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Who is to Blame for the Troubled US Economy?

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Pres. Obama spent almost 15 Trillion $$. We got 8% - 9% unemployment.

Source? Officially 4.6% as of November 2016.

Regardless "shaking things up" is only positive if it makes things better instead of worse, and that remains to be seen. If those unemployed people lose health coverage, that won't make their lives better.
Happy new year from the President Elect of the United States

Wyden: Does the NSA collect any type of data at all on millions, or hundreds of millions of Americans?"
Clapper: "No, sir."
Wyden: "It does not?"
Clapper: "Not wittingly. There are cases where they could inadvertently, perhaps, collect, but not wittingly."

(The same Clapper who is now the most trusted source in saying Russia hacked the election.)

Was reminded after watching "Snowden," made by that right-wing reactionary Oliver Stone.
Source? Officially 4.6% as of November 2016.

Regardless "shaking things up" is only positive if it makes things better instead of worse, and that remains to be seen. If those unemployed people lose health coverage, that won't make their lives better.

Yeah.. like I've said before. Obama's labor dept. changed the way employment numbers are counted. Labor participation rate is down 3%. 5%+3% = 8%.. add the people working part-time like my wife and your at 9%.

Like everything Obama does... a riddle wrapped in a lie repeated by an sycophant media.
Happy new year from the President Elect of the United States


Who's running your country?

Now ask yourself... did Trump win b/c Putin blackmailed Trump or blackmailed Obama?
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Putin had nothing to do with the election.
Geesh, he donated to Clintons and got rights to some uranium.
If he was going to swing the election, he would have stuck with Clinton in hopes of getting more uranium or other stuff.
Which one is better for domain names? Will domains rise under the President-Elect?
We need to see a lot more of this in Europe. Message for Islamic migrants to Finland: “We owe you nothing.”
Perhaps the 35 expelled Russian diplomats will take them with. Problem is, the Russians will probably expel them back, right away, as they are worse than toxic waste.
Germany needed 1700 police officers to keep women safe on a New Year's Eve party. Don't you love the new and diverse Europe?
Renowned Donald Trump supporters ‘Diamond and Silk” slam Obama and Kerry for knifing Israel in the back. Not to worry, ladies, there’s new sheriff in town and he is going to clean house.
It's gonna be a great year, or rather 8 years, for We The People!
Looks like the "Coexist" crowd got it wrong again... this time in Ankara, Turkey. It's a never ending story...
Unlike what ever country you are in...
USA is still the best....
You can do your damnest to put us down....
But we are better than any other country on this freaking planet!
Now go and have a muslim take care of you (by the way, they like to use women like they use men).

Nah, I rather stay here in Germany with my free education, healthcare and not having to be afraid of being shot at.
Btw, I love how Gilsan is abusing all these horrible terrorist attacks for his far right propaganda. He is not like "Lets have a moment in silence to think about all those dead people". No, he does not care about them. All he cares about is utilizing them for his propaganda.
Stay in germany with your moslem friends.
Free education, healthcare?
Funny how Germans among many others come to the USA for higher education and also for healthcare.
Bet our taxes still lower than yours!!!!
Your chances seems to be better to get run over by a truck driver by a moslem.
But soon, sure they will resort to bombs and guns....
I rather stay here in Germany with my free education, healthcare
It's not free. Maybe to you, but not to a productive taxpayer. And the screws are being tightened in that department in Germany, or so I have been told.
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Ford to Build in America, Cancel Mexico Expansion Plans as ‘Vote of Confidence’ in Donald Trump

Ford will build a plant in Michigan instead of Mexico as a “vote of confidence” in President-elect Donald J. Trump’s incoming administration, its CEO Mark Fields announced on Tuesday.
The announcement means Ford will cancel its plans to build a new plant in Mexico and will instead invest $700 million in Michigan—creating 700 new jobs here in the United States—CNN reports.

Trump’s success in keeping Ford jobs here is winning praise even from labor unions.

“I am thrilled that we have been able to secure additional UAW-Ford jobs for American workers,” Jimmy Settles, the UAW’s vice president, said.

CNN notes that Ford’s decision to keep the jobs here in the U.S. rather than shipping them overseas to Mexico—as it announced early in 2016—is a “major U-Turn” for the auto manufacturer.

The Trump Effect will be like a snowball. In the meantime the MSM is still blabering on about Russia and Putin
The Italian Government is actually ferrying the invading army of illegals from North Africa by providing a ferry service that picks up thousand just off the coast of Lybia and drops them off on the Italian Islands of Lampedusa and Sicily...
There needs to be a new word coined to define this new degree of stupidity.
Never underestimate the power of a Donald Trump tweet'
Donald Trump has never been shy about opining from his Twitter account, aka his bully pulpit. His salvos Tuesday morning came after House Republicans made gutting an independent ethics watchdog one of their first priorities of the new year. Trump slammed the timing in two tweets.

Hours later, House Republicans scrapped the plan. Also on Tuesday, Trump threatened General Motors with "a big border tax" for selling Mexican-made Chevy Cruzes in the U.S. A short time later, Ford announced it wouldcancel plans for a $1.6 billion Mexico plant and would instead expand its operations in Michigan.

Coincidence? Perhaps, but Trump has long been a critic of Ford’sproduction in Mexico. As incoming congressman Matt Gaetz, R-Fla., said: "Never underestimate the power of a Donald Trump tweet."

The MSM is fuming. Trump goes directly to the public with his tweets and by-passes the Biased Media.

I'm lovin' it!

Give them hell Donald and build that wall... nice and tall.
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