

Spaceship Spaceship


Bodis.comTop Member
The views expressed on this page by users and staff are their own, not those of NamePros.
Everybody fasten your seatbelts, V2 is getting ready for the launch. :hearts: :hearts: :lala:
Let's hope it will be wonderful. Good luck Matt.
I ll be waiting for the update
Good news, people have been waiting the new version for a long time?
Excellent news Matt, thanks for all the hard work !
Looking forward to it....
Will you guys be opening bodis back up for registration at some point in the future?
Matt just wanted you to know I appreciate all of the hard work you are putting into Bodis v2. If it is anything like bodis was last year, you will make many domainers happy!
Thanks all. Who changed my title? :( This is the worst title ever.

PS. If we make it today, it will be late today in the evening. Maybe I'll put the features and stuff in the first post a little earlier if I get some time.
cfguru360 said:
Thanks all. Who changed my title? :( This is the worst title ever.

PS. If we make it today, it will be late today in the evening. Maybe I'll put the features and stuff in the first post a little earlier if I get some time.
How do you want the title to read?
"Bodis 2.0" would be nice. :)

On my lunch break in about an hour or two I'll drop some big details.
knuckles down .... spikes in the blocks .... waiting for the gun !

looking forward to the V2.0.

cfguru360 said:
"Bodis 2.0" would be nice. :)

On my lunch break in about an hour or two I'll drop some big details.

Attached is our new landing pages. Please don't mind the comments line or the rss feed or anything else that doesn't make sense. This was the first draft version, but the final looks very similar. I just don't have the time to make a screen shot right now of the final.

Hope everyone likes it.


Another version I found laying around:

I'm having issues with these loading.
I can see the "VideoGameNews" page only.
That being said .... it is sharp! Looks very clean.

I have a question I've been meaning to ask.

Can we cross link to relative names in our portfolio? ( to It would be "revolutionary" to do so


OK .... I can see both now ... Very nice. The gradient effect gives it the
web2.0 feeeel.
If these are of the new photos I'm excited about that.
Please don't make us stare at these too much longer Matt .... :tu:
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namenut said:
I'm having issues with these loading.
I can see the "VideoGameNews" page only.
That being said .... it is sharp! Looks very clean.

I have a question I've been meaning to ask.

Can we cross link to relative names in our portfolio? ( to It would be "revolutionary" to do so


Right now you cannot. I mentioned in our old thread that we (or I) ran out of time to put in all the bulk edit features that I wanted. That being said, it is on my to-do list. Not one of my priorities compared to the other things on the list, but it is definitely there.

If you upload an image, it is stored in an "Image Manager". THAT you can cross link, since you can select a past uploaded image on any domain name and crop any dimension you want.

Oh yeah, did I mention we have a selection of over 3000 HIGH QUALITY STOCK photos? Yeah, it cost us a pretty penny, but it's there.

PS speaking of gradients / colors - you can manage the colors of the layout on the fly and see it live from panel by moving a slider. So I gave everyone the option to modify layout colors via a Hue/Saturation slider similar to the one in Photoshop.

Well it's my lunch break almost, so might as well spill out some more stuff about the layout.

You can see the layout LIVE from within the Bodis panel. No more "Show Preview" buttons or viewing the actual landing page to see the changes. You see the layout and manage it from the panel. You can drag and sort the navigation with a click of the mouse. You can even manage the content via the WYSIWGY editor. Full HTML control. You can add CSS, change styles, add flash video to your content, quicktime video, images, youtube videos, whatever you may or may not want. And if you don't know html - no problem. The WYSIWG can help you out with all of that as well for non-HTML people.

Oh yeah, you can upload your own images, crop your own images, choose from over 3200 of our stock images, crop any of our images to your likes all via our live-in-panel landing page management.

You can edit titles, welcome text, or any other text on the landing pages as well there.

And when you add a domain name, you don't need keywords. We will automatically find you the most relevant keywords. For instance, if your domain name is "", we can figure out that Namepros relates to Domain Names and return you all relevant keywords.

And, on top of that, we can automatically figure out what category it belongs it, what sales category it belongs it, and the image that best fits it.

I tested keyword "Namepros". Automatically matches to our "Domain Name" category, just perfect. :)

Oh and yes - sales category. We have a full featured marketplace to compete with Sedo. Except that we have 6% commission instead of 10% and a minimum commission of $35. Oh, and on top of that, we figured out a way to lower the amount of fake bids - I guess that I will show later on. :)

This is just a few of many more features.

Now it is time to get my gyro and continue working. :tu:
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Oh my stars and garters.... :o Sweet!

Kudos Matt. Can't wait to see/hear more.
Excuse my spammage .....

cfguru360 said:
Right now you cannot. I mentioned in our old thread that we (or I) ran out of time to put in all the bulk edit features that I wanted. That being said, it is on my to-do list. Not one of my priorities compared to the other things on the list, but it is definitely there.

If you upload an image, it is stored in an "Image Manager". THAT you can cross link, since you can select a past uploaded image on any domain name and crop any dimension you want.
I think it would be a nice feature and keep some of the traffic "in-house" as well.
I'm glad it's on the "to do" list.

cfguru360 said:
PS speaking of gradients / colors - you can manage the colors of the layout on the fly and see it live from panel by moving a slider. So I gave everyone the option to modify layout colors via a Hue/Saturation slider similar to the one in Photoshop.
Are you serious ???? I'm asking facetiously of course. This is tooooo cool. I'm not sure I've ever seen this feature with any parking service I've used. ND has tons of color options but none like this.

cfguru360 said:
Well it's my lunch break almost, so might as well spill out some more stuff about the layout.

cfguru360 said:
You can see the layout LIVE from within the Bodis panel. No more "Show Preview" buttons or viewing the actual landing page to see the changes. You see the layout and manage it from the panel. You can drag and sort the navigation with a click of the mouse. You can even manage the content via the WYSIWGY editor. Full HTML control. You can add CSS, change styles, add flash video to your content, quicktime video, images, youtube videos, whatever you may or may not want. And if you don't know html - no problem. The WYSIWG can help you out with all of that as well for non-HTML people./quote]
Hold on .... I just fell out of my chair. What a time saving, hair pulling,
system resource using, pain in the keyboard that
will NOT be missed. Nice feature to add.

cfguru360 said:
And when you add a domain name, you don't need keywords. We will automatically find you the most relevant keywords. For instance, if your domain name is "", we can figure out that Namepros relates to Domain Names and return you all relevant keywords.

And, on top of that, we can automatically figure out what category it belongs it, what sales category it belongs it, and the image that best fits it.

I tested keyword "Namepros". Automatically matches to our "Domain Name" category, just perfect. :)
I like to see if a parking service can do this. And as odd as it may sound it is exciting if they can.
I have the perfect name to test it with. I won't mention the "site" that
recognized RXXP[]COM for exactly what I intended it for (windows updates, fixes, etc)

cfguru360 said:
Oh and yes - sales category. We have a full featured marketplace to compete with Sedo. Except that we have 6% commission instead of 10% and a minimum commission of $35. Oh, and on top of that, we figured out a way to lower the amount of fake bids - I guess that I will show later on. :)
This should be interesting ..... No, you didn't mention, it ........ :)
The minimum commission structure should maintain a level of good quality names for sale.

cfguru360 said:
This is just a few of many more features.
More ...... ? :tu:

cfguru360 said:
Now it is time to get my gyro and continue working. :tu:
Enjoy ........ I'm off to crack a beer.
Injured leave at home and drinking too many beers.
Just because I can .....

Someone re-size those pics .... D-:

namenut said:
More ...... ? :tu:

Yes, many more. The biggest are the new ways of monetizing domain names that will put an end to PPC (IMO). :$: :$: :)
congratulations for your new version bodis!
namenut said:
I like to see if a parking service can do this. And as odd as it may sound it is exciting if they can.
I have the perfect name to test it with. I won't mention the "site" that
recognized RXXP[]COM for exactly what I intended it for (windows updates, fixes, etc)

95%+ of the time we can. If you have a domain that used to be a website, chances are we can do it. We can easily match typos as well. If you go out and register that has no absolute meaning, then we will resort it to a Portal since it won't match anything.

I'll be back in about 6-8 hours to give an update. I have a lot of work!
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