
new gtlds List of retired new extensions

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Domainosaurus RexTop Member
  • .mtpc
  • .theguardian
  • .dwg
  • xn--4gq48lf9j (Wal-Mart)
  • .iinet
  • .mutuelle
  • .naspers
  • .payu
  • .supersport
  • .mzansimagic
  • .mnet
  • .kyknet
  • .africamagic
  • .multichoice
  • .dstv
  • .gotv
Registry Agreement Termination Information Page
The views expressed on this page by users and staff are their own, not those of NamePros.
The latest victim is: .honeywell
With respect I think victim is the wrong word, @Kate :xf.frown:

These are companies that selected not to continue with their branded name. It is a business decision that a brand name was not for them. They and no one else were victims (well maybe the people running the brand program or ICANN lose out, but even them not truly victims :xf.wink:). All the time companies take out options on things so that if they decide in future they want something they have rights to it - sometimes a store puts in an option on sales space then decide against using it. Sometimes they paid a lot for that right. The organizations that thought they might want/use their own branded name and then decide against it are not victims. Yes, they wasted some money, but that is absolutely true in countless ways every day.


ps here is Google definition results for 'victim' Unless you claim the entire brand TLD program is a hoax, I don't see how victim applies.
"a person harmed, injured, or killed as a result of a crime, accident, or other event or action.
synonyms: sufferer, injured party, casualty, injured person, wounded person; More
a person who is tricked or duped.
"the victim of a hoax"
synonyms: dupe, easy target, easy prey, fair game, sitting target, everybody's fool, stooge, gull, "
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Maybe there are victims of their branding consultants. Or victims of FOMO.
Clearly, lots of FOMO behind all those terminations.
If you go to the NameBio list of top sales of all time 8 of the 20 names, all of which sold for $3.6 million or more, are not in use currently (and arguably some others are under used). Zero of them make the top 500 sites on web. Should we refer to the companies that bought those .com domains for high prices as victims? I would argue not. They made a business decision, based on several things including FOMO, but I don't think they are victims.

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Not exactly comparable.
Of course it is always puzzling to see companies spend a lot of money on premium domains and not use them. But I am sure that some of those acquisitions were made for the purpose of domination (keeping the competition away from the domain names).

Buying a name is easy, you just send the money and you take possession of the domain. Anybody can do it, or at least figure out the process by themselves.

Applying for your own extension on the other hand is a process that requires a lot of preparation. First of all the applicants had to hire consultants or mobilize internal resources. They had to study the guidebook, file an application and send a lot of money just for the privilege of getting Icann to consider it. Then they had to think about the registry infrastructure and backend, it's something that is often outsourced to operators like Afilias.
If you do all this, you are supposed to have some plan, some intention to use your TLD.
Reality: they didn't need those extensions in the first place and so they didn't have plans.

It reminds me a lof ot the .mobi frenzy when lots of companies felt compelled to secure their name "just in case" it becomes big.

Plenty of extensions are still not being put to use. For example Apple own just a few domains and the two I just checked redirect to the .com. Seriously ? We are into the fifth year, it's not like the applicants have not had the time to do something, even a little something.
They have the infrastructure in place, so it costs them nothing to set up domain names and start using them.
What's the holdup then ? Why not use a registry that has cost a lot of money, and continues to cost money.
This is not what I call a vote of confidence in their own extensions.

I think are embarrassed, they now realize they have embarked on a superfluous program but they don't all have the guts to admit it. This is about their brands after all. Killing your own brand even in the realm of cyberspace is a powerful statement. It says a lot about the nTLD program.
The graveyard is filling up...
I don''t disagree with your assessment that dot brands have in general not been well used @Kate. If anyone consulted with me (they don't :xf.wink:) I would only recommend that a company even consider one if they have carefully considered all of the costs and effort required, and had a clear plan on how they planned to use one and the benefit that would potentially accrue.

For those interested in more, I recently came across this site that gives a nice overview of where we are (e.g. how many active brands, how many domains, and how many websites) and how it is changing with time.

One of the interesting stats is that predominantly the active .brand use has been in the auto sector, while sectors where the security advantage would seem far more important (banking, insurance, health care) have seen much more limited use.

Anyway, thank you for the depth of your commentary, and for maintaining this thread.

Actually the applicants did invest a lot in their TLDs. Big waste of money and energy.
How do you justify that ? Heads would roll in my company.

I see there is a .loans domain in your signature, so maybe you should be worried. With less than 4K domains registered this TLD is so small it must be barely viable. Are you sure it's not going to be retired in a few years ? It's a serious question.
Oh wait, if you really pay $500/year for this name, then maybe the TLD is viable after all. Good luck.

Thanks for the link Bob. I will have a more thorough look later.
Maybe there are victims of their branding consultants. Or victims of FOMO.
Clearly, lots of FOMO behind all those terminations.

For sure they got hosed by registries, keep telling it as it is @Kate!
Another one being retired: .bnl (Banca Nazionale del Lavoro)

The updated list is as follows:
  1. .bnl (Banca Nazionale del Lavoro)
  2. .honeywell (Honeywell GTLD LLC)
  3. .doha (Communications Regulatory Authority (CRA)
  4. .zippo (Zadco Company)
  5. .active (Active Network, LLC)
  6. .epost (Deutsche Post AG)
  7. .bond (Bond University Limited)
  8. .spiegel (SPIEGEL-Verlag Rudolf Augstein GmbH & Co. KG)
  9. .blanco (BLANCO GmbH + Co KG)
  10. .goodhands (Allstate Fire and Casualty Insurance Company)
  11. .telecity (TelecityGroup International Limited)
  12. .vista (Vistaprint Limited)
  13. .statoil (Statoil ASA)
  14. .jlc (Richemont DNS Inc.)
  15. .panerai (Richemont DNS Inc.)
  16. .iwc (Richemont DNS Inc.)
  17. .xperia (Sony Mobile Communications AB)
  18. .meo (MEO Servicos de Comunicacoes e Multimedia, S.A.)
  19. .sapo (MEO Servicos de Comunicacoes e Multimedia, S.A.)
  20. .boots (The Boots Company PLC)
  21. .htc (HTC Corporation)
  22. .pamperedchef (The Pampered Chef, Ltd.)
  23. .mcd (McDonald's Corporation)
  24. .mcdonalds (McDonald's Corporation)
  25. .montblanc (Richemont DNS Inc.)
  26. .chloe (Richemont DNS Inc.)
  27. .boots (The Boots Company PLC)
  28. .orientexpress (Orient Express)
  29. .mtpc (Mitsubishi Tanabe Pharma Corporation)
  30. .theguardian (Guardian News And Media Limited)
  31. .dwg (Autodesk, Inc.)
  32. xn--4gq48lf9j Wal-Mart Stores, Inc.
  33. .iinet (Connect West Pty)
  34. .mutuelle (Fédération Nationale de la Mutualité Française)
  35. .naspers (Intelprop (Proprietary) Limited)
  36. .payu (MIH PayU B.V.)
  37. .supersport (SuperSport International Holdings Proprietary Limited)
  38. .mzansimagic (Electronic Media Network (Pty) Ltd)
  39. .mnet (Electronic Media Network (Pty) Ltd)
  40. .kyknet (Electronic Media Network (Pty) Ltd)
  41. .africamagic (Electronic Media Network (Pty) Ltd)
  42. .multichoice (MultiChoice (Proprietary) Limited)
  43. .dstv (MultiChoice (Proprietary) Limited)
  44. .gotv (MultiChoice (Proprietary) Limited)
  45. .EMERSON (Emerson Electric Co.)
  46. .FLSMIDTH (FLSmidth A/S)
  47. .DOOSAN (Doosan Corporation)
Another hosing! How many big company taken to cleaners by registrars!

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.LIAISON ( 20200105) Notification by CZDS system e-mail that the gTLD has been made inactive.

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