
alert Beware of greedy member

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DomainsWeb.comTop Member
Hi everyone,

Beware of this new member who created this thread

I discussed with him about some of his domains and he agreed to sell some of his domains and kept changing his stance multiple times on selling those domains, availability and prices as well. I've blocked this guy at WhatsApp and wanted to inform you guys to avoid dealing with this cheap and greedy person.

It's a risk to do business with him. You never know that you'll pay the agreed amount + escrow fees and later he backs out, you'll end up losing at least the escrow fees and your valuable time.

Thanks for reading and be careful whom to deal with around.
The views expressed on this page by users and staff are their own, not those of NamePros.
this just a guess. If the person weren't new to the forum, and domain selling, Mods may have intervened, but with that said, had that been the case then Abdul probably wouldn't haven't posted. the issue is, people have entered this forum that have had bad intentions, to many people through the years, so when a BRAND "NEW" member comes here, if something is off, someone will be telling it, it's nothing new and has gone on since i joined the forum in 2005. Abdul was giving a heads up on "His" situation - observation and his opinion with this brand new member and potential seller. Abdul didn't say the new member was trying to scam or anything of the likes.
Indeed so why do the post?
Unnecessary and purposefully calculated to harm another person. The exact definition of doxxing.
It shows no integrity and certainly no emotional intelligence.

To be a shark by definition is to have no morals and ethics otherwise he would have deleted his posts / asked mods to but he carried on naming and shaming.
wow.. well.. Abdulbasit definitely has morals and ethics, you can not be a seller and buyer of Abdul magnitude and not have those. it's hardly possible to survive in the domain industry if you don't have good morals and ethics.
Abdulbasit definitely has morals and ethics

A person with morals and ethics surely would have made efforts to amend this thread and rectify the harm their over-emotional and subsequent unnecessary-actions have caused by now.

In fairness, I guess some folks are slower than others to realize their mistakes and finding the necessary fortitude to own up to his actions may be difficult if blinded by a massively inflated ego.

Until that happens, Abdul's morals and ethics are rightfully questionable at best. imo
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Indeed so why do the post?
Unnecessary and purposefully calculated to harm another person. The exact definition of doxxing.
like i said, maybe to give people a heads up before beginning negotiation with this seller, it's not a post i haven't seen many times here.
A person with morals and ethics surely would have made efforts to amend this thread and rectify the harm their over-emotional and subsequent unnecessary-actions have caused.

But in fairness, some folks are slower than others to realize their mistakes and find the fortitude to own up to their actions may be difficult if being blocked by a massively inflated ego.

Until that happens, Abdul's morals and ethics are rightfully questionable at best. imo
what harm, please explain ... the post won't devalue the sellers domain names, it won't keep people who want to purchase the names from entering into negotiations with the seller, for example, if i were interested in what the seller has, i personally would contact them, if i liked the names and were able to come to an agreement on price, i would buy the names, however, after the post, i would probably be aware about negotiations with the said seller, nothing more
what harm, please explain ...

Not everything is about the harm of a domain name, sometimes the bigger picture is the harm to one's personal digital reputation, that will most likely have far greater effects on ones life than any domain.

You may or may not recall page 1 of this thread:


Abdul Basit's actions basically said,

Hi -- I understand you just joined namePros and that you specifically posted that you're LOOKING FOR GUIDANCE after your uncle recently passed away and left you some domains. Please allow me to give you my fullest #WelcomeToNamePros welcoming by creating a warning thread with "Beware of Greedy + Your Full Name" in the title, and tags. From me to you. Packaged and indexed on Google, and elsewhere online. Enjoy!

If you or Abdul still can't see the harm done, I'm not sure if I'm qualified to help y'all understand better.

Edit Added For Emphasis:
Thank you for the advice. I have no intentions of just throwing these domains away.

I've already received a few ridiculous offers from "sharks", including:

hreq : 50$
pgg : 50$ (org)
Clientsafety : 50$
101e : 50-100$
itscute : 60$
tutorworks : $180
giftkeepers : $100

Please note, if you sent this offer, I am not saying you did anything wrong. I am just hoping to receive some guidance of whether or not these would be conceivably reasonable offers.
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Not everything is about the harm of a domain name, sometimes the bigger picture is the harm to their personal reputation.

You may or may not recall page 1 of this thread:

Show attachment 256644

Abdul Basit's actions basically said,

Hi -- I know you came to namePros looking for advice after your uncle just died and left you some domains, here's your welcome to namePros post from me to you. Packaged and indexed in Google. I hope you enjoy!

If you or Abdul still can't see the harm done, I'm not sure if I'm qualified to help you understand better.
as far as that goes, contact Google and tell them to remove the cached post. you countered with a header doing just the same, using Abdul name on the header. but yes, Abdul shouldn't have used the sellers legal name on the header of the post.
as far as that goes, contact Google and tell them to remove the cached post. you countered with a header doing just the same, using Abdul name on the header. but yes, Abdul shouldn't have used the sellers legal name on the header of the post.
He should never have used the person’s name. He could have referenced the other post. He could have obliquely referenced him.

This was a purposeful act to dox him.
This was a purposeful act to dox him.


I'm not sure how applicable the "Abdul didn't know better" excuse is, as this isn't the first warning/beware thread that Abdul has created:


But at least that time in 2022, Abdul claimed to actually have been scammed, and he posted a lot more evidence (38 screenshots) in his opening post to support that claim.

Can anyone remind us what evidence, or how many screenshots Abdul uploaded to support his shameful/spitefull attempt to name and shame Matthew? Maybe, perhaps it's clear that one of these things is not like the other?
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Free fries I don't think they have that here.
If you have the McDonald's app on your mobile device (and have a valid rewards account), then you can take advantage of the free fries on Friday. I use it occasionally here in Southern California.
Love your enthusiasm here for advocacy, but did you ever ask yourselves if you have been kind. Many a years ago, I asked you a favor, when I was too young to ask help. I asked, please have a look at my domain names, if they were any good. And your kindness was to write back, "do not ever send such shit names to me". Later, I sold many of my domain names way too cheap, simply because it was considered not worthy by someone I respected a lot! Do you even consider consequences, before you throw stones at others? I didn't publicly vent having lost money because someone told my wares were worth shit, and yes! I sold them for pennies, and much less than what I expected. I didn't make an outcry, even if that was a loss for me, but simply kept working. It took me sometime to digest and reflect on your statement, and live in pain over this attitude, that too, expressed by someone who was regarded 'experienced' in the field. There's a saying - When you live in glass houses, don't throw stone at others. It also took me time to accept the fact, its only a name. For now, I am good where I am, and do not expect your reply/statement on this matter onward.

If you are too transparent, kindly make every of your statements, chit-chats, replies, mails public! Which you obviously can't. And, you want to call someone greedy, over a quote of less than 2 figures. By your own admittance, you post news of having sold some random who-even-cares domain for 5 figures, when you had them hand-regged for $$. By such statements and posts, who are you even trying to prove your honesty! And, you want to say you have no greed? You want others to follow you, or be envious of you. Who's the devil here? Any matters pecuniary, unless transacted will not be debatable, PERIOD.
lol, 😂 Most investors are going to say you have shit names, this is a business and those are your competitors
Deals fall through everyday, and pug domains been around for awhile those names was not inherited.
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The seller doxxed himself by joining a forum with his actual name. He made his identity a public record on this forum. The fake outrage in this thread is pathetic.

Its pretty clear several of you have an agenda against Basit and are trying to turn this into some with hunt. Get over yourselves.

Also the staff has changed sellers username -something that is done for no one who doesn’t pay for an advanced membership. He has been made more than whole.
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Deals fall through everyday, and pug domains been around for awhile those names was not inherited.
Pug Domains was his uncle who died recently
Thanks for that. I remember pug in the AD thread. Starting to make sense now 😉
Thanks for that. I remember pug in the AD thread. Starting to make sense now 😉
Pug Died and left his domains in his inheritance
His nephew naively asked for help here where the sharks started circling.
Abdul Doxxed him because he couldn't buy his domains on the cheap.
The seller doxxed himself by joining a forum with his actual name. He made his identity a public record on this forum. The fake outrage in this thread is pathetic.

Its pretty clear several of you have an agenda against Basit and are trying to turn this into some with hunt. Get over yourselves.

Also the staff has changed sellers username -something that is done for no one who doesn’t pay for an advanced membership. He has been made more than whole.
Made more than whole?
His name and the thread are on Google search which is affecting his chances of finding work.

Is that not only immoral and unethical but potentially illegal.

I sincerely hope he initiates a cease and desist
In my eyes, it isn't resolved until the google search index has been fixed.

I find it very distasteful that the moderators closed my original post. Meaning, it can no longer receive any edits or comments -- even after being maliciously targeted by this thread.

I'm impressed that some of you guys have discovered some of my uncle's old activity on this platform. I'm sorta surprised to see he wasn't more active here. (I guess he knew something I didnt)

I liked what someone shared in this thread about cultural differences when it comes to negotiations/business-transactions. I certainly prefer to build a relationship with my customers and handle most correspondence via phone call in my actual professional life. Regardless of where you stand on either side of this dispute, the OP knew of the estate-situation and inexperience, and he chose not to hop on a phone call to discuss a best way to move forward. He wanted to cut the BS and get straight to the transaction. I dont blame him for this.

I just find it disgusting that he would use the word greed and try to downplay the inexperience -- inexperience that I could not have been more upfront about.

Is it greedy that I was unwilling to sell a domain name that was already under a brokerage agreement? Is it greedy that i didnt own one of the domains I agreed to sell? Is it greedy that I wanted to remove one of the domains off of his "Bulk request list" because it had received an offer of 800$ before we had ever come to an agreement? Or is it business? I'll let you decide.

RIP @IdentityDots / Pugdog. You will be missed.

I'm glad I can honor the investments you made for our family.
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Is it greedy that I wanted to remove one of the domains off of his "Bulk request list" because it had received an offer of 800$ before we had ever come to an agreement? Or is it business? I'll let you decide

I think some people may be assuming you sent out a big spreadsheet with buy it now prices. (which didn't happen)

Being somebody who received the spreadsheet, there were NO buy it now prices, or no asking prices.

When Abdul originally contacted you, did he offer his consulting services or offer to buy wholesale? I'm sure he did both.

Did Abdul worry about domainers/brokers buying/representing domains he wanted to buy wholesale? I'm sure Abdul knew OP would receive a bunch of emails, and wanted to force OP in a corner before OP could turn the lights on.

I find it very distasteful that the moderators closed my original post.

Wow! That's odd, I thought you closed it yourself. Why wouldn't the mods at least give you the chance to respond to people who were questioning if you were legit or not?

If nP mods or management hadn't decided to close that original thread on their own would even had the need to create this thread? Or would Abdul just had posted his experience in that original thread?

Maybe mods and nP management have more responsibility to this dumpster fire than they they believe. I'm calling on @Bravo Mod Team or @Paul to conduct a full review of what happened here, to discover where nP may have dropped the ball. IMO, policies may need to be changed, and nP mods/management need to do better. It took them all of 15 minutes to take action and edit both titles after the other thread was created. Whereas this thread stayed up for days unedited prior to that.

Even weirder that mods would close the original thread shortly after namePros blogger @Acroplex had included that thread as the top topic of the week for that week.

Inherited a lot of domains (2500), looking for guidance
Someone's favorite uncle passed, leaving them their domain portfolio to manage. The nephew is looking for help to manage and potentially sell his uncle's domains, as they are busy pursuing a PhD. Reach out if you're able to help.

A nP blogger promoting Matt's original thread one day after he joined nP and posted it, thus pouring more eyes on the thread, yet because namePros couldn't properly moderate the harassment Matt was receiving from other members, nP just opted to close the thread themselves?? ... Or the reason why nP closed Matt's original thread was???
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he changed his username from his real name. Wondering wtf is going on.
The original pugdomains changed his username after AD thread for good reason and it took me a while to finger out what happened to him.
You don’t miss anything do you grilled
Topic by @matthewpataki it shows that in Acro blog post, you can change your username but old links of username will appear as original and link to new name

Hey bruh, I guess you care now eh
I thought we were in your thread, were in Abdul,s thread.
Real dogs breakfast cooking here
The original pugdomains changed his username after AD thread for good reason and it took me a while to finger out what happened to him.

You don’t miss anything do you grilled

I'm not sure I understand what you're talking about. What AD thread? Adam Dicker?

If so, what was the original pug dog username you seem to remember?

It's assumed that @IdentityDots was the original pug dog domainer. ie Matt's uncle, may he RIP.

See @IdentityDots one and only nP post here:

Or a comment here:

I think you may be mistaken. There have been other pug domainers here in the past, but I don't think you're talking about Matt's uncle Robert. Please try to recall, or in the future make sure you have a better recollection before posting things you're unsure about. I'd love for you to post evidence proving otherwise though, just not sure if you can...
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pug domains been around for awhile those names was not inherited.

The original pugdomains changed his username after AD thread for good reason and it took me a while to finger out what happened to him.

You don’t miss anything do you grilled

I think you may be mistaken. There have been other pug domainers here in the past, but I don't think you're talking about Matt's uncle Robert. Please try to recall, or in the future make sure you have a better recollection before posting things you're unsure about. I'd love for you to post evidence proving otherwise though, just not sure if you can...

I think I found why you two were mistaken:

There was once a member here named @PugDomains before he changed his username to @DomainGist.

BUT... the main difference here, besides the fact they're completely two separate people, is I believe @pugdomains (now @DomainGist) is/was from the UK whereas @pugdogdomains and @IdentityDots are from the USA.
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I can appreciate warnings, but when you are using someone's real name (a persons identity life) and blackening their name on the world wide web which can have an affect on a life (future employment etc):-

Show attachment 256551

you have to be scammed in my opinion to justify doing this, was Abdul scammed or did a verbal agreement just fall through?

We are on a forum where many advice others to raise their asking price when interest is shown, sites like HugeDomains raise their prices after interest is shown, I've read occasions where Abdul himself has raised prices during negotiations.

As said unless Abdul's experience with this person cost him money, this thread shouldn't be made and even then I'd argue if the deal fell through in escrow it shouldn't be made, many deals in escrow do fall through not just domains (houses etc), but I would see the justification and sympathy with Abdul a little more if that did happen.
i am agreed with your statement, this person shouldn't mention his real name this now indexed on google and for a little mistake can ruined his future life....
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