Drupal or Wordpress for Security and SEO Success?


Drupal 7 or Wordpress?

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  • This poll is still running and the standings may change.


Selling hotcakesTop Member
Allow me to provide a little background.

Years ago I developed a few high profile web sites based on Drupal. I like Drupal and it's familiar. I have used Wordpress before too, but I have only done basic testing and playing around with Wordpress.

Both are very popular. Wordpress people say is easy, but Drupal is more familiar to me.

THE PROBLEM: Right now Drupal is in between major releases. Between Drupal 7 and Drupal 8. And I have also not developed any web sites in 3 or 4 years, so I have been " out of the game" as it were.

As I want to get started on developing several new web sites right away. What do you guys suggest? Should I be using Drupal 7 in hopes that it will be easy to upgrade to Drupal 8 in the future? Or have you used both, and would you suggest that I finally make the leap to Wordpress, and begin anew?

My three biggest concerns with this choice.

#1) I need SECURE web sites. I will have 'sensitive' and perhaps controversial articles on these web sites. People like to say that Drupal is more secure than Wordpress, because less sites use Drupal, and perhaps the code of Drupal is also better.. and there are less extensions for Drupal (which means less vulnerability?). But I need some opinions on this one.. is Wordpress REALLY any less secure Drupal?

#2) Now that Google has gone all mobile friendly and sites that are not the most mobile friendly are being punished. How does Drupal 7 compare to Drupal 8 or especially how does Drupal 7 compare to Wordpress in terms of being seen by Google as "mobile friendly." And if I go for Wordpress what are the latest and greatest extensions to make Wordpress mobile and SEO friendly? This is kind of a big concern obviously, but I am interested in the latest opinions. A lot of articles I find through search seem outdated.

#3) Drupal vs. Wordpress? Has anyone used both extensively? I am not the most tech savvy person. I generally do not code, and instead opt to use the tools, extensions, themes, etc. that are already available. With your experience of Drupal 7 and the latest version of Wordpress. Which do you find better?

I really need to get more input from developers before I make a final decision. And I need to make a final decision within the next week or so.
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Follow-up bonus question too.. If you are using Drupal 7 now.. do you plan to upgrade to Drupal 8 when the stable version comes out?
Wordpress is growing very fast.

In last 6 months they released lot of versions, so always you have to stay with your developer.

I loved drupal but more people moved to wp just b'coz, lot of plugins & themes availability.

you can create whatever website with wordpress but drupal is not have that much plugins & themes.

I suggested you to stick with wordpress & read security blog's to know the latest vulnerability.
It's been years since I used drupal, but I can say that wordpress seems to work well with SEO. Also as mentioned by ramkumaritrvs - there are so many plugins and themes that integrate into wp making it simple to develop a clean site with features.

Some WP themes are designed to look great on all desktops/tablets/phones - so having to put in code for optimal resolution for each device isn't necessary. Knowing code also helps customize WP sites.
@brandnow security is a continuous process not a product. Whether you use WordPress or Drupal or Joomla, they will be vulnerable in time. It's how you approach securing your website, how fast can you update it.

A good example is after the WordPress update to 4.2, security researcher find out about the XSS vulnerability. The day after, WordPress released 4.2.1 to patch it.
Read it here. http://www.king.net/wordpress-4-2-is-affected-by-zero-day/

I moved all my websites from joomla and drupal to WordPress for simple reason. I can update the security of WordPress using the control panel, run update on the site, no need to FTP files. Anyway, I have a Managed WordPress, they update my core automatically once a new release is available.

Hope this help.
Wordpress is more famous and very fast in version update, this is important for security.
@brandnow security is a continuous process not a product. Whether you use WordPress or Drupal or Joomla, they will be vulnerable in time. It's how you approach securing your website, how fast can you update it.

A good example is after the WordPress update to 4.2, security researcher find out about the XSS vulnerability. The day after, WordPress released 4.2.1 to patch it.
Read it here. http://www.king.net/wordpress-4-2-is-affected-by-zero-day/

I moved all my websites from joomla and drupal to WordPress for simple reason. I can update the security of WordPress using the control panel, run update on the site, no need to FTP files. Anyway, I have a Managed WordPress, they update my core automatically once a new release is available.

Hope this help.

One thing I like about Wordpress.. but I installed it a few weeks ago to test it out a bit.. is that it updates automatically.. but from reading your post.. I wonder do you have auto-update switched off.. and do you update it manually?

edit: nevermind.. sorry I didn't read the last sentence on your post until now.

Thanks for your post. Good insight there.
Allow me to provide a little background.

Years ago I developed a few high profile web sites based on Drupal. I like Drupal and it's familiar. I have used Wordpress before too, but I have only done basic testing and playing around with Wordpress.

Both are very popular. Wordpress people say is easy, but Drupal is more familiar to me.

THE PROBLEM: Right now Drupal is in between major releases. Between Drupal 7 and Drupal 8. And I have also not developed any web sites in 3 or 4 years, so I have been " out of the game" as it were.

As I want to get started on developing several new web sites right away. What do you guys suggest? Should I be using Drupal 7 in hopes that it will be easy to upgrade to Drupal 8 in the future? Or have you used both, and would you suggest that I finally make the leap to Wordpress, and begin anew?

My three biggest concerns with this choice.

#1) I need SECURE web sites. I will have 'sensitive' and perhaps controversial articles on these web sites. People like to say that Drupal is more secure than Wordpress, because less sites use Drupal, and perhaps the code of Drupal is also better.. and there are less extensions for Drupal (which means less vulnerability?). But I need some opinions on this one.. is Wordpress REALLY any less secure Drupal?

#2) Now that Google has gone all mobile friendly and sites that are not the most mobile friendly are being punished. How does Drupal 7 compare to Drupal 8 or especially how does Drupal 7 compare to Wordpress in terms of being seen by Google as "mobile friendly." And if I go for Wordpress what are the latest and greatest extensions to make Wordpress mobile and SEO friendly? This is kind of a big concern obviously, but I am interested in the latest opinions. A lot of articles I find through search seem outdated.

#3) Drupal vs. Wordpress? Has anyone used both extensively? I am not the most tech savvy person. I generally do not code, and instead opt to use the tools, extensions, themes, etc. that are already available. With your experience of Drupal 7 and the latest version of Wordpress. Which do you find better?

I really need to get more input from developers before I make a final decision. And I need to make a final decision within the next week or so.
Wordpress all the way....forget drupal unless it is something wordpress cannot do.
This thread is becoming a wake up call for me. It's funny because until recently I was thinking I'd go Drupal all the way with my new sites. But yeah.. from reading.. and realizing the delay of Drupal 8.. and reading comments.. I am seriously wondering if maybe Drupal was "so 2005" and maybe WordPress is the best there is for right now.
This thread is becoming a wake up call for me. It's funny because until recently I was thinking I'd go Drupal all the way with my new sites. But yeah.. from reading.. and realizing the delay of Drupal 8.. and reading comments.. I am seriously wondering if maybe Drupal was "so 2005" and maybe WordPress is the best there is for right now.
Exactly, but If you like drupal and you are a drupal programmer that is fun otherwise stick with WordPress for now.
One thing I like about Wordpress.. but I installed it a few weeks ago to test it out a bit.. is that it updates automatically.. but from reading your post.. I wonder do you have auto-update switched off.. and do you update it manually?

You should never allow updates to a production site automatically ESPECIALLY if security is a concern.

Drupal 7 will be supported for a while so I wouldn't worry too much about that. I think the upgrade to Drupal 8 will be better than 6->7.

The real question is what are you looking for? Wordpress and Drupal have and serve different needs differently. If you are providing a commercial large business product I believe you are better with Drupal (or other options) than Wordpress.

Some of it would be for selfish reasons.
Wordpress all the way....forget drupal unless it is something wordpress cannot do.

You should add the word "well" and "properly" to the end of that sentence ;)
I'd go with woppressssss
Forget about Drupal 7 or 8, you should build your website on Wordpress because it is more secure and SEO friendly than Drupal. No need to worried about its security because in Wordpress your website is secure.
Forget about Drupal 7 or 8, you should build your website on Wordpress because it is more secure and SEO friendly than Drupal. No need to worried about its security because in Wordpress your website is secure.

Cool thanks! I think I've decided on Wordpress for all of my new sites, except for one site which I've already started developing on Drupal.

It's just kind of a shame only because I used Drupal for years and consider myself a non-technical Drupal "professional." So I'm going to have to learn the Wordpress interface from scratch, which will take some time. I know it's "easy".. it's just learning something new. But I LOVE the fact that Wordpress is updated regularly and automatically.. whereas Drupal only gets updated is major updates every few years.. and who the heck knows when Drupal 8 will be finished.. and there's still even no automatic updates for Drupal. I loved Drupal a lot for several years. But I GUESS it's time to move on. I don't have as much time as I did in the old days to play around with it and patiently wait for updates.
Having worked with both, I would always choose WordPress for most websites.

There is a lot of info, both B.S. and otherwise about WordPress not being as secure as Drupal. Straight out of the package (just the CMS/etc.), maybe Drupal feels more secure. By feels, I mean that you hear about hacked sites less. That's in part (a big part) because there are less websites using Drupal vs. WordPress and the difference is growing.

I am by no means an expert on either but I do have dozens of developed websites and all of them are built on WordPress. I have over a hundred other sites that are built with basic WordPress installs (not much on them but 3 pages) that are just for sales leads, page indexing, etc...

If you know how to secure a WordPress website then you will be fine. WordPress also has a countless amount of plugins to suit just about any need if you aren't familiar with code yet (I'm Not), I would recommend that you do keep your plugins to a minimum though as there are a few negative affects like page load times, server RAM usage, security (with some plugins),etc...

I did have a couple of my WordPress sites get hacked when I first started using it but now I have come across a couple of things I now do and a couple of plugins that I now use and I have never had a hacked sites since using these.

It is also a lot easier to find and get any needed help with WordPress, it's themes or plugins. This is in part due to the sheer number of people who use and know WordPress.

If I had to choose, it would be WordPress for sure! If it was a large business/commercial website then I might consider Drupal, as that is what it is best suited.
Having worked with both, I would always choose WordPress for most websites.

There is a lot of info, both B.S. and otherwise about WordPress not being as secure as Drupal. Straight out of the package (just the CMS/etc.), maybe Drupal feels more secure. By feels, I mean that you hear about hacked sites less. That's in part (a big part) because there are less websites using Drupal vs. WordPress and the difference is growing.

I am by no means an expert on either but I do have dozens of developed websites and all of them are built on WordPress. I have over a hundred other sites that are built with basic WordPress installs (not much on them but 3 pages) that are just for sales leads, page indexing, etc...

If you know how to secure a WordPress website then you will be fine. WordPress also has a countless amount of plugins to suit just about any need if you aren't familiar with code yet (I'm Not), I would recommend that you do keep your plugins to a minimum though as there are a few negative affects like page load times, server RAM usage, security (with some plugins),etc...

I did have a couple of my WordPress sites get hacked when I first started using it but now I have come across a couple of things I now do and a couple of plugins that I now use and I have never had a hacked sites since using these.

It is also a lot easier to find and get any needed help with WordPress, it's themes or plugins. This is in part due to the sheer number of people who use and know WordPress.

If I had to choose, it would be WordPress for sure! If it was a large business/commercial website then I might consider Drupal, as that is what it is best suited.

It's honest opinions like this that were exactly what I was looking to get from this thread. Thanks man.

By the way, would you mind sharing a few of the things you do or plugins you use to make Wordpress more secure?
If any of your new sites is an ecommerce site, then neither wordpress nor drupal is a good choice for it. Always go with a saas like Shopify for small/medium ecommerce site.. No worries about the backend.

People generally are averse to paying the monthy fee. But if you in a good niche with a decent paid campaign running , you will recover the cost within the first day of the month.

Woocommerce(wp), pestashop etc might look like an attractive option with no recurring fees, but you will have to deal with the site issues from time to time. The last thing you would want to be doing during high traffic days of the year is fixing a bug, even if you are a developer. You will pay the price with lost sales.

So if you are a businessman with limited IT skills, software as a service should be your only option.
It's honest opinions like this that were exactly what I was looking to get from this thread. Thanks man.

By the way, would you mind sharing a few of the things you do or plugins you use to make Wordpress more secure?
You are most welcome.

Like I said in my reply, I am in no way an expert but I have found a couple things that are great improvements.

I will be happy to provide whatever helpful info I can though.

I will send you a PM in a couple mins, I type slow. ;)
If you're looking for an SEO plugin for WordPress, nothing beats the WP SEO Plugin by Yoast.Straightforward, easy to use, even creates xml sitemaps for you on the fly.
I would definitely go for WordPress, thanks to plugins, theme and regular updates.
Cool thanks! I think I've decided on Wordpress for all of my new sites, except for one site which I've already started developing on Drupal.

It's just kind of a shame only because I used Drupal for years and consider myself a non-technical Drupal "professional." So I'm going to have to learn the Wordpress interface from scratch, which will take some time. I know it's "easy".. it's just learning something new. But I LOVE the fact that Wordpress is updated regularly and automatically.. whereas Drupal only gets updated is major updates every few years.. and who the heck knows when Drupal 8 will be finished.. and there's still even no automatic updates for Drupal. I loved Drupal a lot for several years. But I GUESS it's time to move on. I don't have as much time as I did in the old days to play around with it and patiently wait for updates.

When we start learning nothing is difficult because i believe that "never too late to be great". If you need technical guys for the customization of wordpress theme or any other type of technical work related to wordpress feel free to contact me in private msgs.
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