
advice What am I doing wrong

Spaceship Spaceship

Mr De

Established Member
Am a month into domain industry with 20 domain in my portfolio but I noticed most of my domain get view daily at undeveloped but no sale or offer yet.

What could be reasons for no sale or offer?

Is my price too high ?

I'll appreciate any information that could lead to sale .
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You sound like you are on the right track, take it slow and build your portfolio wisely , if you are solely looking to be a domain name reseller, you will need a fair amount of capital to begin flipping names.

You will need to be purchasing inventory via domain auction houses and ect, flipping and restocking inventory is quite the task, it becomes a vicious circle to be able to profit and restock

without knowing the domain names, it makes it difficult to give advice.

I have to agree with @Corey, without seeing the names it's really hard to tell.

For the volume game, sales are a simple function of quantity. A widely accepted metric is that a profitable portfolio will sell at 2% rate or higher per annum.

With 20 domains, a successful portfolio based on that metric is looking at over two years in which to make a sale.
without knowing the domain names, it makes it difficult to give advice.


Like I said earlier, some of the names are geo+keywords and two keywords.

And many more all are in King. What are your view on those name? Where should should be my focus area's? I know as newbie I need to develop myself in all areas but one after the others
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Like I said earlier, some of the names are geo+keywords and two keywords.

And many more all are in King. What are your view on those name? Where should should be my focus area's? I know as newbie I need to develop myself in all areas but one after the others
Do you have any idea who is your target buyer for each of these names? And how they would make money off them, hence have an incentive to pay you more than reg fee for them?

As has been mentioned before, Geo names need to be proactively promoted to potential buyers (read: you need to outbound). Then there are good geo names and bad, useless geo names. How to know which is which? Well, put yourself in your target buyer's shoes and think of a reason the domain in question would improve their bottom line... that's the potential domain buyer's bottom line, not yours!

And last but not least, you need to perform this due diligence before you handreg or buy the domain at auction!

There are many good geo domains available for hand registering, but don't expect anybody here to spoonfeed you and give away their strategies. But it's not rocket science, just use common sense, ask yourself the right questions (like the ones I've mentioned above) and you'll be on your way to choosing better domains. Domaining is a learning experience, this will take months (if you're lucky or very disciplined and work your ass off 24/7), more likely a couple of years...
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Like I said earlier, some of the names are geo+keywords and two keywords.

And many more all are in King. What are your view on those name? Where should should be my focus area's? I know as newbie I need to develop myself in all areas but one after the others
For example: Google "Iowa courier" and you will see quite a few that use the term to describe their services. Send them an email letting them know your selling it for ? and if they are interested. You have quite a few prospects to send the email to and hopefully someone replies.
Do you have any idea who is your target buyer for each of these names? And how they would make money off them, hence have an incentive to pay you more than reg fee for them?

As has been mentioned before, Geo names need to be proactively promoted to potential buyers (read: you need to outbound). Then there are good geo names and bad, useless geo names. How to know which is which? Well, put yourself in your target buyer's shoes and think of a reason the domain in question would improve their bottom line... that's the potential domain buyer's bottom line, not yours!

And last but not least, you need to perform this due diligence before you handreg or buy the domain at auction!

There are many good geo domains available for hand registering, but don't expect anybody here to spoonfeed you and give away their strategies. But it's not rocket science, just use common sense, ask yourself the right questions (like the ones I've mentioned above) and you'll be on your way to choosing better domains. Domaining is a learning experience, this will take months (if you're lucky or very disciplined and work your ass off 24/7), more likely a couple of years...

Thanks for the advice and really appreciate it. But some of them has been put into consideration when buy and hand reg some of the name, although as newbie we sometimes been emotional with name but with time we grow in depth of the industry and find what work best for you.

Yes I think I need to be more proactive in outbound for my geo domain. But as individual what re your take on those name listed above? What is your incentive for those domain names?

Any other advice and recommendations will be appreciated. Once again thank you .
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For example: Google "Iowa courier" and you will see quite a few that use the term to describe their services. Send them an email letting them know your selling it for ? and if they are interested. You have quite a few prospects to send the email to and hopefully someone replies.

Thanks @brandingtheweb, I'll as you said, but the problem of outbound is finding the dm. Any better info on how to find dm of prospects ? As an individual what is your thoughts concerning those names?
...But as individual what re your take on those name listed above? What is your incentive for those domain names?
Like I said before, each of us has his/her own strategy and chooses domains accordingly. I am not about to share mine here except to say that your domains don't fit my interests at all (read: I would not have registered them for lack of sufficient sales potential). Hey, but that's just me... what do I know about the Iowa courier industry? (n)
More to the point: what do you know about this courier business and others? At a guess, not that much, right? This is based on your own words above, to wit: Thanks @brandingtheweb, I'll as you said, but the problem of outbound is finding the dm. Any better info on how to find dm of prospects ?

Like I said before: you need to know this stuff (i.e. what prospects and how to find them) before you click that "Register" button!
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Am a month into domain industry with 20 domain in my portfolio but I noticed most of my domain get view daily at undeveloped but no sale or offer yet.

What could be reasons for no sale or offer?

Is my price too high ?

I'll appreciate any information that could lead to sale .
Are those 20 domains in 1 niche?
for example: I own about 50 VR domains, but because the VR niche isn't that hot at this moment I get almost no offers and no sales.
That's why in the near future I plan to diversify my portfolio.
Like I said before, each of us has his/her own strategy and chooses domains accordingly. I am not about to share mine here except to say that your domains don't fit my interests at all (read: I would not have registered them for lack of sufficient sales potential). Hey, but that's just me... what do I know about the Iowa courier industry? (n)
More to the point: what do you know about this courier business and others? At a guess, not that much, right? This is based on your own words above, to wit: Thanks @brandingtheweb, I'll as you said, but the problem of outbound is finding the dm. Any better info on how to find dm of prospects ?

Like I said before: you need to know this stuff (i.e. what prospects and how to find them) before you click that "Register" button!

Thanks for in depth analysis
Are those 20 domains in 1 niche?
for example: I own about 50 VR domains, but because the VR niche isn't that hot at this moment I get almost no offers and no sales.
That's why in the near future I plan to diversify my portfolio.

Thanks @brandingtheweb, I'll as you said, but the problem of outbound is finding the dm. Any better info on how to find dm of prospects ? As an individual what is your thoughts concerning those names?
Put yourselves in the place of the end user and figure out how you can benefit from the name. I personally like geo keyword especially when it's targeted towards someone that does business locally such as lawyers, doctors, etc.
In the case of your Iowa courier for example I believe it can be used effectively in ppc as another means to drive targeted traffic to the business.
It may also be a good way to drive offline traffic especially if the businesses domain name is long or hard to remember.
As for reaching the person in charge when it comes to local businesses usually the primary contact is good enough. I would also mention the domain name in the subject line to get their attention without them having to open the email.
Put yourselves in the place of the end user and figure out how you can benefit from the name. I personally like geo keyword especially when it's targeted towards someone that does business locally such as lawyers, doctors, etc.
In the case of your Iowa courier for example I believe it can be used effectively in ppc as another means to drive targeted traffic to the business.
It may also be a good way to drive offline traffic especially if the businesses domain name is long or hard to remember.
As for reaching the person in charge when it comes to local businesses usually the primary contact is good enough. I would also mention the domain name in the subject line to get their attention without them having to open the email.

Thanks for enlightenment.
Yes it's. ....just to focus on areas you mention .....
Any values in those name aside iowacourier?
I think you may have a difficult time selling most of them in my opinion. To better your odds the names should have a benefit to the end user. If you can't think of one then it's a Gamble. Sometimes you win but mostly you lose.
Lots of good advice already offered that I won't repeat other than to emphasize the point that identifying potential purchasers who would benefit from acquiring your name, and getting them aware of it, are key points. Also keep in mind that different types of domains sell best at different venues so try multiple ones but with BIN if you have it only at one.

A solid .com portfolio has on average about 1 sale per about 100 names per year. Let's say 1 in 200 since you are new and building contacts, learning ropes, etc. This means that there would be 1 chance in 120 that you would have an offer on one of your 20 names in the first month.

I really hope you have a sale soon (and obviously some beat odds), but statistics suggests patience needed.

90% domains are not sold in industry,
But 10% will gives you other ones cost as well as good ROI
90% domains are not sold in industry...
More like 99% are not sold! :sneaky:

And here's a newcomer but with 20 domains to his name, asking how come none of his names found buyers in his first month of... waiting for buyers to beat a path to his doorstep! :nailbiting:

People at large have very romantic ideas about domaining, haven't they?
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Lots of good advice already offered that I won't repeat other than to emphasize the point that identifying potential purchasers who would benefit from acquiring your name, and getting them aware of it, are key points. Also keep in mind that different types of domains sell best at different venues so try multiple ones but with BIN if you have it only at one.

A solid .com portfolio has on average about 1 sale per about 100 names per year. Let's say 1 in 200 since you are new and building contacts, learning ropes, etc. This means that there would be 1 chance in 120 that you would have an offer on one of your 20 names in the first month.

I really hope you have a sale soon (and obviously some beat odds), but statistics suggests patience needed.


Thanks@MetBob yes I'll take note of that .....
More like 99% are not sold! :sneaky:

And here's a newcomer but with 20 domains to his name, asking how come none of his names found buyers in his first month of... waiting for buyers to beat a path to his doorstep! :nailbiting:

People at large have very romantic ideas about domaining, haven't they?

Honestly I was curious to know if am doing things right or wrong. It better to checkmate yourself at every stage at new adventure. Thanks for lot of inspiration from you and all members that has contribute to this thread. Just want to be careful the way I acquiring my portfolio so as to have an healthy one .
Just want to be careful the way I acquiring my portfolio so as to have an healthy one .

Congratulations on having the maturity to focus on questions of quality, opinions from others, and to evaluate your portfolio regularly. Too many of us rushed into too many domains too fast.
well, if the industry average percent to sell a name is 2% per year. and you have 20 names - statistically it would take about 2 and half years to sell a name.

That's only assuming you have really good names - crap names will never sell

True, and it's often a nonsensical market. I have been domaining about one year. I have some names I think are great which haven't sold, and I have sold names this year which I regretted buying and was 100% sure would never sell.

It just takes patience.
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