
Seeking a trend and buying the domain names #Futurism

Spaceship Spaceship
I am a mathematician and have been using my mathematics background to predict where I believe the future of business is. I have been working towards developing my career as a Futurist. I now have some unique views of where I believe the next big breakthrough in technology is and I have registered the domain names that I want. I would like the opportunity to share my views with other like minded domainers to present my case as to why I believe my forecasts are more reliable and that my perspective on where the overlooked domain names are. Where is the right part of the Namepros forum to discuss this kind of discussion? I have put more than a decade of work into building my forecasts. Is Namepros the right place to discuss this? Last decade I used to discuss my forecasts on short domain names and people appreciated my insight then and so I am curious if people are interested in more complex discussion on futurism. I am curious to know if Namepros members see themselves as a futurism oriented forum to discuss future trends to reveal overlooked domain names. This has always been my approach to domain names but I think that the Namepros community has evolved a lot since the days when I was posting here and so I don't know as many people here as I used to.
The views expressed on this page by users and staff are their own, not those of NamePros.
Would you like to discuss the technical process of doing forecasting? Or like to share what future trends we did not discuss already on this forum?
Share your predictions. Expect a lot of debate against anything you predict. With domaining, if you can predict 10 things and buy names for those things, you only have to be right with one prediction in order to make money. Obviously if you do not understand what names have value, you could be right with all ten predictions but pick the wrong names for them and lose that money. Sometimes when you predict a trend, the perfect name for that is taken but for sale for a fraction of what the name will be worth when the trend hits.
Share your predictions. Expect a lot of debate against anything you predict. With domaining, if you can predict 10 things and buy names for those things, you only have to be right with one prediction in order to make money. Obviously if you do not understand what names have value, you could be right with all ten predictions but pick the wrong names for them and lose that money. Sometimes when you predict a trend, the perfect name for that is taken but for sale for a fraction of what the name will be worth when the trend hits.
People do after they buy the best names, they can then let us all in on it. The new gtlds have their premiums for example.
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There is nothing new under the sun. I’d wager your ideas are not as novel as you seem to think. But by all means share— there is always a bandwagon in play here.
Always nice to see a futurist, my kind of people. Your ability to do math would predict the future of business? Interesting to say the least. Doing math may be an element of business and helpful, but to say "predict the future of business" is quite a thing to say, but ok. Share your stuff
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Ask the ChatGPT AI if you should share your methods, he will most likely tell you to not reveal anything, as he did told me.
Or it is better first to hand reg all the best versions and only after that to reveal, this world is full of lazy grabbers and they even will not cite the source.
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I am looking into #ComponentSpecificationNFTs to compete against the #FastFoodMarket. The NFT owners let buyer groups use the specifications for a royalty fee to create a reverse auction among sellers with kitchens so that anyone with a kitchen can compete against Fast Food Markets. I expect that this would have the same effect with Fast Food Franchises as Ride Share has with Taxis. Buyers Groups can push up the volume of sales so that the kitchen owners can push down their pricing to be competitive with Fast Food sellers. I call this #LeanShopping based on it being a progression of the #LeanMovement outside manufacturing but into the sales process.

This could be then expanded into using #LeanShopping to compete against Shopping Centres and give cheaper prices through helping buyers groups to work more directly with manufacturers. I think that there could be millions of NFT's and this could help have a #WhiteLabel effect where manufacturers can work more directly with buyers and stop the middle sellers pushing up the prices.

As far as I can see, the #LeanShopping business model has greater quality of data as by opening doors for buyers groups by connecting them with NFT collectors they don't have to build the component specifications themselves and they can say what they want. Getting buyers to say what they want is a lot better than the behaviourism guessing games that try to forecast sales by making predictions based on previous behaviour. I believe will increase competition and reduce the damage to the environment by overproduction of unwanted products.
In short, I am building a case that 2023 will be the year of the #ManufacturingNFT.
reveal overlooked domain names.

they may have been overlooked for a reason.

many times, the #name of the trend/
is not the same as what the product or services names' will be or what domain they will choose to brand behind.

take a look back at some recent trends > cannabis names, crypto, bitcoin, meta, chips, vr, ai, etc. etc and all the registrations/backorders associated with them.

then look at what is still for sale in those categories but isn't selling.

unless you're getting the cream off the top, then only the crap will be left.

In short, I am building a case that 2023 will be the year of the #ManufacturingNFT.
Okay have you identified an actual real world use for this?
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In short, I am building a case that 2023 will be the year of the #ManufacturingNFT.
Ok but the brands like Prada who could really benefit from this ... its just going to be an internal nft? Can you expand.
The NFT owners let buyer groups use the specifications for a royalty fee to create a reverse auction among sellers with kitchens so that anyone with a kitchen can compete against Fast Food Markets. I expect that this would have the same effect with Fast Food Franchises as Ride Share has with Taxis. Buyers Groups can push up the volume of sales so that the kitchen owners can push down their pricing to be competitive with Fast Food sellers. I call this #LeanShopping based on it being a progression of the #LeanMovement outside manufacturing but into the sales process.
This is a really interesting idea that seems like a natural progression following the rise of ride sharing and airbnb. I have 2 questions / thoughts about the use case though.

First, food production and distribution at scale is pretty tightly regulated (in the US). Restaurants need to pass health inspections and depending on where you live some have health grades, so it seems like there will still be a barrier to entry for people to participate in the system even if there is demand for a seller.

Second, I'm not quite seeing how NFT's add value or enable this economy / use case. Perhaps you can delve into that part a little more? This is probably an important thing to consider, because if NFTs are not required then it would probably be wise to get domains that speak to the idea but not NFTs
many times, the #name of the trend/
is not the same as what the product or services names' will be or what domain they will choose to brand behind.
Indeed, This is always the most difficult part of predicting 'Domains' as opposed to future business trends or even entirely new markets. The small guy wont be the influencer here, Not unless you've got a few million dollars (probably more) in being first to the market with the concept.

I think all old-hands understand how the key-terms come to both emerge then prevail, and that isn't through domaining. Now that said if there is an Unavoidable key Word (and I emphasize Word NOT Term) Then there is place for the Brand-hat to get to work.

I agree with the other comments. Having studied Statistical analysis and Probability Theory for many years myself. Like all experience , yes it has a influence but I wouldn't let it center stage my thought processes when it comes to domains.

Yep- also a fully qualified chef (in traditional French cuisine ) So in taking your example, The local authorities will have a field day, Not to mention all the rest. There may be a middle road out there somewhere - but that seems to be the ground covered by the 'Pop-up-restaurant' concept.
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This is a really interesting idea that seems like a natural progression following the rise of ride sharing and airbnb. I have 2 questions / thoughts about the use case though.

First, food production and distribution at scale is pretty tightly regulated (in the US). Restaurants need to pass health inspections and depending on where you live some have health grades, so it seems like there will still be a barrier to entry for people to participate in the system even if there is demand for a seller.

Second, I'm not quite seeing how NFT's add value or enable this economy / use case. Perhaps you can delve into that part a little more? This is probably an important thing to consider, because if NFTs are not required then it would probably be wise to get domains that speak to the idea but not NFTs
First Question

Tight regulation is a reason for development to start slowly in the early days. However, this regulation is nothing compared to the huge costs of buying into a franchise. Buyers control demand. Sellers control supply. My focus is to put better negotiating tools in the hands of buyers so that there is more competition between sellers. If buyers work together through #BuyersGroups, then they can control demand more efficiently and redirect sales away from traditional sellers towards sellers who give them better value for money. The regulations shouldn't be a reason to stop upgrades in the selling process but rather buyers and sellers have the potential to work with regulators just like organisations and people currently do.

Second Question

I am presenting the case that an NFT is like a low grade patent. It doesn't provide the same level of protection but it a lot cheaper to buy especially in volume. The strength of using an NFT based trading system is that it is quite effective way to give attribution benefits to the origin of the product or service you are getting. This may involve an #HonourSystem in trading and it opens legal debates on how valuable it is but it is a lot cheaper than patents and large numbers of businesses can't afford to use patents. NFTs are also a lot more flexible than patents. They also can work in conjunction with patents.
Ok but the brands like Prada who could really benefit from this ... its just going to be an internal nft? Can you expand.

I have been working on my #LeanShopping busines model for 7 years. Most buyers are shy and are heavily manipulated by selling environments. #ShoppingIntelligence is weak. Most shoppers are not interested in investing in infrastructure to reduce their long term spending. This is like playing chess and only taking moments to decide your move. Shops invest billions of dollars into #SellingIntelligence. Greater intelligence requires more thought and shops are full of people making rushed selling decisions.

The #NFT gives a voice to a buyer. A buyer who says that they want a hawaiian pizza for $5 makes a very vague statement. A buyer who provides an #NFT of a hawaiian pizza gives the information:
- How much Pineapple
- How much Ham
- Size of ham pieces
- Which type of Ham
- Which type of pineapple
- Size of pineapple piece
- Type of bread used
- Size of pizza
- Type of cheese
- Type of cooking equipment
- Length of cooking time
- Condition of pizza
- Etc....

A pizza NFT is needed to give the buyer a voice so that the buyer can say what they what they really want. Currently buyers groups are inefficient because they don't know how to say what they want. If you don't know how to say what you want, you have poor negotiating power. The NFT developer opens the voice of a buyer so they can negotiate effectively and invite sellers to compete for a job.
Okay have you identified an actual real world use for this?
1000 real world uses. I am trying to cut out the middle men and middle women in shopping by deepening relationships between sellers and manufacturers.

Empowering buyers to deepen relationships with:

Food Manufacturers
Car Manufacturers
Phone Manufacturers
Fast Food Makers
Clothing Manufacturers
Watching Movies
Coffee Makers

I am trying to help buyers realise that in order to maximise competition in the market for their attention they need to stop relying on one-to-one relationships with sellers and start building one-to-many relationships with sellers. This is where the #ManufacturingNFTs come in. They provide the manufacturing specification details so that sellers can understand efficiently what buyers want. The NFTs are key to turning the one-to-one relationships to one-to-many and increasing the competition.
Would you like to discuss the technical process of doing forecasting? Or like to share what future trends we did not discuss already on this forum?

I am working on a #TheoryOfEverything called the #TheEcdysis where I believe that the world is transitioning from #BinaryManagementSystems to #TernaryManagementSystems. My mathematical background is in combinatorics and I believe that it fits under the hat of #TernaryMathematics. Binary means 2 parts. Ternary means 3 parts. An ecdysis is a process of a young shell growing on a crab and splitting the outer older shell. I believe that the world governments run on #BinaryManagementSystems and are fundamentally flawed as they are more expensive and clumsy than #TernaryManagementSystems.

I am working on a collection of technologies that are all related to ternary mathematics. My #LeanShopping business model that I am talking about here is a ternary model as the NFT developer is a third party who solves the language problems between buyers and sellers and helps restore shopping towards a more traditional village style shopping which had more balanced levels of intelligence between buyers and sellers than exists today.

My long term focus is to build artificial intelligence based negotiating tools that allow communities of hundreds of thousands of people to negotiate faster and more effectively with governments. I believe we have very inefficient polarised governments around the world now and that this is a problem due to the fact that #BinaryManagementSystems are a waste of money. #TheEcdysis is an evolutionary theory and I believe that it is related to growth and development of modern mathematics that is a lot better developed today. It is also related to the advancement of technology with the internet. Another word for #TernaryManagementSystems is #DecentralisedManagementSystems but as a mathematician I am more familiar with using ternary. I consider myself a Decentralist.

I previously worked in manufacturing for more than 20 years. The #LeanManufacturingMovement has been one of the biggest events of the 20th Century. Over 100 years, the known world changed dramatically and the lean manufacturing raised the standards of living across the world. I believe that #LeanShopping has the potential to dramatically raise the standards of living further by reforming the sales process in the same way the manufacturing process has reformed over the last century.

Impulsive shopping is a huge problem across the world escalating poverty and contributing to huge environmental damage. Supermarkets typically throw out 10 percent of what they store and throw them away. Lean shopping helps build intelligence into shopping so that people can learn how to break away from the impulsive selling practices they are conditioned by society to do. The world needs higher intelligence in shopping and I believe that my model helps open the door.
Well, first of all, let me thank you for such an insightful and comprehensive explanation of your concept. I'm certainly going to take a couple of hours of thought and rationalizing before I feel able to give the reply such a thought-through post. Well done and thankyou again
I am working on a #TheoryOfEverything called the #TheEcdysis where I believe that the world is transitioning from #BinaryManagementSystems to #TernaryManagementSystems. My mathematical background is in combinatorics and I believe that it fits under the hat of #TernaryMathematics. Binary means 2 parts. Ternary means 3 parts. An ecdysis is a process of a young shell growing on a crab and splitting the outer older shell. I believe that the world governments run on #BinaryManagementSystems and are fundamentally flawed as they are more expensive and clumsy than #TernaryManagementSystems.

I am working on a collection of technologies that are all related to ternary mathematics. My #LeanShopping business model that I am talking about here is a ternary model as the NFT developer is a third party who solves the language problems between buyers and sellers and helps restore shopping towards a more traditional village style shopping which had more balanced levels of intelligence between buyers and sellers than exists today.

My long term focus is to build artificial intelligence based negotiating tools that allow communities of hundreds of thousands of people to negotiate faster and more effectively with governments. I believe we have very inefficient polarised governments around the world now and that this is a problem due to the fact that #BinaryManagementSystems are a waste of money. #TheEcdysis is an evolutionary theory and I believe that it is related to growth and development of modern mathematics that is a lot better developed today. It is also related to the advancement of technology with the internet. Another word for #TernaryManagementSystems is #DecentralisedManagementSystems but as a mathematician I am more familiar with using ternary. I consider myself a Decentralist.

I previously worked in manufacturing for more than 20 years. The #LeanManufacturingMovement has been one of the biggest events of the 20th Century. Over 100 years, the known world changed dramatically and the lean manufacturing raised the standards of living across the world. I believe that #LeanShopping has the potential to dramatically raise the standards of living further by reforming the sales process in the same way the manufacturing process has reformed over the last century.

Impulsive shopping is a huge problem across the world escalating poverty and contributing to huge environmental damage. Supermarkets typically throw out 10 percent of what they store and throw them away. Lean shopping helps build intelligence into shopping so that people can learn how to break away from the impulsive selling practices they are conditioned by society to do. The world needs higher intelligence in shopping and I believe that my model helps open the door.


Could you translate from French please...?

Joke aside. If you can fix greed and corporate predatory tactics + corruption to the bone in ALL governments, that'll really help us everywhere. And the planet - which is dying fast, in my opinion but not only.

For some reason though, I really doubt Ternary management systems will fix the above. (Even with some qubits in, which I guess would fit the overall thing well as they are ternary afaik)

( Thumbs up though for your work. )
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Also a proper answer to your original question though.

Trends are trends. Edit: Futurism would predict a trend that hopefully will persist, I think.

Most top domainers don't really get deep in that because trends come and go. They prefer to invest in evergreen domains. I have been there, done that, would not jump in a trend anymore. Note, top domainers have already done that by now - invested in such evergreen domains, mostly.

AI for example is no longer a trend, it's an evergreen field. Same is EV for example.

Meta, NFT, trends = died = maybe they will revive someday.

Futuristic domain names are mostly for the young domainers and also an opportunity for new entries to stock on names they believe in. Whether this will turn into actual profit after years, it remains to be seen. I am nor pro nor against such investment, who does it assumes a risk. No risk, no reward.

Edit: It is far better to invest in something you can sell already.
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Last October 2022 Dubai had more than 400 Futurists at an event to talk about this topic. The domain industry will change soon.

--- Source: Dubai Future


The inaugural Dubai Future Forum is an annual event hosted by the Dubai Future Foundation convening over 400 of the world’s top futurists to Dubai to anticipate challenges, imagine opportunities, share foresight, and shape the future. The first edition of the Dubai Future Forum will be taking place in October 2022 at the Museum of the Future in Dubai, United Arab Emirates.

Taking place over two days at the iconic Museum of the Future, the Forum will provide an international platform for futurists and thought leaders, from diverse sectors, to build a long-lasting community by engaging on tomorrow’s most pressing issues; cementing Dubai’s position as a rising global hub for futures leadership and action.

This year’s Forum will host 30 sessions with a focus on four key themes: the Future of our World; Mitigating Existential Risk through Foresight; Value and Humanity; and Hedging our Bets through Foresight.

The Dubai Future Foundation seeks to reimagine and inspire Dubai’s future in collaboration with public and private sector partners to create initiatives, programs, and thought leadership to inform and implement on a local and global stage. The most visible manifestation of this determination is the recently opened Museum of the Future.
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Could you translate from French please...?

Joke aside. If you can fix greed and corporate predatory tactics + corruption to the bone in ALL governments, that'll really help us everywhere. And the planet - which is dying fast, in my opinion but not only.

For some reason though, I really doubt Ternary management systems will fix the above. (Even with some qubits in, which I guess would fit the overall thing well as they are ternary afaik)

( Thumbs up though for your work. )

The standard 2-Party System is a very old out-of-date political system that has a dominant influence over democracies across the world due to the fact that modern media systems try to harmonise with this system. There is a direct relationship between media and the political system as our political systems affect the language we use in politics. The emerging political system is the different models in decentralised politics. The decentralist media is very weak at the moment as it still uses the same language of the old political systems. Decentralist Lobby Groups are also very weak and disorganised.

It is my view that the US 2032 elections will be an election where the Decentralist Lobby Groups and Decentralist Media will have a lot stronger voice than it has today. The language of the media needs to evolve to build ternary structures into what it is happening today. Decentralism is one of the fastest growing political movements in the world and has a strong influence within the Cryptocurrency community. However, it is still early days yet.

My case is that our current systems are binary power management systems and decentralist systems are ternary. This is because I see a necessary dimension that needs to be factored into political management systems. There are many ways to introduce that extra dimension and this needs to be looked at through many angles. My argument is that political systems are becoming increasingly more brittle as the world becomes more influenced by international politics over time. The old system of having bipartisan international politics and keeping politics localised doesn't work any more and the higher levels of precision in modern politics calls for a new way of political modelling that is used more developing more efficient and less biased governance.

I use the term Ecdysis as I believe this process is an evolutionary process in human interaction and that has similarities to a crab's ecdysis. When a crab sheds an old shell, it is a very painful process for the crab. The crab is very vulnerable in the early stages of the process. However, when the process is complete, the crab is a lot more stronger and powerful. I see the need for growth in political management systems to be a painful vulnerable process forcing higher levels of intelligence in political management that in the long term will help build stronger and more resilient communities.
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