
analysis A 3-Letter .com Evaluation Revealing It's Liquidity and Potential End-User

Spaceship Spaceship
I did a three-letter .com evaluation today for a random sequence of letters that happened to match up to multiple financial institution acronyms. If you're interested in this type of evaluation, here's some of the foot notes and takeaways.
Asset Type:
Acronym / Brandable / Short (6-Letters or less)
Note: Three-Letter assets have reseller liquidity and ideal for companies looking for a short brand asset.
Note: There are 17 acronyms for this 3-letter sequence. That gives some direction for end-user possibilities.
Note: Very consistent sales data. It just confirms the market liquidity of 3-Letter .com assets in today's market.
Note: There are a ton more if you use Google Image search for "*** Logo". All potential end-users that could benefit from your short asset.
I think that financial institutions are your ideal end-user target. Banks are moving in to short three and four letter .com's in groves. Research more on banks in the acronyms list and other banks that have the same 3-letter sequence in their brand names.

The hard part is identifying the potential end-user, gathering more research on their specific niche, formulating a presentation, negotiating, and closing.

Your asset does have good reseller liquidity in today's market, however, you will still have to do a lot of leg-work to find the right buyer and apply the hard parts I also mentioned above, which in most cases, investors fail at.
Full Evaluation - VIP/Gold Only
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