
Mechanic Watches blog and little shop

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FreeMariupolTop Member
Hello & Greeting from Ukraine!

Greetings to everyone! I am very glad to be part of this community - thank you for being there. I want to thank everyone who helped us get out of Mariupol and who supports us.

It just so happened that my father collected mechanical watches for 30 years and collected an impressive collection of watches that were produced in the USSR from 1940 to 1991.

Since it is no longer there and he is buried in Mariupol, my mother and I made a not simple decision to sell the collection.

And that's what I did to sell watches. I am waiting for advice, critics...

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#freeMariupol & we go to home!

If anyone might help me with free backlinks - I would be much appericated!
How about just I don't see much long-term potential for a new website in this specific niche. How many watches did he collect?
At least 200 men's wristwatches, there are also not few women's watches, as well as pocket watches
Looking for more appraisals
It's terrible. The design is awful, the page is slow, I give it a value of $0.
thx @Cush but I'am not planning to sell my website - it is creating only to sell my fathers watches collection .

Does anyone know how to change sorting Products in my soviet watchess store here from "by default sorting" to "by latest" ?
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Hello to everyone with best wishes from Ukraine. Glory to Ukraine!

Recently made some changes with the store.

Now on the main page of the Soviet watches store there is an assortment of products.

For the convenience of users, am quickly made a soviet watches forum on subdomain, where people can communicate, sell, read thematic news, and so on. It remains to bring the forum into proper shape and I hope that people reach out there

Sorry that such a meager choice but very little time due to the constant shelling of our country - we have to hide in the basement, since only my mom survived from the whole family and is very afraid of losing her and do not want to risk staying in the apartment during anxiety.

Yes, the store download speed on mobile devices is high 3-4 seconds, and need to reduce. From desktops, in less than a second and a half to load the store and I consider it a good indicator. With the forum, the same problem is necessary in some way to speed up the download speed for users from mobile devices.
Therefore, I ask you guys who understand - please help with advice.

Also ready for justified criticism. It is worth noting that the site with the forum is not made for sale - for people interested in watches that were made in a non-existent country now - the USSR

Best Regards
Greeting from Ukraine!

Glory for Ukraine!

Glory for the Heroes!

How looks now my soviet watches shop?? Is it faster now? Ready for critic and suggestions!

Best Regards
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Glory to Ukraine!

Hi Maya! I hope that you are doing well and you are in safe place!

Thanks for the help!

It seems that my soviet watches shop has become more readable.

If you have ideas, I will sincerely appreciate the tips!

Best Regards
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Greeting from Ukraine! Glory for Ukraine!

Need help - after few completed purchases from my soviet watches shop buyers see message when trying topay via Paypal
In accordance with the requirements of international law, this transaction was rejected
What could be the problem? Buyers received and wrote happy reviews and thanked each customer for the gifts I added.
Maybe these are sanctions again for the Russians, who rewarded me as a resident of Mariupol, who was annexed by the Russians.. It seems unlikely to me, since physically I am on the territory of Ukraine and am a citizen of Ukraine and escape from the Maripol and live at Dnepr Region.

I don't know what is it russian federation - I know only russian pederation

any people who accept annexion of Ukraine territories is stupid putler pigs crew!
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