What's going on with Epik and Rob Monster?



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I'm catching the tail end of this, seems to be some kind of controversy...


Must be something odd to evoke this type of a response from one of our members.

The views expressed on this page by users and staff are their own, not those of NamePros.
Wouldn't it be nice if there was a thread for intellectual exchange of ideas? Not posts of memes or quotes. But actual discussion.

That's a good idea, we all know that there are a lot of smart people on this forum who can provide some interesting and unique points of view,

But first everyone has to agree to be tolerant of opposing views, and secondly the thread has to be put in a VIP section that is going to be off limits to the usual narcissist pundits here who only feel important by berating and attacking others.

That's a good idea, we all know that there are a lot of smart people on this forum who can provide some interesting and unique points of view,

But first everyone has to agree to be tolerant of opposing views, and secondly the thread has to be put in a VIP section that is going to be off limits to the usual narcissist pundits here who only feel important by berating and attacking others.


I believe there is a lot untapped wisdom in this community. I also believe that many members that can offer valuable insights are humble by nature. If there is a way to provide a means where we can express ourselves without the threat of antagonization and an atmosphere of respect despite different views or opinions, the benefits would be awesome.
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As someone who works daily with people who work hard to make the Internet function technically, I am very disappointed that this company makes all kinds of technical claims that turn out to be incorrect. Like pretending to be a registry and taking it back later (just running the software). Or by claiming that Google and other major search engines will index their local alternative TLD .truth. Is it ignorance or deliberate deception? Why is this allowed on namePros? As long as we can't even agree on these kinds of basic technical things on this respected forum, I have little hope that there will be a consensus on issues as fundamental rights and freedom of expression, which are rightly much more nuanced.

Again, good luck for the company, but I stay away for the reasons mentioned in this posting.
Trolling, as I see it, is trying to create controversy on social media where there is none.

and doing so in order to achieve something

like talking about x in a thread
and next somebody promotes his y business

I know a famous troll
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I am pretty sure @MapleDots had no idea what he would unleash in March 2019

the one unleashing this was you

let's remember for a second why it was published in the first place

you had the idea of posting a link to the shooters own promotional video

The mosque massacre in Christchurch cost the lives of many innocent people, caused by a heinous murderer promoting nazi ideology.

In the middle of this terrible human loss, a domain registrar’s founder took a stance separate from his company’s past support of right-wing agenda, in the name of “freedom of speech.”

In a Twitter exchange, Epik founder, Rob Monster, “mixed business with politics,” related to the ideology of the group inflicting the Christchurch massacre.

Monster was criticized for picking and choosing “freedom of speech” incidents, as Epik apparently did not welcome to host such extremist content domains.

Currently, Rob Monster’s Twitter account appears to have been disabled or even deleted. When visiting Twitter.com/robmonster a message from Twitter notifies visitors that the page does not exist. All of Rob Monster’s tweets are thus unavailable, including the one below:

Source: https://domaingang.com/domain-news/rob-monster-off-twitter-after-christchurch-massacre-controversy/
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Far-Right Platform Gab Has Been Hacked—Including Private Data

The transparency group DDoSecrets says it will make the 70 GB of passwords, private posts, and more available to researchers, journalists, and social scientists.


So much for resilient hosting. SQL injection? This is amateur stuff. The kids want to have their "safe space". But kids are still kids. Sorry to be so blunt. But this is the reality. The utter stupidity of Jan 6 perpetrators to live post their actions just makes the point.
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wow a lot of trolling just because you disagree with a business, services, or Public Relations stance?

If I don't like a company, I might not support it, if it is monopolizing the market place I would definitely share my views on it and cheer any idea to create competition. The beauty of a diversified free marketplace would be competition and choice.

These services that you are snickering at don't impact you? is that correct? I would imagine complainers would have moved on long ago. But yet here you are trolling, and when the CEO comes on to explain, you accuse him of trolling? Definition of a clown world.

Gab is just a free speech platform, and if you need to label free speech as far-right, it is time to evaluate reality, history and the definition of your labels.

Maybe it is time to evaluate what future your activism will bring, Orwellian dystopia or diversity of thought.


It is a clown world. But maybe for other reasons as well.

In the one breath you praise Gab as a free speech platform, in the other you cancel activists. You can't have it both ways.
It is a clown world. But maybe for other reasons as well.

In the one breath you praise Gab as a free speech platform, in the other you cancel activists. You can't have it both ways.

I praise Gab as a tool, public square of 1st Amendment, and as an example, something that cancel culture always uses as a defense for their actions "if you don't like the rules build your own". But we know that in practice, it is not that simple to "build your own", and the CEO of Gab has been vindictively persecuted for doing just that.

Good point on the activism quote, thanks for that. Liberal activism or social justice activism variety would be more accurate, but I thought the quote was enough for self-reflection. Sowell observed that "much of the social history of the western world over the past three decades has involved replacing what worked with what sounded good", like the push for socialism, etc.

Liberal activism example:

"Public housing projects in the first half of the 20th century were clean, safe places, where people slept outside on hot summer nights, when they were too poor to afford air conditioning. That was before admissions standards for public housing projects were lowered or abandoned, in the euphoria of liberal non-judgmental notions. And it was before the toxic message of victimhood was spread by liberals. We all know what hell holes public housing has become in our times. The same toxic message produced similar social results among lower-income people in England, despite an absence of a "legacy of slavery" there."

What is that you want to achieve here right now in this thread and therefore for society?
I praise Gab as a tool, public square of 1st Amendment, and as an example, something that cancel culture always uses as a defense for their actions "if you don't like the rules build your own". But we know that in practice, it is not that simple to "build your own", and the CEO of Gab has been vindictively persecuted for doing just that.

Good point on the activism quote, thanks for that. Liberal activism or social justice activism variety would be more accurate, but I thought the quote was enough for self-reflection. Sowell observed that "much of the social history of the western world over the past three decades has involved replacing what worked with what sounded good", like the push for socialism, etc.

Liberal activism example:

"Public housing projects in the first half of the 20th century were clean, safe places, where people slept outside on hot summer nights, when they were too poor to afford air conditioning. That was before admissions standards for public housing projects were lowered or abandoned, in the euphoria of liberal non-judgmental notions. And it was before the toxic message of victimhood was spread by liberals. We all know what hell holes public housing has become in our times. The same toxic message produced similar social results among lower-income people in England, despite an absence of a "legacy of slavery" there."

What is that you want to achieve here right now in this thread and therefore for society?

It would be nice to have a separate thread, as I mentioned earlier, for having a civil public discourse for exchanging ideas without getting into a mud-slinging match.

As far as what I wanted to achieve here right now, I believe I stated earlier. It was to draw Rob out to address fundamental concerns. The primary being, of making offensive public statements and posts, and holding to them which were subsequently debunked and which dishonored the lives that were lost and lives changed irreparably by those losses. Among other shocking things. And by extension pulling the domaining community into the arena. This should not be a place of such thoughtless speech. I believe in free speech. And I believe there is a right place and time for everything.

You can say practically anything you want in today's society, but the difference between a child and an adult is that an adult knows what, when, and how to say it.

I will not rehash the statements and posts I made a general reference to above. Over the course of this thread it has been a learning and eye-opening experience. But I have given up in the attempt to reach Rob. At the same time, the thread is a good reference for those unfamiliar with its origins and want some insights.

One thing, a quote if you like, that I could make is that the one thing worse than having no knowledge, is having only partial knowledge. The more we learn and study, the more we should be humble and realize how much more there is to learn, about people and about life.

We have to realize that as much as many ideas we hold dear may be right or may be wrong, the same can be applied to other people we may not agree with. And the more we stop living in a bubble and at least carefully listen to other's points of view and where they come from, the more our lives get enriched. Life is a journey.

At the same time, if we clearly see wrong actions taken (especially if others may get hurt), we hold those people to account. But without violence and personal harm. Hoping that we can reason with them and help them come to their senses.

Often times, people have their heels so deeply dug in that nothing we say can help. And we must accept that as well. We may attempt to say something that will shake them and make them listen. But we can't make that our modus operandi. Because that too will lose its effectiveness.

One book I am reading is How to Have Impossible Conversations. It is a must-read for anyone who wishes to have civil discourses with people with diametrically opposed views and perhaps arrive at a common ground. At least avoid ending up as enemies. One point it makes, is that there are times you just have to walk away from a conversation.
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And unlike Godaddy, we are available and reasonable.

Why was this necessary? This thread has nothing to do with GoDaddy, I'd appreciate it if you didn't try to drag us into it.
Sorry. I changed my mind. Don't want to get into further debate. Original post deleted.
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I wasn't paying attention to this thread but dropped in. I see accusations of trolling are being made.

Do the Namepros Rules allow that - calling other members trolls?

https://www.namepros.com/threads/official-rules-of-namepros.848752/ says
1.2. Be professional, tactful, and constructive at all times, including with your username and profile picture. Do not intentionally disrespect, harass, threaten, attack, instigate, insult, antagonize, or be aggressive toward others.

https://www.namepros.com/threads/expectations-for-respect-and-constructiveness.845259/ says
We expect members to present their opinions maturely, without invoking hostility or aggression, and without antagonizing other members.
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wow a lot of trolling just because you disagree with a business, services, or Public Relations stance?

you are a little naive, aren't you?
no, it's not about disliking.
It would be nice to have a separate thread, as I mentioned earlier, for having a civil public discourse for exchanging ideas without getting into a mud-slinging match.

As far as what I wanted to achieve here right now, I believe I stated earlier. It was to draw Rob out to address fundamental concerns. The primary being, of making offensive public statements and posts, and holding to them which were subsequently debunked and which dishonored the lives that were lost and lives changed irreparably by those losses. Among other shocking things. And by extension pulling the domaining community into the arena. This should not be a place of such thoughtless speech. I believe in free speech. And I believe there is a right place and time for everything.

You can say practically anything you want in today's society, but the difference between a child and an adult is that an adult knows what, when, and how to say it.

I will not rehash the statements and posts I made a general reference to above. Over the course of this thread it has been a learning and eye-opening experience. But I have given up in the attempt to reach Rob. At the same time, the thread is a good reference for those unfamiliar with its origins and want some insights.

One thing, a quote if you like, that I could make is that the one thing worse than having no knowledge, is having only partial knowledge. The more we learn and study, the more we should be humble and realize how much more there is to learn, about people and about life.

We have to realize that as much as many ideas we hold dear may be right or may be wrong, the same can be applied to other people we may not agree with. And the more we stop living in a bubble and at least carefully listen to other's points of view and where they come from, the more our lives get enriched. Life is a journey.

At the same time, if we clearly see wrong actions taken (especially if others may get hurt), we hold those people to account. But without violence and personal harm. Hoping that we can reason with them and help them come to their senses.

Often times, people have their heels so deeply dug in that nothing we say can help. And we must accept that as well. We may attempt to say something that will shake them and make them listen. But we can't make that our modus operandi. Because that too will lose its effectiveness.

One book I am reading is How to Have Impossible Conversations. It is a must-read for anyone who wishes to have civil discourses with people with diametrically opposed views and perhaps arrive at a common ground. At least avoid ending up as enemies. One point it makes, is that there are times you just have to walk away from a conversation.

I am not going to doubt your motives and concerns as they appear genuine, but they seem to be very much misplaced and out of touch with greater reality and history. It is helpful to be aware of one's motivations, and we are a product of our values and the information we take in.

If you have the time to care this deeply about what the CEO of a private company is doing, you are already probably enjoying a very privileged life by global standards. Check out global poverty stats. There are so many real life problems the world is experiencing, but here we are discussing the idea of something you deemed as "offensive" statements. If I misunderstood or oversimplify, it is not on purpose.

The idea of free speech being essential, the value of being able to think, communicate out loud, and test ideas among others is so well covered that I wouldn't dare start proposing limitations apart from direct incitement and call to action which are well covered by criminal law. If you start taking free speech away, you are indirectly leading people towards violence.

The idea to post in this thread for the purpose of putting a person in the spotlight so as to be able to shame them with others for their actions and or believes and into some action or inaction feels downright abusive, but thanks for being clear about that. It is more of a mob and cancel culture type method. Not trying to be judgemental, but that is how it comes across.

I don't mean any disrespect, and if you don't want to continue this, I am all for it. Good luck to all:)
you are a little naive, aren't you?
no, it's not about disliking.

I was trying to put it mildly what our little cancel culture does on this thread and because I don't know Tom K. But please don't explain, that tune has been overplayed and I'm not a fan.
If you have the time to care this deeply about what the CEO of a private company is doing, you are already probably enjoying a very privileged life by global standards. Check out global poverty stats. There are so many real life problems the world is experiencing, but here we are discussing the idea of something you deemed as "offensive" statements. If I misunderstood or oversimplify, it is not on purpose.

I care about this community. That is the real impetus of my posts. I came from very humble roots. I have been a first-hand witness to what a real insurrection looks like. An insurrection against a real oppressive power that silenced people and took their freedom of speech away. That's why the public discourse happening right now in the US seems so bewildering and petty. The people so inflamed with romanticizing about recreating the 1770's insurrection don't understand what real oppression looks like. But that is besides the point and not appropriate to discuss in this thread.

The statements I "deemed" as "offensive" where not "deemed" as such by me alone. They were called out by the online community in large numbers. They were indeed offensive. You can call someone a derogatory term or lie about them and then say it was your expression of free speech. But it cannot be denied it was offensive irrespective.

The idea of free speech being essential, the value of being able to think, communicate out loud, and test ideas among others is so well covered that I wouldn't dare start proposing limitations apart from direct incitement and call to action which are well covered by criminal law. If you start taking free speech away, you are indirectly leading people towards violence.

Free speech is a very broad term and means different things to different people. Some believe you have to exercise free speech that is balanced with ethics and morality. Others believe you can simply spout anything off the top of your head and it should be ok. But if you look at regimes that truly suppressed and punished free speech it was speech that criticized the powers in control at the time. This is not the atmosphere existing in the US or other Western countries. If someone criticizes what you say, they are not infringing on your free speech. They are exercising their free speech. If you are sued or criminally charged for libel, defamatory speech, slander, saying fire in theater, or bomb on a plane, inciting people to commit suicide or other acts of violence free speech is not being curtailed.
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Why was this necessary? This thread has nothing to do with GoDaddy, I'd appreciate it if you didn't try to drag us into it.

You guys are as guilty as Epik, both Godaddy and Epik have been giving all these special rates on domain registrations which has forced me to keep registering more and more domains against my will. :xf.wink:

Kidding aside, thanks to both Godaddy and Epik for all that they are doing for domainers. :angelic:

On a related note, I did recently register the domain names:




Which if my health allows I am going to use them to explain how it is the responsibility of the community and the society at large to not to encourage and support hateful and hurtful speech even though the people who abuse and misuse their right of free speech and expression might still be allowed to exercise these rights.

People who want to cause pain and discomfort for others should not be celebrated by the good people in the World.

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Why was this necessary? This thread has nothing to do with GoDaddy, I'd appreciate it if you didn't try to drag us into it.

Paul - for the record, the main reason why Epik got into the registrar business in 2011 is because of this exact event -- Godaddy being unreasonable:


I have a positive sentiment towards the many lovely people who work at Godaddy.

I believe your policies for waiving 60-day transfer locks are anti-competitive. The comment specifically referred to that topic and I stand by it, and will double down on it.

The idea of [email protected] for reviewing a 60-day lock is a good one. However, if the answer is always no, then it is nonsense, and likely yet another anti-competitive tactic used by a de facto Monopolist.

You can rebut that Godaddy, as a policy-making entity, is methodically anti-competitive. I am confident that my facts would incontrovertibly prove otherwise.
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Why was this necessary? This thread has nothing to do with GoDaddy, I'd appreciate it if you didn't try to drag us into it.

This was such an immature comment by RM that I completely glanced over it and ignored it. He has a pattern of attacking and insulting companies he tries to compete with or that refuse to do business with him. It's come to the point I developed a blind spot for it.

I believe your policies for waiving 60-day transfer locks are anti-competitive. The comment specifically referred to that topic and I stand by it, and will double down on it.

@Rob Monster, stick to creating a competitive business. Don't start a pissing match. Leave religion, politics, and conspiracy theories at the door. That's for family dinners.

Let people decide what company they want to deal with without you trying to poison their minds.
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I care about this community. That is the real impetus of my posts. I came from very humble roots. I have been a first-hand witness to what a real insurrection looks like. An insurrection against a real oppressive power that silenced people and took their freedom of speech away. That's why the public discourse happening right now in the US seems so bewildering and petty. The people so inflamed with romanticizing about recreating the 1770's insurrection don't understand what real oppression looks like. But that is besides the point and not appropriate to discuss in this thread.

The statements I "deemed" as "offensive" where not "deemed" as such by me alone. They were called out by the online community in large numbers. They were indeed offensive. You can call someone a derogatory term or lie about them and then say it was your expression of free speech. But it cannot be denied it was offensive irrespective.

Free speech is a very broad term and means different things to different people. Some believe you have to exercise free speech that is balanced with ethics and morality. Others believe you can simply spout anything off the top of your head and it should be ok. But if you look at regimes that truly suppressed and punished free speech it was speech that criticized the powers in control at the time. This is not the atmosphere existing in the US or other Western countries. If someone criticizes what you say, they are not infringing on your free speech. They are exercising their free speech. If you are sued or criminally charged for libel, defamatory speech, slander, saying fire in theater, or bomb on a plane, inciting people to commit suicide or other acts of violence free speech is not being curtailed.

I agree there is real civil unrest being stoked right now. America was born out of a revolution, and the founders were careful to put as many barriers against a potential overreach by the federal government, which they deemed the biggest threat to individual liberty. Not going to rehash it endlessly, but the whole US Constitution is about limiting the power of the government. That is still a dominant thought on the minds of America's citizenry, and the reason for the 2nd Amendment, and why it is part of today's culture. The history of America might not be very long but is rich in lessons and worth a study.

What is offensive to you might not be offensive to someone else. People pay the price for speaking their minds and speaking out. The price is being judged by others and especially in the course of doing business it might be an economic loss. That is how it works in practice.
My point is that if you want to advocate for shaming someone, for example, and getting some of this community to join in, you are free to do so. But by doing so, I believe you are doing long term damage to society and the culture of free speech on this forum. Just because you drive something off from the public thread doesn't mean it just disappears. But the culture changes, and rather than being out in the open for all to be discussed and criticized, you create a culture where people are unwilling to talk openly. This is not a positive achievement, even if it brings temporary satisfaction.

Some who value individual freedom are no fans of where the modern left is pushing culture and ideas on free speech. Modern leftist ideology has captured at least the Democratic party, Mainstream Media, Big Tech, Academia and higher learning, Entertainment industry and Hollywood. Cancel culture and censorship are coming down on everyone who does not submit. Leftist organizations like Antifa and BLM and tolerated and encouraged and aided by lack of prosecution, immediate release, or fundraisers for bail.
And things are just starting:)

What are you other areas of activism?
I was trying to put it mildly what our little cancel culture does on this thread and because I don't know Tom K. But please don't explain, that tune has been overplayed and I'm not a fan.

Tom runs a site called DNPlaybook.com. The entire site has 149 indexed pages according to Google:


Of those 149 pages, a whopping 83 of them have some reference to Epik:


You can infer from that what you like.
Not going to rehash it endlessly, but the whole US Constitution is about limiting the power of the government.

Completely agree. However, the overwhelming addiction to and magnetism of power does not escape any person staring it in the face. No matter what their political position may be. Perhaps someone may be elected that has enough life experience and wisdom to have good intentions. But the pull of power and powerful lobbyists is extremely strong. The architects of the constitution had good intentions, after just escaping the oppression of a world power. They wanted their newly formed sovereignty to not come under another oppressive monarchy. From within or without. They had noble intent and created a document that has been respected for over 200 years and looked to as the guide to an ideal society.

Today, although those ideals may be elevated by political personalities with an agenda, this is only talk to attract people to their side. The burden is on each person to discern the genuineness and authenticity of each claim. The easy thing to do is to fall into a camp and let group mentality control our thinking. Because then we don't have to do our own thinking. Just follow the crowd.
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