group.
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The hedge fund billionaires pay the capital gains 20% tax rate on their incomes because they give the Democrats
millions of dollars in donations, while I was paying 50% of my income working as an engineer in California.
Salary workers are slaves of the government. And the only reason hedge fund owners give this money to the Democrats is that they were extorted by the leaders of the Democratic Party. The Democratic Party is a criminal organization. Democrats don't even care that Biden took bribes from China and paid them back by letting a Chinese spy balloon hover above American military bases. And Biden never talks about the fentanyl that China
uses to kill thousands Americans because he doesn't want to stop the money he gets from China.
Still lying about that, Biden and China but..

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Straight out of the pedohile’s mouth when asked what he and Ivanka have in common, he answers it’s sex. And Ivanka giggles like it’s normal.
More reason to legalize sex prostitution
Alcohol legalized that why we have bars and saloons and supermarket
Marijuana Legalized that why we have exchange needles, and smoke centers so why not sex centers.... everyone needs sex, everyone wants sex and it is healthy, so why not legalized sex...

legalized, educate and tax.......!!!
Climate change denial is not about science, it's about the money.

How much does it cost to kill a Palestinian today? :unsure:

Climate change and genocide denial ought to be criminal, but there's too much money involved and too little humanity.
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