
"Gigantic" 50% Discounts: We Build Sites With Thousands of Articles

Spaceship Spaceship


Established Member
It's Black Friday time!

If you are interested in letting us create genuinely useful websites with hundreds or thousands of articles for you (recent examples include,, and, now's the time to take action and receive the following Black Friday discounts:

1) 30% off if you opt for the the 500-article package
2) 35% off if you opt for the 1,000-article package
3) 40% off if you opt for the 5,000-article package
4) 45% off if you opt for the 10,000-article package
5) a 50% discount for everything in the 10,000+ zone

Our website has been updated so as to reflect the Black Friday prices.

You can place an order directly through PayPal on the website or if you'd prefer using another payment method (anything from wire transfers to crypto), reach out via PM and I will see what I can do :)
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The views expressed on this page by users and staff are their own, not those of NamePros.
The discount page has been deactivated for the time being, so the 30% - 50% discounts are off the table at the moment of writing.

But patience will be rewarded and return, they shall!
The now-traditional weekly 30-50% discount is here!

As such, the NamePros discount page has been reactivated and will be removed once one person places an order.

To claim the deal, click HERE.

First come, first served!
Gone for now, the page will be back up soon though and I will update this thread once we can honor another discount.
What a fine day for science... aaaand for a 30% to 50% discount that can be claimed by clicking HERE.

One person only.

You know the rules 😉
Gone for the time being, but be sure to keep an eye on this thread, because we'll be back... famous last words?
This week's discount is coming a bit late, but it has now arrived nonetheless and can be accessed by clicking HERE.

One person only: first come, first served.

As soon as someone places an order and we get a chance to log into our server, the discount page will be removed again.
No longer available, but we'll be back next week unless something Earth-shattering happens :)
Yet again a bit late with this week's discount, but it's now live and you can take advantage of it by clicking HERE.

As usual: first come, first served. One person only.
Aaaaaaand it's gone!

For now, that is. We'll be back with another discount next week, hopefully not as late in the week this time around, so on Monday or Tuesday. Stay tuned!
Time to be productive right from day one this week, so click HERE to secure a discount that ranges from 30% to 50%.

Same rules:

1) One person only

2) First come, first served
Forgot to post an update late last week, sorry about that.

Another week, another discount!

Click HERE to claim your 30% to 50% discount.

You know the rules:

1) One person only

2) First come, first served
Things are yet again a bit crazy on your end, didn't get a chance to update the thread last week either. For now, we can continue offering one discount per week though, remains to be seen for how much longer :)

That being stated, let's get back to business: new week, new discount, 30% to 50% as usual.

Click HERE to claim it.

First come, first served!

One person only.
My apologies for the lack of discounts over the past month or so, things have been crazy around here!

Thus, I'd like to take advantage of the little bit of breathing room I have this weekend to offer another discount and make an announcement:

1) Let's start with the regular 30% to 50% discount that can be accessed by clicking HERE

2) Moving on to the announcement, we now have monthly packages for those who already have a WordPress-powered website (doesn't matter if you bought it from us or not) and want us to keep it active with a steady flow of content. 50% discounts across the board for these packages and just like with the regular discounts, they can be accessed by clicking HERE

That's it for now, looking forward to working with you!
Hopefully we can get back to offering one deal every 7 days once our schedule becomes a bit more predictable. That being stated, it's time for precisely one of these deals, more specifically:

1) 30-50% discounts for our "from A to Z" package, so from design to article publishing


2) two monthly packages at 50% off each for those who already have a WordPress websites and are interested in content but not design

... in both cases, you can place an order by clicking HERE so as to visit the NamePros discount page.
Another week, another deal!

Will do my best to post these on Mondays to as to keep things organized.

As mentioned previously, we are offering:

1) 30-50% discounts for our "from A to Z" package, so from design to article publishing


2) two monthly packages at 50% off each for those who already have a WordPress websites and are interested in content but not design

To claim said discounts, click HERE or if you'd like to get in touch, send an email to [email protected] and you will receive a reply within 24 hours (with replies being oftentimes near-instant).
Time for another discount!

Second Monday in a row now that our schedule is finally starting to resemble that of sane people, heh.

First come, first served: visit the NamePros discount page by clicking HERE to claim the 30-50% discounts.
The third Monday in a row with 30% to 50% discounts.

Click HERE to visit the NamePros discount page and claim your package. You can place an order directly via PayPal through the page in question or if you'd prefer another payment method (anything from wire transfers to crypto), send an email to [email protected] and we'll see what we can do!
Monday #4, (still) going strong with another discount:

1) 30% to 50% off for our "from A to Z" packages


2) 50% off our content-only packages

One discount on the table (either #1 or #2, doesn't matter).

First come, first served.

To claim, visit our discount page by clicking HERE.
Entering the second month of weekly discounts, so let's not break the chain!

30-50% off all "from A to Z" packages, 50% off our two content-only subscriptions (for those who already have a website up and running, doesn't matter if it has been designed by us or not).

To place an order, click HERE.
A month and a half of consistent discounts, I'm glad these deals are helping me keep my team permanently busy and you guys take advantage of (considerably) lower prices!

Another Monday, another deal!

To take advantage of it, click HERE.

30-50% off all "from A to Z" plans, 50% off all content-only packages.

If you have any questions, the best way to get in touch would be sending an email to [email protected], as I personally respond within hours. In contrast, I'm nowhere near as active on forums 😊
Closing in on two months of regular discounts, so let's not break the habit!

30 to 50% off all packages, 50% discounts for our content-only ones.

To claim your discount, click HERE.
Been one of those weeks, heh, super-busy to the point of insanity...

The bad news is that I broke the "Monday discounts in a row" streak.

The good news is that it's better to offer discounts later than never, so I'm doing it on a Thursday this week :)

Same rules: 30-50% off all "from A to Z" packages, 50% off across the board for content-only ones.

Click HERE to claim.
Business as usual this week, more specifically a Monday discount: 30% - 50% off our "from A to Z" packages, 50% off content-only ones.

As always, click HERE to see a list of packages as well as past projects and of course claim your discount!
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