
debate Tracking domains you have dropped

Spaceship Spaceship


Established Member

Is only a curious question...
You have a list of the domains you have let expire so that you can track them after a few months or years?

In my case, yes. :zippermouth:
I have a list of domains that have been in my portfolio and from time to time I analyze if they have had any other sales in namebio or if they are developed.
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Me too, I do exactly the same. Not too often, but once in a couple of months I check what of my dropas is taken, and what's the outcome there - developed, parked, on sale etc.
Yes, I use it to measure my quality. If more than 80% of my drops are getting picked up, I find that is just about right. I also track my sold names and have picked some back up and sold them again.
I also track my sold names and have picked some back up and sold them again.
:xf.cool: every domainer's dream.
Selling and re-selling the same domain over and over again to infinite!
In the past i was tracking some domains i dropped , but I got stomach pain when I found many are picked by huge domains ! Then i stopped tracking .

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In the past i was tracking some domains i dropped , but I got stomach pain when I found many are picked by huge domains ! Then i stopped tracking .

:xf.cool: Yes this is one of the problems...
but I think it is not bad to know that one of your old domains has been well used. It means that you had chosen a good name, you just didn't know how to keep it long enough or that the price wasn't right.

It is a good basis for fine-tuning but I also understand that it can be frustrating depending on one's personality.
I recently did this job and I found out that people picked up some of my drops from many years ago, when I wasn't doing this seriously yet.

I had just registered these domains because I wanted to develop some projects on my own, which never happened. So I added them domains on SEDO for a while. Nothing else.

I didn't get offers for a year or so, then I dropped them.

Most of the names were .IT for the Italian market, so not much value on them.

But still, I can see some of them are now developed websites for the Italian market or parked for selling by someone that probably caught them when they expired.

For example, I didn't renew EliteFestival.com which now is on sale at Afternic
Party-tickets.com which is also on sale
Or GoSoldOut.com and UniMilano.com which now are developed websites
:xf.cool: Yes this is one of the problems...
but I think it is not bad to know that one of your old domains has been well used. It means that you had chosen a good name, you just didn't know how to keep it long enough or that the price wasn't right.

It is a good basis for fine-tuning but I also understand that it can be frustrating depending on one's personality.
Yes exactly it can be a bit painful, but on the other hand, it's encouraging.
It means you made a good choice initially, so just get better at evaluating your drops imo
Want to feel miserable about yourself then dwell on all the negatives or just move on who cares if it isn't you.
Everything i drop is someone else's treasure at least i keep best.
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