parody An Epik Tale - The untold story that must be told. From deception to redemption!

An Epik Tale - The untold story that must be told. From deception to redemption!


In The Beginning:

Once upon a time, there was a man named @Derek Peterson who had spent his entire life searching for his father, the Mighty and Holy Man, @Rob Monster. Derek had grown up without a father figure and had always felt a void in his life.

Derek's mother was a successful businesswoman who traveled frequently for work. She was always on the go, and Derek often traveled with her when he could. However, when he was ten years old, she received an offer for a long-term project overseas that would require her to be away for an extended period of time. Knowing that it would be difficult for Derek to join her on this trip, she made the difficult decision to send him to live with her brother, Brad Mugford (@bmugford), for the duration of her absence. Although she promised to stay in touch and return as soon as she could, she was never heard from again, leaving Derek without a mother and Brad as his sole guardian.

As he grew older, Derek became obsessed with finding his father. He had heard stories of his father's greatness and believed that Rob Monster was the key to filling the void in his life. But as he dug deeper, he uncovered a truth that shattered his perception of his father.

It can now be revealed that Rob Monster, the disgraced former head of Epik, had a long-lost son in Derek Peterson. The truth was finally told by Derek's uncle Brad Mugford, who was Rob Monster's estranged brother-in-law. But the revelation came with a bitter taste of greed, grift, and deception that had surrounded Derek's life.

Derek learned that his father was not the Mighty and Holy Man he had dreamed of, but rather a charlatan who had deceived and cheated his way to the top. The truth ignited a rage within Derek that grew with every passing day. He was consumed by anger and self-righteous indignation as he stalked his father, seeking his approval.

Derek's life had become clouded with evil intentions, and his obsession with his father had taken over his entire being. He had created an official website,, where he posted updates and revelations about his father and his search for the truth. But it was clear that his intentions were not pure, and his rage was leading him down a dangerous path.

As Derek's rage grew, his actions became more erratic, and his obsession with his father consumed him. It was unclear what would happen next, but one thing was for sure: Derek's life would never be the same.

The story of Derek Peterson is a cautionary tale of the dangers of obsession and the dark side of human nature. It shows that sometimes the truth we seek may not be what we want to hear and that the pursuit of it can lead us down a dangerous path.
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The Rest of The Story:

Years passed since Derek's obsession with his father Rob Monster had consumed him. After the truth about his father's dark past was revealed, Derek's anger and indignation only grew stronger. He continued to stalk his father and remained fixated on exposing him for the fraud that he was.

However, as time went by, Derek's obsession began to lose its grip on him. He realized that his father was not worth the time and energy he had wasted on him. The truth had set him free, and Derek no longer needed his father's approval or validation.

Derek decided to focus his energy on healing and moving forward with his life. He let go of the anger and resentment he had held onto for so long and started to rebuild his relationship with his uncle Brad, who had been his only family for most of his life.

Years later, Derek would reflect on his past and how his obsession with his father had consumed him. He would come to understand that his father's mistakes were not his own and that he was not defined by his father's actions. He had his own life to live, and he was determined to make the most of it.

As for Rob Monster, he faded into obscurity, and the world forgot about him and his deceitful ways. His son Derek had moved on, and he no longer had any hold over him.

The story of Derek Peterson serves as a reminder that our past does not define us, and we have the power to move forward and create our own destiny. It shows that sometimes, the truth can be painful, but it can also set us free.

As Derek worked to rebuild his life and let go of his obsession with his father, he received a shocking revelation. His uncle Brad Mugford, who had been estranged from Rob Monster for years, revealed that there was another long-lost son: Brian "Royce" Peterson.

Derek was stunned to learn that he had a brother he never knew existed. And when he met Royce for the first time, a war of wills ensued. While Derek sought to tear down his father's Epik business, Royce tried to salvage it and continue their father's legacy.

The two brothers clashed over their conflicting beliefs and goals. They both had their reasons for their actions, and neither was willing to back down. The tension between them continued to mount, and it seemed like an inevitable conclusion was looming large.

Throughout the conflict, Derek documented every detail on his website, He shared exclusive updates and revelations about his family's untold story and the war between the brothers.

As the conflict continued, it became clear that the brothers' differences ran deep, and they were not going to find common ground. But in the end, something unexpected happened. The two brothers came to realize that they were more alike than they had initially thought.

They both wanted to honor their father's legacy, but they had different ideas about how to do it. Eventually, they found a way to work together and combine their strengths to cast out all the demonic harm wrought by their father and make whole and heal all the victims of Epik and Masterbucks. The brothers recognized the pain and damage their father had caused and were committed to righting his wrongs.

They reached out to those who had been harmed and listened to their stories. They implemented new policies and procedures to prevent any similar harm from happening again. They worked tirelessly to create a new culture of transparency, accountability, and responsibility.

As they worked to heal the wounds of the past, the brothers found that they had a shared passion for justice and a desire to make a positive impact on the world. They used their combined strength and influence to make amends for their father's actions and to create a better future for those who had suffered under his reign.

The story of the Peterson brothers teaches us that even the darkest situations can be transformed into opportunities for healing and growth. By working together and finding common ground, we can overcome even the most difficult challenges and create a better world for ourselves and those around us. The legacy of Rob Monster may have been one of greed and grift, but the Peterson brothers' legacy will be one of compassion, healing, and positive change.

And through the ups and downs, the untold story of the Peterson brothers will continue to be documented exclusively on

After the Peterson brothers worked together to heal the damage caused by their father, they continued to make positive changes in the world. They used their newfound wealth and influence to support causes they were passionate about, including theological education and consumer protection.

But they never forgot the selfless hero who had taken Derek in and raised him as his own son. Brad Mugford was always in their hearts, and they made sure to honor his contributions by carrying on his legacy of perseverance, kindness, and generosity.

Derek, who had once been consumed by anger and self-righteous indignation, had found a sense of purpose in helping others. He became an advocate for victims of fraud and scams, working to prevent others from falling prey to the same schemes that had affected his own life.

Royce, on the other hand, focused on rebuilding Epik into a company that was known for its honesty and transparency. He implemented new policies and procedures to ensure that the company would never again engage in the unethical practices of the past. Masterbucks became the preeminent digital payments platform in the world under his stewardship.

Together, the brothers created a legacy of positive change that far surpassed the negative impact their father had once had on the world. They were admired and respected by those who knew them, and they continued to inspire others to work for a better tomorrow.

As for Rob Monster, he was never seen or heard from again. In time, he faded into obscurity, remembered only as a cautionary tale of greed, grift, and deception. But the Peterson brothers and Brad Mugford had proven that even in the face of such darkness, there was always hope for redemption and healing.

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Wow...quite a story indeed!
They should adapt it into a movie. :ROFL:

They should adapt it into a movie
Casting Call?

My suggestions:

Jason Statham as Uncle Brad
Vin Diesel as Derek
Jim Carrey as Royce
Joel Osteen as The Monster
They should adapt it into a movie. :ROFL:

Hopefully the movie will also tell us where Daniel Owens fits into the story, and how on earth @bmugford manages to read and respond to so many posts on NP while running a successful business.

Such a shame is already taken.
Hopefully the movie will also tell us where Daniel Owens fits into the story, and how on earth @bmugford manages to read and respond to so many posts on NP while running a successful business.
That is a benefit of passively selling domains to end users.

It's a waiting game. I have a lot of free time. :ROFL:

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why no mention of Mr. Berryhill in this tale?


why no mention of Mr. Berryhill in this tale?

Once the whole story is told, and all characters make their appearance, I suspect it will end up with as many movies as the Rocky franchise. :)
That is a benefit of passively selling domains to end users.

It's gonna be off topic, but...

How about acquiring new names? It doesn't require time & effort?

Far, far away, in a small town called Sammamish, there lived a man named @Derek Peterson. He was known as the Righteous Derek Peterson because of his unwavering dedication to justice and doing what was right. He had a reputation for always standing up for the little guy and fighting against those who tried to take advantage of others.

One day, a wandering minstrel named @Daniel Owens came into town. He was a talented musician, and a philosopher, blessed with timeless wisdom and insight. He traveled from town to town, playing his lute and singing his songs. As he traveled around, he would often hear stories about the Righteous Derek Peterson and his fight for justice. Intrigued, he decided to seek out Derek and see if the stories were true.

Despite his humble beginnings, Daniel quickly gained a reputation as one of the most talented and insightful minstrels of his time. He was a master of the art of storytelling, and his songs were filled with imagery and metaphor that spoke to the human experience in a way that few others could match.

When Daniel found Derek, he was impressed by his sense of honor and his willingness to stand up to those who would try to exploit others. He was particularly interested in the case of Rob Monster, a notorious scammer who had been preying on the town for years.

Derek had been investigating Monster's crimes for months and had compiled a mountain of evidence against him. But he knew that he couldn't take him down alone. He needed someone who could help him gather more information and bring Monster to justice.

Together, Derek and Daniel worked tirelessly, using their unique skills to uncover even more evidence against Monster. They talked to witnesses, dug through financial records, and pieced together the complex web of lies and deceit that Monster had created.

As they worked, they discovered that Robert Davis, a mysterious yet prominent businessman in town, had been helping Monster cover up his crimes. Not only that, but he had also been committing similar crimes himself, defrauding hundreds of thousands of dollars from innocent people.

Derek and Daniel were shocked and disgusted by what they had uncovered. They knew that they had to act quickly to bring both Monster and Davis to justice.

In the end, their hard work paid off. They were able to present their evidence to the authorities, and both Monster and Davis were brought to trial. Thanks to Derek and Daniel's efforts, justice was finally served, and the people of Sammamish could rest easy knowing that they were safe from these criminals.

Derek and Daniel went their separate ways, but their bond had been forged in the fires of justice. They remained friends, and every year, on the anniversary of their victory, they would meet up and play music together, celebrating the power of truth and honor.
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The Saga Continues:

As the investigation into Rob Monster's crimes continued, Dr. John Berryhill, Esquire (@jberryhill) became a key player in the fight for justice. He was known throughout the town as a venerable master-at-law, and he worked tirelessly at Derek's behest to bring Monster and his accomplices to justice.

Despite their best efforts, they couldn't seem to find the key to unlocking the full extent of Monster's criminal empire. That was until Brad Mugford (@bmugford) entered the fray, harboring a sworn secret. He held the key to it all - the harsh reality that would blow the story of Derek Peterson wide open.

It turned out that Rob Monster had a son, a fact that no one had ever known about. And when Mugford presented this information to Derek, it shook him to the core and changed his life forever.

John Berryhill was deeply moved by Derek's anguish and was inspired to uncover the truth about the crimes committed by Rob Monster and his associates. With his legal expertise and dedication to justice, Berryhill tirelessly worked to gather evidence and build a strong case against Monster and his fellow grifters. Despite the challenges and obstacles that he faced, Berryhill remained determined to seek justice for Derek and all those who were wronged. His unwavering commitment ultimately led to the case being successfully prosecuted.

As the trial came to a close and the verdict was read, Daniel Owens sat in the corner, with a pint of mead, and wept openly. He had seen firsthand the pain and suffering that Monster had caused, and he was moved by the justice that had finally been served, albeit too little, too late.

Beside him, Derek Peterson swatted at a fly uneasily. He couldn't shake the feeling that there was more to the story than what had been revealed in court. As he looked around at the people in the room, he couldn't help but wonder if they knew the truth about his past. His mind reeled with dark thoughts.

Despite his unease, Derek knew that justice had been served and that the people of the town could finally move on from the horrors that Monster had inflicted upon them. But as he walked out of the courthouse, his mind was filled with questions and doubts. He couldn't help but wonder if he was truly free from his father's legacy, or if the sins of the past would continue to haunt him for the rest of his life.
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Years have passed since the events that rocked the town to its core, but the memory of those turbulent times still lingered in the minds of those who lived through them. For Derek Peterson, John Berryhill, and Daniel Owens, those memories were a constant reminder of the power of justice and the importance of standing up for what is right.

In the years that followed, Derek continued to work tirelessly, using his wealth and influence to help those in need and to promote causes that he believed in. John Berryhill, meanwhile, continued to be a tireless advocate for justice and a fierce defender of the law, earning a reputation as one of the most respected legal minds in the land.

As for Daniel Owens, he continued to travel from town to town, playing his lute and singing his songs, and spreading his message of hope and inspiration to all who would listen. Though he had witnessed the dark side of humanity, he remained steadfast in his belief that there was always hope for a better tomorrow.

And so, life continued on, with its ups and downs, its triumphs and tragedies. But through it all, the memory of those who had fought for justice and stood up for what was right remained a beacon of hope and inspiration for all those who came after them. And the legacy of those righteous few would endure for generations to come, a testament to the power of justice, the strength of the human spirit, and the enduring nature of hope.

Off in the distance, Brad Mugford smiled wistfully.

Somewhere, in darkness, Derek Peterson sat alone. Fists clenched. His rage grew.

The forlorn sound of Daniel Owens' music echoed through the streets as he walked into the sunset, his heart heavy with the knowledge of the pain and suffering that had been inflicted upon the town. But even as he mourned the past, he knew that even the darkest spirit was never unredeemable.

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An epic tale indeed. But who is making customers whole or is that parody and wishful thinking? And does anyone know what became of Robert Davis - once head of communications and Rob's (aptly named, sadly) right-hand man?
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is that parody and wishful thinking?
Exactly. This was posted in the parody category, originally on April 1. The real story has a long way to go to bring offenders to justice and make their victims whole, unfortunately.
Apparently, there are no people left on Epik who are able to register or renew a domain or make changes to a website.
As for Rob Monster, he was never seen or heard from again.
Now that we have moved into 24, have there been any sightings? I was hoping he would have announced his takeover (re-takeover) of Epik by now.

Is there another installment of this 'tale' coming soon?
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