
domain NO bullshit please!

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domaining story-tellerTop Member
Hello you all

Hope you all doing very well , please appraise the domain Bullsh(.)it.

Much appreciate in advance
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Domain hacks are very speculative. It's wise to not thread on short speculations,
Domain hacks are very speculative. It's wise to not thread on short speculations,
Domain hacks are very speculative. It's wise to not thread on short speculations,
Hi,algofox,thanks for your advice,howere, to some extend, im partially agree with you.

IMO,Domain Investing can be divided into 2 types,that is, long-term goal and short-term one, no matter what type it is our main goal is get revenue from them, Whats more ,domain investing just like a box of chocolate you never know what you get from it, many domainers sold out their domains within one week or one mouth after they registered,take me as an example , i registered a (xxx).is in the past and got an offer after one month later.

My thoughts on investing is that if you have 100M USD , you shall buy some solid key words because it appreciates steadily year by year while if you only have 0.1M USD, you shall think of another way to put your money in, that is ,maxmize your profit through minimize your costs.
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Domain hacks are very speculative.

It's wise to not thread on short speculations,

... but this I disagree with.

Domain hacks do sell, though it's always nice to be mindful of ccTLD renewal rates and rules.

@DomainHacks would probably be the subject matter expert on these type of domains, and his appraisal would trump any appraisal I could provide.

Hope you all doing very well , please appraise the domain

FWIW, I think it's a fun name. Reminds me of Penn and Teller.

One concern may be branding on bold borderline curse word. Bold though can be edgy, and it appears others are not shy at least in terms of registering "bullshit" domains.

DotDb shows Bullshit is registered in 156 different TLDs, with over 2500+ domains containing the term "Bullshit". In theory, that's thousands of potential leads that may be interested in this domain as a URL shortener.

Another good sign is most of the other sh*it hacks I spot checked had been registered:

NoSh*it = 2000
OhSh*it = 2006
HolySh*it = 2013
FullOfSh*it = 2014
HorseSh*it = 2022
JackSh*it = 2023
BatSh*it = Available for reg fee

Some people may prefer their domain hacks to be a word before and after the dot, such as Bullshit(.)ing, albeit I think a Bull Shushing the crowd would make a good image to accentuate the Bull + Sh + it meaning.

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DotDb shows Bullshit is registered in 156 different TLDs, with over 2500+ domains containing the term "Bullshit". In theory, that's thousands of potential leads that may be interested in this domain as a URL shortener.
I think people are overstating the importance of url-shorteners. They're not a viable alternative for a .com, there's a ton of extra work that goes into implementing them, and all they amount to is saving you three characters on Twitter.

Good domain hacks occasionally sell, but more often than not it's bought by someone who "just thinks it's cool," and the pockets of these people usually aren't that deep.

For reference look at how underwhelming the .ing market is.
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Unless it's something Super Clever that resonates with its audience. Hilarity probably being the best connector, otherwise your wasting your time and money. It's really only Domainers that think they are clever. Like graffiti on a Public wall. Only the Sprayer thinks its artwork. Our UK's Banksy being a unique exception.
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It's really only Domainers that think they are clever.

I guess to your point, is available for reg fee. I think it's clever, but not clever enough to reg myself. Though, I like OP's domain more.
$45 to $195 = Reseller Value Speculation (NOT an end user speculation)
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