discuss A worldwide shift away from .com

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A worldwide shift away from .com?

Could it be?

I'm going to say that ccTLD's as a single entity are now the most relevant extensions period.
If you look at the UK, Germany, China, Russia, India, and Canada the ccTLD's are more widely used than the .com's.

There are a few exceptions like apple who will use instead of but the vast majority of companies like will use for Canada. It absolutely shocks me at how dominant .ca is in Canada.

As the oldest extension .com's continue to have the biggest resale value but if you were to add up the sheer number of all ccTLD's they would easily surpass .com registrations.

So because each country code is unique the ccTLD's can never have the same numbers of registrations as the .com's but if you were to consider all the ccTLD's as one extension they would comfortably surpass .com registrations.

I think the trend of ccTLD's will continue on an upward scale, I think .com has plateaued and will only see nominal growth moving forward. ccTLD's will continue to grow as each countries economy grows and becomes more connected.

As a Canadian, when I do a google search I don't even look at .com's because I want to shop in Canadian dollars and same goes for people from Russia, China, UK etc.

As the Trumps of the world alienate other countries you will see more of a shift away from .com as other countries try to distance themselves from the USA.

Take Canada as a for instance.... the greatest ally the USA has ever had and Trump blew off Canadians as if they were yesterday's news, slapping tariffs on their goods and basically saying very inappropriate things about their leader. By comparisons other countries have been very reserved to bring any criticisms towards the USA. It is undeniable though that the populations of each country are feeling more and more alienated by the usa and because .com is perceived as being dominantly U.S. the entire future of the extension will see limited growth as other countries bring in protective measures for their economies.

So I personally think the future growth of the .com industry is directly linked to how open the US economy is. With Tariffs on other countries there will be repercussions and the .com's will slowly start to erode as other countries shy away from anything that could even remotely be considered american.

Please try to keep this a civil discussion and understand that you cannot look at the .com from yesterday, we are looking at times that are very different where most countries are looking seriously at protecting their own economies by asking the population to shop local products. A .com will NEVER be a local address unless it is in the USA.

In closing..... it is entirely feasible that another extension like .global could eventually become the new international extension for companies as the world distances itself from the USA. Will it be .global, .international, .business etc.... that is anyone's guess but I can tell you for sure, a lot of companies will second guess relying on a .com for local commerce.
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You are proving my point. In order for anyone to justify cc tlds they have to pinpoint certain areas. You just did it with EU.

I gaurentee that all of EU uses .com. They don’t need anything beyond that.
Well, I would summarise it like this (for Europe, non english-speaking countries particularly):

a) if you have your business in specific country in Europe, like Czech Republic, you will use .cz in 99% of cases, particularly when it is non-english speaking country and you deliver your brand/products/etc. for local audience.

b). if you want to expand and will want now your business to operate in several EU countries, you can use .eu, or go for. com for your main webpage. Still, particularly when we speak about e-commerce, you will need local versions of your brands in ccTLDs (as one can not operate on Polish market with Czech ccTLD for example)

Btw, if .com or .eu is too expensive or taken, endusers can now go for new gTLDs. It can be .global, .international, .online, .one, .agency, .company, or anything which suits their brand. So here in Europe, in case of a), it will usually be ccTLD and in case of b) it can be eu, .com or since 2014 also new gTLD name.

Here is an example for you....

Take the top 10 biggest companies that do COMMERCE without MIcrosoft and Apple.

Let's take electronics, office supplies, home building supplies etc.

BestBuy, HomeDepot, Lowes, Staples, etc etc
They all use ccTLD's for commerce instead of the .com. Sure they have a single .com but in most cases they have the matching .ccTLD for each country they do business in.

If you use that as an example it is only a question of time before ccTLD's will totally dominate over .com because each company needs multiple ccTLD's per one .com.

Now factor in that another extension like .global could also encroach and we will eventually see the end of the .com dominance.

Only global companies like Amazon, Google etc register multiple cctlds. They're not the major buying percentage of domain industry. It's small business, individuals etc. who contribute major buying percentage in the industry.

You are taking collective registrations of Cctld and comparing it with registration of .com while ideally to know the no1 possition or shift compare .com, 1 on 1 with any Cctld.

Most of the companies want to buy only two names one is .com and one is Cctld so no local competition can come.They don't register multiple cctlds. So Cctld give competition to .com only in that country. This is why they can't become globally accepted names.
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Speculation in the ccTLD world is very difficult because availability is so good.


I had a low ball offer on Red(dot)ca and the person asking for it immediately said they will not pay a high dollar value for it because they can just add a second word and register it for 10 bucks.

THIS IS EXACTLY WHY THE CCTLDS will become more popular. Good availability without the need to overpay speculators like us. That is why I switched focus and am now only purchasing single word ccTLD's. For those eventually there will be a buyer but for most two word combinations there will be limited resale because of the large availability to draw on.

Everytime I talk about this I am not singling out a specific ccTLD but talking about them as a whole.

Huge supply doesn't guaranty equal demand.
96% of my annual sales are strictly .com, in most cases companies want both the .com and the cctld
It was clear from the first post that the thread was not about domain values or prices, instead it was meant to be about the total number of domains that are used for live sites. This topic, and the info people have posted about trends, is really interesting - thanks.

While a generic English language .com has a larger pool of potential buyers than a CC in most cases, .com is not always the more valuable extension for a word or words, especially outside the English language.

Interesting sales examples to compare, for info: 116,221 USD 2009-10-16 Sedo 36,816 USD 2008-08-05 Sedo

reported at at $20,166 $2,000
To find that sales report, go to Godaddy appraisal tool and search for Eastleaf or Westleaf or a similar leaf word. Then it reports that sale in the related sales list. Interestingly, today it values at $5,335.

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Tweed is doing good with not the .ca
Even our government run cannabis store is on .com I am sure they get business.
I have 108 .ca and 102 .com and do believe as time goes on, and there is a severe shortage of good .com that Canadians will start using .ca more, which they should.
I am looking through cira factbook, I read before 70% of canadian business still using .com and i will find that page again. NAPA auto parts, they doing ok with no .ca goes to .com should be other way around I buy stuff from them, maybe you should reg the .ca and tell them how they need it so badly. Windoms
You cant run a world wide business .on a cctld
You can run a local business on a .com
Maple is right again, to be a worldwide business, you really do need the country codes goes to shifting.away

Get ready to rumble.

There were ''more than 2.5million'' .ca domains registered at the end of 2016. According to CIRA, .ca's owner.
Make that 3 million today.
36 million Canadians.
1 .ca for every 12 Canadians.
Fair number.

I am looking through cira factbook, I read before 70% of canadian business still using .com and i will find that page again.
I found it here. Cira factbook 2016.
.ca has 31% marketshare in 2016.
The .com, is it daydreamers? registrars? domainers?
We know the following.

Cira factbook 2012,
1.7 million .ca in 2012.
2.5 million in 2016.
.com had a 62% marketshare in 2007. 56% marketshare in 2012.

Note that Tucows (Toronto) is a Canadian registrar.
January 2017, Tucows (Toronto) acquired eNom (Washington), adding 14.5 million domains under management.
Are they included? I dont know.
But you know the following.

Cira factbook 2016.

79% prefer to support Canadian businesses
68% agree that Canadian businesses should use .ca
60% prefer .ca websites because they are Canadian.

Cira factbook 2016.
Why register .ca
why .ca.png

Government of Canada
''The bottom line
If your business is based in Canada and markets to Canadian consumers, the .CA domain is the obvious choice. Also register the .COM version of your domain if you are planning to target an international audience or if you're interested in protecting your brand.''

For the record.
Debates around those surveys with different results, f*ck them. You live here, you see the facts.
Look, all from CIRA. Different results.
Survey from internet users, small and medium businesses, CIRA members.

Cira factbook survey 2012
From cira members
Cira 2012.jpg

Cira factbook survey 2015

From decision makers

Cira factbook survey 2016
Survey from businesses, cira members, and internet users.
Meaning from actual local business owners and people dreaming about glamorous worldwide .com business.

Different results.
You know the facts.

These people are not Canadians, leave the fluff. You live here and you see and know the facts.
Speak the Truth. Educate them. Cut the BS.

Even our government run cannabis store is on .com I am sure they get business.



they are crazy.

Tweed is doing good with not the .ca
Stoners don't know they're in Canada.

I have 108 .ca and 102 .com and do believe as time goes on, and there is a severe shortage of good .com that Canadians will start using .ca more, which they should.
By now you know Canadians will never use .com. NAPA auto parts, they doing ok with no .ca
Napa, American company with 6,000 locations. Still running on that oldschool 1998 ''''?
Why not
They don't even have a redirect to .ca.napaonline or
Fire the IT department. goes to .com should be other way around I buy stuff from them, maybe you should reg the .ca and tell them how they need it so badly. Windoms
Who are they?

You can run a local business on a .com exhaustion or fast shipping, no import tax, easy returns?

The government of Canada loves Canadians.
Canadians love Canada.
Canada loves .ca.
In Canada, .ca is used everywhere in advertising, because its efficient.
If you are a rational business and you wish to conduct business locally, in Canada, you got to have a .ca.
Unless you want to lose customers for no reason.
And spend extra marketing $ compared to .ca competition.


  • why .ca.png
    why .ca.png
    68.1 KB · Views: 127
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@jmcc provides useful info at

Look at the front page chart of GTLDs by country 2018:
Tells you how many .com domains are hosted in each country. Shows about 1.3m in India, but does not give figures for each country's CC.

United States 67,781,723
China 7,448,980 872,113
Germany 4,081,150
United Kingdom 3,370,396
Japan 1,986,756
Canada 2,833,873
France 2,452,761
Australia 1,669,033
India 1,288,049

This older chart is from 2014 but it shows you hosting of .com domains by country at that time:

Part of the work that does is, not surprisingly, monitoring web hoster statistics. Global domain name statistics do not give a country level view of domain name markets. They simply give a single set of statistics for a Top Level Domain name. This misses how a TLD performs on a country level basis and it is a very important view because the gTLDs are often competing with the local Country Code TLD (ccTLD).

Hosted domains could also be redirects or parking pages.
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I don't have time to rumble:xf.grin:
Getting ready for work.
Love this

Tweed is doing good with not the .ca
Stoners don't know they're in Canada. The stigma of weed, will still smolder long after legalization. ya american company, canadian dollars, canadian address

No .ca, no business. < that statement you made is simplii wrong.

Thx for finding that info for me.

.ca is hardly used everywhere, most popular site in Ktown here is bet they loose a lot of potential customers to the .ca
Googled "kelowna vape" results

1 .ca in first 6 results for ' kelowna vape
5 .com from
That .ca guy must be sooooo busy, we prefer .ca
Cant believe maryjaneshq.COM is on page 2. Been here for long long time, busy place
Why do they not have the .ca booked and use that commercial extension? ( booked 2008)
Times are changing, slowly but they will.
In countries like Canada. All you see is .ca.
If you are a business, you need a .ca, otherwise you are screwed when it comes to reaching Canadian customers.
I dont know for Germany and .de, like if theres a mix of .com and .de, but in Canada, theres no mix of .com and .ca. No .ca, no business.

I live in Canada. Right now, this is coming across as misleading. I see MapleDots gave this post a Like. Maybe 1 of you can explain how it's true.

I agree with MasterOfMyDomains:
No .ca, no business. < that statement you made is simplii wrong.

I live in Canada. Right now, this is coming across as misleading. I see MapleDots gave this post a Like. Maybe 1 of you can explain how it's true.

I agree with MasterOfMyDomains:

The actual stats are posted for posts up and they are pretty complete.

I mean we all know you don't have to have a .ca, but then again you don't need a website to do business either.

I always say a good gage is to look at the top commerce sites and that gives an idea.

Then again it is taking this topic off topic, it is not about Canada it is about all ccTLD's combined. Canada takes only a small fraction of that.
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.ca is hardly used everywhere, most popular site in Ktown here is bet they loose a lot of potential customers to the .ca
Googled "kelowna vape" results

The vave, smoke, pot shops are going to use .com's because they are probably looking to target more than Canada if they can.

Lets try to stay on topic to ALL ccTLD's as per my opening post please

Also guys, please don't expect me to respond to every post, I am running behind at work and only have time to look in on occasion. I can keep trying to elaborate here but because namepros is predominantly .com sellers I will never win this debate and nor did I hope to do so.

As long as I got people to look at ccTLD's and see the growth they are getting then I did enough to stimulate the conversation.
I don't have time to rumble:xf.grin:
Getting ready for work.
Love this

Tweed is doing good with not the .ca
Stoners don't know they're in Canada. The stigma of weed, will still smolder long after legalization. ya american company, canadian dollars, canadian address

No .ca, no business. < that statement you made is simplii wrong.

Thx for finding that info for me.

.ca is hardly used everywhere, most popular site in Ktown here is bet they loose a lot of potential customers to the .ca
Googled "kelowna vape" results

1 .ca in first 6 results for ' kelowna vape
5 .com from
That .ca guy must be sooooo busy, we prefer .ca
Cant believe maryjaneshq.COM is on page 2. Been here for long long time, busy place
Why do they not have the .ca booked and use that commercial extension? ( booked 2008)
Times are changing, slowly but they will.
Kelowna the place where people were growing all of Canada's weed before it was legalized.
You guys in Kelowna don't need .ca. + marijuana customers are sci-fi diligent when it comes to finding their product, they don't need .ca.

With that being said sometimes you start an online retail business and you think about next door US market and 325 million people vs 36 million in Canada so you register .com.
90% of Canadian small and medium business exports is to the US.
In that regard, protectionist measures could hurt .com in Canada because of proximity with the USA and mass exports.

On Canadian soil, advertisement is .ca.
You intend to do business solely on Canadian soil, you need .ca.
No .ca, no business. No easy business, no complicated business, no business.
Why would any business person outside stoners like Napa CEO ignore this?


why .ca.png
There definitely is a lot of growth in cctld’s.

Even just a couple of years ago, I have not seen as many .ca’s being advertised around as I do now. Most trucks, vans, TV stations that I see are about 90% .ca websites. I don’t know how it is in other countries but that’s what I see in Ontario, Canada.

I believe .com will always be King/Queen (to be politically correct) but the majority of companies here use .ca’s. Especially smaller businesses.
Just to induce some perspective and humour: You can't see your brain yet it does exist. :xf.laugh::ROFL:

Owning the .COM is enough for companies who have global clientele. Those who depend on predominantly local customers need the CCTLD and they should have the .COM if they ever want to go global. Mega brands have local sites because every local presence of theirs will be as big as most companies and they need to be customer focussed. Its hard for one site to cater to all their customer bases... in view of both services and speed.

People everywhere like to see short URLs that exude trust while making sense and that point is indisputable. Its evident that .COM will always be first choice (or remain a desire for small companies). Startups on extensions like CCTLD, .IOs and .COs will always have upgrade dreams for the future if they want to be taken serious globally. Traffic will leak and that's their calculated gamble. Talking about other extensions overtaking .COMs will never ever make sense to me. Millions of existing global Business websites wont shift unless there is a real reason to invoke "loss of trust". There is none and probably never will. Of course there will always be "the sky is falling" rumours :xf.rolleyes:. Businesses exist inspite of politics. A river can never influence the tide of an ocean unless it becomes as big as the ocean. No CCTLD can logically ever become that big. Most companies own multiple domains as they should so I don't really see the point of the argument. Good CCTLDs will always make the .COM more valuable.

Excellent domain names in any extension (like one word .CCTLDs) will always have resale value. So fellow domainers, hold on to your best .COMs and CCTLDs. Most NGTLDs will be a gamble. Don't forget most gamblers lose. ;) The house (registrars) always win! :ROFL:
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From SEO point of views, ccTLD has more visibility than .com in the related country. However the difference is not much....

There are some restriction on cctlds such as government will not let you register cctld if you don't belong to that country...... I think you can't register if you are not an Australian....

Some big market places don't support certain cctlds....... you can't auction in Godaddy auction......

The main benefit of .com are; it is global, and .com stands for commerce and .com is given higher ranking in Google and probably in other search engines than others...
I just posted this thread under cctlds discuscions

As someone who has been vested in .com since 1998, this is not about .com vs others. cctlds (real country extensions that represent large economies and growing economies) have a place. There are many instances the .com is just not available or is priced out or with a competitor. Whatever the reason, if there are a 100 competitors in the marketplace for Soaps, Diapers, Tyres or Tires, Cars in a country, owning a premium category killer domain in the cctld would be the next best option out there. Its that simple
the germans got amazing sales on .de 695.000
ä 65.000

and many many more

the germans are smart even that they are named ,,german,, by a moron
( Julius Cesar ) and btw english is a west germanic language :)

cc tld,s make sense
Which ones will remain dominant: Dollar as currency, English as language, .com as tld.

I think us dollar is the weakest, English is the strongest here.

I'm not ready for collapse of .com, I just started investing in it seriously in my almost 20 years of domaining.

Google likes .com, corporate world likes .com, nonwestern corporate world likes .com for now. I don't like it, but I like gambling with it.

Actually what I don't like is that people don't buy domains, and use facebook, or linkedin pages as their online presence.
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I need some foreign addresses, so can someone help and reg these for me? I’m broke, but will trade my sunshine and a beach vacation for your assistance.

This is a joke only and to inject some humor in this way too serious thread

interesting discussion...

prompted me to do some quick research and are my sources

no data on brazil but find in looking at the fifteen largest markets .com's vs. .cc's :

first third a draw - china 20% more .com's; germany 60% more .de's; france 15%

more .fr's; spain 15% more .com's; denmark 25% more .com's - these 5 tied........

second third love .cc and shun .com - russia over 16x; czech over 10x; uk over 5x

(and english is their language); netherlands over 5x; australia over 3x (another

traitor to the mother tongue); italy over 3x - these 6 many times more .cc than .com

the mostly english-speaking king kom krew - usa over 30x (twice as gung ho

on .com as russia is on .ru); canada over 3x; india over 2x; finally japan over 2x

The Internet and World Wide Web started out in USA English but then sucked

the rest of the (non-English-speaking-except-for-tech-english) World in -

most interesting idea here has been two internets, one run by USA and

the other by China...

A thing only needs some good promo : .co=company .tv=television .ws=website

.us is the Ultimate Solution (for planet earth)

The Ultimate Solution in Domain Name Acquisition

I just reg'd ChicagoFamilyStyle.Pizza,,

ChicagoFamilyStylePizza.US (for Uber Slice), ChicagoFamilyStylePizza.Top,

ChicagoStylePizza.Top, ChicagoPizza.Top, and CFSP.Top - my biggest four

word domain bet yet.....

(Chicago is the only place that hasn't sold out to Corporate yet, 100's of mom

and pop Family Style Pizza shops and the only place you'll find truly great pie.)

If you are serious about going global go for .com
Having just recently come back from Mexico I saw virtually only .mx extensions on billboards unless you are confusing a with a .com

Here is the info on that.... (Courtesy Wikipedia)

Up to August 2009 domain registrations besides .MX, consist of third-level names beneath second-level names which parallel some of the top-level domains:

  • Commercial entities (actually unrestricted, like .com)
  • Network providers (registration limited to qualifying entities)
  • Non-profit organizations (registration limited to qualifying entities)
  • Non-profit organizations or Civil society organizations (registration NOT limited to qualifying entities)
  • Educational institutions (registration limited to qualifying entities)
  • Federal, State or Municipal Governmental entities only (.gob derives from the Spanish word for government: "Gobierno")
Currently second level domains can be registered directly under .mx.

Actually, in Mexico "" is still being used strongly since "" has been live since 1999 and ".mx" went live 10 years later in 2009.

".mx" continues to gain ground though and will eventually surpass "".
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