
Frank Schilling's brother-in-law makes $35 grand his first year domaining!

Spaceship Spaceship
So I was reading a post from Morgan Linton today and it got me wondering. If Frank Schilling was my brother in law and I had access to his domainer brain 24 hours a day how much money would I make my first year domaining?

How much do you think?

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that's true, hard to compare unless we have all the pieces.

did he sell one name for $34k and another for $1k?

how many names did he buy to sell $35k worth?

is that net or gross dollars?

what was his turn rate?

How much total capital spent to get $35k?

What was the average sale price?

What was the average mark up?

inbound/outbound marketing?

a lot of questions to be answered before anyone can evaluate his experience.
that's true, hard to compare unless we have all the pieces.

did he sell one name for $34k and another for $1k?

how many names did he buy to sell $35k worth?

is that net or gross dollars?

what was his turn rate?

How much total capital spent to get $35k?

What was the average sale price?

What was the average mark up?

inbound/outbound marketing?

a lot of questions to be answered before anyone can evaluate his experience.
Wondering if he has a namepros profile! Should have if he's reading so much as stated in the tweet!
If I have comprehended correctly, he had $500 or less in the domains and flipped them for $35k. Says a mix of hand regs in the group of domains. For those of you that are very successful in what you do you know that it is rare to just be given the money/success. No, you work for it. If Frank in a few weeks rolls out the book to make thousands domaining part time, then this is likely a farce! But if brother in law really did it, I doubt Frank just bought the domains to inflate prices!
not sure that's what was meant - i think its names he acquired for $500 or less each - not $500 total

or at least that's how i read it
not sure what that was meant - i think its names he acquired for $500 or less each.

or at least that's how i read it
Okay, I read it as 500 total. Ofcourse 500 each would be more realistic;)
too many unknowns and variables to analyze anyways... but if he netted $35k - great job all in all
If I have comprehended correctly, he had $500 or less in the domains and flipped them for $35k. Says a mix of hand regs in the group of domains. For those of you that are very successful in what you do you know that it is rare to just be given the money/success. No, you work for it. If Frank in a few weeks rolls out the book to make thousands domaining part time, then this is likely a farce! But if brother in law really did it, I doubt Frank just bought the domains to inflate prices!

it may be a pre-emptive marketing promo...only time will tell :sneaky:
it may be a pre-emptive marketing promo...only time will tell :sneaky:
I think Stevie Wonder sees that coming! Hope it is just a legit share though!
Sorry to tell you that your feeling is not true
It is not easy even with 15 years experience in domaining to turn 10k$ into 35k$
Always a problem... Lots of problems

If you make it in the first year، so you just win the lottery. Big beginner luck
It is easy... with $10k you can make that $35-$50k in a market that does HugeDomains and co is not present...
Yeah and the top escort in new york city made more. Anything is possible.
I made about $22K in profit in my first year.

This is my second year now.
"Excusing away" the success of others is not the path to success :)
Being FRANK´s brother in-law he shold have made at list $100K in pure profit ... :)
I made about $22K in profit in my first year.

This is my second year now.
Very good!(y) How much money did you invest in your names and how many names you're holding - if willing to share?
I am willing to be that he didn't make that money in .link names. :xf.grin:
Very good!(y) How much money did you invest in your names and how many names you're holding - if willing to share?
Much less. Here are a few examples: bought for mid 3 figs flipped for $2,500 in just a few days. bought for mid 3 figs sold for $5,500.
2word domain bought for low xxx sold for $3,000 in a week. sold for $11k bought for low 4 figs. ..
All of these sold to investors and these are all flips.

Sold several $20-$100 domains for low-mid 3 figs to endusers via outbound. Many other for low 4 figs.

I also have another sales to endusers but these are the most profit ones.

This year has been really busy for me due to college work (still busy) but I'm hoping to make $35K+ in profit this year.

Good luck to everyone else.
I completely disagree with people here saying if he started with 10k or $100 it does not matter. Of course it matters!! Going from 10k to 35k in one year is good. Maybe he spent 300K and made 335K. We do not really know. If u spend time on domaining and do not make 35 K a year u doing something really wrong. This whole thing is Guessing game. We do not know any details.
That's great to see free publicity on twitter for domaining and beginners.

However, I would bet all were .COM

It would be a better promotion for whateveregistry if he said that his brother in law bought into the snakeoil sales program and sold a bunch of his new Gtld's to end users!

That, would be real news.
I feel like if you start with $10k, you can make $35k in a year almost no problem in this industry.

Not sure what he started with or any other details.

That would be true if you have the 10K, plus the knowledge/experience and a little luck. Recently, there was a guy here, beginner, who purchased over 2000 domains (worth over $20,000?) in 4 months, domains everyone agreed were really really bad. Without exception. :)
35K is is profit or total revenue?
Also if we don't know what the INITIAL INVESTMENT WAS then it's just propaganda :))
Did he initial invest 1k? or 100k? lol
So yeah nothing impressing here unless we get more details.
if I took more low ball offers I would have made that...trying the rick schwartz method...I love namebio for ideas and trends
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