
other Multi-faith prayer request (Editable thread)

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Rob Monster

Founder of EpikTop Member
Epik Founder
NamePros created a new thread category where your posts remain editable after you post. I have an immediate thought for how to put that capability to use, and that is an ongoing thread for prayer requests.

Prayer warriors from any faith are welcome to follow this thread and intercede for folks who are running into some adverse circumstance or challenge, are at an important crossroad, etc.

Even if you have no faith, send kind thoughts.

Since the posts are editable, posters can come back later and add a post-script to about whether some issue was resolved or was otherwise overcome, or posted can just white it out.

The main thing is to just send good thoughts to whoever needs them. If others want to PM someone about their challenge or circumstance, by all means have at it.

That's it. If the thread goes nowhere, no worries.
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The views expressed on this page by users and staff are their own, not those of NamePros.
This is another excellent idea from you @Rob Monster so let me be the first(?) to post a prayer request.

I've had a very challenging year assisting my elderly father before, during and after we lost my step-mother.

Now he is not doing well himself and may not be around too much longer, although he may surprise us all and last another 10 years which truly seems very unlikely.

To add to this, we have completely different personalities and have never gotten along at all so dealing with him is extremely difficult.

For me, I feel I'm helping him because he's my father and it's the right thing to do. Even though it's very clear no one else would be willing to give up everything like I have for him. So any prayers for him and also for me would be most appreciated.

P.S. as I was writing this I had to stop because he called me and the very first thing I did in the new year/decade was to empty out his plastic urinal smh.

BTW, I'm a former Navy Hospital Corpsman so I do have some ancient experience doing this type of thing UGH!
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For me, I feel I'm helping him because he's my father and it's the right thing to do. Even though it's very clear no one else would be willing to give up everything like I have for him. So any prayers for him and also for me would be most appreciated.

I too gave up everything for a few years to take care of my elderly mother until she had to be moved into hospice. It cost me two fairly successful businesses but I would happily do it again. This was several years ago and I still think of the times I could have done a little more (small things like going to a local restaurant to get her favorite egg roll). I will pray for comfort for your father and for you to have strength to continue giving him care.
This is another excellent idea from you @Rob Monster so let me be the first(?) to post a prayer request.

I've had a very challenging year assisting my elderly father before, during and after we lost my step-mother.

Now he is not doing well himself and may not be around too much longer, although he may surprise us all and last another 10 years which truly seems very unlikely.

To add to this, we have completely different personalities and have never gotten along at all so dealing with him is extremely difficult.

For me, I feel I'm helping him because he's my father and it's the right thing to do. Even though it's very clear no one else would be willing to give up everything like I have for him. So any prayers for him and also for me would be most appreciated.

P.S. as I was writing this I had to stop because he called me and the very first thing I did in the new year/decade was to empty out his plastic urinal smh.

BTW, I'm a former Navy Hospital Corpsman so I do have some ancient experience doing this type of thing UGH!

Dear Brad,

I sent up a big prayer this morning for you and your Dad before daybreak.

As context, my mother in law passed away in early 2018. There was a tribute video for her at her memorial service. It is a bit of a tearjerker for those who knew her so I will share this as context:

The point here is that I write this to you while vacationing in Mexico with my father in law, Glenn.

Years ago, he relayed to me how frustrated he was caring for his ailing wife of more than 50 years. She was largely wheelchair bound, and needed constant care.

You see, Glenn was an avid outdoorsman. He loves to deep sea fish and is also a very capable hunter. Much of that life was out the window. He was also feeling his age.

I suggested to him to reconsider his view and to seek a "servant's heart", to find joy in being able to care for his wife and to use the downtime to grow in other ways, e.g. reading scripture, prayer, meditation, etc.

He relayed to me a few months later that this shift changed everything. He became the most gifted and loving caregiver, and he now cherishes the last few years of married life that they enjoyed together.

So, as with turning lemons into lemonade, my prayer is that you find joy in this role and that you are blessed abundantly for caring for your Dad.

Here is a picture of my wife, Jill, and Glenn enjoying a little excursion to Puerto Escondido last week. He misses his wife very much but as you can see, he is a jovial guy who found joy and purpose.


Now, Glenn just has to figure out what to do with the rest of his life. He is 85, with a new knee. He got a FitBit for Christmas and walks 10,000+ steps daily without much effort.

So, I invite you to enjoy the season with your Dad, and count yourself blessed to have this time. And if you share your Dad's name, I and others will pray over him.
Dear Brad,

I sent up a big prayer this morning for you and your Dad before daybreak.

As context, my mother in law passed away in early 2018. There was a tribute video for her at her memorial service. It is a bit of a tearjerker for those who knew her so I will share this as context:

The point here is that I write this to you while vacationing in Mexico with my father in law, Glenn.

Years ago, he relayed to me how frustrated he was caring for his ailing wife of more than 50 years. She was largely wheelchair bound, and needed constant care.

You see, Glenn was an avid outdoorsman. He loves to deep sea fish and is also a very capable hunter. Much of that life was out the window. He was also feeling his age.

I suggested to him to reconsider his view and to seek a "servant's heart", to find joy in being able to care for his wife and to use the downtime to grow in other ways, e.g. reading scripture, prayer, meditation, etc.

He relayed to me a few months later that this shift changed everything. He became the most gifted and loving caregiver, and he now cherishes the last few years of married life that they enjoyed together.

So, as with turning lemons into lemonade, my prayer is that you find joy in this role and that you are blessed abundantly for caring for your Dad.

Here is a picture of my wife, Jill, and Glenn enjoying a little excursion to Puerto Escondido last week. He misses his wife very much but as you can see, he is a jovial guy who found joy and purpose.

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Now, Glenn just has to figure out what to do with the rest of his life. He is 85, with a new knee. He got a FitBit for Christmas and walks 10,000+ steps daily without much effort.

So, I invite you to enjoy the season with your Dad, and count yourself blessed to have this time. And if you share your Dad's name, I and others will pray over him.
Wow, that was very emotional and definitely NOT just "a bit of a tearjerker".

Thank you so much for sharing this video and your words and especially your prayers. I'm still moved by all of it.

My father's name is Jim and my stepmothers name was Marge. She passed away almost exactly a year after your mother in law and I was touched profoundly by how similar she seems to Marge. Unlike my father, she was extremely kind and loving and I cared for her deeply. And in fact, I considered her my second mother.

My father and I are I guess connected by how much we each loved her and miss her deeply.

It's difficult to really appreciate someone while in the middle of all the chaos and struggles. I know I'm finally growing up because of this whole experience and I'm 57 so it's about time right? :)

I can already see the blessings because my two sons have seen my example and have told me how much they appreciate me helping out.

I guess being exhausted from having no break for the last 13 months is a small price to pay because once this time is over I'll know I did everything I could and have no regrets.

Thanks again for your words of wisdom, your video and your prayers.
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I too gave up everything for a few years to take care of my elderly mother until she had to be moved into hospice. It cost me two fairly successful businesses but I would happily do it again. This was several years ago and I still think of the times I could have done a little more (small things like going to a local restaurant to get her favorite egg roll). I will pray for comfort for your father and for you to have strength to continue giving him care.
Thank you for sharing this and for your prayers I appreciate it very much.
Money, money, money. Please pray for me.
Money, money, money. Please pray for me.

" If you abide in me, and my words abide in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you."

- John 15:7
Money, money, money. Please pray for me.

Welcome to the Prayer thread. Prayer sent.

First of all, I am guessing that you, like most folks here on NP, have it relatively good, i.e. not fleeing some immediate traumatic circumstance or living in the streets. While our lives might not all be charmed, it could be worse. Pop culture might might have us convinced that we need a new this or that, or fame or fortune. Yet, these things are all temporal when the real rewards are eternal.

King Solomon was the richest man that ever lived. He was deemed extremely wise. I am not sure if his 700 wives and 300 concubines helped him much there, but this was the guy who literally had it all and then some. Read what the Queen of Sheba says about him in 1 Kings 10:7. She was probably quite the hottie, and she ends up having one of King Solomon's kids - Menelik I in the 10th century BC.

So, suffice it to say that Solomon had it all. He ended up writing much of Psalms and Proverbs among other texts. You have heard the proverb of "A fool and his money are soon parted"? Well that is a paraphrase of Proverbs 21:20 -- written by, you guessed it, King Solomon, the richest guy of all time. Late in life, he said this:

I returned, and saw under the sun, that the race is not to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, neither yet bread to the wise, nor yet riches to men of understanding, nor yet favour to men of skill; but time and chance happeneth to them all. - Ecclesiastes 9:11

In other words, you can work your tail off, as many here do, but whether or not you get to sell a domain for 6 figures is largely providence, i.e. luck! Some folks buy lottery tickets. Others buy and sell domains. The point is then what will you do with your good fortune when your ship does come in?

Speaking of calling out in an hour of need, I was just reading this story about some persecuted Chinese Christians:


The rest of the article is here. I happened to stumble across the article while trying to get to the bottom of the story of what is really going on in China with the Coronavirus. You find articles like this one. The point is that we all have our hours of abundance, but also moments of need or even crisis. Sometimes those are just wake-up calls to remind us of our mortal frame or human limitations.

The moral of the story is that an all-knowing God knows whats you need -- after all He not only knows every hair on your head but knows every electron in every atom in every hair. He might not give you what you want, but He will try to steer you towards what you need and direct you to the path that He had in mind for you when you were first conceived. The clues and hints are there if we bother to look.

Some related thoughts:

Hope it helps. Good luck.
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Prayers for you and your family, Brad.

I think in your case you feel this is a calling to take care of your father, God will send us duties when don't even understand, but because our faith leads our life, we follow through with Gods wishes.
Sometimes the answer is no. - God

Me and my wife have a baby. He was born when I was 49. Life has not been easy for me in the first half but it is better now. Mostly by my own doing and decisions.

My wife and I tried hard with IVF and lost 2 but succeeded the third time. He's my 4th child. The others are grown up. I have tried to believe in God but it's hard. I do pray for my family and others.

I know many people who want children but can't have them. I know I am fortunate to have my kids. They are the only true wealth in my opinion.
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Sometimes the answer is no. - God

Me and my wife have a baby. He was born when I was 49. Life has not been easy for me in the first half but it is better now. Mostly by my own doing and decisions.

My wife and I tried hard with IVF and lost 2 but succeeded the third time. He's my 4th child. The others are grown up. I have tried to believe in God but it's hard. I do pray for my family and others.

I know many people who want children but can't have them. I know I am fortunate to have my kids. They are the only true wealth in my opinion.

Thanks for sharing. I can relate to your story having been blessed with a beautiful girl after dealing with multiple miscarriages, medical complications and IVF. 7 years were worth the wait but it's took a toll on us. I've shed a fair deal of tears and have had my battles with God.

You and everyone struggling with these matters will be in my prayers forever.
Sometimes the answer is no. - God

Me and my wife have a baby. He was born when I was 49. Life has not been easy for me in the first half but it is better now. Mostly by my own doing and decisions.

My wife and I tried hard with IVF and lost 2 but succeeded the third time. He's my 4th child. The others are grown up. I have tried to believe in God but it's hard. I do pray for my family and others.

I know many people who want children but can't have them. I know I am fortunate to have my kids. They are the only true wealth in my opinion.

To be a Dad again at 49, I think that would still be very cool. Congrats there.

My wife and her business partner both had babies in their 40's. I cannot imagine our lives without the blessing of our youngest daughter. The other 4 kids are grown but the youngest is turning 16 next month.

On the other hand, if we had not had our youngest daughter, we would be empty nesters by now. I would have had a lot more time to work on other things and been far more mobile than I have been.

Children have many fathers.

My wife and I both had prior marriages. Her ex-husband was a positive force in my own 2 sons lives, and I remain a positive force for his son and daughter, who I helped raise as if they were my own flesh and blood.

In my own neighborhood, we have many kids who I look out for and for whom I am a prayer intercessor. Epik board member @Braden Pollock is not a dad but he has helped raise another man's son.

If you have a gift, e.g. as sport coach, as handy person, a person who knows how to grow things, etc it would be an unforgettable blessing for many kids to have someone of integrity teach them.

At the end of the day, I believe all is grace and providence. Setbacks are often resets. As one door closes, another opens. I believe this verse says much:

"And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose." - Romans 8:28

Postscript added 2/23 PM:

Just returned from a walk with the dogs -- this is usually quality prayer time. I did send up a prayer for @jamesall and as I started to pray, a perfect rainbow formed in the eastern sky. It carried on for the duration. I don't usually bring electronics for the walks, so no photo. I think @jamesall will know if the prayer made an impact. By the way, this is a favorite go-to verse. It just happens to be in the book of James:


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My prayer is that the Netizens of the world will work together to bring the Internet to the next 1 billion over the next 5 years and to all of humanity within the next 10 years.

I pray that access to knowledge will empower humanity to realize their potential but also provide the means to ask questions and seek answers, overcoming those who wish to deny them this opportunity.

I pray that I personally can empower a vast increase in the participants in the domain economy, but also that I can secure the means to deploy the first 1 million Toki servers over the next 3 years.

I firmly believe that people underestimate what they can get do. History is full of examples of people who overcame adversity, defied the odds, and delivered impact. Here are 3 examples:

Dr. David Livingstone
This man's entire life was a miracle. He grow up in poverty and managed to teach himself Latin, Greek and Hebrew before becoming a missionary doctor in Africa. He survived danger over the next 40 years and helped end the African slave trade. He inspires me to have courage, determination and to be selfless.

Rev. Ian Paisley
This is a man who opposed what he saw as tyranny. He used time, talent and treasure to navigate all manner of challenges, setbacks, defamation and even imprisonment to stand for his beliefs. He inspires me to have determination, tempered with pragmatism, and to be fearless in the court of public opinion.

Derek Prince
He came to Christ as an adult. I believe he was used mightily by God through his mission work around the world as speaker, author, and missionary before retiring in Jerusalem. He inspires me to not give up and to take authority over spiritual adversaries (see Ephesians 6).

My Calling

As some here know, when the Lord saved me in the Fall of 2013, He showed me this verse:

But thou, O Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book, even to the time of the end; many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall be increased. - Daniel 12:4

It is actually the verse I read out loud at the 1st Christian Domainer Breakfast in Las Vegas that I led in January 2015. It has guided ever me since. More context here:

On most days, I believe I have the coolest job in the world. I am humbled by the opportunity to work with so many awesome people to perhaps be able to do this really crazy thing. Lord-willing it happens!

So thank your very much for your prayers! I appreciate them more than I can express in words!
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Me and my wife have a baby. He was born when I was 49

My father was 47 when I was born and my mother 44. It was a big shock to my much older brother and sister (he has passed) and she recently had to acknowledge to me, directed by her therapist, that I disrupted her 'princess' lifestyle once I 'baby' was born.

Children are certainly a blessing at any age. Growing up and to this day, I always ask(ed) God to let me know my purpose so I can move know, let me do whatever it is meant for me to do and let me go home. As my mother aged and I stepped up to take care of her, in her beautiful southern belle drawl she would say "this is why you survived (insert many things/events here) it was to help me now"...she was always quick to add that my true purpose was still coming. Your newest addition was brought forth for some we all are.

I will pray that your belief in God will be strengthened and that your path be made smooth.
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First, I will appeal ahead, reason being that this thread is mainly for prayers.

It is a great blessing to descend from a praying parent.

Growing up and to this day, I always ask(ed) God to let me know my purpose so I can move know, let me do whatever it is meant for me to do and let me go home.

On this, as I keep learning, I found out that there is a peculiar thing in the heart of God for which he specifically design me and each person that ever lived. I love Jer 1:5; 'I knew you before you were formed within your mother's womb; before you were born I sanctified you and appointed you as my spokesman to the world', oh, how blessed is the womb - God greatest means of accomplishing His purpose on earth (Heb10:5).

There is a little confusion in knowing and entering into the purpose of God for one's life. I always pray for clarity on this. But as I engage in writing this, I perceive I can share few things for thoughts.

I perceive that the purpose of God is not talent. God gives talent, a very tiny tool to fulfill God's mind on earth. For us who are of the new creation, I can clearly say, 'the New man in the operation of the Holy Ghost (the divine auction) is the very substance God intends to accomplish His purpose.

Let's do a bit of Galatians 1 for clarity. Check verse 1, but the attention is in verse 13, 14 and 15. Apostle Paul was a man who was pursing what he thought is God's mind for the Jewish nation before he was encountered and got the revelation of the true God and His purpose for his life. The line I am drawing is that, a man can start his life doing wonderfully by talents, but immediately he comes to Christ, the usual thing is that there is a change of focus and taste. He gets empowered to do the purpose of God, and in wisdom channels all talents, resources toward that new encounter.

So, to get the purpose of God, I perceive it must be born out of an encounter with the Lord. Christ told Nicodemus plainly. My own experience is: I had wonderful plans and dreams in my early years. Once I encountered Christ, the focus changed and purpose redefined, and usually the auction given.

Should I talk about 'burden'? Therein lies the very purpose a man comes to the world and the reason for the second birth. The Lord gives the burden. What takes most of your praying time? Other peoples' needs? Therein lays the hint of the purpose. The very means to bring it to life is of the Lord himself. He conceives the matter, He also brings to birth. Mine is to keep following and obeying His leading and burden, and the road becomes clearer.

My greatest fear (so to say) in life is TIME. God is eternal, I am timed. I must go back home but there is an assignment given. That assignment is to serve humanity. God's intention from the beginning is to serve humanity in love and with all His blessings and power. The greatest man that ever lived came not to be served but to serve.
My greatest fear (so to say) in life is TIME. God is eternal, I am timed. I must go back home but there is an assignment given. That assignment is to serve humanity. God's intention from the beginning is to serve humanity in love and with all His blessings and power. The greatest man that ever lived came not to be served but to serve.

Very well put!

In looking for a verse that I heard this past Sunday, this video link kept coming up so I'll post it...maybe someone will be interested. Although I am a staunch nondemoninationalist (did I just create a word?!) David Jeremiah is one of those active today I like...I agree with most of what he says. Having said that, I am posting a link to one of his sermons on this subject. About the first minute is intro, then he gets started...his words are written below the video for those that would rather read than listen.
I wanted to add this. December last year, I got a burden which I termed "pray them into heaven" or package them for heaven.

The burden is intercession for old men and women beginning from age 60 upward (as given); I wish I can do from age 50, no 60 was clearly given. As many that has not known the Way, God will send ministering angels, we will hold God's hand in prayer. Even if Satan seems to have won over a 70 year old man, by wasting away the precious years of his life without knowing the Way, he can be prayed somehow into eternal rest in this short time before he leaves for eternity.

If I may request that saints join heaven to hijack quarter-to-go souls for eternal rest.
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Very well put!

In looking for a verse that I heard this past Sunday, this video link kept coming up so I'll post it...maybe someone will be interested. Although I am a staunch nondemoninationalist (did I just create a word?!) David Jeremiah is one of those active today I like...I agree with most of what he says. Having said that, I am posting a link to one of his sermons on this subject. About the first minute is intro, then he gets started...his words are written below the video for those that would rather read than listen.

This revolves round my quiet time today. Jer 29:11, John15:16

My favourite portion for "God's love" is Song of Solomon 8: 5, 6 and 7 because it was a great and direct revelation the Lord gracious gave me that day. It was so real.

Who is this that cometh up from the wilderness, leaning upon her beloved? I raised thee up under the apple tree: there thy mother brought thee forth: there she brought thee forth that bare thee.

Set me as a seal upon thine heart, as a seal upon thine arm: for love is strong as death; jealousy is cruel as grave: the coals thereof are coals of fire, which has a most vehement flame.

Many waters cannot quench love, neither can the floods drown it: if a man would give all the substance of his house for love, it would utterly be contemned.

Those are great scriptures for me. I wish to ask God when I get to heaven to replay that day for me. It was real. As if I was seeing the Lord standing when I was coming out of my mother's womb (vs5).

There is nothing that can stop God from loving me and if God gives me the whole world, it still not equals how much He loves me (vs7).

He showed me His love first before demanding for mine (vs6).
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Thanks for sharing. I can relate to your story having been blessed with a beautiful girl after dealing with multiple miscarriages, medical complications and IVF. 7 years were worth the wait but it's took a toll on us. I've shed a fair deal of tears and have had my battles with God.

You and everyone struggling with these matters will be in my prayers forever.
I am a hard person to bring to tears, but they certainly appear when that journey is taken. Even the success is full of fear in the beginning. Congratulations on your victory. Funny that I say that because we toyed with the names Victor and Victoria.
My father was 47 when I was born and my mother 44. It was a big shock to my much older brother and sister (he has passed) and she recently had to acknowledge to me, directed by her therapist, that I disrupted her 'princess' lifestyle once I 'baby' was born.

Children are certainly a blessing at any age. Growing up and to this day, I always ask(ed) God to let me know my purpose so I can move know, let me do whatever it is meant for me to do and let me go home. As my mother aged and I stepped up to take care of her, in her beautiful southern belle drawl she would say "this is why you survived (insert many things/events here) it was to help me now"...she was always quick to add that my true purpose was still coming. Your newest addition was brought forth for some we all are.

I will pray that your belief in God will be strengthened and that your path be made smooth.
My older kids are from two other marriages. They are young and doing their own things. Expecting a visit from my next youngest who is 18 and about to do his Military Service soon. I think about all my children every day and can't help but be reminded of each of their habits and things they did as babies.

This one is a movie star. He has been a baby in a TV series and a movie too. He's only 16 months.

Now that I have him I have started looking at my health again. Got a gym card, running every other day... strangely enough getting up at around 05:00 am and crashing at 22:30 despite being somewhat of an insomniac before...
To be a Dad again at 49, I think that would still be very cool. Congrats there.

My wife and her business partner both had babies in their 40's. I cannot imagine our lives without the blessing of our youngest daughter. The other 4 kids are grown but the youngest is turning 16 next month.

On the other hand, if we had not had our youngest daughter, we would be empty nesters by now. I would have had a lot more time to work on other things and been far more mobile than I have been.

Children have many fathers.

My wife and I both had prior marriages. Her ex-husband was a positive force in my own 2 sons lives, and I remain a positive force for his son and daughter, who I helped raise as if they were my own flesh and blood.

In my own neighborhood, we have many kids who I look out for and for whom I am a prayer intercessor. Epik board member @Braden Pollock is not a dad but he has helped raise another man's son.

If you have a gift, e.g. as sport coach, as handy person, a person who knows how to grow things, etc it would be an unforgettable blessing for many kids to have someone of integrity teach them.

At the end of the day, I believe all is grace and providence. Setbacks are often resets. As one door closes, another opens. I believe this verse says much:

"And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose." - Romans 8:28

Postscript added 2/23 PM:

Just returned from a walk with the dogs -- this is usually quality prayer time. I did send up a prayer for @jamesall and as I started to pray, a perfect rainbow formed in the eastern sky. It carried on for the duration. I don't usually bring electronics for the walks, so no photo. I think @jamesall will know if the prayer made an impact. By the way, this is a favorite go-to verse. It just happens to be in the book of James:

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Thanks for this Rob.

Not sure what the response might have been because I am busier than ever... Only saw this thread a few minutes ago. God Bless You.

You would find a better man in John Hume that that biggot Paisley. Paisley was without much risk being a part of the oppressive majority at that time.

The British had a sniper on him, for a period,- (The Third Force) in case he lifted a brick or ordered an attack. He had that much power, and they told him that he better not upset the boat too much.
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My older kids are from two other marriages. They are young and doing their own things. Expecting a visit from my next youngest who is 18 and about to do his Military Service soon. I think about all my children every day and can't help but be reminded of each of their habits and things they did as babies.

This one is a movie star. He has been a baby in a TV series and a movie too. He's only 16 months.

Now that I have him I have started looking at my health again. Got a gym card, running every other day... strangely enough getting up at around 05:00 am and crashing at 22:30 despite being somewhat of an insomniac before...

Please tell your son I appreciate his upcoming service...wish I had made a career out of the military. I've got a niece in the Navy and she just signed for 2 more years. Hopefully the baby will remain grounded despite the bright lights and fame!

Having had my share of unexpected health issues, it is truly of the most value in a persons life. Docs credit my survival to a daily smoothie first thing in the morning consisting of plain yogurt, banana, nuts, apple (including the seeds), blueberries, broccoli, carrots and whatever fresh fruit/veggie on hand. They officially cannot give God would not be appropriate in today's climate some say. Sleep is the thing I's important for good health but there is sooooooo much for me to do!
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