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Blue MooseTop Member
Just wondering what the general thoughts are about whether the recent trend to legalize marijuana will boost the prices of pot-related domains?
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is it worth buying these pot domains?

That's kind of what this thread is about. With what looks to be a movement toward legal or decriminalization, do members here think the value of marijuana-related names will go up.

If you don't already own a decent name, you might find it difficult to get one, but there are still a few out there for pretty good prices. The decision is about treating a domain as a speculative investment. In this niche, if you pay for a domain, you're betting the domain will be worth more in a year or three. If you don't think it will become legal, you probably shouldn't buy any related domains, and even if you do think it will be legal, don't get your hopes up. Like any investment or gambling, only pay as much as you can afford to lose.
thanks for the reply

which words are more used for this drug i.e.: pot, cannabis, and weed so on

I was thinking shorter the better and looking for " Pot " domains but your right nearly everything is gone..
...I was thinking shorter the better and looking for " Pot " domains but your right nearly everything is gone..

...explained before my main focus is on "industrial hemp" so I only have one "pot" name, potmarijuana in the .com...

I really think that there will be a turnaround of sorts, allowing the US to grow industrial hemp before they cave on the recreational sibling. That is my speculative strategy, any any rate...
I don't think domain names with pot or weed as keywords are a good investment. You won't see those terms if you look at the names of established dispensaries. I picked up Medicinal Center(s) to sell since that is more of the type of name they operate under. Given that they operate as non-profits, I wouldn't overlook a good .org name when available.
I don't think domain names with pot or weed as keywords are a good investment. You won't see those terms if you look at the names of established dispensaries. I picked up Medicinal Center(s) to sell since that is more of the type of name they operate under. Given that they operate as non-profits, I wouldn't overlook a good .org name when available.

eventually you wont hear the "medical" word very much. its a word that is mostly used these days because of the legal wording of the law.. also to make it sound more acceptable in peoples minds.
eventually you wont hear the "medical" word very much. its a word that is mostly used these days because of the legal wording of the law.. also to make it sound more acceptable in peoples minds.

I guess you guys are looking further into the future than I am. Government doesn't work quickly.
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Looks as though the Feds are threatening to enforce their possession and distribution laws over individual states.

"The FBI reported in September 2011 that 853,000 people were arrested for marijuana-related violations in 2010. Of the total, 750,000 were for simple possession, 103,000 were arrested for the sale or manufacture of marijuana." This adds up to a whole bunch of money spent investigating, adjudicating and imprisoning people arrested for marijuana related "crimes".
As I thought, President Obama, in a speech tonight, will say it is a low priority to enforce federal anti-pot laws in states that have decriminalized it.
I know the value will go up. Its not just legalization, its also about the medical benefits of eating it, as well as making juice out of the leaves. My girlfriend and her dad both have medical marijuana licenses. I bought PotCookies.ca as well as juicing and cooking marijuana sites .com's of course
and the free .info
Best place to live in Canada? Bc, bud

---------- Post added at 09:13 AM ---------- Previous post was at 08:51 AM ----------

eventually you wont hear the "medical" word very much. its a word that is mostly used these days because of the legal wording of the law.. also to make it sound more acceptable in peoples minds.

Some people do use it for medical use, it has nothing to do with the legal wording.Medical marijuana will be around for a long time. You smoke you get thc.You eat or juice its the cbd that takes effect. The david Suzuki foundation created the strain of "chemo weed" for that purpose.You wont get very high off of chemo weed but the body stone is awesome.I had the opportunity to get medical marijuana when I had cancer the second time.The purpose was to calm my stomach.www.Juicing420.com go watch the video.Recent had reg by the way.

@syncopy terms most common here cannabis, the king of it is marijuana. Dont waste your money on eatingweeed.com or herbs, could get confusing.And Juicing420.com got indexed fast,so gooogle doesnt ban marijuana related names
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Best place to live in Canada? Bc, bud

Eh, BC - Bud yeppers, best place to be :D

What I don't understand is how these big wigs can't see the amount of cash they would reap in...
Deficit would be a bad word, never mentioned again at that point.

I honestly do not understand how alcohol was made legal and pot wasn't.
note:[ I am not a drinker, this is my opinion] backed up by fact:

I have had friends killed in drunk driving accidents.
I have had friends abused at the hands of an alcoholic - including children.

but all my pot friends are at home on their couches at night
munching out on the hidden, and forbidden Twinkies :lol:

[if you don't like pot, so be it -
you are entitled to your opinion as am I
I have seen the benefits of medicinal marijuana with a family member]
- still looking for the benefits of alcohol - if you know of any, please share ;)
Among other things, law enforcement look at it as a gateway drug to harder stuff.

But to be honest, like gambling, deficits and financial necessity will eventually rule the day. Think of all the tax revenue.
Some people do use it for medical use, it has nothing to do with the legal wording.Medical marijuana will be around for a long time. You smoke you get thc.You eat or juice its the cbd that takes effect. The david Suzuki foundation created the strain of "chemo weed" for that purpose.You wont get very high off of chemo weed but the body stone is awesome.I had the opportunity to get medical marijuana when I had cancer the second time.The purpose was to calm my stomach.

my point is we dont add the word "medical" to other drugs. we dont say medical morphine. the word is simply added often times because of the way marijuana is/was perceived by the general public.

eventually, people will stop feeling the need to "justify" it by placing the word medical in front. tis the evolution of social acceptance..

---------- Post added at 11:16 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:13 AM ----------

Among other things, law enforcement look at it as a gateway drug to harder stuff.

well, even if the gateway theory is true.. if someone is considering trying heroin i'd honestly recommend you at least try pot first. it just makes sense.. gotta crawl before you walk, ya know? order of operations.. you take weed out of the equation and that just means harder drugs become the "gateway point"
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So we dont add medical. I would sure like medicalmarijuana dot com
The original poster asked is it worth buying pot domains.
The answer, yes, because there are health benefits from it, and legalization will definately increase exposure
Thats my opinion.Its uses are reaching beyond roll one lets get high and watch Cheech and Chong again...

You can go to the compassion club, just down the street and buy drinks and butter,different strengths of pot to smoke its not a back alley thing. And comparing a drug that does have medical uses to heroin, haha thats like comparing a joint to a couple percocet
juicing it, cooking it, that form of consumption is going to increase. Another common expression to describe marijuana is 420
Thankful I have juicing and cooking 420 in the dot com extension,

DONT go buying every marijuana,cannabis or 420 site
pick your keywords careful, do your research and I think it will be rewarding in the long run
Its Happy Hour!!:wave::lol::kickass:
So we dont add medical. I would sure like medicalmarijuana dot com
The original poster asked is it worth buying pot domains.
The answer, yes, because there are health benefits from it, and legalization will definately increase exposure
Thats my opinion.Its uses are reaching beyond roll one lets get high and watch Cheech and Chong again...

yes i understand what this thread is about.. these are the early days of legalization but once people stop feeling the need to justify using marijuana, for whatever purposes.. the word "medical" attached to the front WILL fade away.

You can go to the compassion club, just down the street and buy drinks and butter,different strengths of pot to smoke its not a back alley thing. And comparing a drug that does have medical uses to heroin, haha thats like comparing a joint to a couple percocet

yes dude i know im in california.. im not comparing a joint to percocet or hard drugs - what im saying is WHY do we attach the word 'medical' to marijuana and no other drug? the answer is fairly obvious.. its a way of communicating "hey, im not doing anything wrong here.. this has actual benefits"

also i'd say the MAJORITY of the "medical marijuana" movement is simply a front to get it on the pathway to being fully legalized - any rational person with their eyes open can see this.
Who actually named it that anyway? and why?
when was the term 1st used and by whom?

- Are legalized or prescribed pills offered by your friendly doctor,
followed by the rehab stint offered by the friendly government, better?

and I would also say, that the majority of the pill pushing addicts
are using their doctors as a front to get pills to feed their addiction.
but cause pills are legal, this is ok??
My eyes are open and this is what I see...really?

- Different strokes for different folks I guess.
Who actually named it that anyway? and why?
when was the term 1st used and by whom?

- Are legalized or prescribed pills offered by your friendly doctor,
followed by the rehab stint offered by the friendly government, better?

and I would also say, that the majority of the pill pushing addicts
are using their doctors as a front to get pills to feed their addiction.
but cause pills are legal, this is ok??
My eyes are open and this is what I see...really?

- Different strokes for different folks I guess.

not sure if this was a response to my post or just some thoughts. to be clear, im for legalization. its just that the word "medical marijuana" gets thrown around by recreational users a lot and rarely does anyone that is FOR legalization mention this because its met with the response "hey, you're disrespecting sick and dying people," followed by a list of ailments pot helps with.

so anyway, if we're talking marijuana related domain names and future value....

I don't think domain names with pot or weed as keywords are a good investment. You won't see those terms if you look at the names of established dispensaries. I picked up Medicinal Center(s) to sell since that is more of the type of name they operate under. Given that they operate as non-profits, I wouldn't overlook a good .org name when available.

which has more cash involved, the medical movement or recreational use? the thriving industry will be for the recreational use, not medical use - which is supposed to be not for profit anyway as you've mentioned. and actually, the thriving industry is already recreational use operated as a front for "medical purposes."

Colorado and Washington state will most likely lead the way and you WILL see legit dispensaries using "pot" and "weed" in their business name, more than we've ever seen in the past. we might even see the word "dispensary" fade away eventually.. but certainly the "medical movement" in these states will be completely overshadowed by the booming industry for recreational use. interesting times.. :tu:
i would stick with the term 'medical' it sounds a bit more official when it comes to domains
Just wondering what the general thoughts are about whether the recent trend to legalize marijuana will boost the prices of pot-related domains?
The best case scenario for pot names may be to seek the level of other legal vice names where category killers alcohol.com and tobacco.com sit parked like used Oldsmobiles, not that there's anything wrong with that. Industry giants Altria and AB InBev hold big domain portfolios but they don't write blockbuster checks to domainers on a regular basis. A new product line won't shake many acorns out of that tree. The online revenue carrot for consumable vice names is high cpc tied to abuse/treatment/rehab keywords. That landrush happened years ago. On with the showcase ...
The best case scenario for pot names may be to seek the level of other legal vice names where category killers alcohol.com and tobacco.com sit parked like used Oldsmobiles, not that there's anything wrong with that. Industry giants Altria and AB InBev hold big domain portfolios but they don't write blockbuster checks to domainers on a regular basis. A new product line won't shake many acorns out of that tree. The online revenue carrot for consumable vice names is high cpc tied to abuse/treatment/rehab keywords. That landrush happened years ago. On with the showcase ...
I would think the $x,xxx type names in this newly emerging market will be like most others. Informational sites, tracking sites, comparison sites, where to buy, brands, dangers, benefits, potency, legalities and such. More possibilities: New insurance rules/restrictions/liabilities, farming, driving, work related and more (but only if the trend continues, which I believe it will).
I think its a good thing I got these.


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