.tv Dot TV is The Country Code of Tuvalu



MemberRestricted (85-100%)
Just remember that, according to ICANN, .tv stands for .Tuvalu, and not "television." The mods here think they are doing y'all (and perhaps themselves) a favor by deleting posts reminding you of that fact, but that's really no favor. Eventually ICANN's roster of ccTLDs will be taught in public schools (it's probably already begun), and when it is, the pretend meaning of "television" will eventually vaporize, leaving late speculators holding many reg-fee only domains.

Also, the last time I checked the government of Tuvalu only leased the rights to Verisign for about $4million per year, so at some point the marketing ploy of "television" may be revealed for exactly what it is - a marketing ploy.

And of course if Tuvalu becomes an important country because of geopolitical dynamics, war, natural disaster, or one of many reasons, it will most likely want its ccTLD back for serious use as was intended.

Currently most participants here who dabble with .tv turn a blind eye to what I consider a certain eventuality. And until that eventuality hits, lots of coin will be made trading in this ccTLD with vapor-marketing meaning.
Does the ccTLD .ws (dot "website") ring a bell? It should.
The views expressed on this page by users and staff are their own, not those of NamePros.
This "idiot" will point out your spelling shortcomings, such as "vaporises."
When pointing out someone's spelling shortcomings through example, it generally helps if the example is actually a spelling error. If you're not careful, we may just ascribe a your mistake to a total lack of understanding about the use of -ise and -ize in different cultures, or worse, assume that you are an "idiot". I presume that the quotes have a purpose so I will include them too - so as not to be appear a simple unquoted idiot.

For the record, in the UK, one would find vaporise is the more common term despite the original root coming from Latin.

Of course your fictional post
You may also want to look at your own sentence structures before making a point of talking about his shortcomings. I'm pretty sure that his post is not fictional as I can see it and read it.

you and that other twit "DU" would have been banned by now for bashing others and use of slurs.
I have bashed others in this forum, and usually I've apologized (or is that apologised, oh I'm so confused); however, in this thread I've done nothing but strongly defended your right not to be called an epithet (I won't use the actual word as I do understand the use of it does distress you).
I certainly have not bashed you unless you've somehow read something unintentional (or is that fictional?) into my posts.

well the OP is right, and there is no disputing that - .TV is NOT for television
in disguise or otherwise it is/was and always will be for marketing and sales and of course promotion of self [not this self]
however....regardless of personal views, and attacks on forum members [cough - hello mods]
it is for Tuvalu but as domainers and adults, have we really not moved past this shit?
everyone has an opinion - respect it!

I humbly and respectfully disagree with what I think you're implying :)

It is true that .TV is the top level country code that has been assigned to Tuvalu and, as per common practice, it was based on the country code of Tuvalu as defined by the ISO standards, namely TV. I would not dispute that.

Administrative control for all domains of the type .TV has been delegated to Tuvalu by IANA. I would not dispute that.

There is nothing that says ".TV" means something and cannot mean anything else. Tuvalu recognized that there is value in .TV and has chosen to open up registrations in a global/open and non-restrictive manner for anyone to use how they want. It makes sense that the association of .TV to Television is made because it's clear and obvious and Tuvalu has reaped some rewards from this association.

.TV is just the designated name of the country code top level domain that has been assigned to Tuvalu. There is no disguise, there is no covert secret going on here. Let me be clear: .TV doesn't *mean* Tuvalu. .TV is the ccTLD that has been delegated to Tuvalu for administration and control.

The argument that .TV is and means Tuvalu is specious. No one says that you can't operate a charity site on a .com or a commercial venture on a .org - because there is nothing to stop you from doing so. There is a benefit to building your site on the appropriate extension because of the association that people make (not based on any real definition but an understood association). .TV is exactly the same - there's nothing to stop you having a site that's all text or a forum on a .TV but you don't benefit from a natural association. If you are a TV production company, a studio, or have video production channels, or provide rich media content etc. you can benefit from the association of .TV. To be sure, the link between TV and Television is not a weak force, it's an incredibly strong force. There's no guessing that TV stands for Television like there is that ws stands for website, or im stands for instant messenger. TV has been television for years. This is the reason that you also see adoption of .io for younger companies - io is what io is, there's no guessing.

I believe that Television has broadened in concept with the converging technologies to be more than the box that shows some stations - it's a media distribution vehicle. My TV streams movies, plays games, etc. Not everyone buys into that level of convergence and I understand that. I would not argue that for some, TV is the old box with static and a fuzzy picture - but not everyone is my grandparents.

So let me summarize:

.TV doesn't mean Tuvalu.
.TV is assigned to Tuvalu for administration as they see fit (with IANA guidelines).
TV is television
Television is media distribution platform

Therfore, I am comfortable saying:

.TV and TV has an immediate and meaningful association.

I am not saying .TV means television. I am not saying .TV means Tuvalu. I'm saying .TV has an immediate media association. Period.
It really is that simple.

Let's put it into perspective.
Say I registered Code.Kitchen (which is a name I like and would have registered if it was available). Who is going to stand up and insist to that registrant the blatant disregard for the fact that it's a Dot Kitchen is bad? Say someone registered join.me? Who is going to stand up and insist that this is misappropriation of the .me? Say someone registered Ameri.ca ? Who's going to stand up and insist that this is a slight to all Canadians and a total misuse of the ccTLD?

No one. Why? Because it doesn't matter. Because it's irrelevant.

The extension doesn't actually mean anything other than the registrant and website owner wants it to mean. The ONLY relevant factor is that the administrative control does belong to the country - hence they are solely responsible (within IANA guidelines and contracts) for the terms and conditions of the registration and pricing but this is really no different from any of the new TLDs that are owned by private corporations and control their TLDS (within ICANN guidelines and contracts). Or more significantly, this is no different to CO.UK, .DE, .AU, .JP, .CA etc. unless someone knows something different.

I think I'm about done now. I can move on.

Note: There may be grammar or spelling issues in this post because I'm not a professional forum poster.
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I bought ONE .TV domain name, and that's Pippa.TV, and I'm letting it drop.

There is a fundamental difference between speculation and making your buys based on previous historical evidence.

.TV is purely speculative, and I rarely see .TV advertised on .TV. Which is a glaring indicator that it's not going anywhere.

.TV is just like all of these new garbage gTLDs.

Ask yourself, do the new gTLDs make the internet easier to navigate or harder? Everything indicates 'harder' is the answer. Having whats to the left of the dot to the right of the dot is just nonsense.

I always equate domains with actual human names. Imagine if all first names became commonly used last names. It would be confusing. Those type of names exist, but how odd is it to see someone names Tim Mike. Paul Ben.

Just looking at it is confusing. There is an intuitive understanding of how domain names work just as there is with our names.

Then there is this whole "well the next generation will accept it as normal"; false false false.

The next generation is here, and they barely know anything outside of .COM in the USA.

However the next generation is smart, and they are going to ask 'why'? Why would anyone need to do this, and when the answer is "they don't" all of these gTLDs will find a happy home next to .aero and .info.

Okay I've gone off topic.

Unless I see relevant companies using .TV in television or print ads I'm out and you may have all the .TV's you like.

Decided to use the 'ignore' option ………..ahhh that's better !
There's a big difference between having an opinion and hijacking others' threads and persisting with arguments that have nothing to do with the original post in order to set some sort of personal agenda.

Talk about respecting opinions.
I get it, I looked back - but, here it is again.
It won't stop till someone stops it ;) evirtual1 got it right lol


I humbly and respectfully disagree with what I think you're implying :)

It is true that .TV is the top level country code that has been assigned to Tuvalu and, as per common practice, it was based on the country code of Tuvalu as defined by the ISO standards, namely TV. I would not dispute that.

Administrative control for all domains of the type .TV has been delegated to Tuvalu by IANA. I would not dispute that.

There is nothing that says ".TV" means something and cannot mean anything else. Tuvalu recognized that there is value in .TV and has chosen to open up registrations in a global/open and non-restrictive manner for anyone to use how they want. It makes sense that the association of .TV to Television is made because it's clear and obvious and Tuvalu has reaped some rewards from this association.

.TV is just the designated name of the country code top level domain that has been assigned to Tuvalu. There is no disguise, there is no covert secret going on here. Let me be clear: .TV doesn't *mean* Tuvalu. .TV is the ccTLD that has been delegated to Tuvalu for administration and control.

The argument that .TV is and means Tuvalu is specious. No one says that you can't operate a charity site on a .com or a commercial venture on a .org - because there is nothing to stop you from doing so. There is a benefit to building your site on the appropriate extension because of the association that people make (not based on any real definition but an understood association). .TV is exactly the same - there's nothing to stop you having a site that's all text or a forum on a .TV but you don't benefit from a natural association. If you are a TV production company, a studio, or have video production channels, or provide rich media content etc. you can benefit from the association of .TV. To be sure, the link between TV and Television is not a weak force, it's an incredibly strong force. There's no guessing that TV stands for Television like there is that ws stands for website, or im stands for instant messenger. TV has been television for years. This is the reason that you also see adoption of .io for younger companies - io is what io is, there's no guessing.

I believe that Television has broadened in concept with the converging technologies to be more than the box that shows some stations - it's a media distribution vehicle. My TV streams movies, plays games, etc. Not everyone buys into that level of convergence and I understand that. I would not argue that for some, TV is the old box with static and a fuzzy picture - but not everyone is my grandparents.

So let me summarize:

.TV doesn't mean Tuvalu.
.TV is assigned to Tuvalu for administration as they see fit (with IANA guidelines).
TV is television
Television is media distribution platform

Therfore, I am comfortable saying:

.TV and TV has an immediate and meaningful association.

I am not saying .TV means television. I am not saying .TV means Tuvalu. I'm saying .TV has an immediate media association. Period.
It really is that simple.

Let's put it into perspective.
Say I registered Code.Kitchen (which is a name I like and would have registered if it was available). Who is going to stand up and insist to that registrant the blatant disregard for the fact that it's a Dot Kitchen is bad? Say someone registered join.me? Who is going to stand up and insist that this is misappropriation of the .me? Say someone registered Ameri.ca ? Who's going to stand up and insist that this is a slight to all Canadians and a total misuse of the ccTLD?

No one. Why? Because it doesn't matter. Because it's irrelevant.

The extension doesn't actually mean anything other than the registrant and website owner wants it to mean. The ONLY relevant factor is that the administrative control does belong to the country - hence they are solely responsible (within IANA guidelines and contracts) for the terms and conditions of the registration and pricing but this is really no different from any of the new TLDs that are owned by private corporations and control their TLDS (within ICANN guidelines and contracts). Or more significantly, this is no different to CO.UK, .DE, .AU, .JP, .CA etc. unless someone knows something different.

I think I'm about done now. I can move on.

Note: There may be grammar or spelling issues in this post because I'm not a professional forum poster.

Yes, that's what I said lol

There are always other associations to some of the ccTLD's [.ca California?]

some see just black or just white - sometimes we forget there is a grey
at the end of the day - and to quote you

TV is television = yes it is
.TV is assigned to Tuvalu for administration as they see fit (with IANA guidelines).
that's what I said :p
"Dot TV is The Country Code of Tuvalu", and 'Hey Now' is a phrase not a Name.
Clearly, you (Hey Now) understand a phrase can be re-appropriated for other applications... even if some don't get it

Bottom line is: .TV sells. I'm a dot com guy but I started buying .TV starting in February when the gtld's really started moving, as naturally, people will check that extension. I was right, I made more in one word .TV sales then my .com sales. The sales numbers don't lie. It doesn't matter if anyone does not like .TV, It makes money. Anyone making money off of .TV is not complaining or has anything bad to say about it.

Caveat: pick your .TV's very carefully. Highly searched exact match keywords do not necessarily translate well into .TV sales.
Bottom line is: .TV sells. I'm a dot com guy but I started buying .TV starting in February when the gtld's really started moving, as naturally, people will check that extension. I was right, I made more in one word .TV sales then my .com sales. The sales numbers don't lie. It doesn't matter if anyone does not like .TV, It makes money. Anyone making money off of .TV is not complaining or has anything bad to say about it.

Caveat: pick your .TV's very carefully. Highly searched exact match keywords do not necessarily translate well into .TV sales.

Care to share some of your sales? Did you do any outbound marketing?

I am still wanting the 'channel thing' to take off, maybe it has i have not seen any yet ?? Love to know
I did a search and there are few i guess, just not hearing about them is my opinion
Care to share some of your sales? Did you do any outbound marketing?


Only the one I had mentioned here on Namepros already: Omen.TV , one more not mentioned is Golfcart.TV - I would love to mention more, however, if I list enough of them, it reveals the "flavor" of names I'm buying, therefore increasing my opportunity cost when others compete with me. Let me just say this, I thought I was stuck on nothing but dot com.

Dot TV certainly got my attention.

No outbound marketing so far. Golfcart.TV was a phone call to a current client.
How long did it take you to figure this out?

I bought ONE .TV domain name, and that's Pippa.TV, and I'm letting it drop.

There is a fundamental difference between speculation and making your buys based on previous historical evidence.

.TV is purely speculative, and I rarely see .TV advertised on .TV. Which is a glaring indicator that it's not going anywhere.

.TV is just like all of these new garbage gTLDs.

Ask yourself, do the new gTLDs make the internet easier to navigate or harder? Everything indicates 'harder' is the answer. Having whats to the left of the dot to the right of the dot is just nonsense.

I always equate domains with actual human names. Imagine if all first names became commonly used last names. It would be confusing. Those type of names exist, but how odd is it to see someone names Tim Mike. Paul Ben.

Just looking at it is confusing. There is an intuitive understanding of how domain names work just as there is with our names.

Then there is this whole "well the next generation will accept it as normal"; false false false.

The next generation is here, and they barely know anything outside of .COM in the USA.

However the next generation is smart, and they are going to ask 'why'? Why would anyone need to do this, and when the answer is "they don't" all of these gTLDs will find a happy home next to .aero and .info.

Okay I've gone off topic.

Unless I see relevant companies using .TV in television or print ads I'm out and you may have all the .TV's you like.

.tv has no residence restrictions that I know of, thus the major markets tend to paint an extension in a different light in the hopes of selling more..tv IS a ccTLD, bu it CAN be used for anything. Does every site using .org have to be an organizaion? Yeah, .tv is what it is, but that doesn't hold any meaning--it's also whatever it wants to be used for..tv isn't .xxx after all.

Just remember that, according to ICANN, .tv stands for .Tuvalu, and not "television." The mods here think they are doing y'all (and perhaps themselves) a favor by deleting posts reminding you of that fact, but that's really no favor. Eventually ICANN's roster of ccTLDs will be taught in public schools (it's probably already begun), and when it is, the pretend meaning of "television" will eventually vaporize, leaving late speculators holding many reg-fee only domains.

Also, the last time I checked the government of Tuvalu only leased the rights to Verisign for about $4million per year, so at some point the marketing ploy of "television" may be revealed for exactly what it is - a marketing ploy.

And of course if Tuvalu becomes an important country because of geopolitical dynamics, war, natural disaster, or one of many reasons, it will most likely want its ccTLD back for serious use as was intended.

Currently most participants here who dabble with .tv turn a blind eye to what I consider a certain eventuality. And until that eventuality hits, lots of coin will be made trading in this ccTLD with vapor-marketing meaning.
Does the ccTLD .ws (dot "website") ring a bell? It should.
Ugh I wanted to read this entire thread but it's making my head hurt. I've read a lot as-is.Seems one belief is that .tv is a bad extension.It's "only afloat because of domainers." So let me post this, courtesy of dnsalesprice.com:

Creative tv $3,305 13-Jul
Rookie tv $1,500 13-Jul
PerfectGirls tv $1,500 13-Jul
Wax tv $1,699 13-Jul
Cura tv $1,575 13-Jul
Unternehmer tv $1,934 13-Jul
Consumer tv $2,500 13-Jun
MYMTW tv $1,560 13-Jun
Jasmin tv $12,000 13-Jun
Beat tv $5,000 13-Jun
Femme tv $7,000 13-Jun
SAT tv $2,000 13-Jun
Bob tv $17,500 13-Jun
Sale tv $3,800 13-Jun
Voltage tv $4,200 13-Jun
Skylight tv $1,500 13-May
Ingenious tv $2,000 13-May
Paloma tv $3,000 13-May
Brit tv $5,000 13-May
Color tv $1,999 13-May
Exchange tv $1,400 13-May
Leader tv $1,499 13-May
Female tv $7,700 13-May
American tv $2,450 13-Apr
Fund tv $13,200 13-Apr
Pleasant tv $1,980 13-Apr
PornMovie tv $3,000 13-Apr
Bistrot tv $1,048 13-Apr
StripTease tv $2,619 13-Apr
WestWing tv $1,250 13-Apr
PornVideo tv $4,000 13-Mar
PornVids tv $2,500 13-Mar
Fr tv $12,987 13-Mar
ULive tv $27,000 13-Mar
Accelerate tv $1,199 13-Mar
Catholic tv $2,500 13-Mar
Marco tv $1,500 13-Mar
SS tv $30,000 13-Mar
Bimbo tv $1,900 13-Mar
OM tv $4,700 13-Mar
PotsDam tv $2,327 13-Mar
Testosterone tv $4,000 13-Mar
LiveFootball tv $1,550 13-Feb
Jogo tv $19,650 13-Feb
Scandal tv $1,500 13-Feb
VideoShop tv $18,760 13-Feb
WeightLoss tv $8,500 13-Feb
Tree tv $2,000 13-Feb
Connect tv $25,000 13-Jan
Prosperity tv $10,000 13-Jan
Lessons tv $6,250 13-Jan
Workshop tv $1,200 13-Jan
Forever tv $1,000 13-Jan
MyCV tv $1,750 13-Jan
NextGeneration tv $1,000 13-Jan
VideoBox tv $1,000 13-Jan
Karachi tv $9,500 12-Dec
PornMovies tv $5,000 12-Dec
Bildung tv $1,299 12-Dec
HypnoseTherapie tv $1,299 12-Dec
Playground tv $1,000 12-Dec
Via tv $2,000 12-Dec
GetLenses tv $1,000 12-Dec
Kanal tv $7,277 12-Dec
PokerNight tv $3,500 12-Nov
CBRE tv $4,720 12-Nov
Kompany tv $1,500 12-Nov
Smesh tv $2,000 12-Nov
TR tv $5,000 12-Nov
MOX tv $5,000 12-Nov
Fly tv $4,000 12-Nov
SexVideos tv $6,000 12-Oct
FussBallWetten tv $1,950 12-Oct
Bulls tv $1,148 12-Oct
Verde tv $1,000 12-Oct
Cameo tv $5,000 12-Oct
SeniorCare tv $6,590 12-Sep
SuperCross tv $8,000 12-Sep
Spoon tv $1,000 12-Sep
TelePark tv $3,250 12-Sep
OnePiece tv $2,400 12-Sep
Deep tv $1,700 12-Sep
Identity tv $1,176 12-Aug
Schule tv $1,500 12-Aug
Grab tv $4,000 12-Aug
Anarchy tv $1,250 12-Aug
Carnival tv $1,060 12-Aug
Escuela tv $1,050 12-Aug
Joy tv $7,600 12-Aug
Escape tv $2,500 12-Aug
HangOut tv $1,050 12-Aug
Brazilian tv $1,000 12-Jul
SmartHomes tv $1,500 12-Jul
Darts tv $3,500 12-Jul
Most tv $1,800 12-Jul
Veo tv $10,000 12-Jul
Clothing tv $14,120 12-Jul
WellnessHotels tv $1,599 12-Jul
MyCar TV $1,577 12-Jul
Bern tv $3,800 12-Jul

These are only the reported sales, and I'm sure there are many $xx sales out there. But this shows keyword .tv DOES sell well(average here: over $4,000 per domain).I see no weight in the ".tv is only afloat because of domainers" theory.
Interesting sales stats - I suppose since all the numbers are 12s and 13s that must mean the year i.e. 2012 and 2013. However, my view remains that most development on .TV is on reg fee domains like MeettheBoss.TV where you can see they are spending enormous resources on development with a domain name that you couldn't sell for $5 on NP.
A few nuggets for ya:

I once owned pipedream.org. I've asked ppl here on NP for their 2 cents. Pretty much everyone said it was a regfee domain. I then promptly sold it for $400 or so.

I bought GlobalModeling.com for $20 here at NP. I tried selling it here for roughly the same price, but there was no interest. I tried BIDO and I think eBay--couldn't sell it for $20. I wound up selling it to an enduser for $750.

Moral: NP is full of noobs and pros alike, but the fact domains are bought/sold cheap here really has no correlation to what a domain has potential for. Surely the original owner of GlobalModeling.com will be kicking himself after reading he lost out on well over $700.

Interesting sales stats - I suppose since all the numbers are 12s and 13s that must mean the year i.e. 2012 and 2013. However, my view remains that most development on .TV is on reg fee domains like MeettheBoss.TV where you can see they are spending enormous resources on development with a domain name that you couldn't sell for $5 on NP.
I will say this, if you buy TV names that don't sound natural or are a little wonky like they're plural or even something like for example the word ending in "ly", your chances of a sale is extremely slim to none. If you look at Randy's big list of reported TV sales above (courtesy of dnsalesprice.com), you'll notice that roughly 5 names out of the entire list are plural words bought for most likely for SEO value (which BTW, ranking high is still really harder then one thinks despite exact match)

Someone picked up Locally.TV on Godaddy which I passed over for those very reasons above. Doesn't mean it won't resell though. Just the odds are much worse.
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I agree with ya, Drums. But this is true of all extensions: singular and plural nouns and many verbs sell well. Adjectives rarely do well
.tv is much better than most of the new gTLDs, even if it is actually a ccTLD.

And sure we can't predict the future but same thing for most ccTLDs : what if you run a local website with a local tld and then the country decide to block the use of its tld? It can happen everywhere. That does not make ccTLDs worthless today.

The Internet is still not mature and we can't predict the future, but I think that the whole tld thing will be pointless in maybe 30 years. Even .com will lose value.

Anyway, not because a country wants to use its ccTLD means that all names have to be confiscated.
See .co : this TLD is for Colombia but it is marketed as being "the .com alternative"...

Just remember that, according to ICANN, .tv stands for .Tuvalu, and not "television." The mods here think they are doing y'all (and perhaps themselves) a favor by deleting posts reminding you of that fact, but that's really no favor. Eventually ICANN's roster of ccTLDs will be taught in public schools (it's probably already begun), and when it is, the pretend meaning of "television" will eventually vaporize, leaving late speculators holding many reg-fee only domains.

Also, the last time I checked the government of Tuvalu only leased the rights to Verisign for about $4million per year, so at some point the marketing ploy of "television" may be revealed for exactly what it is - a marketing ploy.

And of course if Tuvalu becomes an important country because of geopolitical dynamics, war, natural disaster, or one of many reasons, it will most likely want its ccTLD back for serious use as was intended.

Currently most participants here who dabble with .tv turn a blind eye to what I consider a certain eventuality. And until that eventuality hits, lots of coin will be made trading in this ccTLD with vapor-marketing meaning.
Does the ccTLD .ws (dot "website") ring a bell? It should.
The online 'channel thing' has taken-off. Multi-Channel Networks, like Maker.TV, are hot with The Studios:

TV domainers have thus far been to fragmented to participate in a Muti-Channel Network/s. I have own multi-channel (domain) network, and pitch names individually and in network packages.

I am still wanting the 'channel thing' to take off, maybe it has i have not seen any yet ?? Love to know
I did a search and there are few i guess, just not hearing about them is my opinion
The online 'channel thing' has taken-off. Multi-Channel Networks, like Maker.TV, are hot with The Studios:

TV domainers have thus far been to fragmented to participate in a Muti-Channel Network/s. I have own multi-channel (domain) network, and pitch names individually and in network packages.

I was referring to the term channel , i have never seen a channel.tv name advertised, i do not mean channel as a medium. I am saying something like GiftChannel.Tv would be great to see, cheers
I'm too tired to check, but isn't there a spike.tv?

I was referring to the term channel , i have never seen a channel.tv name advertised, i do not mean channel as a medium. I am saying something like GiftChannel.Tv would be great to see, cheers
I'll try it again …. a site using Channel in their name ……… there are lots of channels but as i have stated i have not them advertised as channels …….cheers
Good point. But there are channels that use .tv, showing at the least ppl are actually using .tv for TV purposes.
I actually made an $xxx offer for fashionchannel/tv via sedo and never got a reply back so i sent an email via the whois asking why no reply only to be told the offer was one tenth of the requited price ….oh well
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