
.uk The .CO.UK Discussion and Showcase

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This being the cctld section of namepros I am sure the answers I get here will be somewhat bias:) But here is my questions:

I found several niche generic domains with rather good overture. I was debating on getting the .net or the version.

Revenue is important in this decision with it being a solid overture number with .com I know this would do great, but obviously not many people would choose to type, BUT my do people type

Thoughts? Sorry, I am just wading into the international ext world but was wondering how well generics do for type-ins.

Thanks for any help!!!!!
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According to newspaper reports 60% of UK business owners and internet users prefer the over the .com extension.

If this is of any help?

Source: Thread on UKBF -
Yes that does help, thx a ton! I have seen the light with cctlds:) Wading my way in.
If you are in the UK you would type-in first or perhaps .com sometimes even .org as the is quite well used, but hardly ever if never .net! I don't think I have ever seen an advertisment in the UK, TV, vehicle or printed that contained .net!!!

If you are looking for type-in traffic from the UK it has to be first...
Thanks, thats what i was looking for. What i was trying to determine is if i had a quality generic that i found available in both .net and would i get more type-in traffic from the UK than i would overall from the .net. From experience i do not really get any direct type-in traffic on .nets but thought i probably would with strictly from the UK.
What you think about ?

Well, that. In the course of the current beta to my domain software, one people ask me for support but i never see much of that.

Then, i begin to check where can i purchase more cheaply and was with prices, i purchase 1 for 2 years in 13.90.

As a note, cant activate in my RC , and the other option reasonable was godaddy, but moniker is better in price and Peace of mind for me.

In the last auction of moniker, only two domains with that extension was offered.

Please say if u have some, why, and what your think of this type of domains. I begin to think is better do manual than implement.
Watch the spelling...

As I understand the domain market at present, .de and are two of the strongest country domains. However, when looking at possible domain registrations, be aware of the difference in the spelling between some English words and the North American spelling of the same word. would probably get little or no type-in traffic and probably zero UK end-user interest, as the word in the UK is spelled "Labour". Same with "Colour", "Theatre", etc
As canbrit has said above, .de and are very strong.

Likewise the spelling problems can mean seemingly great terms are not worth that much as in the UK they are either typed differently or have a different term.

The two listed for auction are utter rubbish and are reg-fee at best. There are lots of active .UK domainers around, less so on Namepros , for whatever reason. Those reasons extend to the live auctions, as the awareness of .UK is limited by those ok'ing the lists the quality is low.

Similarly there is little point for a UK domainer to sell a top name, for base USD$ when they can achieve better prices in £/E :) , Acorndomains etc are good for picking up information on .UK . The culture of the UK is also quite private, so sales data is more likely to be kept quiet and it is like getting blood from a stone to get people to make their sales prices public. That is good and bad as the public values would enhance perceptions of .UK, but would make things more expensive for domainers :)

It is worth noting the base price of is £5 + vat, so pricing can be up (or down) from that.
Well, I'm from the UK, but out of the 46 domains that I currently own, only one of them is a .co uk - (just for my online portfolio). I chose a CC for this particular domain because I'm a British artist and I wanted the domain to reflect the fact that I'm based in the UK.
Thanks , by the way no much info in DNF forum, tough.

Any1 know where can i see how many are currently registered ?

( for the current results i think i support them as a manual , no autofetch ) ....
Similar to previous posters.

Having a business which primary place of establishment is within UK, helps show that by having a
ie. Having servers which are hosted only in London helps deliver the point and hopefully not mislead anyone, where as if I used .com I am sure I would get more international sales, however I would lose out on the initial purchases (possibly) to UK clients.

Additionally, - If I buy a domain in .com and I like it, I will immediately register .net .org aswell. Its only on business related domains.
got a halo site on a domain, doing pretty well
As I understand it there is also a problem with selling names as there is a lot of paperwork involved - i.e. you have to sign papers and send them to Nominet and the buyer also has to sign the papers and send them to Nominet - all a lot of hassle compared to transferring a .com
There is a guy who says he makes good money from - there was an interview about him in the Guardian and a post here - - he may even post on NP - his names appear to be a mixture of minisites and parked pages
There is also a thread somewhere on NP about a UK parking company - if somebody could pot the link - I can't find it
This thread is going well =P

Anyway, i never think in that TLD before my beta, and i assume i am more interested in the domain business than many guys.
Yeah. I'd have to say I like better then any other country TLD.
Licantropo said:
Thanks , by the way no much info in DNF forum, tough.

Any1 know where can i see how many are currently registered ?

Stats on the Nominet website:

There is an excellent forum for .UK (google acorndomains) - mods, delete this if outward promo of other forums is not allowed.

advaita said:
As I understand it there is also a problem with selling names as there is a lot of paperwork involved - i.e. you have to sign papers and send them to Nominet and the buyer also has to sign the papers and send them to Nominet - all a lot of hassle compared to transferring a .com
There is a guy who says he makes good money from - there was an interview about him in the Guardian and a post here - - he may even post on NP - his names appear to be a mixture of minisites and parked pages
There is also a thread somewhere on NP about a UK parking company - if somebody could pot the link - I can't find it

There is currently a 'paper' form that needs filling in to complete a transfer, however scanned +emailed copies are accepted. The online systems are due to go full online including transfer at some point as Nominet now uses EPP.

There is good money in .UK , has public data, and a browse of the top keywords will give you a good example of age / coverage.

There are a couple of UK parking companies such as Streamic , Sedo now have a UK office etc.
Listen to hey - he knows of what he speaks!!

Also, check out domainprices - my only caution about is that the bar is fairly high as far as what is worth something. I like the ext, but you really have to have a generic, easily commercial, or a very unique name to have it sell for much. I have 5 true dictionary LLLL .co.uks, and I can't get $200 for each.

Also, note that transferring is a bit more complicated than others - make sure anyone you sell to understands that!! It took me 6 months to get my money from Sedo from a clueless buyer (not Sedo's fault - they are actually good with .uks) who refused to fill out the paperwork.
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Yes, i see that. I only buy ONE as a experiment yesterday and no plan buy more ( was a moniker one )
I personally do not have much experience in I do have a 2 word and it does pretty nicely. I am considering looking into more of these domains. I wish I would have did it sooner too.
I just started diversifying my domain investment and entered into the .uk market.

Have some decent names like:

Rejected a couple of offers at Acorndomains.

Reg fee is cheap ( $14 - $19 for 2 years depending on the registrars ) when comparing most of the other cctlds.

.TV is also doing well, but the renewal fee is outrageous.
••• is a solid extension in its right(just as .de too was pointed out earlier). Its got a financially capable popular base, and its widespread use, so its definitely competitive. I should buy some .co.uks? no? lol. Not a bad extension at all.
I believe in domains.
jacal1 said:
- my only caution about is that the bar is fairly high as far as what is worth something. I like the ext, but you really have to have a generic, easily commercial, or a very unique name to have it sell for much. I have 5 true dictionary LLLL .co.uks, and I can't get $200 for each.

Yeah that's the impression I got too, another thing to keep in mind is the volume of direct type ins is likely to be miniscule compared to a good .com

True.. Good observation..

gazzip said:
Yeah that's the impression I got too, another thing to keep in mind is the volume of direct type ins is likely to be miniscule compared to a good .com

.UK - Online Transfers - No More Forms! news for etc etc owner!

On 25 June we will be replacing the current registrant transfer process with a paperless online version.


The old system relied on the completion of transfer forms and copies of suitable identification. The new system is based entirely online and can generally be completed in a matter of minutes.

Its been a long time coming, but very welcome as long as its rolled out with the manual oversight still intact :)
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