
emoji domain usage

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  1. Mark Dorman

    information Emojis in Dot Com Extension DO Exist!

    I want to correct a rumor that Emoji Domains in the Dot Com extension do not exist. They DO exist but are extremely rare. 33 (see list below) were approved and registered prior to ICANN emoji domain restrictions in 2011. These emoji dot com's are fully functional. One of them, .com , is...
  2. Mark Dorman

    information Emojis in Dot Com Extension DO Exist!

    I want to correct a rumor that Emoji Domains in the Dot Com extension do not exist. They DO exist but are extremely rare. 33 (see list below) were approved and registered prior to ICANN emoji domain restrictions in 2011. These emoji dot com's are fully functional. One of them, .com , is...
  3. Alvin Brown

    tips Emoji Marketing Education and Usage with "The Emoji Experts"

    Emoji domains burst onto the scene not long ago with a handful of domain investors, speculators, and hobbyists registering nearly 21,000 .WS emoji domains and a few hundred .TO emoji domains. While the emoji domain craze has subsided with just under 1,500 .WS domains registered (best guess) and...
  4. Alvin Brown

    tips Emoji Marketing Education and Usage with "The Emoji Experts"

    Emoji domains burst onto the scene not long ago with a handful of domain investors, speculators, and hobbyists registering nearly 21,000 .WS emoji domains and a few hundred .TO emoji domains. While the emoji domain craze has subsided with just under 1,500 .WS domains registered (best guess) and...
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