news Sharp rise in 4 letters Chips .com as of this minute.



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As of this minute, 550+ 4 letters chips .com are purchased by a group of huge fund / big bosses domain juggernauts. A huge sharp rise in the value of 4L .coms. The trading volume is of this minute (only noon time in China!) is already 5 times MORE than one average whole day yesterday.

Congratulations to all those who have purchased domains cheaply these 3 months.

You all have a great vision, have boldness, have the minds of a champion, and you guys will be richer ever than before.
The views expressed on this page by users and staff are their own, not those of NamePros.
Looks like Bitcoin might be spiking a little on Chinese buying, too.

It does seem like something is stirring a little the past couple weeks, but it could just be a headfake.
Somehow, it could be economic reasons. I don't know if there is any direct correlation with economy and domain market. However, US central bank Fed is expected to increase interest rate on June or July. When Fed increase the interest rate all the commodities prices go up. Maybe liquid domains and bitcoin are considered as digital commodities. So that's why, when Fed started to increase interest last year and domain prices soared rapidly.
Somehow, it could be economic reasons. I don't know if there is any direct correlation with economy and domain market. However, US central bank Fed is expected to increase interest rate on June or July. When Fed increase the interest rate all the commodities prices go up. Maybe liquid domains and bitcoin are considered as digital commodities. So that's why, when Fed started to increase interest last year and domain prices soared rapidly.

interesting point

i have a practice account with a portfolio of 170 different stocks eg shares in stocks that uses pretend money but live share prices etc and have had it since november 2015

the reason i mention it is because as much as i am interested in the stockmarket etc i am also passionate about domain names

you can buy shares for approx 0.8p etc eg 12 shares for 1p etc {you can probably get shares much cheaper than that etc but used purely as an example so for the same price as a .com reg fee of £7.99 etc
you can buy about nearly 9,900 shares which if they delist etc you lose your money etc but if the shares go up to 8p a share which is easy to do in shares etc your investment has increased by 1000% with no trademark concerns etc no needing to find end users etc etc

but in a recession or when the stockmarket crashes as it does once every so often domains could actually be an alternative for stockbrokers because domain name prices wont go down to 0p unles they are not renewed etc but if stockbrokers invested in domain names when the stockmarket is making them healthy profits from stocks and shares etc and invest some of those profits in good quality liquid domain names etc on the odd occasion when the stockmarket crashes and share prices plummet they can sell some of their liquid domain names to buy shares when the share prices are at their lowest which enabling to make maximum profit when the share prices return to normal

plus investing in stocks and shares etc is much the same as domain name investing etc because there is also the be patient and wait option in shares as their is in domain as their is flip a domain for quick profit just like a day trader on the stock exchange
interesting point

but in a recession or when the stockmarket crashes as it does once every so often domains could actually be an alternative for stockbrokers because domain name prices wont go down to 0p unles they are not renewed etc but if stockbrokers invested in domain names when the stockmarket is making them healthy profits from stocks and shares etc and invest some of those profits in good quality liquid domain names etc on the odd occasion when the stockmarket crashes and share prices plummet they can sell some of their liquid domain names to buy shares when the share prices are at their lowest which enabling to make maximum profit when the share prices return to normal

See, you found the point already by yourselves. In recession time, all stock markets crashes with domino effect. People run away from stock market and they invest on commodities. Because commodities prices don't fall and their keep their value.

What are commodities?
Raw materials (wheat, coffee, cocoa, sugar etc..), physical products (gold, silver, oil etc.) they have to be liquid and tradable. However, it's difficult buy tones of coffee or buy some barrels of oil and you cant carry them with you. I am not expert on this subject i think you can buy commodities with contract like funds.

And alternatively to financial markets domain names could be considered as commodity. Because it's liquid and tradable in global market easily. Just a difference domain name is not a physical product that would be used for human needs. However, domain name has other benefits that you can get such as digital product location free, and it's completely independent from financial market which makes itself unique investment option.

This is the point, but I am not entirely sure about this theory, I could be wrong because it's quite new approach in domain industry so we will see more in the future.
See, you found the point already by yourselves. In recession time, all stock markets crashes with domino effect. People run away from stock market and they invest on commodities. Because commodities prices don't fall and their keep their value.

What are commodities?
Raw materials (wheat, coffee, cocoa, sugar etc..), physical products (gold, silver, oil etc.) they have to be liquid and tradable. However, it's difficult buy tones of coffee or buy some barrels of oil and you cant carry them with you. I am not expert on this subject i think you can buy commodities with contract like funds.

And alternatively to financial markets domain names could be considered as commodity. Because it's liquid and tradable in global market easily. Just a difference domain name is not a physical product that would be used for human needs. However, domain name has other benefits that you can get such as digital product location free, and it's completely independent from financial market which makes itself unique investment option.

This is the point, but I am not entirely sure about this theory, I could be wrong because it's quite new approach in domain industry so we will see more in the future.

in a stockmarket crash the stockmarkets crash which pretty much involves everything money related because the prices of the stocks plumet which affects the banks who also invest in the stockmarket etc

but the problem is you dont get much warning when the markets about to crash and all the share screens go all red day after day and there is no volatility which the majority of traders need as they can make money as the stocks go up and down etc

but that isnt entirely true because anyone who buys and or trades stocks and shares on the stockmarket should be fully aware of the signs someway off which gives traders time to adjust their portfolios to prepare for a stockmarket crash but usually they are too busy making money to think that a stockmarket crash is round the corner but when it happens its too late to do anything about it and usually investors buy gold stocks or ride the stockmarket crash and those that ride the stockmarket crash waves either have cash available and or dont those that dont struggle and those who ride the stockmarket crash waves and buy quality shares all the way through the crash because you never know when you have bought a good quality stock at its cheapest price until the economy picks up and you look at the lowest price you bought your quality stocks at and realise what a bargain you got as the stock doubles in value etc

but domains are nothing more than an investment that can be bught for reg fee and sold for a profit

they will not drop in value unless you sell them for less than you paid for them

but in a recession the money an investor loses by selling a liquid domain instantly they can make almost instantly as stock prices tumble but domain names could prove extremely valuable to investors in the stockmarket but they will only want the most liquid of domain names eg 2 letter .com's so that they can be traded almost instantly to buy shares
but domains are nothing more than an investment that can be bught for reg fee and sold for a profit

I don't completely agree to this. we have seen different activities in liquid domain market last 1 year. Domains have different perspectives. What you are saying is true in one perspective only. But there is liquid domain market which is expanding and becoming popular by people all around the world especially in China.
This is all remarkably similar to the .mobi crap a few years ago, and we all know how that turned out. Fad chasing ends badly for 99% of the people involved.
if domains are to be bought by stock investors thats when they'll need to sell

we might not have to wait that long as last year a recession was forecast for this year by some
because it was thought there was going to be a $ crash which would be as big if not bigger than a recession

and there is an alleged interest rate increase in the us very close to brexit decision in the uk which will have an effect on stockmarket either way

but two of the worlds best investors - one has bought a gold mine and the other will ride the stockmarket waves and just continue to buy the same stocks he alreay owns but at a must cheaper price
if domains are to be bought by stock investors thats when they'll need to sell

we might not have to wait that long as last year a recession was forecast for this year by some
because it was thought there was going to be a $ crash which would be as big if not bigger than a recession

and there is an alleged interest rate increase in the us very close to brexit decision in the uk which will have an effect on stockmarket either way

but two of the worlds best investors - one has bought a gold mine and the other will ride the stockmarket waves and just continue to buy the same stocks he alreay owns but at a must cheaper price

If there is going to be continues increase of interest rate by FED that will put more pressure on many countries economy in the world including China, Russia, India etc. Maybe that's the aim. But on the other hand US is playing with fire. Because increasing interest rate and pumping dollar value up will eventually cause $ collapse. So, this would be catastrophic event for the world economy at that time there is not going to be any stock exchange market they will all collapse.. And possible outcome would be World War.
Then you would consider seeking secure way of keeping your money not even keeping your money in bank. Best option is to have your physical gold in your pocket. But I am not sure how safe would it be to keep gold in your pocket, so there comes digital products into game. What is best digital product which would keep the value during war times?
If there is going to be continues increase of interest rate by FED that will put more pressure on many countries economy in the world including China, Russia, India etc. Maybe that's the aim. But on the other hand US is playing with fire. Because increasing interest rate and pumping dollar value up will eventually cause $ collapse. So, this would be catastrophic event for the world economy at that time there is not going to be any stock exchange market they will all collapse.. And possible outcome would be World War.
Then you would consider seeking secure way of keeping your money not even keeping your money in bank. Best option is to have your physical gold in your pocket. But I am not sure how safe would it be to keep gold in your pocket, so there comes digital products into game. What is best digital product which would keep the value during war times?

domain names

virtual gold will be a great domain name when it comes out if it hasnt already or

but what you are saying could lead to no money world which a tech giant could create now via a good domain name

domain names have a + and - scenario too tho

the plus side? a good domain name costs $9.90 ish reg fee etc which most people can afford which just may make them a few quid towards bills or savings etc

the down side - domain names may face a trademark recession - which isnt far away

someone will pay top dollar eg $m's for a domain name and someone will say that breaches my trademark
which will start the domain name recession

but it almost has to happen and the sooner the better so that people are made aware that once the 3 months initial period to claim their trademark they cannot claim it afterwards

failing to claim a trademark within the 3 months beforehand etc is a problem but if that time has passed and the trademark owner has not claimed their trademark related domain name it should be able to be purchased by anyone

a trademark owners incompetence isnt a domain investors problem

but trade shows should be telling trademark owners to prepare to buy your trademark domain or lose the domain name

organisations that grant trademarks etc should send out info to all trademark holders making them aware that their domain may be available and if they dont buy it someone else will and is allowed to

but suffice to say trademarks are to domain names what a $ crash would be
That's why Chinese domainers mostly playing with number domains which wouldn't have trademark issue. and also so called chips %90 of them are non-sense to the western wouldn't cause trademark issue either.
So yeah, as a conclusion there is some sense in domains as investment option. But like i said it's new thing and will show more in the future. So, in stock market they always say don't take it as an investment advice It's your own risk.
Dare I suggest the OP got a little carried away with this thread, in particular: "You all have a great vision, have boldness, have the minds of a champion, and you guys will be richer ever than before."

Yes volume picked up for one day or so and prices moved up somewhat but it's all about looking at the overall trends here IMO. Prices moved up to around 8700 RMB that day and are now at 7788 RMB today, someway below where they were and pretty much the lowest prices we have seen in 180 days +.

Some investors seeing this thread may have been tempted to jump in thinking something major was going on. Unfortunately it appears normal service has resumed and the decline has continued for now so those that bought in recently are in the negative i'm afraid.

I would be very wary to jump back in unless and until we see days of increased volume and price rises not a one off increase. I remember some weeks back chips went up around 50% in a day to around 850 RMB, Right now they are under 500 RMB.

Be careful!
If there is going to be continues increase of interest rate by FED that will put more pressure on many countries economy in the world including China, Russia, India etc. Maybe that's the aim. But on the other hand US is playing with fire. Because increasing interest rate and pumping dollar value up will eventually cause $ collapse. So, this would be catastrophic event for the world economy at that time there is not going to be any stock exchange market they will all collapse.. And possible outcome would be World War.
Then you would consider seeking secure way of keeping your money not even keeping your money in bank. Best option is to have your physical gold in your pocket. But I am not sure how safe would it be to keep gold in your pocket, so there comes digital products into game. What is best digital product which would keep the value during war times?

Yes Apprich! SOROS went into action and bought BIG on GOLD!! Press releases were out in mid-May about this so when GOLD goes up it is a signal about the economy!

Also recent release on RUSSIA govt plans to restrict and control on internet system with .ru and ..(i forgot) domains...just like China releasing about their concern and upcoming plans about the internet too!

BTW...VR domains have gone crazy in China too! An average price for a VR+pinyin (genetic pinyin) is valued at RMB 6 digits - I did not check the sales history. These were prices quoted on a chinese VR chatgroup. But or (one was sold and built without price disclosed but market predicts at least 7 digits in RMB and the remaining is asking RMB10M. So they suggest to hold onto all VR+big GEO (China cities) for awhile.

Tencent into action too with their VR activities...the VR China market is really heating up!!
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Rising interest rates typically decrease the value of commodities. The theory behind buying Gold right now is a hedge against a slowing economy caused by rising rates, not the rising rates in itself. If the economy can absorb a rate hike like nothing happened, you won't see the economy slow down and shouldn't see a hike in gold prices.
Rising interest rates typically decrease the value of commodities. The theory behind buying Gold right now is a hedge against a slowing economy caused by rising rates, not the rising rates in itself. If the economy can absorb a rate hike like nothing happened, you won't see the economy slow down and shouldn't see a hike in gold prices.

I think it's misunderstood. Rising interest rates puts pressure on economies eventually if possible economic collapse. When economic collapse commodities prices don't change while stock market fall down. And so investors invest on commodities in case of economic collapse that help to commodity price increase. So interest rate increase indirectly effecting to commodity prices when total economic collapse approaching oherwise your saying is true.
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