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Who is to Blame for the Troubled US Economy?

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Here you can spout your USA political views.

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4. US Political views, No Religious views
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Obama blames Bush and Bain Capital

How about the LIBOR scandal by the crooked banks. Its not being talked about by the MSM. Oh yeah they have much more important things to talk about, like the Bain Capital outsourcing jobs or Romney not handing in at least the last 10 years of tax returns, or the oh so important divorce by Tom Cruise:

Don't know what the LIBOR (Lie-bor or Lie-More) rate is?
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I really like this idea,


That is in essence what I have said for years.
And still say.
Plus have term limits.
Plus have strict pay limits.
This is for every single government position!
Including federal judges and the supreme court.
Then move into the states, counties, cities, towns.

Ah the USA is so politicized from the local precinct to the presidential election.

LIBOR...Been reading quite a bit about that (and not from the liberal media, as stated they are damn quiet about this).
And how everyone has probably been overpaying on interest on a loan of any type, how it affects the cost of goods and services, and more.
Again, for this I have always said, let not the market, the government or banks set interest rates, but have one maximum interest rate that will be the rate for any loan.
6% is really the top rate it should be!
That is in essence what I have said for years.
And still say.
Plus have term limits.
Plus have strict pay limits.
This is for every single government position!
Including federal judges and the supreme court.
Then move into the states, counties, cities, towns.

Ah the USA is so politicized from the local precinct to the presidential election.

LIBOR...Been reading quite a bit about that (and not from the liberal media, as stated they are damn quiet about this).
And how everyone has probably been overpaying on interest on a loan of any type, how it affects the cost of goods and services, and more.
Again, for this I have always said, let not the market, the government or banks set interest rates, but have one maximum interest rate that will be the rate for any loan.
6% is really the top rate it should be!
The Liberal Media doesn't want to talk about the important issues like the economy, unemployment or the the big elephant in the room called the "huge US deficit", which is gonna come around to sting us really hard sooner or later (Ask the Greeks, the Portuguese, the Irish and the Spanish about it).

The MSM either doesn't give out the important news or only talks about irrelevant crap to try to fool the electorate, and what's frightening is that they appear to have succeeded. D-: Hopefully the internet is gonna change all of this BS.

As you say the LIBOR rates affects us all (in the US probably even more than Europe because Americans spend and en-debt themselves a lot more). We have been paying thousands of extra § every year to the crooked banks that have been manipulating these rates for years. >:(

Barclays were caught but they are not alone, all the big banks are involved and here we have the pathetic Liberal Media kissing Obama's ass every day. How low can you stoop?
"The Liberal Media doesn't want to talk about the important issues like the economy, unemployment or the the big elephant in the room called the "huge US deficit"

Ah, not this again. This was taken apart in that other thread. You can tell me who you think is the most liberal MSM and in my very next post, I'll have links with them talking about everything you just mentioned. Just like last time.

In the other thread you mentioned Romney, how he was winning in the polls, then I replied with some facts, how that wasn't true.

I'm interested in what people think of Romney's strategy now, which I think is doing him in. About the release of his taxes for past years and his refusal to do so. I think it's dumb. It isn't going to go away, it'll get worse, he'll continue to take a hammering. Just like we had Birthers and Truthers, we now have Swissers.
Funny that all those liberals want Romney to turn over tax records, etc.
Yet NOT ONCE IN 2008 OR NOW IN 2012...are the same liberals wanting their appointed nutjob to turn over any of his records!
Same with all those democrats, in congress, who want the records, but will not turn their records over.

And bubba, polls are like statistics.
Depends on who asks what when and where.
Here is how I see things being played out.

Romney doesn't have a snow balls chance of winning.
Obama will win and I think that's Ok with the Republican party since they are not really behind Romney, just like they where never really behind McCain.

The Republican party wants a real solid candidate and I think they are willing to wait until 2016.
They would love to get Cris Cristie or their dream candidate Jeb Bush.

For the past 60 years the American people likes to alternate parties every 8 years with the exception of Carters term (4years) and the Reagan/Bush terms (12years)
Eisenhower (R) 8 years
Kennedy/ Johnson (D) 8 years
Nixon/Ford (R) 8 years
Clinton (D) 8 years
G.W. Bush (R) 8 years

And Obama (D) will be 8 years
Then a Republican for 8 years after that.

The Revolving Parties.
Its not rocket science, its just how it is.
It sure would be nice to have a 3rd party ;)
Nobody had to ask. In the 2008 campaign Obama released tax returns back to 2000. And at the time that also gave him some 'splainin' to do (I think it was a business association revealed in the returns.)

Mitt's father George Romney released 12 years of tax returns when he ran for president.,3648005&dq=george-romney+tax-returns&hl=en

They would love to get Cris Cristie or their dream candidate Jeb Bush.


Christie puts on a good show when people are looking and he talks a good game. He's been very ... divisive ... in the state he governs. Done a couple things that are OK, gets all "la-la-la I can't hear you" kind of stubborn about others. Lowered state income taxes a smidge - whoop-de-doo, that's the least of our worries. Property taxes? Lots of talk about much-needed reform before the election, so far all talk no action. I voted for him because he seemed like the "least worst" at the time. Would I do it again? Meh - Send in the next clown.
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I'd like to vote 'you'. After all, voter got the representatives they deserve.
One thing I have noticed in my long life.
It does no good to ever discuss politics with either the left or the right.

Both ends have their preconceived ideas and nothing will sway them.

Same with those on either end of the 2nd amendment, gun rights, etc.
We got a VP choice coming up shortly, according to Intrade -

it should either be Rob Portman or Tim Pawlenty

"It does no good to ever discuss politics with either the left or the right."

I've learned never to get into debates with people who don't believe dinosaurs existed. Was actually in some discussion about religion at work and my boss stopped by and said that, I had to walk away. I can't deal with crazy.
One thing I have noticed in my long life.
It does no good to ever discuss politics with either the left or the right.

Both ends have their preconceived ideas and nothing will sway them.

Same with those on either end of the 2nd amendment, gun rights, etc.

Its always difficult to discuss anything with someone who has opposite views on anything.

I started this thread just so people had a soapbox to spout their political views.

I thought you especially would enjoy it :)
I enjoy it just to find out who is so blind.

Marco Rubio should be the vp.

A debate between him and Biden?
Freaking hilarious....
Same with those on either end of the 2nd amendment, gun rights, etc.

My view on gun rights is pretty simple.
I dont think people should own military grade weapons of any kind, assault riffles ect.

But regular riffles and hand guns, even semi-autos are fine.

I dont need anything more them my shotguns and my hand guns :)

If someone wants to try and break into my house and since I know they dont come in peace then they will leave in pieces B-)
This thread should be merged with DU, Johname, and friends shoot the shit.

Anyhow, we Americans are on the entitlement train and can't seem to get off. After all, who can pass up a free ride?! The gov needs to provide better money management and cut back the entitlement programs in order to get the deficit down.

We domainers need to create a site that tracks gov spending/waste and then demand a big payout to keep the tabs under wrap (a taxpayer payoff in true form).
Personally I've never owned a gun of any sort, never even touched one and quite frankly live very well without one, but then again where I live, there is very little violence and very few people have the need to carry guns.

However, I more or less understand why Americans love their guns. Protect yourselves from violent crime. Problem is the criminals also keep arming themselves with more and more deadly weapons, so the cycle of violence is never ending. 20, 30, 40 years ago the story in the USA was exactly the same.

Nothing has really changed, in fact it appears to have gotten worse.

"Guns don't kill people, people kill people" That slogan was absolutely brilliant and there is some truth in it, but if people didn't own so many guns there would be less murders. Just see the statistics from other countries, with the exception of maybe Switzerland and you will see how low the murder rate is in countries that have strict gun control. The differences are quite staggering

I agree with Iowadaug. Marco Rubio would be the best tactical choice for VP. He may be able to convince a few more % of the Latino votes to his side.
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This thread should be merged with DU, Johname, and friends shoot the shit.

I agree with DU, these topics would only spoil his thread.
His thread is where we go to relax and have some fun, shoot the sh*t and pick up on girls, except we more girls! :P
None of the above. It's the people's fault for settling for shit.

The system you have in place works poorly, it only gives you a choice between shittier and shittiest, and the population settles for that. It has let big business get its claws to far into the politics and gradually destroyed what seemed to be a good plan at the start, and, one again, the American people have settled for that.

So much wrong and corrupt with the poitical system there now it makes my head spin. But hey, the American people over time settled for that.

No one but the American people can blame themselves for the shitfight that is American politics.
None of the above. It's the people's fault for settling for shit.

The system you have in place works poorly, it only gives you a choice between shittier and shittiest, and the population settles for that. It has let big business get its claws to far into the politics and gradually destroyed what seemed to be a good plan at the start, and, one again, the American people have settled for that.

So much wrong and corrupt with the poitical system there now it makes my head spin. But hey, the American people over time settled for that.

No one but the American people can blame themselves for the shitfight that is American politics.

Then it would be Neither Party

Also I disagree with you on that its entirely the American people who is to blame.
In a democratic system your only choices are the people that run in an election.

You can only choose from those who run and you cant make someone take the job who doesn't want it even if you write in their name.

Sometime the choices that are offered suck to begin with.

But yes we Americans need to demand better, demand transparency and fire those who dont put the USA and its citizens first and make a better difference.

And it starts with firing all incumbents over and over until they realize that their jobs are always on the line just like ours.
We need to create jobs ourselves by buying more American made products, even if we buy just 20% more American made products we could create millions of jobs.


The view is ok up here on my soapbox.

Then it would be Neither Party

Also I disagree with you on that its entirely the American people who is to blame.
In a democratic system your only choices are the people that run in an election.

You can only choose from those who run and you cant make someone take the job who doesn't want it even if you write in their name.

Sometime the choices that are offered suck to begin with.

But yes we Americans need to demand better, demand transparency and fire those who dont put the USA and its citizens first and make a better difference.

And it starts with firing all incumbents over and over until they realize that their jobs are always on the line just like ours.
We need to create jobs ourselves by buying more American made products, even if we buy just 20% more American made products we could create millions of jobs.


Ron Paul was an excellent choice to clean up a lot of the crap including one of the biggest lumps; "the FED". He was not perfect but oh so different from the status quo. Unfortunately for the world and in my opinion the US as well, a lot of people thought he was old and senile and as we all know he was shamelessly ignored by the Media, yet they overlooked Joe Biden who is a little younger but 100 times more senile than Ron Paul.

Too bad because you are not going to get another Ron Paul for a long, long time. The newer generations of politicians are gonna be even more corrupt that the present crooks.
Sarah Silverman must be on heat. I wonder if Obama approved this ad?

[ame=""]An Indecent Proposal from Sarah Silverman - YouTube[/ame]
I am sorry to say, that all your posts?
You did not create them!
Someone else did!
So sayeth the head nutjob who is presently trashing the white house, the office of the president, and so much more.
I am sorry to say, that all your posts?
You did not create them!
Someone else did!
So sayeth the head nutjob who is presently trashing the white house, the office of the president, and so much more.
:laugh: So what am I supposed to do? Outsource all my posts to Indonesia? Will the Nutjob at the WH then approve my posts?

Looks like Obama may have not been the creator of the "You didn't build that ...." Elizabeth Warren may have gotten the idea first.

[ame=""]Megan Kelly - Elizabeth Warren & Barack Obama Singing The same Tune - You did not Build that - YouTube[/ame]
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