Domain Parking: Tips & Tricks to Help You Earn More!



The journey is never endingVIP Member
And so it begins!:wave:

My goal is to help people learn more about the parking industry and help them earn more money while spending less of it.

There are tons of tricks,tips,secrets that people use to make money in this business.

Let me say this, I will not discuss illegal or bad practices here so please don't ask.

What will I talk about? How to find domains,with traffic for cheap. Creating long term wealth for yourself and how to do it on a budget. I will answer questions and talk about what I know. If there is something I'm not familiar with or not knowledgeable about I will say so.

I am not here to start flaming wars with other domainers or parking gurus. Everyone has their own set of rules to making money. If you don't like mine, that's okay , but please share your ideas with everyone instead of bashing others.

Myths I want to debunk now:

#1. Parking is dead. (Far from it)

#2. You can't make money doing it. (B.S.- you can make a ton of money in it)

#3. Only the rich can do this. (This is not true!)

#4. Google doesn't like domain parking! (Yes they do, they make a ton of money off it. If they hated it so much why do they continue to support it?)


So what's the point of all this? It's to help people with parking.

Please feel free to email,pm, or post your questions here and I will do my best to answer them all.



(P.S. I'm not the best writer so I apologize for any grammar or sentence structure mistakes in advance.)

--Answers to Questions I'm frequently asked!--

#1. What parking companies do I support/like?

These are the main ones I use and have had great success with. I base my success not only on the amount of money I make but also, customer service and transparency.

In alphabetical order:

- (Supports Foreign Traffic)(Zero Click Model Supported)
- (Supports Foreign Traffic) (Zero Click Model Supported)
- (Supports Foreign Traffic)
- (Highest Payouts In The Industry)

#2. What tools do you use to help you evaluate domains?

Besides my own "TOOL", which I'm not here to promote I would suggest the following;

1. - Great resource site (I do not affiliated with them in anyway)

If we break down the tools I generally look at the following:

Traffic Sources: (Understand that no tool is 100% accurate but together you can get a great picture.)

4. Verisign Labs: ( WARNING: This tool to be used when you have mastered other tools. The information on this site is tricky but can be useful)

History of the domain:


Backlinks: ( There are plenty of tools for these but here are some sites I use)

2. Google Backlinks
3. Yahoo Backlinks
6. (Enjoy this one. It's the search engine for backlinks)


1. Google Keyword Tool

#3. Where can I get lists to analyze:

I have my own tools that do the work for me however here are a few places you can grab lists from to analyze:

2. - (good site)
6. - (this covers a majority of the above & more)

#4. Do all your domains make money?:


I'll say it again : NO! I STILL PICK LOSERS!

In fact anyone who says they make money on every single purchase is lying. No one has a 100% success rate and you don't need to. What you need to do to win in this business is;

#1. Pick 51% winners
#2. Make sure to keep your costs low and make more then your spending.

Understand a single domain can make up the costs of lost ones. I picked a domain that makes me $15.00 a day in revenue. That means I'll make $450 a month with it and it's recouped $300 I've lost on previous domains.

Trust me, the sea of domains is massive and there are ton's of GOLDEN NUGGETS ready to be mined by all.

#5. How much do you spend on domains?:

I've spent anywhere from $.99 - $x,xxx! If I like a domain I will spend what I need, to get it as long as "I CAN STILL MAKE A PROFIT"! That's the key.

However, recently I am testing a new program which allows me to buy strictly "HANDREGS". YUP, Handregs! You would be surprised at how much stuff is just sitting on the ocean floor of domains that people think are garbage.

#6. Blacklisted Domains? Revenue Sucks! HELLLLLP!

This is something that's not addressed a lot and something everyone should be aware of: THE BLACK LIST!

This still happens to me this day. I'll buy a domain only to find out the previous owner got blacklisted from Google. This will affect your revenue greatly because Google will not allow Parking Companies to display the proper ad's on your site. If this happens you will need to go to a second feed like Yahoo! or Zeroclick model.

Common Terms for Blacklisted:

1. Faillisted
2. Blacklisted
3. Fail

Check the status of a domain when you park it and you'll see what I mean.

Edit:6/12/2012: Thank You for this tool!

Originally Posted by

One thing I can add to this thread is to check if the domain is blacklisted before you purchase them, simply point to: Domain Here)


Primary = Google

Secondary = All others but Google (Faillisted,blacklisted, etc from google)

Hope that helps

#7. YUM! YUM! Domain Tasting

If you're not sure what this is it's when you buy a domain and test the traffic for a set amount of time and if your not happy with the traffic you can get a refund or partial refund of your handreg fee.

One thing I see all the time is: Domain tasting is dead! No it's not!

Yes; it might not be as prevalent as it once used to be but there are companies out there that still allow it. How do I know this? Because I do it.

#8. Can I promote or advertise my parked domains?

No, No, No, No, No, No,No, No, No, No, No, No,No, No, No, No, No, No,No, No, No, No, No, No!

If I wasn't clear let me repeat it; NO!

#9. What do all those backlinks mean from different sites?

(Thanks Martiinko for the info)

All those sites "backlink" scanners work by "downloading" the pages all over internet and then searching for URLs in it. Moving from one page to the other over these links. But...

1. There maybe a difference in last time they check this domain for backlinks.

2. There is definitely a huge difference in their databases of pages. That means if one site has smaller DB they don't probably have all the backlinks from as many pages as the other site.

3. Some backlinks are maybe updated, some maybe aren't. The process of "crawling" the web is very time consuming, so not all the backlinks can be verified every day.

To your other question. The links like you described are ok. If you park a domain all the requests go straight to the main page. But what is important is where is the link located. Is it a "spam in comments section", is it in the "blog post" or is maybe a "banner"?


So I collected couple different pages (and I'm collecting even more) for you to check if the webpage/domain was ever parked before ;) Some have form input some are just simple url + domain name.
I will make it into a simple web app, so you don't have to go to all of this pages when checking a domain name for parking history. Mostly screenshots.

Was this domain name parked before?
All of them are free. And I don't have any connection to them whatsoever.

Fun fact: This article got to 2th place in google search for Domain name parking history after 20 minutes.



1. Never spend money you can't afford to lose! Consider every domain investment a loss till you make your money back because that's what it is. No one can tell me different on this and the reason why is you are "NEGATIVE" that amount of money till it's recouped.

2. When you buy a domain to park; look to get your initial investment back within 6-12 months.
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The views expressed on this page by users and staff are their own, not those of NamePros.
Hello guys,,, pls I bought two domains this early this year, have connected over 200 end users but no reply.. Pls help beginner to prosper. I'm in serious need of money pls help me
All depends from the name and price. If domain is good then price must be realistic.
Hello guys,,, pls I bought two domains this early this year, have connected over 200 end users but no reply.. Pls help beginner to prosper. I'm in serious need of money pls help me
my advice: if you are in serious need of cash and you are not already a domain parking expert... stay away from this kind of "business".
it's not a scam or anything bad.. but you can spend your time in better ways
my advice: if you are in serious need of cash and you are not already a domain parking expert... stay away from this kind of "business".
it's not a scam or anything bad.. but you can spend your time in better ways

just to be sure.. this does translate into: its very hard and long to become a domain park expert... correct? :)
parking is not easy today folks. some claim to make 4 or 5 figures per month.. and I believe them.. but they are rare and hve tons of experience and probably spend a lot of time searching good revenue names.

some others like me buy some proven revenue names on np or such and make 100-200$ per monht from 20-30 of those. but even for those names, sellers won't give them away.. and usualy ask for 2-3 years of revenue... which is harsh... cause it meabs u gotta wait 2-3 just to get monety back.. and during that time u can maybe die... or if you dont die, then maybe the links die to those names... etc.. alot can happen in 2-3 years.

i also got lucky a couple of times regging some expired names that accidentally had backlinks etc... i think i had 3-4 domains like that... they helped me with my total rev numbers a bit too. but agian, that was pure luck.

for the rev names I bought from others, i got lucky bought them for like 1 yr revenue. so after 1 year I was making some profit. not much but like others siad, 100-200$ can be half monthly summary in say ukraine or bulgaria... or full avg salary in some other countries.. so sometimes it just depends where you live or wanna live or can live... $200 per month means nothing in a place like usa... but in many other countries, $200 can give you roof over your head and feed you for one month!

all in all... when comes to parking.. hope for the best and expect the worst! :)

for example below is stats for one of the lucky domains I regged few months ago... as i see revenue dropped but not completely! its an .io name!

Show attachment 143499

Thanks for sharing, How long did you start seeing traffic after registering it?
i think bottom line is:
most of us know there are people who make 4 or even 5 figures per month from parking.
and most of us know we will never get there.

still.. that does leave 3 figures per month from parking... which is nothing to be ashamed of. many countries people make 3 fig per month salries... and work real hard physical jobs to do it too.... think ukraine.. bulgaria... pakistan.. much of africa.. thailand.. vietnam.. and many more!!! so if you amke 3 figures in parking and don;t wanna work.. well... all u gotta do is move there ......then u can come here and say you make so much money from parking that u can live from it alone. :)

me on real good day I make $10 a day on bodis... on good day I make $5... on bad day I make 2$ :)
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i think bottom line is:
most of us know there are people who make 4 or even 5 figures per month from parking.
and most of us know we will never get there.

still.. that does leave 3 figures per month from parking... which is nothing to be ashamed of. many countries people make 3 fig per month salries... and work real hard physical jobs to do it too.... think ukraine.. bulgaria... pakistan.. much of africa.. thailand.. vietnam.. and many more!!! so if you amke 3 figures in parking and don;t wanna work.. well... all u gotta do is move there ......then u can come here and say you make so much money from parking that u can live from it alone. :)

me on real good day I make $10 a day on bodis... on good day I make $5... on bad day I make 2$ :)
How you review ParkingCrew? I have account there and for all time just $0,09
How you review ParkingCrew? I have account there and for all time just $0,09

it will depend on your names.. but for me personally the best performers were in best to worst order:


the differences were big enough to basicaly just stick to bodis.

but... this does not mean other companbies are bad.. it could mean my parking names/knowledge is bad... there are people who make tons of money on pc or voodoo...

still i do represent the average beginner in parking.. in my $100-200 per month revenues... therefore, for such people.. i would still recommend bodis... translation: imo all beginner/average knoiwledge domainers who want to park names, should use bodis for best results.

that being said, I sometimes get lucky with couple of handregs which make revenue.. without having the (usaully paid) tools or knowledge to check them ahead of time.. translation: I reg an expired name for its name value, but it ends up making park money.

other than this i also buy from others.. on namepros... proven revenye names... but such names, for good price (think 1 yr revenue price) are almost non existent nowadays.

hope this helps. cheers
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i think bottom line is:
most of us know there are people who make 4 or even 5 figures per month from parking.
and most of us know we will never get there.

still.. that does leave 3 figures per month from parking... which is nothing to be ashamed of. many countries people make 3 fig per month salries... and work real hard physical jobs to do it too.... think ukraine.. bulgaria... pakistan.. much of africa.. thailand.. vietnam.. and many more!!! so if you amke 3 figures in parking and don;t wanna work.. well... all u gotta do is move there ......then u can come here and say you make so much money from parking that u can live from it alone. :)

me on real good day I make $10 a day on bodis... on good day I make $5... on bad day I make 2$ :)
just to be sure.. this does translate into: its very hard and long to become a domain park expert... correct? :)

if you are starting today.. before you make 3 fig per month in parking it will take pretty long time.
if you do it fast it's because u spent a lot.
well, spending that time and money in other projects can surely get more for you.
Hi All. This thread has been outstanding. Thank you Smerge and everyone else who contributed advice.

My first question: Lets say we have 100 bl. 50 of them are on topic, in the industry, pertain to my domain. Maybe even some .edu or .gov.

But 50 of them are politics and current events. What do you think? 50/50 in my industry vs. junk. Would you say the domain is OK, Or no?

Second question: You have found an interesting domain at auction, looks like it might make money. But others are bidding it up, up, up. How do you know when to stop? At what point do you say, well this was a great domain, but another one will come down the pipe next week? Maybe there will be less competition.

So far I have made $40 in my first month on Bodis in 2020 with four domains. That is the good news Bad news, in all I paid about $1600 for them. But - I think they can all be sold at a profit when an interested buyer comes along. These names are good enough to renew until I find my buyer.

I also have 35 domains with some traffic and no revenue. Most of these are geo-service or tourism domains that I was hoping to flip this year. The tourism domains I might develop and place affiliate ads, because traveling is my passion and I know those places well.
If the income stays the same each month then $40x12=$480x100/1600=30%. That's a pretty good return. To break even you'd need to sell 1 or more domains to a total of $1120 during the remaining 11 months. Then the cycle repeats for next year, but your investment is only of 100 domains less sales x Regfee, approx $850. Which does in hindsight worry me a bit. It means you paid approx 2x regfee to buy these domains at auction. Which would lead me to ask myself, how good are these domains? Really? Where to sell them at a profit?

You should probably drop all domains with zero or below regfee income for a full year. I know this feeling about your passion, but I wouldn't let it get in the way of your business. You should be developing what you plan to develop now. I might add that the tourist industry has been very hard hit by Covid-19. Tourism is still not really moving. Which might be why you have delayed any immediate plans to develop them.

I trust they are all .com's?

I would also add that you should probably add Parking Crew to Bodis and to open an account at Above. Send your traffic to Above and they will send the traffic to the best payer, Parking Crew, Bodis, or Above.
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any park pro here with knowhow and tools can do me favor and say if i shuld keep renewing glamour,,and,,silk,,,,com
or if its looking dead or deadish? ty

i bought it as part of big 20-30 rev name pack for around 1k.. but it never lived up to the stats the seller showed me.. then in time i learned pc asxtually pays u more if yer overall revenues are higher.. which was his case.. not mine.. thats basically when i moved to bodis.. they claim they do not do it.. i believe them.. then again, why would pc do it and not bodis or all of them? i actually had pc confirm they do this via support ticket.

in other words so if say u make 5k per month total rev, they may give you X % more revemue o share for yer names... and less cut for company..type of thing.. i guess i'll let each of u decide how fair it is.
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any park pro here with knowhow and tools can do me favor and say if i shuld keep renewing glamour,,and,,silk,,,,com
Unless I'm misunderstanding those names you mentioned, they're 5 or 6 figure names?
Unless I'm misunderstanding those names you mentioned, they're 5 or 6 figure names?

Remove the commas, add a dot between silk and com, and you have a domain :)
Remove the commas, add a dot between silk and com, and you have a domain :)
that is not worth to renew if it's already not making more than regfee...
i talk about from the traffic purpose
Hi @smurge I appreciate this post. so much helpful information and I am sorry If you have already answered this. I am new to this community but do have a long background in web design. What are the best available tools free or not to analyze the backlinks? You mentioned DuckDuckgo has some type of tool? Basically how do you determine good backlinks from bad links (without giving us your tread secrets). I was looking at a domain earlier that have neatly 70k but no idea on how to distinguish bad from good.

I tell to all of you my sad story.I park my domains with sedo and I am also activate mls premium options .after few months left my domains can't make a 1$ through the parking. I left with my domains to bodis .the same position I was face .now very fell very very unhappy with parking 😕 .last I try to afternic parking services. I think probably they some or get the good buyers. I was buy domains with dynadot.namecheap and Hostinger .
I tell to all of you my sad story.I park my domains with sedo and I am also activate mls premium options .after few months left my domains can't make a 1$ through the parking. I left with my domains to bodis .the same position I was face .now very fell very very unhappy with parking 😕 .last I try to afternic parking services. I think probably they some or get the good buyers. I was buy domains with dynadot.namecheap and Hostinger .

Did you get traffic on your domains? if yes, have you tried to understand where that traffic was coming from?
Have you checked what ads were displayed on your parking pages and if they were relevant with the traffic?

there are beginners that park domain names with no traffic just hoping for the magic to happen but them they have not understood how traffic monetization work with domain parking companies....
If anybody has domains with traffic generated from external links, please let me know. I can pay upto 24 X monthly revenue. depending on quality if traffic
if you can go a bit over 30x... probably we could talk soon
I have many traffic domains monetized on few parking. But not selling now

one name on voodoo
stats are month of Oct.
12 visitors 10 searches 0 clicks $37.33

don't want ya'll regging typos, of my typo, so....


one name on voodoo
stats are month of Oct.
12 visitors 10 searches 0 clicks $37.33

don't want ya'll regging typos, of my typo, so....

looks good for zero clicks :)
Did you get traffic on your domains? if yes, have you tried to understand where that traffic was coming from?
Have you checked what ads were displayed on your parking pages and if they were relevant with the traffic?

there are beginners that park domain names with no traffic just hoping for the magic to happen but them they have not understood how traffic monetization work with domain parking companies....
No clicks 4 months later
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