
SLDStats lookup tool

Spaceship Spaceship


Top Member
I've always used Google search to see how popular a domain SLD is. I would just search the SLD, eg 'james' and then look through the results for the domains that have 'james' in it.

I would use this alongside DotDB to determine SLD popularity. I figure domains that are indexed are a better indication of usage than simply being registered.

I have made a tool called SLDStats ( to try and automate this process a bit. I'm learning dev as I go so it's rudimentary, but if you enter a domain SLD into the tool it should automatically fetch search results and filter the domains that contain that SLD.

eg 'james' is inside 37 domains (from the first 100 results):

sldstats results for query 'james'

Please give it a try and see if it works. There will definitely be errors so feel free to report back your experience.

Let me know how many results you get for your best SLDs!
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This is not localised to the user, correct?

Are the results based on AUs Google or US? (I assumed AU because of the james-au in your username)

In the case that it uses the user's locality,
is there any danger we'll get blocked by G for excessive searches?

This is not localised to the user, correct?

Are the results based on AUs Google or US? (I assumed AU because of the james-au in your username)
Thanks for the questions! At the moment it just uses Google US.

Each session is from a different proxy so the results will actually vary from time to time. Most of the underlying tech to find the G rankings is the same as tools like AHREFS so it's pretty reliable.

If there is demand it would be easy to make a combined search across US/CA/UK/AU to discover more domains in one search and also search more than just the first 100 results.
Good!.. Cuts down a lot of clutter ; )
So, it seems that your thread is considered a 'review' by the mods.

Good luck finding people to test the tool now that it has been thrown in this sub-sub-section :/
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