

Let's try and get this place going.

Does anyone have any ideas?
There seems to have been a lot of things in the past about group teen projects. This thread is for ideas about what we can do to increase the teen zone's activity as well as for everyone to post their skills/etc.

I was thinking about convincing NPQueen to put a message in the header (near the live chat link) asking for teens to set their age in their profiles so that they can see this section. I feel a large number of people are unaware of this forum purely because they either set the incorrect age in their profiles, or if they don't set it at all.

Another is create a sort of teen badge? We should be proud that we are teens playing ball with the adults in a mature world.

I'm really open to any suggestions you lot have. Us teens our known for our creativity so lets show it.

Also, there's been two threads about a sort of live meeting. Perhaps we can get the forum more popular and have a sort of conference in the live chat? We can our own room in the NP live chat which I can moderate.
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ok, so 21 is better ;) What will this forum offer that is "unique" that they cant find elsewhere? What is the draw to participate here?

Further proof this is unnecessary; if this industry revolved around age this would be a good idea but it doesn't. If you put focus on separating the "teens" from the "adults" you're discouraging progression within the business world.
ok, so 21 is better ;) What will this forum offer that is "unique" that they cant find elsewhere? What is the draw to participate here?

So here is the way i see it B-)

Domaining is an activity which people of all ages participate in. Teens (and I suppose now those under 21) are unique simply because of their "rarity" when compared to the masses. Most domainers aren't categorized as teens, and to have a section aimed towards them will prove to be beneficial, at worst. Assigning moderator(s) to this section and expanding it will create a greater teen community—there is always something 'special' when you thought you where one of a hundred doing domaining, then you find a whole section full of people just like you, who have encountered the same problems, and who are willing to assist.

Simply put. No harm comes from assigning a moderator and expanding the section. At the very worst, very worst, you can always go back to what we have now—but I think it's fair to say more domainers under 21 will come here once many of the suggestions in this thread are enacted. No harm in doing it! B-)

Very well put Alex! :tu:
agreed, at the end of the day its going to take a bit of time to test ideas, but I think a good start would be to introduce the new age limit. This will allow many to firstly view the forum.

However most of these people aged 17-21 will have never before known there was a Teen Zone forum, so we need to run something along side to make this work.

Before we go any further, or even think about what else we are going to do to make this section appeal to others, we need to remove the whole 'teen zone' aspect.
Before we go any further, or even think about what else we are going to do to make this section appeal to others, we need to remove the whole 'teen zone' aspect.

I don't think there is much wrong with "teen zone" but seeing that we are moving towards an under-21 zone i think it could be called something along the lines of "Youth domainers"—something like that :tri:
I don't think there is much wrong with "teen zone" but seeing that we are moving towards an under-21 zone i think it could be called something along the lines of "Youth domainers"—something like that :tri:

I like your idea Alex. and nice post just before by the way.

I do think i need to keep the "youth" aspect, not that we have to call it "teen zone" - but "youth" will need to be includet in the new name.

I think the word "Young" should be used instead, it flows of the tongue much better and doesnt sound so "rough".

Yes that could be true, good idea,. so what do you say ? Young Domainers? that would sound great if you ask me.
Young is relative, there can be a 20 year old with 6 years domaining experience and a 40 year old with 2 months. I honestly can't find any reason to warrant a section entirely for young people; sure if the industry was based around age but it isn't. Everyone has the same options and chances, why segregate us younger from the older?
Young is relative, there can be a 20 year old with 6 years domaining experience and a 40 year old with 2 months. I honestly can't find any reason to warrant a section entirely for young people; sure if the industry was based around age but it isn't. Everyone has the same options and chances, why segregate us younger from the older?

Exactly like you said it, "if the industry was based around [our] age but it isn't". That's the reason we are unique. Since there are fewer people who are under 21, and especially teenagers this creates the sense of unity amoung us "young" people. This type of unity can and should be reflected with a proper section where we can help one another as teens.

Idk about you, but I love it when i find somebody my age (16) who is interested in the same stuff I am interested in (domaining).
Everything is relative. If you have an account in here (NP) we call you a domainer, even though you might exactually be one. Or at least what i would define as one.

And i do get your point, i do. But this isn't about segregating younger people from old, it is about making a Sub-forum where "young" people can talk about what young people do. Gaming, partying ect... There will probably also be a "marked and sales" section because some people might feel more comftable talking and trading with people that they know are at the same "level" as them.

We see it everywhere, that young people and teens, tend to bond a little better with people at their same age. This doesn't mean that we will exclude us from the standard NP forum, that where we debate, talk and get new information. It means that the "young zone" is the place to go if you want to see how other people at your age are doing, to compare, to share and much more.

So lets see hoe it works, we dont lose anything from doing it. at the WORST we get back here.

---------- Post added at 08:15 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:13 PM ----------

Idk about you, but I love it when i find somebody my age (16) who is interested in the same stuff I am interested in (domaining).

Exactly :laugh:
thats what is so special about this. it feels good
Exactly like you said it, "if the industry was based around [our] age but it isn't". That's the reason we are unique. Since there are fewer people who are under 21, and especially teenagers this creates the sense of unity amoung us "young" people. This type of unity can and should be reflected with a proper section where we can help one another as teens.

Idk about you, but I love it when i find somebody my age (16) who is interested in the same stuff I am interested in (domaining).

why are you adding to my post? I said age, not our age. My point is totally different to yours. My age is totally irrelevant online, so why make it a focus?

gaming, partying, whatever, it isn't limited by age. I don't play games, I don't drink, I don't take drugs and I don't party, I could however name a large amount of 30 year olds that do this, but also a lot of teens.

Why can't you understand, age is irrelevant. If you're doing this, may as well make a forum for black people, because I don't see many of them in this industry. stupid logic.
why are you adding to my post? I said age, not our age. My point is totally different to yours. My age is totally irrelevant online, so why make it a focus?

gaming, partying, whatever, it isn't limited by age. I don't play games, I don't drink, I don't take drugs and I don't party, I could however name a large amount of 30 year olds that do this, but also a lot of teens.

Why can't you understand, age is irrelevant. If you're doing this, may as well make a forum for black people, because I don't see many of them in this industry. stupid logic.

Ok let's make it simple. For you it may be irrelevant, I don't quite care if it is for you. But for everybody else who participated in this section and thread it IS relevant. Nobody has asked you to participate in this section and if you don't like it then why do you care? Majority rules, and the majority of us believe that improvements can be made this section as a unique place where young people post.

Ok let's make it simple. For you it may be irrelevant, I don't quite care if it is for you. But for everybody else who participated in this section and thread it IS relevant. Nobody has asked you to participate in this section and if you don't like it then why do you care? Majority rules, and the majority of us believe that improvements can be made this section as a unique place where young people post.


so we can't discuss this if we don't agree with it? I think you're probably best being restricted to the under 21s forum then because you clearly won't be able to handle the real world with the big bad adults.

I wonder if I can neg rep you again yet.
so we can't discuss this if we don't agree with it? I think you're probably best being restricted to the under 21s forum then because you clearly won't be able to handle the real world with the big bad adults.

I wonder if I can neg rep you again yet.

lol, no it's one thing to discuss it but it's another when you simply suggest we just close this section up and forget about it. I think everybody here is looking for constructive talk and unity among this section (as well as an enactment of many of the suggestions found in this thread).
lol, no it's one thing to discuss it but it's another when you simply suggest we just close this section up and forget about it. I think everybody here is looking for constructive talk and unity among this section (as well as an enactment of many of the suggestions found in this thread).

I'm suggesting the section be closed because of my valid reasons, just because they're not positive it doesn't mean they're not constructive. I personally feel that making a "youth" section is basically saying "It's better to keep the adults and kids separated" which would be fine if this business was age bound, but it isn't! Age is irrelevant in this business, testimony to this is the previous failings of a teen section.
Samuel your attitude towards other people annoys me so much.

Back to the subject at hand...

My view so far overall is to do the following

Stage 1
The first stage in my opinion would be to rename the forum, I really like the name "Young Domainers" or even "Young entrepreneurs" (at the end of the day that's what we are). This will put a less stereotype feel to this forum because at the moment if you are seen as been a Teenager your usually seen as being "rough, angry, noobish work, Cheap price"...basically someone who most don't want to do business with. However if we change the name to "young" I think this stereotype of Teenagers in the business world will be reduced.

Stage 2
Along with the name change needs to be a age change, I think 25 is a good age limit to setup for this domain, 20 is a bit young and 30 is a bit too old (no offence). This will open the forum to a wider audience.

Stage 3
This is one of the most important stages, we now need to consider what we can do to actually make this forums work, in my opinion (I know some people don't like it) the best thing to do would be to include a "Young Development" or "young services", we all know that younger people charge less when it comes to things like web design and coding. We also know that most young people don't have the project funding as those older than ourselves. So I think creating a Services section for younger-to-younger transactions would be a great opportunity to save money and to help put younger service providers on the ladder.

Stage 4
Finally, I think the next thing to do, which is not a major issue but more of a bit of fun. Is to introduce a young badge that will be found on all portfolios under the age of 25 (if we choose this age). I think this is a great way to help form a small community within young members.

Thanks for your time, sorry about the spelling ;)
Samuel your attitude towards other people annoys me so much.

I couldn't careless what you think, but I guess that's what you're talking about.

The first stage in my opinion would be to rename the forum, I really like the name "Young Domainers" or even "Young entrepreneurs" (at the end of the day that's what we are). This will put a less stereotype feel to this forum because at the moment if you are seen as been a Teenager your usually seen as being "rough, angry, noobish work, Cheap price"...basically someone who most don't want to do business with. However if we change the name to "young" I think this stereotype of Teenagers in the business world will be reduced.

So you're saying being called a teenager makes you look rough and unbusinesslike, but it's okay to focus on your age as long as you're refered to as young? This comes back to my original point, again: Domaining is not age restricted and neither is life, I can find plenty of 40 year olds who have less experience than me, or enjoy the same things as me.

IF age mattered in this business, yes, sure, but it doesn't and focusing on age can only have negative consequences. If you're too busy with a teen forum to go in the "adult" sections, does that not agree with you being incapable of business?

So I think creating a Services section for younger-to-younger transactions would be a great opportunity to save money and to help put younger service providers on the ladder.

This is, once again, utter crap. Everybody who provides a service must "get onto the ladder", whether you're 17 and providing web development or 50 and providing web development. If you don't focus on your age and focus on your abilities - assuming you're good at what you do - then you'll not struggle. I strongly dislike the focus on age you're creating, it seems ridiculous, especially when you can't even decide on the age. I didn't need help from another teenager to get "onto the ladder", I used my own initiative and went out looking for work, I didn't come to a forum and expect some other little kids to pay me $1 to program them a social networking site.

Stage 4
Finally, I think the next thing to do, which is not a major issue but more of a bit of fun. Is to introduce a young badge that will be found on all portfolios under the age of 25 (if we choose this age). I think this is a great way to help form a small community within young members.

"Look at me, I'm under 25 and I domain!" worthless.
So you're saying being called a teenager makes you look rough and unbusinesslike, but it's okay to focus on your age as long as you're refered to as young? This comes back to my original point, again: Domaining is not age restricted and neither is life, I can find plenty of 40 year olds who have less experience than me, or enjoy the same things as me.

IF age mattered in this business, yes, sure, but it doesn't and focusing on age can only have negative consequences. If you're too busy with a teen forum to go in the "adult" sections, does that not agree with you being incapable of business?

Its a fact that if your seeing as been under the age of 25 your questioned about your ability, If I walk up to someone one at the age of say 13 and tell a guy I can do him a design for $10, and someone else at the age of 32 walks up and says I can do it for $120.

There automatically going to question your due to the low price and your skills. Age SHOULDN'T MATTER but the fact it DOES! So lets make the best of it.

This is, once again, utter crap. Everybody who provides a service must "get onto the ladder", whether you're 17 and providing web development or 50 and providing web development. If you don't focus on your age and focus on your abilities - assuming you're good at what you do - then you'll not struggle. I strongly dislike the focus on age you're creating, it seems ridiculous, especially when you can't even decide on the age. I didn't need help from another teenager to get "onto the ladder", I used my own initiative and went out looking for work, I didn't come to a forum and expect some other little kids to pay me $1 to program them a social networking site.

As a designer myself I am always seeing "new designers" who would benefit of a Young Services forum, at the end of the day Teenagers don't have much cash and Teenage services providers are of the cheapest around, so the both go hand-in-hand.

"Look at me, I'm under 25 and I domain!" worthless.

Well I'm sorry but I disagree with your sarcasm, every teenager who is earning money via domaining, designing or coding (or whatever) should be proud of what they have managed to do at such an early age when other people there age are out doing what normal teenagers do. If it was such a stupid idea then why is there awards for young people doing this type of type of thing.

A little note....

I have done a quick look through this thread and all you have done Samuel is criticize other members ideas. Try coming up with a few first before you go and criticize others. People like you really, really irritate me, so come on what ideas have you got?

Its a fact that if your seeing as been under the age of 25 your questioned about your ability, If I walk up to someone one at the age of say 13 and tell a guy I can do him a design for $10, and someone else at the age of 32 walks up and says I can do it for $120.

I've never once been questioned about my ability because of my age, If you present yourself well nobody cares about your age. I've never once found my age to be any sort of issue. I actually think entirely the opposite.

There automatically going to question your due to the low price and your skills. Age SHOULDN'T MATTER but the fact it DOES! So lets make the best of it.

I disagree, once again, entirely. You're the people making it an issue, I can honestly tell you I've never encountered someone questioning my abilities based on age. When you make an issue of it, others will.

Well I'm sorry but I disagree with your sarcasm, every teenager who is earning money via domaining, designing or coding (or whatever) should be proud of what they have managed to do at such an early age when other people there age are out doing what normal teenagers do. If it was such a stupid idea then why is there awards for young people doing this type of type of thing.

ANYBODY earning money through something that requires a skill should be proud, so what if I'm 15 or 40? It makes absolutely no difference, everyone has the same opportunities in life, it's how you act upon them. There are awards for this because as a society we're conditioned to think it's impressive for young people to do well, I don't believe that there is any difference between a 15 year old being successful and a 45 year old.

A little note....

I have done a quick look through this thread and all you have done Samuel is criticize other members ideas. Try coming up with a few first before you go and criticize others. People like you really, really irritate me, so come on what ideas have you got?

How about you read my posts again, I don't agree with the idea and my suggestion is that the section is removed, just because I'm not saying "whoopee, a young persons section, I can finally sell my crappy designs and coding skillz to other people my age!!! YAY!! THANK YOU NAMEPROS!!!" it doesn't mean I'm not contributing.
it's impressive for young people to do well

I'm proud to say, I think it is impressive. It's a shame you don't think the same.

So many creative comments, such a contribution.

anyway, back on subject....

We now know Samuel wants to remove this forum, however it doesn't seem like anyone else agrees, so lets refer back to our original conversation, anyone have anymore comments on the stages I listed above?

because its an achievement to be "working" at such an early age, it takes a lot of time to get a small business (which is basically what it is, whatever you call it) up and in profit.

Look at Jack with FusedHosting, Hes "young" and has managed to create a valuable business selling hosting, this took him and other members of his team a lot of hours to build up to what it is today.

I think thats an impressive achivement.

People that domain are doing the same thing, there tryign to build up a fute for themeselves at such an un-normal age. Most people our age are out playing football or hanging around on street corners.

anyway, arn't we supposed to be talking about how we can improve this forum? - Lets get back to the subject at hand else people like Alex will need to read all this junk and may miss something importent.

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