
Platform for outbounders and brokers

Spaceship Spaceship


Top Member
Hi All,

Its gonna be a long post so be prepared with a cup of coffee and ample free time.

I have been playing around with an idea and thought will take opinion of the community members. We are aware domains are intangible assets and its very difficult to put a price for a domain name.

Domaining community is basically divided into 2 parts:-

1. Domainers who do outbound or broker domains.
2. Domainers who basically wait for inbound offers or sale via marketplace.

Now this post is specifically for the domainers who are into outbound or broker domains.

I have a team and I have been into outbound since last 9 months and after a lots of trial and error , now I am getting decent response. We do outbound on approx 200 domains per month and are able to generate "price inquiry" on 100 of those domains. We are able to close 20 deals out of those 100 price inquiry instantly.

Now different people have different skillets and mode of doing outbound. Further everyone has their own area of expertise and negotiation skills. I will explain this point with 2 live examples:-


A good friend of mine sold Dogwalker+cityname.com for $3200
I sold similar Dogwalker+cityname.com for $749
Another friend is trying to sell dogwalker+cityname for $399 but unable to.

In this example we can see that the domain name is almost similar but the difference lied in the approach and selling skill of the domainer.


A friend of mine hand registered BTC+keyword.com for $8. He latter sold the same domain for $79 to another domainer who is into outbound. That guy sold the same domain to a popular international domainer for $1200 who sold it to an end user for $9000.
Now in this example domain name is same and everything happened with a time frame of 6 months. So as we can see the difference was in the profile and connection of the buyer and seller which resulted same hand registered domain to be finally sold for $9000.

Now the point I wish to highlight is that everyone has different approach and the selling possibility or price depends on the same. Now coming back to the point I have an idea that why dont we create a marketplace for domainers/broker where they can sell the domain along with the leads(price enquiry)

Let me explain the concept. Suppose i have purchased 200 domains in this month. I have done outbound on the same and managed to generate price inquiry on 100 of them. Out of those 100 i have been able to close 20 deals instantly and remaining 80 remained in pipeline.
Now i have 2 options:-
1. To continue working on those 80 price inquiry or to work on them after some time.
2. Simply forget about the leads and sell the domain name in aftermarket.

Now if i can sale these 80 domains along with the leads to another domainer who might have better approach and connection in that particular niche than it would be win win situation for both the parties involved. Naturally if i normally sell geo domain for $10-50 each than i would expect to sell domain with price inquiry in $75-125 range.

Now it would be beneficial both for the buyer and seller.
Benefit for seller:-

1. He/she would be able to liquidate the domain and get decent price for the work already done by him.
2. It would help him/her to maintain cash-flow and liquidity.
3. He/she may plan to just focus on generating leads and not bother about negotiation/closure etc.

Benefit for buyer:-
1. He/she would get ready-made lead to work upon.
2. Majority of domainers dont wanna get into outbound as lots of work is involved in the same. But if the person gets domain along with 2-3 leads than it would be easier for him to work upon.

Normally selling price of domain name depends on 2 major factors:-

1. Need of liquidity and cashflow. I prefer cashflow and instant liquidity so i quote low with the expectation of closing the deal fast. Some people quote high as they like to close big deals and dont mind waiting for the same.
2. Negotiation skills. As we say domaining is a combination of science and art. Domain name has to be good and meaningful but a lot depends on the negotiation skill and connection of the seller.

Let me share an live example to add some more light on my point and i will share data of the same to support my argument.

I have purchase approx 500 domains in last 3 months. I have done outbound on approx 400 of them . I sold 34 domains and received price inquiry on 125 domains which are still in pipeline. So i have managed to generate price inquiry on 40% of the domains and sold 9% of the domains in mid xxx range.
I have prepared the google sheet of the same and sharing it here:-


I have divided the sheet into 4 parts for better understanding:-

1. Sales data
2. Price enquiry list
3. Geo domains which can be liquidated in $15-20 range anytime in reseller market
4. Keyword domains where one has to hold and fetch higher price in re-seller market or even with end users...

Now i have got 125 domains in which i have received price inquiry and I would be happy to sell them @ $100 each in bulk deal. If I hold them and continue working on them than i may probably close 40-50% of the same . However if i liquidate them right away than it would help me to manage my cashflow as well as help me to focus on new leads ad domains.

There would be a valid argument that how can we verify whether price inquiry were genuine or fake. Normally price inquiry would come via email or via phone call. In case of phone call , phone recording can be shared and email can be shared in case of other scenario.

There can be another argument that why would anyone be willing to pay premium for a domain+lead if the same was not sold by the original seller. Well there are 3 answers to this point:-

1. If the owner managed to sell the domain instantly to an end user than why would he/she be willing to sell it to reseller for wholesale price.
2. Its the nature of domaining that no one can predict when or for how much domain would be sold. As domainers we do purchase domains from reseller or backorder the same knowing very well that domains were not sold by the previous owner.
3. Everyone has their own strong points and negative points. A person may have better negotiation skills or may have better knowledge of the field and would be able to close the deal better than others.
4. Location and trust factor plays a major role in case of oubound. It is easier for an American to sell domain to an American than an outsider based in other part of the world.

It is a common practice in normal affiliate that they pay for both on leads as well as on sale so why cant same be implemented in case of domains. In future brokers can also join the platform who can sale their leads with each other.

Plan is to create a marketplace for outbounder and brokers where seller can post their domains along with leads and buyer can purchase or bid on the same.

Its just rough idea and lots of background work is still going on. I would love to hear feedback and opinions of fellow community members regarding the same.

Please feel free to pm me if you would like to discuss or share any pointers on this.
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dont try to be oversmart. it'll kill you over time
I have never had any success with outbound, I mean never..
Am thinking if the problem is from my country which is Nigeria
Over the last 2-3 years, this has always been the logical route for me to go, to use an outbound service.

I have in the past used:

1. DomainManage.com - Seemed like a great service, mostly focusing on UK domains. Unfortunately, their outbound service was suspended shortly after I subscribed.

2. Preselecting.com - Also suspended their outbound due to (as I understood) staff constraints and just not being financially viable. They focused on GEO names US cities (.coms). Was operated by a member here on NP.

3. DomainOutbound.com. - Seemed very promising. Focused on UK domains and run by a UK domainer. Priceplan changed and eventually service was suspended.

What I can see there are the following challenges

1. Pricing Structure
2. Enough staff(capacity) to handle all the clients.
3. Experience in outbound methods (telephone / email / etc).
4, Unique selling points (what differentiates you).

I believe domainers are hungry and eager to use such a service if priced fairly and works flawlessly, why wouldnt anyone use it?

For instance, I have a .com domain I would like to sell, but live in South Africa. Now, so far, most of my domains (co.za) were negotiated and sold telephonically. but how will I be able to speak to potential clients in the USA or UK or other countries concerning my .com domain if 1. I dont understand English / speak English 2. Dont have means to phone overseas. etc 3. Dont like to speak over the phone...

In that case this service would be a no brainer.

I would be more than happy to help brainstorm such a service and get involved either as a advisor/ owner / client.
@rohitgoyal Interesting approach. I have never thought about this, hence I have seen in the past that some investors required that a domain was never actively marketed. Obviously some investors value domains higher if there was no outbound recently or ever. However I think the model you described could be fruitful.
Hi Rohit.. @rohitgoyal

That is very good initiative...
I think it will be very helpful for new domainers and can be a compass to indicate right and profitable direction for newbies..

Would love to see this in action and also want to utilize it's services...

Good luck.
It is a good idea and will be a win-win for all parties concerned. Will lead to more sales.
Great idea Rohit!
In my opinion it's super necessary and can do the most important thing - grab more sales.
Sounds Interesting. The platform will be more for the resellers / outbound domainers, who can register on platform, buy the specific domains along with the leads & full history of conversation between old seller and the prospective client. They save time on domain research, finding and filtering leads, doing outbound process etc.

Now with the bought domain and data all they just need to do is re-approach the prospective buyers via email or call and close the deal. This is not easy buy neither difficult.
not a bad idea, it will be kind of reseller market with added perks for buyer, also can be helpful to new domainers. but
i feel other than you it will be quite difficult to find such sellers who would be willing to sell domain with proven or potential leads that too on a reseller price.
There can be buyers but sellers i doubt selling in reseller market with genuine leads.
also evidence of potential leads can be easily tricked and manipulated specially when the communication mode is email.
besides your reasons although valid but are not strong. Like any non american can link or park at undeveloped or godaddy or namesilo to get the leads.
Hi All,

Its gonna be a long post so be prepared with a cup of coffee and ample free time.

I have been playing around with an idea and thought will take opinion of the community members. We are aware domains are intangible assets and its very difficult to put a price for a domain name.

Domaining community is basically divided into 2 parts:-

1. Domainers who do outbound or broker domains.
2. Domainers who basically wait for inbound offers or sale via marketplace.

Now this post is specifically for the domainers who are into outbound or broker domains.

I have a team and I have been into outbound since last 9 months and after a lots of trial and error , now I am getting decent response. We do outbound on approx 200 domains per month and are able to generate "price inquiry" on 100 of those domains. We are able to close 20 deals out of those 100 price inquiry instantly.

Now different people have different skillets and mode of doing outbound. Further everyone has their own area of expertise and negotiation skills. I will explain this point with 2 live examples:-


A good friend of mine sold Dogwalker+cityname.com for $3200
I sold similar Dogwalker+cityname.com for $749
Another friend is trying to sell dogwalker+cityname for $399 but unable to.

In this example we can see that the domain name is almost similar but the difference lied in the approach and selling skill of the domainer.


A friend of mine hand registered BTC+keyword.com for $8. He latter sold the same domain for $79 to another domainer who is into outbound. That guy sold the same domain to a popular international domainer for $1200 who sold it to an end user for $9000.
Now in this example domain name is same and everything happened with a time frame of 6 months. So as we can see the difference was in the profile and connection of the buyer and seller which resulted same hand registered domain to be finally sold for $9000.

Now the point I wish to highlight is that everyone has different approach and the selling possibility or price depends on the same. Now coming back to the point I have an idea that why dont we create a marketplace for domainers/broker where they can sell the domain along with the leads(price enquiry)

Let me explain the concept. Suppose i have purchased 200 domains in this month. I have done outbound on the same and managed to generate price inquiry on 100 of them. Out of those 100 i have been able to close 20 deals instantly and remaining 80 remained in pipeline.
Now i have 2 options:-
1. To continue working on those 80 price inquiry or to work on them after some time.
2. Simply forget about the leads and sell the domain name in aftermarket.

Now if i can sale these 80 domains along with the leads to another domainer who might have better approach and connection in that particular niche than it would be win win situation for both the parties involved. Naturally if i normally sell geo domain for $10-50 each than i would expect to sell domain with price inquiry in $75-125 range.

Now it would be beneficial both for the buyer and seller.
Benefit for seller:-

1. He/she would be able to liquidate the domain and get decent price for the work already done by him.
2. It would help him/her to maintain cash-flow and liquidity.
3. He/she may plan to just focus on generating leads and not bother about negotiation/closure etc.

Benefit for buyer:-
1. He/she would get ready-made lead to work upon.
2. Majority of domainers dont wanna get into outbound as lots of work is involved in the same. But if the person gets domain along with 2-3 leads than it would be easier for him to work upon.

Normally selling price of domain name depends on 2 major factors:-

1. Need of liquidity and cashflow. I prefer cashflow and instant liquidity so i quote low with the expectation of closing the deal fast. Some people quote high as they like to close big deals and dont mind waiting for the same.
2. Negotiation skills. As we say domaining is a combination of science and art. Domain name has to be good and meaningful but a lot depends on the negotiation skill and connection of the seller.

Let me share an live example to add some more light on my point and i will share data of the same to support my argument.

I have purchase approx 500 domains in last 3 months. I have done outbound on approx 400 of them . I sold 34 domains and received price inquiry on 125 domains which are still in pipeline. So i have managed to generate price inquiry on 40% of the domains and sold 9% of the domains in mid xxx range.
I have prepared the google sheet of the same and sharing it here:-


I have divided the sheet into 4 parts for better understanding:-

1. Sales data
2. Price enquiry list
3. Geo domains which can be liquidated in $15-20 range anytime in reseller market
4. Keyword domains where one has to hold and fetch higher price in re-seller market or even with end users...

Now i have got 125 domains in which i have received price inquiry and I would be happy to sell them @ $100 each in bulk deal. If I hold them and continue working on them than i may probably close 40-50% of the same . However if i liquidate them right away than it would help me to manage my cashflow as well as help me to focus on new leads ad domains.

There would be a valid argument that how can we verify whether price inquiry were genuine or fake. Normally price inquiry would come via email or via phone call. In case of phone call , phone recording can be shared and email can be shared in case of other scenario.

There can be another argument that why would anyone be willing to pay premium for a domain+lead if the same was not sold by the original seller. Well there are 3 answers to this point:-

1. If the owner managed to sell the domain instantly to an end user than why would he/she be willing to sell it to reseller for wholesale price.
2. Its the nature of domaining that no one can predict when or for how much domain would be sold. As domainers we do purchase domains from reseller or backorder the same knowing very well that domains were not sold by the previous owner.
3. Everyone has their own strong points and negative points. A person may have better negotiation skills or may have better knowledge of the field and would be able to close the deal better than others.
4. Location and trust factor plays a major role in case of oubound. It is easier for an American to sell domain to an American than an outsider based in other part of the world.

It is a common practice in normal affiliate that they pay for both on leads as well as on sale so why cant same be implemented in case of domains. In future brokers can also join the platform who can sale their leads with each other.

Plan is to create a marketplace for outbounder and brokers where seller can post their domains along with leads and buyer can purchase or bid on the same.

Its just rough idea and lots of background work is still going on. I would love to hear feedback and opinions of fellow community members regarding the same.

Please feel free to pm me if you would like to discuss or share any pointers on this.

This is a great idea. I have a seat available on a business database subscription shared with some consultants that would be invaluable for outbound sales. I don't know where on the site I can advertise it. Is there a non-domain marketplace? Thanks. It's Dun & Bradstreets Hoovers.
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