
discuss Get ready a major explosion in .info numeric sales! About to pop!

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It's about time for numerics .info to explode very very soon. I personally think it's the sleeper horse in all of this and that it will rival .net and .com before it's over. A lot of great patterns in 5n .info just sitting there like a sitting duck.

Get ready for a massive run on .info, in my opinion. Possibly the biggest yet.

Best of luck to all!
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Hi Mokum, tell that to the thousansd of numeric sales, and the Chinese. I see the people who "liked" your post, and those are the very people who also buy numerics. Go figure.
.info first year pricing is maybe cheap, but after the first year you will have to drop them as renewal price is way to high.
Can you give me any example of an end user, who is willing to fork over extra cash to buy these 5 number .info's.? If there are no end users, you just take the gamble for re-sellers willing to move the market. Moreover the market can only be moved in the direction you want if in the 3 & 4 number .info names is true end-user interest. Something i not see. sorry....
People start threads around here, and hype their's, etc.... I simply pointed one out that actually makes sense to people. I'm not speculating nearly as much as most people are around here. People can do what they want. People are spending a ton of money in various .com numerics trying to guess what's next. Well, with 5n .info wideopen with great patterns, and for only $3.17, I call it a very wise move and a perfect match. There has been a clear pattern of numerics sweeping the original extensions one by one. The outside investors can move in shortly on this oneand pick up the crumbs. Or would you prefer to pick up the crumbs like normal?

Nothing wrong whatsoever with, etc .... This is just quick move in a small area that's "temporarily" open. And people should continue to explore other buys. I know I will, if it makes sense.

Just remember, the fewer there are available in an area, the better.
Mokum, I can give you an example of end users for numerics. Ready? All of Asia and Europe. They use numerics for websites. Have you not seen the numeric sales? Who is going to use for a website? Who is going to use 6n .com for a site? Asia, and specifically China, and a lot of Europe. Where have you been man? We buy, and export, like any other products.
Funny, I just did a random search on a 5n .info, and randomly picked I did the WHO IS, and it was bought by a person in China on 11/18, just 5 days ago. That was the only one I checked at random. The foreign buyers are currently accumulating as predicted. Just be happy that you're all on the front lines and a slight step ahead.
Where have you been man? .
In Asia, for the last 20 years lol
And yes in Thailand for example they use numbers in domain names, but only with a meaning.
examples: many websites use 108 inside the name more or less gives people a strong positive fibe meaning
999 is also used as that resembles the purity of gold here.
But just some numbers as you show... hilarious......
How does 5N info compare to .top I wonder? Seems the Asian folk jumped all over that extension in preference?
I'm not sure HD. .top isn't available for reg in the U.S. Don't know much about it. You're the expert in those areas.

Mokum, good answer lol. Can't argue with that.

I'm slightly disappointed, in that I just went back through to grab some more good ones I was eyeing earlier, and a lot of them have now disappeared. Great... teaches me to open my big mouth too early. :laugh:

I missed a lot of good ones.
Are you kidding? Of course .Top is available at Dynadot for everyone. Point was for some reason that extension seems more popular than .info, even though it's brand new?
what about those Chinese new extensions like:
I bet that within 1 year there will be many new Chinese extensions to feed the frenzy. Making your .info even less than worthless. As we are talking about the fact that only Chinese are interested in the numeric domains. (a bit weird also, but thats unrelated with this tread.)
Like I said HD, you're the expert. I'm still just a Godaddy guy, and not avail there.
Like I said HD, you're the expert. I'm still just a Godaddy guy, and not avail there.

I have most of my names at Godaddy as it gives me the chance to sell via their aftermarket, but when it comes to new extensions, Dynadot are definitely cheaper, not expert, just budget wise
what about those Chinese new extensions like:
I bet that within 1 year there will be many new Chinese extensions to feed the frenzy. Making your .info even less than worthless. As we are talking about the fact that only Chinese are interested in the numeric domains. (a bit weird also, but thats unrelated with this tread.)

There was a Chinese gent in one of the threads stating these are not that popular yet? Preference still goes to .com
HD, give me your opinion on this. Or anyone can chime in. Which of the two domains is a better buy - -or-

Two pair with 8's high, OR, do you go with 3 of a kind with the 9's? Curious to know what you think.

I think most will say the first example two 8's and double 2's plus 18 would be considered lucky
Another question for you HD. I want to test the waters soon and list a .info at auction.

Would you say that is better than both of those?

No I wouldn't, I don't think any of them actually suit the extension
Looking good. Look at these doubles still available.. 58822, 58811, 38811, 18877, 68811, 78822, 18822
Looking good. Look at these doubles still available.. 58822, 58811, 38811, 18877, 68811, 78822, 18822
Do you mind sharing how many 5n Infos you've acquired? If not, no worries.

I think they'll be bought out eventually .... I'm just not sure when.
I think i have only around 50.
No. I had i bought around month ago and just sold it for $50. I'm tracking 6 4n .info sales right now and the avg bid is around $25 - $30 with 3 days left on them. A lot can happen in 3 days, plus they only cost $2.99.
I think 5n "premium" will be where the demand is. In other words, 5n may not need to be bought out for awhile for the premium 5n's to have quite a bit of value. The 5n premiums may be bought out very soon. Once the premiums are a bought out we should see a spike in prices. Once they're all bought out even better, but not necessary or rush. It will happen once the rush hits, and it will happen fast. I'm predicting a shift to 5n on the original extensions. people like short numerics.
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