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Who is to Blame for the Troubled US Economy?

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Turnout has been lower so far

Rally attendance is lower

Money is lower
Should Biden drop-out and let someone else get DEM nod? Also, should Trump drop-out?
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RFK Jr. might have a better chance of winning than Biden if Democrat nominee. He mostly appeals to Democrats but would get some cross-over votes. Biden is simply too old and his mind is failing. Will be interesting to see what happens in unlikely event Trump or Biden drop-out. Average age for white male in USA is 77 years old so Biden could die before election.
45% of 100 > 50% of 80

Do you agree?
America is screwed if Biden were to win, but voters are smart enough to elect Trump 2024!
45% of 100 > 50% of 80

Do you agree?
It could be 50% Trump 50% Biden in popular vote on election day. However, the electoral college is what Trump campaigns for. But, for now it's +5 Trump. Scares me that as bad as a president Biden is that he even has a 20% chance of winning. Trump shall win!
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Join the most patriotic party in America the Republican Party, the party of our armed soldiers, the party of Lincoln, & Reagan. The GOP the party that freed the slaves! Vote Trump 2024!
Trump is destroying the Republican party
Ha ha
The question of 2024 comes down to this do you want more of the same or real change? Vote for Trump for real change, let's Make America Great Again!
The GOP the party that freed the slaves!
Almost freed the slaves. Slavery is still 100% legal in the US within the judicial system (and protected by Congress) thanks to the 13th amendment.
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@JB Lions Who has more moral fiber in your opinion Elon Musk or Trump?
Trump cleaned up Obama's bad economy and disastrous presidency quickly now he just needs to get in and cleanup Biden's mess. Trump left Biden with a good economy. Donald will NOT cut SS or medicare.
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I am not big in politic but in my opinion we do not have a President - we have a puppet.
He can't think, can't talk, can't walk, can't make a decision.
The only thing he can do is taking orders from someone else.
Hopefully we will have a President after the next election.
Rubio would be a good & safe VP choice for Trump.
Trump really united the Republican Party, which is why he did so well in the caucus and primaries.

Trump changed the GOP into MAGA at the same time he divided the nation.

Anyone have thoughts on why Al Gore came so close to winning presidency in 2000?

A man ahead of his time... had he won, we wouldn't have this climate change debate/debacle now, IMO.
Are you saying 45% out of 100% odds for Trump win?
(If so I disagree.)
First, beside the polls trending towards Biden, I'm saying you can randomly call people and ask who are you voting for/want to win etc. but it doesn't matter if they don't show up to vote or the other side has more people. Trump is outnumbered, the enthusiasm is lower now for him than last election when he got whipped.

Lower turnout in primaries for him

Lower rally numbers

Lower donations, RNC is struggling for cash

What part of that shows you people are excited for him? You're going to find out in November that enough people are just tired of him and want to get back to some sort of normalcy.
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First, beside the polls trending towards Biden, I'm saying you can randomly call people and ask who are you voting for/want to win etc. but it doesn't matter if they don't show up to vote or the other side has more people. Trump is outnumbered, the enthusiasm is lower now for him than last election when he got whipped.

Lower turnout in primaries for him

Lower rally numbers

Lower donations, RNC is struggling for cash

What part of that shows you people are excited for him? You're going to find out in November that enough people are just tired of him and want to get back to some sort of normalcy.
Enjoy the worst inflation (under Biden) since the Great Depression. You really are wanting bad for America by trying to get Biden re-elected. However, it's a free America so you can vote to pay more for food and a possible recession. Biden-nomics has failed.
I could come up with over 105 reasons not to vote Biden but I won't spam the thread. Biden's high interest rates, inflation, lack of border control, possible recession.
Enjoy the worst inflation (under Biden) since the Great Depression.
You're literally lying again. It's 7 more months, a little less lying about stuff would be good from here on out. Be better.

It's 2.5% and wage growth has now outpaced inflation:

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You're literally lying again. It's 7 more months, a little less lying about stuff would be good from here on out. Be better.

It's 2.5% and wages have surpassed inflation:
Good luck with that. It is fun stating facts then seeing you debate reality. It's ok I still love you even if you like paying more for food, gas, that you enjoy inflation and out of control borders.
@JB Lions You should vote for Nikki in 2028 if she's nominee then!
Romney was right! Biden's base 47% moochers. However, Trump may have a bigger base this time around of patriotic Americans.
@JB Lions Would you love to see Biden & Trump debate?
Trump cleaned up Obama's bad economy and disastrous presidency quickly now he just needs to get in and cleanup Biden's mess. Trump left Biden with a good economy.

Obama left Trump with a good economy. Biden has had to clean up Trump's environmental mess.

Another Trump term would spell disaster for the US economy and the environment. Trump tariffs will increase inflation at home. He will try to lower inflation by removing environmental protections in order to drill baby, drill. After four years, they'll be nothing left but holes in the ground and an ever dependent fossil-fuel economy. The Saudis will be laughing as they invest US petrodollars in Chinese solar products. US'll have missed the boat.
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