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Who is to Blame for the Troubled US Economy?

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Here you can spout your USA political views.

1. Keep it clean
2. No fighting
3. Respect the views of others.
4. US Political views, No Religious views
5. Have fun :)

The views expressed on this page by users and staff are their own, not those of NamePros.

In the 30s everyone wanted US dollars. Today everyone wants to get rid of them. Buying
hard assets is what you'll hear from many people in the business that I'm in.
We're headed to a period of stagflation maybe serious inflation but stagflation
for sure. And the United States will be losing the privilege of being able to
print at its will the world's reserve currency. A period that will be very inflationary. And I can tell you
that before that happens it is likely going to become quite ugly.
Mike Pence staffer tests positive for coronavirus while with
the VP on Air Force 2

8 May 2020, 16:22Updated: 8 May 2020, 16:32
VICE President Mike Pence may be forced to quarantine after one of his staff members tested positive for coronavirus.

The individual was with Pence aboard Air Force 2 when they got their results on Friday.
Pool reporters noted on Friday morning that Air Force 2 was being held on the tarmac at Joint Base Andrews for close to an hour.

It eventually took off for Des Moine, Iowa with Vice President Pence, but only after a few staff members disembarked for the aircraft.
At least one of those staff members tested positive for coronavirus.

A White House source initially told The Sun that an unspecified staff member who boarded the flight tested positive.
Jodi Ernst and and Secretary of Agriculture Sonny Perdue were also on the manifest for Friday,

It was later revealed by pool reports that the staff member was part of Pence's team.
This news comes one day after it was learned that one of Donald Trump's valets had tested positive for COVID-19.

In the wake if this news, it was announced that the White House would start rapid testing all staff members.
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Bungled? If you believe everything the media says today, and have no recollection of what they said last month, I guess so. The final performance review isn't in yet, and so far no leaders of any country are looking good - as though a pandemic can make anyone look good.

I hardly believe ANY of the media feeds, that said, some reports hold a grain of truth and it plays into their narrative and fear mongering. I see the US problem being much like a divorced couple fighting for custody in a political battle, posturing and mud slinging while people are dying and the economy is tanking - just like Trump's ratings.
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I hardly believe ANY of the media feeds, that said, some reports hold a grain of truth and it plays into their narrative and fear mongering. I see the US problem being much like a divorced couple fighting for custody in a political battle, posturing and mud slinging while people are dying and the economy is tanking - just like Trumps ratings.

Trump probably reacted better / quicker than democrats would have.

On the other hand, if a democrat were President, no matter what they did, republicans would criticize and the media would cover up the mistakes and praise their successes.

Less than %1 mortality rate and we closed our entire country based on projections from a known crack-pot.

Every large infection in the USA has been traced back to NY, where the mayor and Gov were telling people not to worry, ride the subway, etc. while Trump declared travel ban from China and put Pence in charge of coordinating the response.

Universal truth no matter who is in charge.

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Quarantine wasn't supposed to protect you from being infected. It was supposed to delay the inevitable so hospitals were not overwhelmed.

Over 99% of people don't have symptoms or recover. The majority of the country would have been fine and so would our economy.
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Watching Mark Cuban embrace FDR style job programs is heart breaking.
"progressives" and "liberals" embrace Gov corruption, illegal surveillance and unjust persecution by law enforcement because "orange man bad".

Don’t Forget, Michael Flynn Pleaded Guilty. Twice.
Even President Trump has said his former national security adviser lied to the F.B.I.

When asked about the plea at the time, Mr. Trump said, “I had to fire General Flynn because he lied to the vice president and the F.B.I.”

Barr Defends Flynn: "People Sometimes Plead To Things That Trn Out Not To Be Crimes"

IF the FBI had any evidence Flynn committed serious felonies, they would have charged him. Instead they plotted to coerce a confession.

The truth is reveled in Strock and Page's own conversations by email and IM chat. Spying on the VP and Flynn with illegally obtained warrants, lying to the FISA court are serious felonies.

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Quarantine wasn't supposed to protect you from being infected. It was supposed to delay the inevitable so hospitals were not overwhelmed.

Over 99% of people don't have symptoms or recover. The majority of the country would have been fine and so would our economy.
Bullshit. That is a stupid thing to say.

Quarantine is supposed to "TRY" and protect you from being infected.

For you to say It was only supposed to delay the inevitable is saying we are all going to get it anyway so why bother with being quarantined.

And using "majority of the country" is a loose statement.
What is the majority of the country? 51% or 99.99%?

The truth is had there been no Quarantine at all the numbers would have been catastrophic.

Had Trump acted sooner and maybe had some real teeth instead of his half ass China ban and had he not wasted the entire month of February and had he replenished the national stock pile he says was empty in his first three years in office instead of wasting many hours a day everyday watching TV and tweeting out lies then just maybe he could of saved thousands on more lives.

This will 100% guarantee cost him the election as well as many of the GOP senate seats.

I hope all of Trump's Deranged Supporters like to surf come November.

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Correct me if I'm wrong, but don't American's typically rally around their president during times of trouble rather than continuing to divide the country along partisan lines? In terms of response, most responsible leaders try to do everything possible to protect their citizenry vs re-election priorities. Leaving it up to each state governor to call the shots shows he is just passing the buck (which is prob better for states anyway).
Bullshit. That is a stupid thing to say.

Quarantine is supposed to "TRY" and protect you from being infected.

You should go back and listen to the original reasons > 2,000,000 dead. Flatten the curve. So contagious... Bla bla bla.

For you to say It was only supposed to delay the inevitable is saying we are all going to get it anyway so why bother with being quarantined.

And using "majority of the country" is a loose statement.
What is the majority of the country? 51% or 99.99%?

The truth is had there been no Quarantine at all the numbers would have been catastrophic.

Had Trump acted sooner and maybe had some real teeth instead of his half ass China ban and had he not wasted the entire month of February and had he replenished the national stock pile he says was empty in his first three years in office instead of wasting many hours a day everyday watching TV and tweeting out lies then just maybe he could of saved thousands on more lives.

This will 100% guarantee cost him the election as well as many of the GOP senate seats.

I hope all of Trump's Deranged Supporters like to surf come November.


You're full of shit. Oregon, Washington were full blown outbreak in December before anyone knew what it was.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but don't American's typically rally around their president during times of trouble rather than continuing to divide the country along partisan lines? In terms of response, most responsible leaders try to do everything possible to protect their citizenry vs re-election priorities. Leaving it up to each state governor to call the shots shows he is just passing the buck (which is prob better for states anyway).

Liberals with TDS are incapable
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President Trump announces a cure for Murder Hornets.

CNN and Lennco claim no cure exist and the President is giving Americans false hope. Claim "Praying" mantis are racist and homophobic and should not be normalized.

JB says they are probably pedophiles. Not good pedophiles like the Pedesta brothers but bad pedos like those Catholic priest and Boy Scout leaders.
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Had Trump acted sooner and maybe had some real teeth instead of his half ass China ban

I guess lennco thinks Trump should have prevented Citizens and legal American immigrants from returning to the USA like Pelosi.

Screening at airports wasn't good enough, they should have been put in internment camps / shelters.

and had he not wasted the entire month of February and had he replenished the national stock pile he says was empty in his first three years in office instead of wasting many hours a day everyday watching TV and tweeting out lies then just maybe he could of saved thousands on more lives.

While Nancy was passing out pens and refusing to give funds for the C-19 task force. I get ya. Trump should have light a fire under her ass a lot sooner.

This will 100% guarantee cost him the election as well as many of the GOP senate seats.

I hope all of Trump's Deranged Supporters like to surf come November.


You got him now ™
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You should go back and listen to the original reasons > 2,000,000 dead. Flatten the curve. So contagious... Bla bla bla.

You're full of shit. Oregon, Washington were full blown outbreak in December before anyone knew what it was.

President Trump announces a cure for Murder Hornets.

CNN and Lennco claim no cure exist and the President is giving Americans false hope. Claim "Praying" mantis are racist and homophobic and should not be normalized.

JB says they are probably pedophiles. Not good pedophiles like the Pedesta brothers but bad pedos like those Catholic priest and Boy Scout leaders.

I guess lennco thinks Trump should have prevented Citizens and legal American immigrants from returning to the USA like Pelosi.

Screening at airports wasn't good enough, they should have been put in internment camps / shelters.

While Nancy was passing out pens and refusing to give funds for the C-19 task force. I get ya. Trump should have light a fire under her ass a lot sooner.

You got him now ™
All it takes is one reply to mr-x about Covid-45 to get under his skin :xf.laugh:

Defend him all you want buddy, but your Orange Narcissistic Self Centered "All About Me" Leader is out come Jan 20, 2021, and there is not a damn thing you can do about it.

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White House blocks CDC reopening guidelines, labeling them “overly prescriptive”
Detailed guidelines for reopening drafted by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention were blocked from publication after Trump administration officials labeled them “overly prescriptive.”

Kayleigh McEnany called Trump comment 'racist,' 'hateful' and 'not the American way' in 2015

Costco’s coronavirus mask policy sparks backlash on social media
Costco created the policy in alignment with CDC guidelines
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Huh.. people have different opinions, ideas based on what they witness and you're shocked. The democrat virus is eating your brain.

Trump cheers on governors even as they ignore White House coronavirus guidelines in race to reopen

How does federalism work?
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