What's going on with Epik and Rob Monster?



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I'm catching the tail end of this, seems to be some kind of controversy...


Must be something odd to evoke this type of a response from one of our members.

The views expressed on this page by users and staff are their own, not those of NamePros.
What is Rob's role at Epik?

Their site says he is CEO and President: https://www.epik.com/about/
You can see pictures of the staff there - what do they think of his public non-business activities?

And what do the Epik investors think? Epik Holdings Inc are seeking investors:
As for investment scenario, the company is currently open to accredited investors. If interested in learning more, consult your investment advisor, and/or email investor@epik.com.

Is Rob the majority shareholder/owner at Epik or do others control it? That probably determines who he answers to.
Not sure what everyone is talking about. It looks like people are blaming RM for being white-christian extremist and being against muslims. I don't have such a feeling. Trump is blamed for similar things as well, but they are not credible. He decides to "attack" Syria with 100+ cruise missiles which could end civilisation easily, but noone dies because of those attacks.

There are many false-flag killings. It happens less often now. It happened more when deepstate was in control. 911 was real, towers collapsed, but not because of planes or arabs. I hate binladen but he doesn't have such power and technology.

Can't say anything about NZ shootings now. We need to look at who is behind those attacks and what their agenda is. You don't need to be defensive just because you are christian, or blame anyone who says this is a hoax for being racist, just because you are against killings.

Don't play dumb & dont be dumb.

You think I don't utterly resent Bin sh*t laden for what he has done in the name of my peaceful religion?

The hate you have in you will eventually eat you up.

Islam is not a race you genius, its a religion, whites, blacks, brown , yellow, you name it.

I will not give your ideology any more oxygen by explaining. Go educate yourself first.

You think because I am a Muslim I want to do you & other non Muslims any harm?

You come to me, I will show you what being a Muslim is all about, I would protect you with my life against any harm. Regardless of what you believe in, or what color your skin is. Even you, full of hate.

My grandmother was a devout Irish Catholic & she lived amongst us for 84 years. The love between us was stronger than anything in this world.

Its good to know that you wouldn't mind watching me being executed at point blank for worshiping the god I worship.

First of all let me just say how saddened I am by the recent events in New Zealand .. it's truly tragic! :(

I actually have had a deep interest in matters of free speech and "digital ethics" going back about 20 years to when I had a large club music community myself of about 35,000 members.

As such I had quite a bit to say in the "Gab" thread ...

After making my posts, @Rob Monster actually reached out to me just to say he wanted to "acknowledge anyone that studies a matter, forms an opinion, and renders it thoughtfully". As I don't think we saw exactly eye to eye, but my views on the matter were more grey zone than most .. this was before Gab switched to Epik and actually Rob told me at that point he was glad that Gab had chosen another registrar. (Not sure what changed since as the thread drifted off my radar).

What I can say is that in the conversation, while I remained against Gab because of a few technical reasons (mainly their unwillingless to "police"/"moderate" their own site), he kept an open mind and said:
- "If they were my client, I would have worked to keep them online, but would have felt compelled to counsel [them]."

I don't like posting private conversations, but I do feel that this excerpt from one of his messages, can, whether you agree with him or not, at least shine some light on his own personal reasoning:
- "That said I judge nobody and even folks from the darkest corners of the web can be rehabilitated for the common good. I have seen it which is another very good reason to judge nobody. The domain industry has an important role to play in safeguarding the ability of people to search things out which is why the topic matters and also why the precedent of the largest registrar initiating wholesale takedowns without a court order is also troubling."

Just to give you an idea of the conversation, here's some of what I wrote to him privately about the Gab situation BEFORE they moved to Epik:
Ategy.com said:
Yeah .. context and specifics are EVERYTHING in cases like this. Not a single site can fairly be compared to another .. a single word (or lack of one) can change everything, in some cases I am extremely pro free speech .. extremely tolerant of what should be allowed. However I also feel strongly that sometimes there are competing freedoms .. freedom to live without being intimidated or having people incite violence against you is equally fundamental as freedom of speech ... and there are unfortunate instances like this one where the two go up against each other and you need to figure out where to draw the line.

I think in this particular case it unfortunately isn't even about ideology .. the Gab side totally lost my complete respect when I saw the quote saying they deliberately would not decide or police what is or isn't free speech. That in it's very self shows that they have a complete lack of understanding for the very concept of free speech and why it's important to fight for a line on both sides!

That fact you say you would have worked with them only if you could counsel them is what I'm happy to hear.because as they stood, they were on the wrong side of the line.

I think for the most part, if people are indeed trying to be responsible, that it's fantastic that you protect them. But at the end of the day if there are threats and/or malicious calls to action against individuals or groups, then that kind of irresponsible behaviour should not be protected (although they should very well indeed be given their day in court if they disagree). ...

The conversation then shifted a bit over a couple more messages to my old website, ngTLD's, our dogs, Epik and registrars in general.

I bring all the above up to get to this ... at one point I told him my name was "Arif" (PS .. I pronounce it with an "if" at the end .. not an "EEF"), which is a very common name in the Muslim world (the conversation never got around to my telling him I was a bacon eating Atheist born in Canada and my mom is of mostly Irish descent .. lol), and despite knowing of my background, the conversation continued in the friendly nature just as it had before. In fact, in his next reply he actually wrote "Your name is an Arabic one, I believe, which means knowledgeable. I have no doubt that you are."

I hate posting parts of a private conversation, but these parts were not too personal and I hope serve the greater purpose of shinning some light on Rob Monster's character. That being said .. is it really enough for me to be able to 100% guarantee that Rob is not a white supremacist? Admittedly not .. and I'll also admit that I haven't really looked into anything he's posted on Twitter or anywhere else other than NamePros .. but given my limited personal experience, I personally don't think he is a racist.

That being said .. I'm not saying that he doesn't have far right-wing political views (which in general I'm usually against), but just because someone is right-wing in many aspects of their personal politics does not necessarily mean they are racist.

Where to draw the line in cases like this video are extremely difficult, because in some similar cases, INFORMED public debate is extremely important, and any facts or evidence (like video) can be crucial to fairly assess a situation. But (speaking as someone who has chosen not to see the video), I have to say that I have a lot of respect for the Prime Minister of New Zealand based on how she's responded to this horrible situation .. and that in this particular specific case .. I think that there more pros than cons to having the video removed as well as not even saying his name in public for the moment. There are so many people involved and more than enough evidence that I don't see the benefit of it being posted.

However .. I also do have to say that I can see how some hardcore freedom of speech-ists would argue that there is no way to argue if a video should be removed without actually viewing it .. which would imply that it should not be removed.

In the same way, there are also people who make a valid argument that horrible things should be allowed to be posted specifically so that people can stand against it. Basically that people should be allowed to post hate in hopes that others would stand up and debate against the hate .. and that by using logical arguments, enter into a debate with the ultimate goal of convincing the haters that it is wrong to hate and/or that their arguments for hate are wrong/invalid.

I personally never rush to judge these types of situations either way (as many of you might have noticed based on my super long posts on just about everything .. lol) .. I look at the facts and treat each case separately based on the specifics. In this case it doesn't bother me so much that Rob feels strongly that such content be allowed (in theory so that the hate could be challenged) .. but what saddens me is that apparently he actively posted/reshared it.

However .. if anyone genuinely felt an important video like that was fake, then I do agree that they should tell people to check it out so that the facts (that they believe to be true) be brought to light. Again though, I'm not sure exactly what Rob specifically did or didn't say about the video, so it's not appropriate for me to develop this point any further. But it could be that maybe those of you calling him a racist, should instead be calling him a conspiracy chaser (two very VERY different things).

Because I think that ideally we'd live in a world where people are allowed to post such videos, but that nobody would actually choose to post them. But we don't live in such a world unfortunately .. and unfortunately then people rush to pick sides .. the irony is that most people don't stop to see the end-game of the other's point of view .. which in this case boils down to ...

Side A: "In order to best fight hate, the video should be censored"
Side B: "In order to best fight hate, the video should not be censored"

.. then sadly people are so focused on arguing with the other side's methods, that they overlook the most important part .. which is that in the end .. ultimately that both sides actually want to end the hatred. :-/
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Epik CEO robmonster is the domain registrar for Gab, a social media platform crawling with Nazis. He also provides DDoS protection for the Daily Stormer. Monster is now disseminating the NZ shooter's white nationalist manifesto and trying to sell domain names off it. Classy!

Actually it was BitMitigate that took on tDS as a client after they got booted by their previous provider. That was before Epik acquired BitMitigate.
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Actually it was BitMitigate that took on tDS as a client after they got booted by their previous provider. That was before Epic acquired BitMitigate.
Yeah, how convenient.
Yeah, how convenient.

I dunno. Just stating the facts. That switch came with a lot on controversy as well as almost any registrar kicked them out after a couple of days. I think I brought that one up in the gab.com thread when epik took them on.

I kinda just stumbled upon what happened so I haven't read all posts or know exactly what happened but will try to catch up asap.
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Because I think that ideally we'd live in a world where people are allowed to post such videos, but that nobody would actually choose to post them.
This is not simply about posting a video and debating it. Calling something like this a hoax or false-flag is something hard core, far right, white supremacists do to absolve truly bad people and place the blame on someone else. They did it with 9/11, they did it with the Oklahoma City bombing, they did it with Sandy Hook, they did it with the Parkland Shooting and they have done it elsewhere many times before. Just like so many at Storm Front call the Holocaust a hoax, they and others like them are once again doing it here with New Zealand.

"Debating" these things was never their intention. The intention is to spread lies and conspiracies.

I am done with this thread. Have fun. :xf.rolleyes:
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This entire thing will probably stick around as an Epikgate type of event so in the end it's probably a learning experience for everyone about loose lips (or loose fingers) on twitter and how it can come back to haunt you.

Lots of good company there though...

Donald Trump
Elon Musk
Rosanne Barr

and numerous other celebrities which deeply regret twitter posts

Appalling and shocking to say the least 🙁

Personally I think it’s the route Epik is going because it’s sadly profitable. I don’t think that stuff can be spun as something positive unless it was about profit.
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This is not simply about posting a video and debating it. Calling something like this a hoax or false-flag is something hard core, far right, white supremacists do to absolve truly bad people and place the blame on someone else. They did it with 9/11, they did it with the Oklahoma City bombing, they did it with Sandy Hook, they did it with the Parkland Shooting and they have done it elsewhere many times before. Just like so many at Storm Front call the Holocaust a hoax, they and others like them are once again doing it here with New Zealand.

"Debating" these things was never their intention. The intention is to spread lies and conspiracies.

I agree 100% that deliberately calling something a hoax or false-flag without knowing the facts is 100% wrong. In fact it's 100% wrong to take any side of any issue without being sure of the facts.

Also I want to stress that I haven't seen any of the content that was apparently on Twitter .. so I can't judge that part of it until I see it .. but if indeed he said it was a hoax .. then I would want to know exactly what he wrote, as without knowing the specifics I can't say if he's a deliberate knowing and wilful propagator of the "hoax" lies .. or if he's a victim of the hoax lies and more just guilty of having bad judgement.

Again .. I'm not saying you're wrong about him .. I'm only shinning light on my personal experience .. if indeed you have evidence that he is deliberately saying the video is a hoax while actually knowing it's not, then I'd be the first to stand with you against him.

But at this point in my limited scope I haven't seen such evidence (again .. I'm also not saying that even such evidence does not exist .. just that I haven't seen it).

That's the big problem with most of the conspiracy believers .. it's that deep down to them they aren't lies .. they actually truly believe it to be true. That's the sad tragedy in most of these situations. Unfortunately the twisted logic is sometimes so convincing that many people fall victim to it! :(

Trust me .. when it comes down to the 9/11 conspiracies, there are very few people who have debated against the conspiracy theorists more than me. I've spent countless hours shutting people down and tearing apart misconceptions and lies with facts and logic.

But that's my point .. some of the people I argued and debated with regarding 9/11 are people I know well .. people who 100% are not racist (people in mixed race relationship and another who adopted children of a very different race) .. people who actually stand against racism when given the chance .. yet somehow they were convinced that the buildings didn't fall because of the planes. They aren't bad people .. they're just gullible or don't have the information or specific niche education required to properly assess and judge the facts to the actual conclusion.

Look at all the people who stand against vaccines ... even if they are all wrong, do you really think they want to see children sick or die? Granted .. that is the end result of their being against vaccines .. but in their twisted logic they truly believe it's actually the vaccines that is harming children and not the other way around.

And yes .. there are definitely 100% people who deliberately create or spread such information knowing they are lies (there is a LOT of money in some cases for these bloggers / TV hosts) .. but unfortunately the hard part is figuring out who the evil deliberate liars are, and who are victims of manipulation?
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Again .. I'm not saying you're wrong about him .. I'm only shinning light on my personal experience .. if indeed you have evidence that he is deliberately saying the video is a hoax while actually knowing it's not, then I'd be the first to stand with you against him.

It's great that you had a good personal experience. I, too, once had a good personal experience with Rob. I also had one with Adam Dicker. People aren't black and white. They are a mix of both good and bad.

People speak the most with their actions.

So let's say he really has this Utopian idea that some of the people can be reformed or somehow he can help "counsel them". How realistic is that really? And if that's true then he is being less than genuine to those people. Or perhaps he worked out in his head to justify hosting these people to himself and his friends and family? Idk, people will come up with all kinds of justifications to messed up stuff in their heads.

Bottom line is he felt it was his job to create a safe haven for hate and racism. And of course he has to wrap it in a pretty bow tie for business purposes.

Doesn't matter how good of a person he is or his intentions. This all is just bat shit craziness.
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Don't play dumb & dont be dumb.

You think I don't utterly resent Bin sh*t laden for what he has done in the name of my peaceful religion?

The hate you have in you will eventually eat you up.

Islam is not a race you genius, its a religion, whites, blacks, brown , yellow, you name it.

I will not give your ideology any more oxygen by explaining. Go educate yourself first.

You think because I am a Muslim I want to do you & other non Muslims any harm?

You come to me, I will show you what being a Muslim is all about, I would protect you with my life against any harm. Regardless of what you believe in, or what color your skin is. Even you, full of hate.

My grandmother was a devout Irish Catholic & she lived amongst us for 84 years. The love between us was stronger than anything in this world.

Its good to know that you wouldn't mind watching me being executed at point blank for worshiping the god I worship.


Why would anyone like or thank such a nonsense post.

(edit: why I say it is nonsense: Because it is not related to what I say..)

(edit2: Why do I say I hate binladen: because if I didn't, some idiots would blame me for defending binladen, when I say arabs/muslims have nothing to do with 9/11.)

I hate binladen because he is a terrorist, not because he is muslim.
He was a puppet of western evils. Did he do anything good? I don't know , but his world view is not acceptable anyway, and he worked for bad guys and did bad things.
But he is not behind 9/11. No planes hit twin towers. Twin towers were filled with explosions, and
a high tech controlled demolition was made. Planes were added as animations for public consumption.
Such a thing can't happen during Trump's presidency, because people are more awake, and the deepstate has much less power.

Racist means disliking others because of races, but I use an extended definition: disliking others because
of their race, religion, background, ethinicity whatever. There is no word like "religionist" so I use the word racist.

I consider Alex Jones as a good guy so far. Maybe not always but I don't have an example against this.
I probably wouldn't buy anything he promotes, just because he is good guy. I would do more research first.

Trump is against, China, Iran, NorthKorea, Venezuela, Syria... maybe he says so, but usually there is something else going on. I care what he does, not what he says.
Is there any war which started during Trump's time: none. Iraq Afghanistan war were done in Bush time,
Ukraine, Syria, Libya, Yemen wars were done in Obama's time. In Trump's time Yemen war continues, but no war started by Trump. He bombed Syria by missiles twice which could be a very dangerous move if these attacks were not planned together with Russia, China, Iran and Syria. Even if Trump was a bad guy and decided to start ww3, US military won't follow such orders. Russia is far too powerful, and US military is awake, not a deepstate puppet anymore.
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People speak the most with their actions.

Again .. this is where perception gets twisted ...

You and others see it as "creating a safe haven for hate and racism".
But to him and others it's "create a safe haven for freedom of speech".

His actions can speak to both. The real question is what are his motives and intent.

That being said .. I do see it as you do .. if you look at my quotes above and more posts in October on the Gab issue you'll see that I was against Gab .. just as in this case I agree with the PM of NZ.

In your post you draw several conclusions .. and they MAY indeed be correct .. but it's also possible that he's a victim of the conspiracy theory. Guilty of having bad judgement rather than guilty of being evil.

I'm not in any way saying your conclusion is wrong .. I'm just saying that I don't have the info needed to say you are 100% definitely right .. I'm not judging simply because I don't have all the facts and I can't read his mind to figure out if he's being deliberately deceitful .. or if he truly believes the propaganda and is doing what is in his mind he believes to be right.

Personally I was disappointed to see he changed his mind with Gab .. and if it's true he shared the video of the horror in NZ then I'll be disappointed by that as well .. but what I want to know is why he posted it. It won't at all change that I think it was the wrong decision .. but it would change what I think of him.

Anyhow .. as I've said .. I don't have enough information to come to a conclusion either way .. so I'm not really going to say anything more .. just asking that everyone on both sides try to look at the people on the other side's intent. If you have enough proof that their intent is deliberate deception, then definitely present your proof and conclusions .. but if you don't have definitive proof of actual intent either way 100% .. then maybe don't rush to judge until everyone has said what they have to say and until all the facts are out.

Unfortunately in some cases there is never enough proof to be 100% sure either way .. but in this case just remember that the parents who don't vaccinate their children aren't evil people .. they are just misguided and misinformed .. and rather than calling them evil .. what really needs to be done is hit them with more facts and logic and science and etc etc ...
if indeed you have evidence that he is deliberately saying the video is a hoax while actually knowing it's not, then I'd be the first to stand with you against him.
Read a little more, write a little less? :laugh:
But to him and others it's "create a safe haven for freedom of speech"

Freedom of speech doesn't and should never mean "anything goes".

Freedom of speech means the government won't go after you for what you say - with certain limits. But it doesn't mean companies have to respect Freedom of Speech. (example, GoDaddys right to kick ppl off their platform).

So, I'm sorry, I don't buy it.


Freedom of speech includes the right:
  • Not to speak (specifically, the right not to salute the flag).
    West Virginia Board of Education v. Barnette, 319 U.S. 624 (1943).
  • Of students to wear black armbands to school to protest a war (“Students do not shed their constitutional rights at the schoolhouse gate.”).
    Tinker v. Des Moines, 393 U.S. 503 (1969).
  • To use certain offensive words and phrases to convey political messages.
    Cohen v. California, 403 U.S. 15 (1971).
  • To contribute money (under certain circumstances) to political campaigns.
    Buckley v. Valeo, 424 U.S. 1 (1976).
  • To advertise commercial products and professional services (with some restrictions).
    Virginia Board of Pharmacy v. Virginia Consumer Council, 425 U.S. 748 (1976); Bates v. State Bar of Arizona, 433 U.S. 350 (1977).
  • To engage in symbolic speech, (e.g., burning the flag in protest).
    Texas v. Johnson, 491 U.S. 397 (1989); United States v. Eichman, 496 U.S. 310 (1990).
Freedom of speech does not include the right:
  • To incite actions that would harm others (e.g., “Shouting ‘fire’ in a crowded theater.”).
    Schenck v. United States, 249 U.S. 47 (1919).
  • To make or distribute obscene materials.
    Roth v. United States, 354 U.S. 476 (1957).
  • To burn draft cards as an anti-war protest.
    United States v. O’Brien, 391 U.S. 367 (1968).
  • To permit students to print articles in a school newspaper over the objections of the school administration.
    Hazelwood School District v. Kuhlmeier, 484 U.S. 260 (1988).
  • Of students to make an obscene speech at a school-sponsored event.
    Bethel School District #43 v. Fraser, 478 U.S. 675 (1986).
  • Of students to advocate illegal drug use at a school-sponsored event.
    Morse v. Frederick, __ U.S. __ (2007).


"The First Amendment to the United States Constitution protects speech no matter how offensive its content. To be clear, the First Amendment does not protect behavior that crosses the line into targeted harassment or threats, or that creates a pervasively hostile environment. But merely offensive or bigoted speech does not rise to that level, and determining when conduct crosses that line is a legal question that requires examination on a case-by-case basis."
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What is permitted by the law to say is not necessarily good for a particular situation or a cohesive society or public safety, or good for one's business and reputation.

Posted in another thread but worth repeating:

Even in the USA there are limits to Freedom of Speech, namely:

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Read a little more, write a little less? :laugh:
Read what? Why are some of you rushing to judge me when I specifically wrote "That being said .. is it really enough for me to be able to 100% guarantee that Rob is not a white supremacist? Admittedly not ..."

The whole point of my posts was NOT to say that any of you are right or wrong .. in fact .. I've said several times that I don't have enough facts to judge ... I posted here to share my experience to hopefully be one part of a bigger picture to help everyone figure this out his true motives. If you all have evidence that shows his intentions are deceitful then by all means please post them ... I AM NOT SAYING THAT SARCASTICALLY NOR TO BE CONFRONTATIONAL .. I'm saying that because I honestly just truly want to see what you all have seen .. instead of belittling others please do post actual facts that show his intent.

I'm not even saying that the facts aren't there .. it's just that some of us haven't followed everything from the start and don't know where to look. I don't visit Gab .. I'm almost never on twitter .. this is exactly the type of thing I'm talking about .. people who just immediately rush to judge other people's intentions without knowing all the facts. Seems like some of you have wrongly judged my intentions here.

I haven't been following this to the same extent as many of you obviously .. I simply thought that my recent contact with Rob could be helpful to some in shinning a light on things .. as one piece of the puzzle. It isn't absolute hard evidence .. and I've specifically repeated that I need more facts .. based on the likes/dislikes I'm getting it's clear that there are other people who would like more information and facts as well ... instead of wrongly assuming everyone has picked a side in this ... if you have strong reasons to have chosen a side .. now is the time to share the all facts and information to help others, including myself, come to a fully informed conclusion.
Freedom of speech doesn't and should never mean "anything goes".

No offence @Tia Wood .. but you obviously haven't taken the time to read some of my posts on the subject. If you did you'd very quickly find that we are pretty much exactly on the same page when it comes to what should and what shouldn't be protected by free speech. ;) ... On multiple occasions I very adamantly stress those exact same things.

I'm not a lawyer, but I have had an interest on the subject for a long time .. I've read books on the subject ... I'm above average familiar with the definitions, the limits, the nuances and laws/policies.

I do not need a lesson in that ... all I'm asking for is the actual evidence of examples specifically of Rob Monster deliberately doing things that admittedly should not be protected by the false "but it's Freedom of Speech" excuse.

Again .. I'm not arguing that those facts aren't there .. I'm not saying that he is right nor justified .. I'm just asking to see the evidence that is leading you all to come to the conclusion that he is guilty of being deliberately deceptive. I simply had a couple of conversations with him many months ago right before Gab went to Epik .. aside from that I don't follow Gab, nor Rob outside of NamePros .. I'm not confronting you all asking for proof just to be smug or challenge you all thinking you really don't have any proof. I genuinely want to see more information but just don't know where to look .. all the links I've found going to twitter so far lead to removed information .. I'm just asking that you all share the exact information that led you to your definitive conclusions so that I and others can learn from the information.
If he wasn't posting to spread doubt and deceive, then he appears as insane as Alex Jones

It can be about the ego for such people, appearing as a maverick
Like an edgy teenager
Oh everyone else is saying 50 people were massacred? Look at me look at me, I am saying it might not have happened..
Oh everyone else is refraining from sharing a horrific video, well look at me, I will post it publicly
Praise be to the Jesus of the free speech movement
Look how bold he is! And facing such persecution for his actions..How honorable
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why even post that screen shot? Nothing there. I'm seeing accusations but not any evidence of what was actually said.
why even post that screen shot? Nothing there. I'm seeing accusations but not any evidence of what was actually said.

All I could find is that he said there are some inconsistencies in the footage. I didn't see him calling it a hoax, nor denying it happend. I'm curious to know where people get that info from.
If you say "kill jews" it is a hate crime, and a racist thing. It doesn't matter whether the word jew refers to a religion or a race.

But if you say "there is no holocaust" it should not be a crime. By making saying "there is no holocaust" a crime, you might be hiding some historical facts, distorting history. Of course here I don't say there is no holocaust. There are some obvious lies in history. Someone may question validity of official history and let them do it. Let them show their evidence, if any, disprove them if you can. Some obvious lies in recent history are Apollo Moon landings, 9/11 official story, probably also Titanic's sinking after hitting an iceberg.
Hitler was an evil guy, but certainly he didn't target all jews, and actually he was puppet of people who are known as jews. Was Einstein inventor of relativity theory..or did he do part of it, or did he steal it all. Einstein was one of my childhood heros, but now I have suspicions.
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