
discuss If a niche is trending - are you too late?

Spaceship Spaceship


Name StagTop Member
It seems that several members look for trending niches for their hand-regs. Judging from some of the names posted, there is a very small potential for profit in most of them, and a greater risk of loss.

So how can we profit from these niche names? The best way is to try to spot the niche before it starts trending, or to attempt to start the trend. :) But that's not easy for most of us. If the niche is going to endure, then I guess it's possible to watch out for names becoming available as disenchanted domainers dump or dispose of them. The NamePros sales threads are obviously the ideal place to hunt for these names.

Has anybody got any other ideas to help late arrivers profit from trending niches?
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Back to the original question of this post. If a niche is trending, are you too late?

No, I don't believe so. It's just going to be more difficult to stand above the stampede. Research, research and more research. Then make a smart decision.

If it's a hot niche...micro niche and ride the wave
Back to the original question of this post. If a niche is trending, are you too late?

No, I don't believe so. It's just going to be more difficult to stand above the stampede. Research, research and more research. Then make a smart decision.

If it's a hot niche...micro niche and ride the wave

Agree 100% BUT there is a high chance of getting carried away and regging things that are a little too far fetched and not relavent to the niche keywords
Goes back to research, doesn't it? "Carried Away" are not words that equate to profitable domaining.
Some niches take a long time to establish themselves mainstream (5-10 years in some cases) and in such niches some early adopters get impatient and let domains drop.

Always possible to catch great future tech keywords from drop lists.

My last domain sale which was only last week was a $14 purchase future tech domain that I purchased on the drop and sold for $2000.

But yes I do agree that the best keywords are usually gone by the time a tech is trending.
One thing that I learned while domaining is that you can always find opportunities, no matter the stage of a trend.
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