
How to Develop Domain Names for Profit

Spaceship Spaceship


Mug RuithTop Member
I have wanted to get this conversation started somewhere since last year. So rather than hoard all this information I'm just gonna throw caution to the wind and share what I know. Hope to see lots of people contribute with your own ideas and tips and questions.

Here's a 13-point very rough guide to domain name monetisation. Follow it all the way through you WILL make money [moderator edit: this is not guaranteed]. Also this is a new post today it's not copied and pasted from anywhere. After your domain name is profitable you can keep developing it to get more traffic and clicks or sell it and buy better domain names with more traffic opportunities. There are no right and wrong answers. No two setups are the same. It's trial and error. What works for you might not work for others and viced versa. You will make mistakes. It's inevitable. We're only human. The important thing is to learn from your mistakes and keep improving until you find your domain name monetisation system that works.

  1. Niche
  2. Keywords
  3. Domain name
  4. Hosting
  5. C.M.S.
  6. Theme
  7. Customisation
  8. Menu
  9. Publishing
  10. Indexing
  11. Traffic
  12. Ads
  13. Clicks
Step-By-Step Guide
1. Niche
Choose a profitable niche and something you are confident writing about. Ideally you have some personal experience in the subject and can share information that is not available anywhere else, or a unique angle on existing information. Random examples of profitable niches: Home beer making kits, buying cryptocurrency, collecting modern art, learn to speak a language, anti wrinkle treatments, vape kits, self publishing, domain name investing (y), website reseller hosting, family ancestory, D.N.A kits, credit card applications, life insurance, home energy swap, starting a business. Practically anything that people want and businesses are selling you can post about and get ad click revenue.​
2. Keywords
Research keyword volume using any of the free keyword volume tools. The keywords should be relevant to the niche you have chosen and the country and language that you are targeting. Try to choose transactional keywords. Why? Because users looking to buy things are more likely to click your ads. You can get many visitors for some keywords that are informational not transactional. Also with keywords you want to identify short tail and long tail. Why? Because later on your blog posts will be targeting long tail keywords and over time you will rank for the shorter keywords. Once you are more advanced it's a good idea to pay for your software and it will remove the limits. But if you are strapped for cash you can find many good free tools. Remember that these tools are most often providing search volume based on loose estimates from indexed keyword rankings. Take the data with a pinch of salt. It's variable. You won't know what's what until your website is ranked on search engines and getting traffic.​
3. Domain name
Register a good name that includes your keywords (it doesn't have to but it's easier). Try to use .com T.L.D. if you can but ultimately the content and structure of your website is more important that your domain name. After all a domain name is just an address. But an address that looks the part will attract more visitors on the same street than an address that doesn't look the part. One or two word names in .com or your local c.c.T.L.D. is the best solution. You can find an expired domain name or buy one. Just do your proper research on the name. You can also lease a domain name instead of buying it, or lease to buy. There's got to be someone on Namepros you can do a deal with.​
4. Hosting
Connect your domain name to a reliable hosting provider and activate your S.S.L. certificate. If you are developing many domain names it's a good idea to buy multi-site hosting. Check what's included in the hosting package carefully. Some web hosting companies give you hosting plus S.S.L. plus mailboxes all for one monthly fee. Other web hosting companies make you pay extra. Also check the customer reviews for the hosting company. If it has bad customer service reviews don't touch it with a barge pole.​
5. C.M.S.
You can use any most of the C.M.S. available including Wix, Wordpress, Joomla, Drupal, Blogger or if you have programming skills you can code it yourself. The two very important things from your customer's angle is speed and usability. Speed means that your website loads very fast on all devices. Usability is a broad term that includes customers being able to access your website from any device and perform all the required functions. If your website is slow and doesn't operate on smartphones then don't expect it to rank well in search engines.​
6. Theme
Activate your website's theme. Choosing a good theme is not the easiest of tasks. No theme is perfect. You should look for a theme that has good ratings and built by a professional company. If you are using Wordpress many themes have a free version to start you off and a pro version for around $ 50 if you want to unlock more features and get support from the creators. It's very much trial and error. Try not to spend too much time choosing a theme. Better to start posting and change your theme later.​
7. Customisation
Customising your theme shouldn't take more than one day but it's very important you cover the basics. You need a professional looking logo even if it's plain text. Most new customers will glance at your logo automatically just to remove a red flag. Look at the Namepros logo. It's simple, professional and tells you exactly what to expect on the site. Other customisations are the favicon which is becoming more and more important. Again look at the Namepros favicon for inspiration. nP. Very simple but recognisable and professional. You don't need to complicated it. There are too many other customisation to list now but you can find them in search engines or ask.​
8. Menu
Create your main menu with the main pages that will be on your site. Too few menu items looks weird and too many menu items looks cluttered. Go for 5, 6, 7 or 8 menu items. Again I'm taking the easy route and using Namepros as an example. There are 8 menu options which is perfect. Home, News, Buy Domains, Sell Domains, Requests, Appraisals, Blog, Chat. You can add or remove menu items depending on what you think your customer needs and doesn't need. There's no right and wrong. It's very much trial and error. Look on similar sites to see what menu items they have. All sites are different but the most important ones will be on most sites in your niche.​
9. Publishing
When your website is all set up you should publish one blog post every day. Start by creating a simple blog post template that you can find in search engines. You can either create and post a new blog entry every day but what some people do is create 30 blog entries all in one go and set them to publish daily for one month. Your life is so much easier this way but the choice its yours. Why post daily? Because one post a day will keep updating the publish dates on your X.M.L. site map which will in turn ping updates to all the search engine you want to rank in. Another update. Another update. Another update. This is what gets your website ranked in search engines. Then the search engine calculates which updates are good and which updates are sh-t. The good ones get shown to customers searching for relevant keywords. The sh-t updates are either ignored or put on search results pages that almost nobody visits like page 2, page 3, page 4. If your updates are on one of these pages it means they are sh-t compared to what's on page 1. In this scenario you want to compare your website against the page one websites and see how you can improve. Every time you change something and search engines re-index your website they give you a new score. You need to improve this score over time. I think that's how it works.​
10. Search Engines
If you set up your website properly if will have an account with Google Search Console where you can submit your X.M.L. sitemap. X.M.L. site page lists all the content you have allowed search engines to see. Most people only need to submit their website's X.M.L. site map once and it will automatically get crawled after that. Some people get impatient and manually submit their X.M.L. site map to Google for faster indexing in search results. You can do this if you want but it's optional. Generally with search engines just follow their rules and guidelines and you'll be fine. Most search engines have a help website you can search end find like a checklist of ways to improve your website for search engines.​
11. Traffic
If you've followed all the steps so far you start to see visitors come to your websites from search engines. Your tracking software will tell you what the most popular pages and blog posts are and many other things like what country your customers are in, what kind of device they are using and so many other things. Try not to get too distracted by all the data. Most importantly is you want to see your traffic steadily increasing, as well as the number of pages viewed per visit and length of time customers spend on your website. Remember we talked about good updates and sh-t update? Well if you improve your metrics its how to tell search engines that your website is sending good updates. You can also increase traffic through nowadays through many other methods but social media is one of the best. Look on search engines for how to do this. The main point about traffic is quality beats quantity every time. Thrill your customers with a great user experience and they will naturally want to engage engage. Or disappoint your customers with sh-t content and badly designed website and they will throw you the pooey end of the stick.​
12. Ads
You're all set up with a professional looking website which maybe took you a month to get bang on. Your website is indexed in search engines and getting lots of new and returning customers. This might have taken you another month. So you're 60 days into this dark cosmic void of wonder and now it's time to include some advertisements. Don't do it too early. Be patient and choose the right time. There's all the information you needs about ads in search engines. Key points are make sure the adverts you post are highly relevant to your customers. They will be much more likely to click and make a transaction. Don't just whack on a skyscraper banner and expect gold coins to start magically rolling down the hill and into your trouser pockets. It doesn't work like that. Really think about how you will integrate your ads to best serve your customers and bring you some bangers and mash.​
13. Clicks
If you've done everything right you will get ad clicks. It's the end step on a logical process that starts with research and ends with commission. You obviously want to make sure the money you spend on your domain name is less than the money you receive in ad click revenue. But some people also factor their time in to the equation. That's up to you but here's a simple calculation of year one expenses and profit. You paid $ 50 for your domain name. Then you paid $ 50 for hosting which included free S.S.L. All your software was free. Total expenses $ 100. A ton. $ 1 daily ad clicks for 10 months is $ 300. Your profit is $ 200 in year one less your liabilities for tax. Two tons. $ 1 daily ad revenue is kind of the bottom end. It should really get to $10 or $20 daily ad revenue which could land you with $ 1000 or $ 2000 or more (or less). If you get confident buy better domain names which probably cost you more. Start paying for automation software that save your time. Successful people with good domain names that are properly setup and monetised can earn upwards of $ 50000 per year.​
Thanks to Namepros and everyone who contributes on the forum for being awesome.​
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I think I used the wrong term, I meant public domain as in a website being published and publicly viewable. Anyone visiting your website can steal your idea, implement it themselves, make it better, etc. I agree actually stealing content or users is a big No-No.
You can steal a website's content but not it's domain authority. Spam assassins don't normally operate authority websites so it's much harder for them to be successful. I agree with you that stealing other people's content is not a clever idea.
Sorry you had to go through this. But since the website is live and public domain, couldn't any visitor already clone it/steal the idea? Does sharing/discussing it here make it any more prone? Other than perhaps more experienced people here trying to steal? IMO the #1 priority is securing the best domain name you can for naming/branding.

making up an example --- owning cars.com vs someone cloning the idea but with the domain name cars4less.com, they can steal all they want but if you have the more preferred domain name, less worry.
What happened to me, I stupidly said ‘this site is making money’ and I explained how, someone then regged an exact match of my domain name and scraped all my content and put a site up within a week. So my desire to help was the impetus for some moron to register a specific domain name and then try to steal my traffic and sales. Had I kept the information helpful but generic, I would not have exposed my domain to competition - at least not at that level.
What happened to me, I stupidly said ‘this site is making money’ and I explained how, someone then regged an exact match of my domain name and scraped all my content and put a site up within a week. So my desire to help was the impetus for some moron to register a specific domain name and then try to steal my traffic and sales. Had I kept the information helpful but generic, I would not have exposed my domain to competition - at least not at that level.
Exactly. You can create a professional looking website within ten minutes from registering a domain name. Someone with a whole week and mid level website development skills could easily replicate most niche websites within a week. Then they could quickly find out the most popular pages using a range of free S.E.O. tools and start siphoning off the traffic. Domains are cheap. Hosting is affordable. Templates are free. Most software is free or dirt price. The only real barrier is time because most people need to work in order to pay for things. Anyway enough rambling. Here's my tip of the day. Stockapp.co.uk expired. U.K. search volume is 2400 with a whopping £ 15.06 per click. Could be used by an e-commerce software provider (like https://www.stockapp.africa), a stock app software provider (like https://play.google.com/store/search?q=stock&c=apps) or developed into a trading app (like https://stockapps.com). I know next to zero about stocks so it doesn't interest me enough to buy. Just sitting there on the table like an uneaten Cadbury's Creme Egg. Might already be eaten.

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Exactly. You can create a professional looking website within ten minutes from registering a domain name. Someone with a whole week and mid level website development skills could easily replicate most niche websites within a week. Then they could quickly find out the most popular pages using a range of free S.E.O. tools and start siphoning off the traffic. Domains are cheap. Hosting is affordable. Templates are free. Most software is free or dirt price. The only real barrier is time because most people need to work in order to pay for things. Anyway enough rambling. Here's my tip of the day. Stockapp.co.uk expired. U.K. search volume is 2400 with a whopping £ 15.06 per click. Could be used by an e-commerce software provider (like https://www.stockapp.africa), a stock app software provider (like https://play.google.com/store/search?q=stock&c=apps) or developed into a trading app (like https://stockapps.com). I know next to zero about stocks so it doesn't interest me enough to buy. Just sitting there on the table like an uneaten Cadbury's Creme Egg. Might already be eaten.


On the other hand, if your talking about selling a "how to" you should be able to cite examples.
if your talking about selling a "how to" you should be able to cite examples
I'm not "selling" anything on Namepros. Just here trying to learn how to be a better domainer through sharing what I know and asking for help with what I don't know. I can give you plenty of examples of successful niche websites to look at. Name a category.
I'm not "selling" anything on Namepros. Just here trying to learn how to be a better domainer through sharing what I know and asking for help with what I don't know. I can give you plenty of examples of successful niche websites to look at. Name a category.

Didn't you say you were going to write an e-book on this topic?
Didn't you say you were going to write an e-book on this topic?
Happy World UFO Day. I'm compiling part 2 of domain name monetisation guide. It's going to be a step by step check list of actions you can take to start generating ad revenue from your domain names. Expecting to publish the e-book this month but it's a lot of work and I'm running a full time domain name monetisation business at the same time! Please post here before National Simplicity Day (July 12 in appreciation of Henry David Thoreau) if you would like any specific information to be included. Cheers.
Fair point @mr-x. So this is exactly what I said six months ago on July 2nd 2021 "Expecting to publish the e-book this month but it's a lot of work and I'm running a full time domain name monetisation business at the same time!" I can see how it might look like I'm baiting future sales. But my intention was to create a free e-book not a paid one. I'm not a professional author or an expert in any field. My idea for the domain name monetisation guide was to be a step-by-step manual I, you and other domainers can follow. Ended up being exactly that. A time consuming idea. No plan or action yet. Sorry if my message was misleading.
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Fair point @mr-x. So this is exactly what I said six months ago on July 2nd 2021 "Expecting to publish the e-book this month but it's a lot of work and I'm running a full time domain name monetisation business at the same time!" I can see how it might look like I'm baiting future sales. But my intention was to create a free e-book not a paid one. I'm not a professional author or an expert in any field. My idea for the domain name monetisation guide was to be a step-by-step manual I, you and other domainers can follow. Ended up being exactly that. A time consuming idea. No plan or action yet. Sorry if my message was misleading.

Sorry for assuming.
I want to become a full-time domainer in 2022. No more in-and-out part-time stuff. I considered my main traffic and monetisation strategy for 2022. Asked the question " how will I get regular high-quality traffic and a minimum level of ad revenue from my domain name portfolio this year? " The answer is pillar content. A key body of curated information, free-for-access, often updated. Either a premium re-source I pay for or a free raw re-source already present in the public domain. That is to say something of value for people to find, who are looking ( high searches / month ), categorically organised the data and professionally presented for them in a bite-sized way. With the traffic comes the ads. Careful research into the audience's seasonal spending habits and very specific advertisements at different times in the year. Then repeat.
Thank you for adding this thread to https://www.namepros.com/threads/popular-monetization-discussions.844939/. I am grateful for all the positive comments and also for constructive criticism. In the seven months since I posted this rusty old guide the technology we have access to has developed so much. All around us is free software, free how-to, free video channels, cheap domain names and hosting. It's just down to human motivation whether you want this life or not. I can understand domainers who want this to be a passive income or a side hustle. Same as I get domainers who want this to be their main hustle and main income source. Both are possible. Really guys it isn't that hard (unless you lose motivation which is probably the biggest threat apart from hospitalisation or death). Just be consistent and build it out over time. You DON'T need to pay for a course UNLESS the course is mainstream. By that I mean a Wordpress.org course or a Yoast.com course. Those courses are worth taking and they don't cost your arm or your leg.
I just wanted to reply to @Bravo Mod Team's edit, which while I understand the reasoning for adding, I passionately and logically disagree with. Here I will give specific reasoning to this admittedly bold claim, which I didn't explain fully in the o-p-. Here's the edit: " Follow it all the way through you WILL make money [moderator edit: this is not guaranteed]" and here's why I disagree: Having chosen a profitable niche with high search volume keywords related to the purchase of services and products which provide people with tangible solutions, you go ahead and register a high quality domain name (containing those keywords). You take care of the technical set-up which includes adding hosting, installing your C.M.S. and choose a professional theme. Next you spend time going through all of the plug-ins and theme settings in fine detail and make all the necessary customisations, including creating a clear main menu. Finally you add the bread and butter of your web site which is content, more to the point pillar content, a body of high quality information that a large number of people are actively searching for. You spend allocated time each day updating your pillar content with new pages, posts and features to satisfying your audience. If you have set up your web site correctly there will be a site map in the form of a robots T.X.T. file which you have submitted to search engines. The search engines will crawl this file on a regular basis because you are updating your web site on a regular basis and your web site will be indexed in the search engine indexes. People searching for keyword questions which your pillar content answers will then be served your web pages by the search engines. It is inconceivable that having followed all of these steps your website doesn't attract visitors. Only superior competitor web sites can cause this, and you will mitigate this risk by continuously monitoring your competitors and ensuring your content and web site technology is better than theirs. You will hit milestones. You will get your first visitor. You will get your 10 visitors in a day. You will get your first 100 visitors in a day, and so on and so forth. Once your web site is receiving a steady flow of traffic you will be able to add advertisements to your website. I'm not talking about willy nilly random Adsense advertisements. I'm talking about highly-tailored hand-picked advertisements directly related to solving the problems your customers are searching for. With a high enough volume of traffic your advertisements will be clicked on. That's mathematical logic. There's an average threshold where a number of your visitors will result in advertisement clicks, and an average number of these clicks will result in ad revenue. If you receive 10000 purchase-oriented visitors you will earn advertisement revenue. People click advertisements. I'm not implying you will earn millions or even thousands of dollars but if you have carefully followed all of the steps in this guide it will earn you money. That's guaranteed.
stop time waste.. park all on bodis...u never know when payday comes
stop time waste.. park all on bodis...u never know when payday comes
Come on @alcy where's the fun in that? Variety is the spice of life and all that charade. Create something useful, anything useful. Parking domain names isn't fun.
Come on @alcy where's the fun in that? Variety is the spice of life and all that charade. Create something useful, anything useful. Parking domain names isn't fun.

depends how u see fun... its fun to get parking clicks.. so if making some profit is yer fun then go bodis
... and if u wanna have fun with no profit.. then do.something else..cause it's not always doable.to.make profit while having fun
depends how u see fun... its fun to get parking clicks.. so if making some profit is yer fun then go bodis
... and if u wanna have fun with no profit.. then do.something else..cause it's not always doable.to.make profit while having fun
I'm having fun with you right now, while at the same time savaging into a bacon and egg omelette while earning profit from advertisement clicks on my developed domain names. Ooh another $ 5 click. Thank you very much. Think I'll have a stretch now.
I'm having fun with you right now, while at the same time savaging into a bacon and egg omelette while earning profit from advertisement clicks on my developed domain names. Ooh another $ 5 click. Thank you very much. Think I'll have a stretch now.

looks to me like u found the endless easy cash grail fountain..

by the time yer bacon gone u probably gonna be.millionaire..

what's next a.book? cause everyone knowing secret to millons needs to make cash off.a.book of.course

I guess with 5usd clicks per minut per domain... this mean u done domain selling too...oh well was nice meet ya
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looks to me like u found the endless easy cash grail fountain..

by the time yer bacon gone u probably gonna be.millionaire..

what's next a.book? cause everyone knowing secret to millons needs to make cash off.a.book of.course

I guess with 5usd clicks per minut per domain... this mean u done domain selling too...oh well was nice meet ya
You are very clever and also provide everyone with a high level of entertainment. I am not millionaire and I could care less about money except where it buys happiness. Money DOES buy happiness when things that make you happy cost money. Your home. Your location. Your clothes. Your books. Your technology. Your car. Cars. Vehicles. There's an interesting subject related to domain names. Cars / vehicles (domain names). Car / vehicle investors (domainers). Ways to make money from cars / vehicles? (ways to make money from domain names).
  1. Sell vehicle at market value (sell domain name at market value)
  2. Flip vehicle for quick profit (flip domain name for quick profit)
  3. Lease vehicle (lease domain name)
  4. Hold classic vehicle for future sale (hold domain name for future sale)
  5. Develop vehicle for sale (develop domain name for sale)
  6. Break vehicle for scrap (sell domain in bargain basement)
  7. Use vehicle for taxi business (use domain name for taxi web site)
  8. Use vehicle for delivery business (use domain name for delivery web site)
  9. Use vehicle to promote a business (use domain name to promote a business)
  10. Use vehicle as an office space (use domain name for e-mail)
  11. Lease vehicle as an office space (lease domain name for e-mail accounts)
  12. Sell things from vehicles (sell things from domain names)
  13. Run radio show from vehicle (run podcast from domain name)
You see, my wise friend, there are many ways to make money from cars / vehicles apart from selling them. Just as there are many ways to make money from domain names apart from selling them. Agree or disagree? Answers on a post card.
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You are very clever and also provide everyone with a high level of entertainment. I am not millionaire and I could care less about money except where it buys happiness. Money DOES buy happiness when things that make you happy cost money. Your home. Your location. Your clothes. Your books. Your technology. Your car. Cars. Vehicles. There's an interesting subject related to domain names. Cars / vehicles (domain names). Car / vehicle investors (domainers). Ways to make money from cars / vehicles? (ways to make money from domain names).
  1. Sell vehicle at market value (sell domain name at market value)
  2. Flip vehicle for quick profit (flip domain name for quick profit)
  3. Lease vehicle (lease domain name)
  4. Hold classic vehicle for future sale (hold domain name for future sale)
  5. Develop vehicle for sale (develop domain name for sale)
  6. Break vehicle for scrap (sell domain in bargain basement)
  7. Use vehicle for taxi business (use domain name for taxi web site)
  8. Use vehicle for delivery business (use domain name for delivery web site)
  9. Use vehicle to promote a business (use domain name to promote a business)
  10. Use vehicle as an office space (use domain name for e-mail)
  11. Lease vehicle as an office space (lease domain name for e-mail accounts)
  12. Sell things from vehicles (sell things from domain names)
  13. Run radio show from vehicle (run podcast from domain name)
You see, my wise friend, there are many ways to make money from cars / vehicles apart from selling them. Just as there are many ways to make money from domain names apart from selling them. Agree or disagree? Answers on a post card.

tnx sir I do try my best.. takes one to know one ... money doesnt buy happy.. since happy is an inner peace which is the empty spaces between thoughts which is god and the voice of silence.

however it does help to have money to cover basic needs. food shelter etc.

then of course it also depends if ones desire is to rule world. because various people desire various things. sadly to rule world one does need money. a lot of it.

so really it all depends on our ambitions

well I assume u came to.domaining and work on getting all these clicks cause u want or need some money...so I'm just gonna be happy for ya that it's going in right direction

that being said I have no clue how to.develop sites for clicks etc. so i park all on bodis. nothing to lose as I still get huge forsale banner on top.

i only make 100 to 200usd per month from my 1k folio. but it's also definitely fun. cause u never know which name may fire up one day..or just have traffic after regging... I reg all names off expired. dont buy on markets.

for instance an io name I owned for few.yrs... high quality crypto name... just a day ago started go insane for me... many clicks and visits.. it made 75usd yesterday ..and 85 in half day today. an absolute record for me on a per domain basis. I hope it lasts. but often it doesnt. I know there are people who make 5 and 6fig per month from parking. but it's different breed with great names and years of training...

this is why I always recommend everyone put names on park...after trying em all bodis is the best for it.

may i ask what u make about from yer domain monetize metods?
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tnx sir I do try my best.. takes one to know one ... money doesnt buy happy.. since happy is an inner peace which is the empty spaces between thoughts which is god and the voice of silence.
Happiness is subjective. For me all this inner peace nonsense is gobbledeegook. No offence to your inner peace. I'd be happy with a king size swimming pool, which costs money to build and maintain. Other people might be happy lighting candles and holding hands. As I said happiness is subjective.
however it does help to have money to cover basic needs. food shelter etc.
It doesn't just help, it's imperative in our capitalist system.
then of course it also depends if ones desire is to rule world. because various people desire various things. sadly to rule world one does need money. a lot of it.
God apparently rules the world and doesn't have any money..
well I assume u came to.domaining and work on getting all these clicks cause u want or need some money...so I'm just gonna be happy for ya that it's going in right direction
Thank you brother.
that being said I have no clue how to.develop sites for clicks etc. so i park all on bodis. nothing to lose as I still get huge forsale banner on top.
It's ridiculously easy. There are free guides all over the internet.
i only make 100 to 200usd per month from my 1k folio. but it's also definitely fun. cause u never know which name may fire up one day..or just have traffic after regging... I reg all names off expired. dont buy on markets.
Quality names get quality traffic and clicks. Just a thought.
for instance an io name I owned for few.yrs... high quality crypto name... just a day ago started go insane for me... many clicks and visits.. it made 75usd yesterday ..and 85 in half day today. an absolute record for me on a per domain basis. I hope it lasts. but often it doesnt. I know there are people who make 5 and 6fig per month from parking. but it's different breed with great names and years of training...
Well done for your success and thanks for sharing it.
may i ask what u make about from yer domain monetize metods?
It fluctuates depending how much time and real work I commit. Best month ever was over $ 4000 worst month ever was below $ 500. My Achilles Heel is consistency. I have all the other tools and skills required to be a full-time domainer. Just need to be ruthlessly consistent.
Happiness is subjective. For me all this inner peace nonsense is gobbledeegook. No offence to your inner peace. I'd be happy with a king size swimming pool, which costs money to build and maintain. Other people might be happy lighting candles and holding hands. As I said happiness is subjective.

It doesn't just help, it's imperative in our capitalist system.

God apparently rules the world and doesn't have any money..

Thank you brother.

It's ridiculously easy. There are free guides all over the internet.

Quality names get quality traffic and clicks. Just a thought.

Well done for your success and thanks for sharing it.

It fluctuates depending how much time and real work I commit. Best month ever was over $ 4000 worst month ever was below $ 500. My Achilles Heel is consistency. I have all the other tools and skills required to be a full-time domainer. Just need to be ruthlessly consistent.

domainers are clever folk..with all kinds.skills..writing .. negotiating.. intuition...sometimes good.gamblers hehehe etc..

well for an avg of say 2k per month I'd say that's great for yer developed sites..
many do not makes this.from.domain sales.. and very few.do that amount in parking..

how many hours per.month about does this 2k cost u?

what's the one big thing u wish u knew b4 doing this..like a mistake...maybe I will.try to learn. but u know what they say.. there isnt any easy ones... all is just time and hard.work....so putting it in one place means u wont put it.in another..
domainers are clever folk..with all kinds.skills..writing .. negotiating.. intuition...sometimes good.gamblers hehehe etc..
Would, for the average domainer, you say investing in crypto is more or less of a gamble than selling domain names? Going off topic slightly but kinda related fields.
well for an avg of say 2k per month I'd say that's great for yer developed sites..
many do not makes this.from.domain sales.. and very few.do that amount in parking..
It's not that much money when you break down $ 2000 into $ 66 / day. Say you have ten sites then each one needs only to earn $ 6,60 / day. If you are on top of your game that's not really a difficult target.
how many hours per.month about does this 2k cost u?
I'm on it average 2,5 hours / day. I know this for a fact because I keep a record how long spent every day developing my websites. By hours I mean actual real work. Not researching, learning, emailing and so on and so forth but actually doing something that makes a difference at the front end. I tried to outsource some pillar content but for my budget I couldn't find a writer who understands S.E.O. at an advanced level. Not keyword stuffing and waffle but real powerful and highly-optimised content. You need to pay more for that. A lot more. So I do it myself and develop templates as I go along to save time each time.
what's the one big thing u wish u knew b4 doing this..like a mistake...
Two things. First is to start with a foundational knowledge of project management. There are many free courses you can take. Second is consistency. If I get bored or distracted my web site development grinds to a halt. In this game you can not afford to stand still. So I need to become more robotic and less temperamental. At the same time I treat it like a video game because it's kinda similar to finding some land, building a theme park and making it profitable. I'm not always passionate about my web site content. But I really love to find other web sites and beat them on G. That's fun. Like a stealth war between U.S.A. and Russia only a few people understand and can appreciate the intricacies of. Why play a video game when you can play people on G rankings and also get paid?
maybe I will.try to learn. but u know what they say.. there isnt any easy ones... all is just time and hard.work....so putting it in one place means u wont put it.in another..
Consistency and simplicity. Do simple things consistently well and you will surely achieve much success at this game and in this life.
4. Hosting
Connect your domain name to a reliable hosting provider and activate your S.S.L. certificate. If you are developing many domain names it's a good idea to buy multi-site hosting. Check what's included in the hosting package carefully. Some web hosting companies give you hosting plus S.S.L. plus mailboxes all for one monthly fee. Other web hosting companies make you pay extra. Also check the customer reviews for the hosting company. If it has bad customer service reviews don't touch it with a barge pole.​

i would like to add the possibility of Free web hosting since nowdays there are many hosting services provide a free static web hosting

and since it's a static (html) website you have 2 choices :
1 - learn html css & javascript + SEO -> so you can add html pages manually and improve your design over time.
2 - create an API -> you will be able to push to many websites at the same time & fetch data using javascript

for example : i just deployed my github repo using a digitalocean Free github app (which provide 100 free deploye per repo for a static website)
pros : it's free for life.
cons : free plans are always limited and not suitable for lot of editing nor adding posts

Thanks for sharing your helpful information.
I'm on it average 2,5 hours / day. I know this for a fact because I keep a record how long spent every day developing my

I just spent four hours implementing an API to block scrapers and spammers on one website. I can leverage that code for other websites but I'm still about two weeks behind schedule.
I just spent four hours implementing an API to block scrapers and spammers on one website. I can leverage that code for other websites but I'm still about two weeks behind schedule.
Tremendous credit. It's you against the world !!
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