
opinion What Will 2022 Hold? Input for future blog post sought.

Spaceship Spaceship

Do you see 2022 as stronger than 2021 in domain name investing?

  • This poll is still running and the standings may change.
  • Yes, definitely

  • Probably

  • I think about the same, overall

  • I see 2022 as probably weaker than 2021

  • I think 2022 will definitely not be as good as 2021

  • This poll is still running and the standings may change.

Bob Hawkes

Top Member
I hope that many NamePros members will help me out. I am putting together, for publication at the start of 2022, a NamePros Blog article summarizing views on what the year ahead might look like in domain name investing.

What trends do you see?
  • Is there a new niche that you think will become hot?
  • What sectors will be highly sought?
  • Are domain name prices on way up or down?
  • Do you see the top, middle or bottom of market, price wise, as offering best opportunities?
  • Will ETH, meta and NFT stay strong?
  • Will the surge in .xyz continue?
  • What about .io? .co?
  • What about national country codes?
  • Will there be more, or fewer, million dollar sales?
  • What changes do you predict in the marketplaces we use?
  • Will decentralized domain names grow in acceptance?
  • What trends do you see happening in branding?
  • Overall, do you think 2022 will be better or worse than 2021?
  • What is your biggest concern about the future of domain investing?
  • What one thing do you hope will happen? Perhaps a new service you think the industry needs.
I am not looking for you to comment on all of those topics! Just select one, or two, and give your opinion, or comment on something not on the list.

While space will not permit me to include everyone's comments, my intention is to quote, with attribution to you, a number in the NamePros article.

Please don't be hesitant to share. Having many viewpoints, from all parts of the world, and from different experience levels, will help produce a balanced article.

Thank you in advance.


PS Please vote in the associated poll as well!
The views expressed on this page by users and staff are their own, not those of NamePros.
I can't agree with you more about NFT's have won the attention of many domain name investors even domain name brokers, which in many cases leading to the down on the 2nd half of 2021. But the actual value of good domain names will may draw back their sight in 2022, let's looking forward to the good things happening in the new year with the pandemic under control.
Domains will always sell, but some need promotion and marketing out (even ultra-premiums). If the top domain sellers and brokers are now only spending half of their day on domain names (when they had their full attention year before) and the other half searching for the next sad ape jpg or focused on creating their own NFT range, it will effect domain sales.

I know a lot of people here are excited about NFT’s and are involved in it, but I think NFT’s are bad for domain names personally for the reason I’ve gave above.

As the owner of some single word .com’s, I’ve always got my eye which people seem to be taking their eye off the ball, end of the day you are trusting these people with your assets, so have to research the direction they seem to be going in before signing a contract with them.
A lot of people will also start their own business.
Please can you elaborate on which types of online business you predict people are most likely to start in 2022 with their domain names? I'm interested to know your thoughts on this important topic. Cheers.
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I feel the longer and broader that covid 19 goes .. the market will drop with it.. covid - 19 as well as world outlook and events ..
My prediction as a newbie is that as more big companies embrace the metaverse, metaverse, nfts, crypto and gaming and related domains will maintain their current momentum.

Another area that could see modest growth is space tourism as the super rich seek for out-of-this-world ways to spend their wealth.

I also see workplace-related domains pick up as the new normal settles in virtual office spaces.

Lastly, domains in the digital learning sector are likely to witness modest growth.
I feel the longer and broader that covid 19 goes .. the market will drop with it.. covid - 19 as well as world outlook and events ..
What market? Do you mean the aggregate dollar market? Or all the people sitting at home with nothing to do and the opportunity to get into domain name investing rather than savaging helpless Pringles tubes and pretending to be a gangster in Fortnite?
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I predict the virus will take some down in 2022.

Hopefully the bad ones.
I predict the virus will take some down in 2022.

Hopefully the bad ones.
In terms of our environmental impact as a species that would mean all of us.
  • Is there a new niche that you think will become hot?
only possible to tell when it is newborn & being sold in 3-4 extension in a high value.
  • What sectors will be highly sought?
something like NFT META SKIN type. off course digital things
  • Are domain name prices on way up or down?
depends on quality of sold domain

  • Will ETH, meta and NFT stay strong?
yeah. I got 4 one word Meta/Metaverse.extension , 3 Eth.extension but unfortunately no NFT one word .
  • Will the surge in .xyz continue?
- Yes it should I guess. xyz pass the both radio/voice type test than .io (check voice type with google.xyz)
  • What about .io? .co?
-like as usual. .co may rise but Io will remain tech/digital niche
  • What about national country codes?
yeah for local business & global business like meta will ensure them for exact match category killers(NFT/META)
  • What changes do you predict in the marketplaces we use?
sav.com is a new interesting one. So it will creat a news (positive/negetive). Afternic /sedo/might have change for payment issue.
  • Will decentralized domain names grow in acceptance?
yeah sure. But tech niche & some certain digital industries.
  • What trends do you see happening in branding?
no new trend i see should be predict.
  • Overall, do you think 2022 will be better or worse than 2021?
  • What is your biggest concern about the future of domain investing?
HNS domain( block domain)
  • What one thing do you hope will happen? Perhaps a new service you think the industry needs.
A good auction system is better. what approves domain like namejet or squadhelp but allow extensions like sav (new tlds) . Allow small reserves like epik (at least reg fee) .
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@Bob Hawkes. I had an idea. Probably already been done. Create a domain name questionnaire with some ten or twenty questions. Answer all of the questions yourself. Then open the floor for everyone else to post their answers to the questionnaire below. I am personally far more interested in the numerical dynamics of people's experience than how they feel. From a sum of numbers, relying on domainer's honesty, you can gauge averages which define the industry with general facts far more than emotions. Your blog posts are often adorned with many figures and links, making it easy to delve further into the cloudy depths of domain name investing. Just one idea among many. Cheers.
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@Bob Hawkes. I had an idea. Probably already been done. Create a domain name questionnaire with some ten or twenty questions. Answer all of the questions yourself. Then open the floor for everyone else to post their answers to the questionnaire below.
I did that when I conducted a NamePros Community Survey on how people were pricing their domain names. You can see a summary of the results here.

At the time I did the survey, it was not possible to have a set of linked questions within the NamePros poll format. So I had to set up different questions in different threads, then link them from a central page. It is not the best. Clearly one can go outside NamePros to third party products such ad SurveyMonkey, but that in itself has some issues.

I agree an easier way to do community surveys, even if they allowed only 5 or so linked questions, would be helpful.

Thanks to everyone who voted so far and left comments. I am still accepting comments until about Jan 2, so please share your thoughts.

I would be interested in seeing what people plan for any change in direction in 2022. eg is there an extension you plan to build your portfolio in, or one that you plan to liquidate your holdings?

What sectors do you think will be hot?
Will things like delivery, healthcare, crypto, collaboration, stay hot?

The .vc extension has had a strong 2021. Do you see that growing even more?

Do you think we are near peak .io, or will prices keep going up?

Space has been in the news a lot this year. Do you see space-related names as maybe picking up steam?

Please share your thoughts.

Thank you.

Is this going to be opinion based on fact or opinion based on emotion? I yawn whenever someone says "I think #crypto will be strong". Why do you think this? Do you mean ALL products and services relating to crypto? Or do you mean specific crypto services related to specific aspects of the #metaverse? Which specific market trends dictate your opinion? Which specific crypto currencies are you referring to? Is your opinion based on personal experience or from something you've read? If it's the latter where and when did you read it? People's general opinions aren't helpful in the slightest. Sorry if that sounds negative @Bob Hawkes you are publishing some very very very useful content and I've favourited most of it. Cheers.

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For sure 2022 will be better than 2021. Considering how we lived in the early quarters of the year and the experience we gained in the process, the losses we experienced as a result of those conditions are not bound to be repeated.

Will meta sales drop? Not at all. In fact, it will get bigger as what simply happened this year was mere introduction. The ground work is been laid and after that they'd surely be a boom before we begin to consider the potential of the industry dying off like the stages all businesses experience.

I see the VR and AR domain names getting hotter as a consequence of the development of the Metaverse. The omniverse will experience a rise at the middle or late end of the year.

And I don't see i.o, .co or xyz dropping off. Considering the merge of Crypto and Metaverse the xyz extension will experience a rise. If all marketplaces can also add a crypto payment option it will surely sway and benefit sellers.

My biggest concern about domaining is AI. Obviously, in years to come, except for the good names we are holding today, the AI will take over curating names and they will do it with so much perfection that marketplaces will invest in AI curators to compete.
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If all marketplaces can also add a crypto payment option it will surely sway and benefit sellers.
But what happens if the cryptocurrency value drops Reyginus? The domain name marketplace will lose money. That is unless directly after the transaction they immediately sell the cryptocurrency for it's cash value, and this will incur fees. Who should pay for these fees, the marketplace or the buyer/seller? sometimes transactions can take more than one week to process - enough time for the cryptocurrency value to plummet (or sky-rise). It's a risky business for the marketplaces without safety processes in place.
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But what happens if the cryptocurrency value drops Reyginus? The domain name marketplace will lose money. That is unless directly after the transaction they immediately sell the cryptocurrency for it's cash value, and this will incur fees. Who should pay for these fees, the marketplace or the buyer/seller? sometimes transactions can take more than one week to process - enough time for the cryptocurrency value to plummet (or sky-rise). It's a risky business for the marketplaces without safety processes in place.
Have you heard of Dan.com?
I doubt you have. If you did you wouldn't ask the above questions.
I didn't say I've used DAN.com. You asked me if I'd heard of DAN.com. The answer is yes, of course I've heard of DAN.com. It's mentioned on the forum often and appears in banner advertisements on a regular basis. DAN.com is currently ranked as the best domain name aftermarket of 2021 in the thread started by @equity78 that I'm watching and receiving updates for: https://www.namepros.com/threads/best-aftermarket-for-2021.1256384/. Maybe you'd like to share the feature on DAN.com which solves the above problem of marketplaces accepting cryptocurrency as payment for services?
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I didn't say I've used DAN.com. You asked me if I'd heard of DAN.com. The answer is yes, of course I've heard of DAN.com. It's mentioned on the forum often and appears in banner advertisements on a regular basis. DAN.com is currently ranked as the best aftermarket of 2021 in the thread started by @equity78 that I'm watching and receiving updates for: https://www.namepros.com/threads/best-aftermarket-for-2021.1256384/. Maybe you'd like to share the feature on DAN.com which solves the above problem?
Dan pays in Crypto and it is a Netherland company. BrandBrucket, a Brandable marketplace, recently worked with BitPay to pay sellers in Crypto too.
2020 was armageddon
2021 was sending Bruce Willis
2022 will be happy ever after...I don't wanna miss a thing

New company registrations and registrations of .IE extension are up over a quarter this year and I can see this trend continuing into 2022. The Irish seem to be predisposed to work for themselves and be their own Boss. We don't like being told what to do lol. The Fighting Irish.

Technological advancements will continue to be the playground of the bold and the 1% ers. I've heard of most of them but I will not be investing money in any of them apart from having $6 invested in a cool exact match keyword domain.

Health and wellness and the way we live our lives will continue to rise year on year for at least the next 5 years as we try to address the abuse of our bodies. Eat better. Sleep better. Be better. Be fitter. Be less stressed. Be less. Anything that can contribute to this worthy cause will be generating billions every year. Buy the solution...not the dream.

NFTS, Metaverses etc etc is like comparing a 100 year old black and white film to a $200 million film of today or comparing 'Snake' to the latest $1Billion 8K must have video game lol. Videos...what ever happened to them lol.

I am optimistic for the future...mine and yours. Never stop learning...never stop believing. Never STOP!!!


What about voting for your favourite @Bob Hawkes blog post of 2021?
What about voting for the best posts from all members in 2021, ranking the top ten and giving the top three a prize like a free subscription to Namepros (if they haven't already got one) or a special badge on their profile or some Namepros collector's items. Just throwing ideas into the mix. Cheers. To edit a post - make life easy as possible find the ten posts on Namepros in 2021 with the most positive reactions. Expand the idea by listing top posts from main categories. That's going to help shine the torch on the best Namepros content which is very useful.
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A health passport system that takes control over your life and you cant visit certain sites online or even a physical location unless they are verified locations or domains where everything has to align with the main stream narative.Then later the health passport turns into a social credit score type system, like in China? Where you cant board a train if you do not bow down to the leadership in every way and are too frightened to warn the other people of the world of what is actually taking place over there?

That might effect our internet experience a little bit.?
A health passport system that takes control over your life and you cant visit certain sites online or even a physical location unless they are verified locations or domains where everything has to align with the main stream narative.Then later the health passport turns into a social credit score type system, like in China? Where you cant board a train if you do not bow down to the leadership in every way and are too frightened to warn the other people of the world of what is actually taking place over there?

That might effect our internet experience a little bit.?
A tad excessive mate but I agree with your general narrative. We need to find a way to stay safe as communities whilst opposing unnecessary restrictions and government with media help controlled systems which end up curbing our civil liberties. How then @wintersnow do you think all of this will affect the domain name industry in 2022? Let's hold hands around our ouija board and call out to our long departed luminaries John Dee, Tycho Brahe and Nicolaus Copernicus as they set about scrying through a spinning crystal ball with festoons fluttering around in the shadows.
xyz, io, co will keep selling and prices will keep going up and up on them
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