

Spaceship Spaceship


Established Member

I bought a domain which was listed on NameLiquidate on the 21st of August 2020. Was invoiced for Epik Marketplace Purchase, paid for it and the domain was then present in my Epik account. Updated Nameservers on the same day and that was it.

Today, I logged in my Epik account and I noticed that the domain was missing.

Reached out to support and the agent mentioned that, and I quote, "sale was not accepted by seller it seems", and so due to this, the domain is then transferred back to the owner. On top of that, I did notice I had In Store credit balances and looking at the billing & payment history, there was a "Refund for purchase" entry the following day (22nd) I bought the domain, and I guess this happens in the background? Since I didn't receive any mails or messages regarding it. I believe I should have been informed/notified of what had happened and that Epik will be refunding me, by at least giving me options for initial method of payment or in-store credits.

I just don't see how something is listed for sale, gets bought, paid for by buyer, and then gets taken away, transferred back to seller with no communications at all to the buyer.

Is this normal at NameLiquidate/Epik?
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I hope there is some mistake here, because if that is how the system is intended to work it is ridiculous.

I hope there is some mistake here, because if that is how the system is intended to work it is ridiculous.



If it’s listed and someone buys and pays for it, it should be transferred to the new owner (buyer) and that’s it.

But based on what I have experienced and been informed by Epik Support, that doesn’t seem to be the case, and it seems there’s some sort of “lifeline” for sellers?
Can you please PM me the domain?
Before jumping to a final conclusion, it should be noted that often in tech front line support don't always know the true story behind some errors and sometimes just give a cut/paste reply that isn't necessarily what actually happened.

In this case it could also be a language/clarity thing where it might not have been the seller who took tangible action to stop the transaction, but that it might be an expired/changed authcode issue or some other transfer issue on a part of the other registrar (some domains on NameLiquide are still hosted at other registrars until a sale is made).

Reach out to @Rob Monster @DanSanchez @Sufyan Alani or another Epik staff member to try to see what might have actually happened, because yes, that should not have happened.
Before jumping to a final conclusion, it should be noted that often in tech front line support don't always know the true story behind some errors and sometimes just give a cut/paste reply that isn't necessarily what actually happened.

In this case it could also be a language/clarity thing where it might not have been the seller who took tangible action to stop the transaction, but that it might be an expired/changed authcode issue or some other transfer issue on a part of the other registrar (some domains on NameLiquide are still hosted at other registrars until a sale is made).

Reach out to @Rob Monster @DanSanchez @Sufyan Alani or another Epik staff member to try to see what might have actually happened, because yes, that should not have happened.

Totally agree with you and I will take this up with Dan @ Epik moving forward.

Just FYI, the domain was and is at Epik, or else I wouldn’t have seen it in my account upon successfully dealing with the invoice.
Unfortunately this is human error, the seller renewed the domain after the reverse auction ended and was unaware the domain remained listed for another 7 days in the bargain section. He contacted support in a panic to try to get the transaction reversed, which it was, but I was not made aware of it.

The seller is banned from listing domains on NameLiquidate for at least 30 days, I am a bit of an iron fist with this stuff. I chase every sale regardless of price.

Being product manager, I should know every pain point you guys experience. For future reference if any issues come up on NL, you should email me before you email support. I can often times respond instantly, depending on the time of day.
Unfortunately this is human error, the seller renewed the domain after the reverse auction ended and was unaware the domain remained listed for another 7 days in the bargain section
The domain should have been instantly removed from the bargains section after renewal then. The system failed to perform this natural automatic action.
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The domain should have been instantly removed from the bargains section after renewal then. The system failed to perform this natural automatic action.

It’s even stated there, and as a seller, one should be aware of the platform’s processes so the whole thing about the seller being unaware and panicking shouldn’t be NL’s concern.
Common sense. Was the listing instant ("send my expired domains to nameliquidate" setting) or manual? If it was instant, which is likely, then the system should have removed the domain from bargains section (and from nameliquidate in general) as soon as it was renewed. However, if it was a manual listing, then it is of course up to the owner whether to list it on "nameliquidate generic" or "nameliquiate bargains" in any given time, with or without domain renewal.

So, the question: was the nameliquidate listing instant? If it was, then NameLiquidate acted correctly by reversing the sale. And what should be done now is apporpriate automation of listing removal process, to avoid similar cases in future.

If the listing was manual, then the nameliquidate sale should have never been reversed. No doubts.

I guess that the original listing was instantl simply because nameliquidate accepted the sale reversal request from original owner. Reversing a successful sale which the seller configured manually (and knowingly) would be against the whole spirit of the platform, so I do not think this could happen...
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