
question What to do with a high grade domain? Go.LA

Spaceship Spaceship
I have been pondering just what to do with 'Go.LA' since acquiring it as I think it is likely to be one of the most valuable domains of it's type, in the 6 figures according to me from the research I have so far done in affiliate marketing field.

Obviously never having been to the US let alone Los Angeles or Louisiana (both of which would be ideal as development potential for the domain) I am not in a position to personally develop the domain name into a worthwhile website. (I should admit rather shamefully that my knowledge of Los Angeles and Louisiana are from TV, film, and newspaper articles - not the best basis on which to think you can develop either a city or county website from in the case of Los Angeles or a State website in the case of Louisiana.)

So I am left with the following options:

- Try and find a developer to build the domain into a site, maintain it, keep it updated and relevant, and be totally trustworthy - and also be on the ground and be in Los Angeles city or county or in the State of Louisiana.

- Just put it up for sale and wat up to 10+ years for the domain to sell at the price I value it at. (I am not concerned about annual renewal fees as that are presently under 80 cents per week, or put another way less than 11 cents a day. I don't think that will break the bank. LOL)

So does anyone know a 'REAL' and appropriate firm of developers who might work on a percentage basis?

If not then I shall keep pondering what to do and put up an advance Epik parking landers page I guess.
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a lot of us have great names in obscure cc extensions or ngtlds. I'm sure we all like to trip out on how much each of the names could be worth in some crazy scenerio! In the end, I believe this one is in with many of the rest of the solid ones.. It could go for $500 or it could go for maybe 25k.

and also, LA is just a polluted & almost has-been city as far as I've heard lately. Many desperate to get out, and not too many going in. Like Apple computers, living off the name, but far behind for awhile. Plus I heard there's poop all over the sidewalks!
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There are many great names available in crap extensions for reg fee.
For example, Cosmetics.cx is available
I would like to suggest that there is a third option available to you.

Perhaps you would like to own a small percentage of a very profitable internet business.

This is the idea behind The Domain Investment Bank and why I was accepted by 1871 in Chicago

based on the strength of that idea alone. The cost of a domain can be 30% of a startup. I am offering

the domain, the business/marketing plan, LoGo/slogan, etc. as well as the first round of V.C. financing

and eventually leading to their I.P.O. I will be an unpaid consultant to them and even be on their Board

if they wish. What I expect to end up with is just under 5% of the company ( NOT subject to dilution ).
Awesome name with unlimited possibilities
I still believe you have what we might like to think of as a "good problem" -

beat the drums, beat the bushes...

I was obsessed with Go.To at one time. I was convinced that it was ABSOLUTELY the

BEST short domain name ever; if I'd of had the money, AND if it would have been offered for sale,

they could have named their price - I think I would have given ANY sum of money for that name,


So, I think Go.com is the best short name today - what do you think ?

( this may be valuable info for the owner(s) of Go.LA... )

( it is also well-known that I covet the Creamette Brand..... )
It's a good name, I believe u.
Just a quick update.

It has been an interesting couple of days, to say the very least.

Upshot is that I have been advised, and I agree with the advice given, that this is a domain name that there were two real possibilities to go with.
  1. Develop the domain name, which I am not capable of doing due to having no knowledge of the target market nuances.
  2. Spend money and make sure the right people in the right spheres know about it, here we are talking $xx,xxx as I have had it explained to me (and the figures seem reasonable when explained).
I have decided that option #2 is what I am going to pursue. This means liquidating and putting in place the required finance myself rather than going looking for a backer and diluting at this stage (and hopefully that will change to 'at all'). If I believe in this personally, and I do, then this is 'the one' I should go with. So now I am culling everything else with the sole aim of backing 'my belief' (or hunch). And yes that does mean even Fig.ht will go (and a lot of you know how attached I am to that domain - LOL).

If you believe in what you preach then at some stage you have to trust that preaching and your own abilities.

Domaining is a wonderful game. (y)
In my opinion sell to anyone for a reasonable price and go for .com, It's my opinion could be totally wrong, but putting efforts on a non .com makes hard to make sense specially where there is no traffic keyword which bringing up the clicks to cover the renewal cost of the name.

thank you.
Congratulations @TheBaldOne , you are indeed having a Masters Degree in Marketing. There are lot of things to learn from you. Best of luck.
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Oh Bald one....I have sent you a DM
Hi Reddstagg, Replied. Thank you. (y)
@Haroon Basha - I am just a little 'old in the tooth' and built up a knowledge that isn't all from textbooks. LOL

for a million dollars, I will tell you what G O L A is

wait - you are a Namepros member ?

for that ( and because I am a nice guy ) I will waive my usual fee :



Game of Life Addict

( I am a GoL Addict Myself )

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Owning premium domain hacks, all you need to do is just wait for the buyer to approach. But you can wait years until you get a determined end user. Most of my domain hacks are not even listed for sale.

IMO this domain is worth maybe low-mid 4 figures to the right end-user. That's about it.
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is a great name

if it's as good as the owner thinks
time will tell

.la stand for Laos the country

so you have potential end-users in that country, too

you don't need to fear that the .la extension will disappear
as many new tlds will
Some domainers fall into the trap of becoming starry-eyed by their own visions for their names, and price them according to the best-case value of their developed dream site/business on that name.

They go further. They totally ignore the costs of marketing that domain to a whole city, or worse, a whole state, audience to gain approval for the purchase. That alone would eat up the bulk if not all of the $4m. @TheBaldOne, achieving that sale at that price would probably put you into serious financial debt.

I liked your earlier aspiration, tens or even low hundreds of Ks. That will cost far less to discover if it is realistic. You could still profit even if it isn't.
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Well just a quick update.

Last night sat down with the 'Boss', 'She who must be obeyed', LOL. Upshot is that everything else should go, every domain, and just solely concentrate on Go.LA. This murder of the portfolio means that I shouldn't play with domain registration anymore, AND includes the liquidation of my two most cherished domains, JesusChri.st and Fig.ht. That is how serious I am and consider the domain name Go.LA.

I guess I brought this on myself by researching for Go.LA, the potential is literally so huge it is mind boggling. The budget just for the 2028 Olympic Games is now set at $6.9 Billion (and that figure was from April last year). The TV rights for broadcasting in the US is contracted to NBCUniversal, the Wikipedia entry states:

"NBC has held the American broadcasting rights to the Summer Olympic Games since the 1988 games and the rights to the Winter Olympic Games since the 2002 games. In 2011, NBC agreed to a $4.38 billion contract with the International Olympic Committee to broadcast the Olympics through the 2020 games, the most expensive television rights deal in Olympic history.[1] NBC then agreed to a $7.75 billion contract extension on May 7, 2014, to air the Olympics through the 2032 games.[2] NBC also acquired the American television rights to the Youth Olympic Games, beginning in 2014,[3] and the Paralympic Games for the 2014 and 2016 editions.[4] NBC is one of the major sources of revenue for the IOC.[5]"​

I had no alternative in the end but to agree with 'She who must be obeyed' that the Go.LA project had to take not only precedence but had to become my one and sole aspect of business, anything else would dilute attention paid to the ultimate goal.
Well just a quick update.

Last night sat down with the 'Boss', 'She who must be obeyed', LOL. Upshot is that everything else should go, every domain, and just solely concentrate on Go.LA. This murder of the portfolio means that I shouldn't play with domain registration anymore, AND includes the liquidation of my two most cherished domains, JesusChri.st and Fig.ht. That is how serious I am and consider the domain name Go.LA.

I guess I brought this on myself by researching for Go.LA, the potential is literally so huge it is mind boggling. The budget just for the 2028 Olympic Games is now set at $6.9 Billion (and that figure was from April last year). The TV rights for broadcasting in the US is contracted to NBCUniversal, the Wikipedia entry states:

"NBC has held the American broadcasting rights to the Summer Olympic Games since the 1988 games and the rights to the Winter Olympic Games since the 2002 games. In 2011, NBC agreed to a $4.38 billion contract with the International Olympic Committee to broadcast the Olympics through the 2020 games, the most expensive television rights deal in Olympic history.[1] NBC then agreed to a $7.75 billion contract extension on May 7, 2014, to air the Olympics through the 2032 games.[2] NBC also acquired the American television rights to the Youth Olympic Games, beginning in 2014,[3] and the Paralympic Games for the 2014 and 2016 editions.[4] NBC is one of the major sources of revenue for the IOC.[5]"​

I had no alternative in the end but to agree with 'She who must be obeyed' that the Go.LA project had to take not only precedence but had to become my one and sole aspect of business, anything else would dilute attention paid to the ultimate goal.
You know that you could just set your "cherished names" to auto renew and leave them on make offer... They don't actually have to take up even a second of your time.
@Joe Nichols - No, time moves on and so will I. When a decision is made you stick with it. Why even have the domains if you have no plans for them????

Just let them expire, life is too short to do otherwise.
The new valuation that I envisage it at is in the region of $x,xxx,xxx. I presently have the domain listed on Epik.com at $4,000,000, though that figure could well change in the near future. (I have got much more research to do yet, but if the figure is going to change then it will only be in an upwards direction.)
Oh yes, how could $4m possibly be enough?
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@lambo - I am NOT selling the domain name. (y):xf.wink:
Well just a quick update.

Last night sat down with the 'Boss', 'She who must be obeyed', LOL. Upshot is that everything else should go, every domain, and just solely concentrate on Go.LA. This murder of the portfolio means that I shouldn't play with domain registration anymore, AND includes the liquidation of my two most cherished domains, JesusChri.st and Fig.ht. That is how serious I am and consider the domain name Go.LA.

I guess I brought this on myself by researching for Go.LA, the potential is literally so huge it is mind boggling. The budget just for the 2028 Olympic Games is now set at $6.9 Billion (and that figure was from April last year). The TV rights for broadcasting in the US is contracted to NBCUniversal, the Wikipedia entry states:

"NBC has held the American broadcasting rights to the Summer Olympic Games since the 1988 games and the rights to the Winter Olympic Games since the 2002 games. In 2011, NBC agreed to a $4.38 billion contract with the International Olympic Committee to broadcast the Olympics through the 2020 games, the most expensive television rights deal in Olympic history.[1] NBC then agreed to a $7.75 billion contract extension on May 7, 2014, to air the Olympics through the 2032 games.[2] NBC also acquired the American television rights to the Youth Olympic Games, beginning in 2014,[3] and the Paralympic Games for the 2014 and 2016 editions.[4] NBC is one of the major sources of revenue for the IOC.[5]"​

I had no alternative in the end but to agree with 'She who must be obeyed' that the Go.LA project had to take not only precedence but had to become my one and sole aspect of business, anything else would dilute attention paid to the ultimate goal.

You are likely going to run into major issues with your "LA 2028" slogan and Olympic rings on that logo. The Olympics are highly protective of their trademarks and intellectual properties.

@bmugford - I totally agree, I only used it on here as a 'nudge' to get to people who think the domain is pointless, and I assure you it is nowhere on the website being developed. (y)

I already have another logo that I will be replacing it with very soon. :xf.wink:

(Daft I may be, stupid I am not. {Well not most of the time anyway.} LOL)
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@bmugford - I totally agree, I only used it on here as a 'nudge' to get to people who think the domain is pointless, and I assure you it is nowhere on the website being developed. (y)

I already have another logo that I will be replacing it with very soon. :xf.wink:

(Daft I may be, stupid I am not. {Well not most of the time anyway.} LOL)

You should trademark your domain name now...it seems that anything is possible these days lol.
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