
Question for us young ones

Spaceship Spaceship


Established Member
Do you feel the internet world lacks the confidence it should in young people? I'm 17 myself and have found myself in many a situation whereby a client has shunned my services due ageism and gone with someone older only to then be found to have been given shoddy work.

Really annoys me and I think it's time the world lightened up to the idea, most teenagers have aspirations and it's the older generations confidence within that; that forces us back into the irresponsible, downtrodden stereotype.

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Well were im from the older generations generally dislike the younger ones and distrust them entirely, older people are generally more reliable and have ethics were younger people are generally the opposite.
That word...'Generally'... ^^
Yeah lol everyone's different :)
Even my parents are like it, and it holds me back ya know?

I sold a domain fro £8,000.. They don't know aything a bout it. If they did, i wouldn't of been able to register it in the first place :/ So like, I think it's ridiculous. :L
I know exactly what you mean, my parents have no clue what I do, and therefore they think its a waste of time and I should be doing something else, fortunately im old enough now to tell them otherwise.

Unfortunately I haven't had a 8,000 sale yet :P
This was a complete one off to be fair, I'd underestimate the domain myself ^^ Got 2 lined up though that are receiving some interest. I just might develop them aha :P

Codr.co and developr.co :P BUT I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DO :|

Also, you may know the answer to this... I'm 17 but paypal states you must be 18 to use it's service, if I attatch my debit card will they know :/ Scared of loosing my account :P
Don't worry about it I made my paypal at 16 with my debit, still got the same account to the day :P

I faked my way though everything until I was 18 lol.
aha, Righto :) Thanks :P

Know of any young peoples development forums.. I think this forum's too adult powered for me ^^ :L
Nope I don't use any other forums except for this one, I love these forums :P
Sometimes I think it's due to the fact some people just don't find the younger generation to be professional. They also can tend to dislike us...Damn grumps :P

Other occasions I think it's due to the fact we're just plain not old enough to have the experience they're looking for.
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