
New! Domain Insight - Interview with NameDrive

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Find all out the domain parking company that is taking the Domain Industry by storm! In this edition of Domain Insight, host Dan Anderson interviews Ed from NameDrive.com.

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Running time 18 minutes 37 seconds.

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I normally only listen to the Break Room but, for some reason, I really wanna hear what Ed sounds like! :lol:

Downloading now... :)
He may sound a lil distant because he was. I was in Boston, he was in Australia. Pretty much the other side of the world
I've downloaded it and look forward to listening to it.
i am also download.. this audio...

hey nice voice .... 1000 post hehe.... nothing special today ;) now main thing start

your voice sooo clear but his voice not much more clear.... i think i must want to again recap this audio :'(
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ya, he was really far away, I tried to edit it a few times, but it didnt come out well, so I just left it as it was
I'll have to give this one a look for sure!
Namedrive.com is a SCAM

Guys very easy. Im using Sedo.com I have several domains with them plus i have about 125 websites published with millions of hits a day so im not new to this. Yesterday I register with Namedrive you know to try something diferent. I place one domain in well in 24 hours I made 30% less with them than with Sedo.com.

But the real reason why im saying they are a scam. Well very simple. I have this domain that gets many unique hits a day but im tired of it. I have forums and all that stuff and people are always posting all kinds of bad stuff etc.. in any case is too much for me to handle so i thought let me park it.

I have dinamic DNS so i moved the DNS for one hour. To see if this people are for real remember is my first day. I had 15k views 1679 clicks CTR 10% AVG PPC was 8 cents. In one second it all changed to 15k views 1679 clicks CTR 10% AVG PPC was 2 cents. Now that is day time robery.

I will continue to use Sedo.com and i will advise you do the same.

Namedrive is a scam? That's a joke!

The DNS wouldn't have even propagated fully in 24 hours, most of the traffic wouldn't even get to ND, let alone get any clicks from it.

And you seriously think you can tell how well a domain is doing in 24 hours anyway? Give me a break!

You really need to learn how to keep your opinions to yourself. No offence but that's a pretty dumb thing to say for your first post. I can tell you won't last very long here with ridiculous accusations like those.

Oh and by the way, NameDrive revenue is not reported correctly for the first 48 hours anyway. It is a generic value until they get the actual amount from the ad providers.

NameDrive is the best! :)
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qbano said:
Guys very easy. Im using Sedo.com I have several domains with them plus i have about 125 websites published with millions of hits a day so im not new to this. Yesterday I register with Namedrive you know to try something diferent. I place one domain in well in 24 hours I made 30% less with them than with Sedo.com.
% gained or lost is not something parking sites guarantee because names perform differently at different sites.

qbano said:
But the real reason why im saying they are a scam. Well very simple. I have this domain that gets many unique hits a day but im tired of it. I have forums and all that stuff and people are always posting all kinds of bad stuff etc.. in any case is too much for me to handle so i thought let me park it.

I have dinamic DNS so i moved the DNS for one hour. To see if this people are for real remember is my first day. I had 15k views 1679 clicks CTR 10% AVG PPC was 8 cents. In one second it all changed to 15k views 1679 clicks CTR 10% AVG PPC was 2 cents. Now that is day time robery.
Namedrive shows estimated stats and then after 2 days it shows the real stats. Its clearly said on their site...
NameDrive said:
Please note: The earnings on each click made on your domains are shown as a generic per-region value for the first 48 hours. Once we receive the exact earnings data from our advertising partner, the generic stats are updated to show the real click value. The last update date is shown in gray in your control panel. This process ensures that we can display the exact earnings made on your domains.
I assume your domain is foreign traffic thats the only reason you would get 2 cents a click.
qbano said:
I will continue to use Sedo.com and i will advise you do the same.

If you listened to the interview Ed is all about trying different parking sites to get the best bang for your buck so, enjoy sedo.
Hi guys,

Thanks to Dan and the NamePros Radio team for having me on. I listened to it myself last week. Just seems I was in a talkative mood that day... :)

Thanks for your support B33R and others. Qbano is perfectly entitled to his opinion. That's what this place is for, after all. However, flaming a company in a first post always seems to smack of ulterior motive to me.
Interestingly enough on the 48 hour delay issue, I was on the Panel at the TRAFFIC West conference last week and a question was asked "How do you know what PPC to pay me in real time as neither Yahoo nor Google release real time earnings data?" Not one company could answer that one other than "we base the PPC on statistical historical data". So for the major parking programs, you are being paid an estimate of what they get from Yahoo or Google, not real earnings.
Not one company other than NameDrive, that is. That is why we have the 24-48 hour delay. We have always believed, and it seems to have been confirmed in Vegas, that we are the only company that pays what you actually earn on Google for your traffic. This has its pros and cons. The better quality your traffic, the more the Goog willl pay for it. If you find a company that pays you more for traffic which Google pays us poorly for, we can only suggest you park with them.

Hope you all have a good Sunday. If you have any questions about ND or our services, feel free to email me at [email protected] (I'm particularly bad with PMs, I'm afraid.).

nice. Very funky instrumental hehe, I like the piano background and drums. I cant bravely hear the voice :(
congrats ND, shame you cant please them all..

looks like qbano need to quit working for sedo perhaps he would then be a little less bias, but hey if they are having to sink that low then you guys must be doing something right.

So you got my Support and my Domains.
is there any trascript of the interview for not-very-good not-engiglish-speaking people (like me)????

Sorry I only have the Questions saved to my pc, and the answers is what matters really
Kool, downloading it right now. Thanks.
Couldn't really hear Ed...at all
It will be very nice if there is transcript because I am not very good in english.
Great :) Also, I have great connection to libsyn.com. It is really a great pleasure to listen to the Radio NamePros :)
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