
.tv Our own forum, how exciting...

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Ravaged By AgeVIP Member
Am i first to post here .. What an honour.. :)
The views expressed on this page by users and staff are their own, not those of NamePros.
hello everyone :) i love .tv !

Well, this is a great result, a big thanks to Equity for being the driving force behind it and big thanks to Badger for suggesting it!!
Equity78 deserves special recognition for his efforts in taking the .TV discussion to the next level. He is an inspiration to all domainers, and his passion is second to none. :tu:

Badger deserves an honorable mention, and perhaps a swift kick in the ass too. This dude has been sending out subliminal messages via my hometown television broadcasts. I'm not sure how he did it, but he managed to infect all my local stations with his "tv merges with web" message, and cost me many a nights sleep. He is a very bad man..... :o
Nice! I don't own any .tv but lets see!
Wow. Dedicated .TV forum. That's nice. Let it prosper :)
Thank you everyone for the kind words this is what I wanted a forum within a forum , all the perks of a big established forum LIKE NP with the, detailed focus of a small niche forum. THANK YOU RJ. RJ asked me if I wanted NP$ On for this forum and it will be. Unless a poster asks a question that requires one word one word posts will be erased. THis greeting forum its fine, but if you dislike .tv express it that's fine back up your thesis. I love .tv or I cannot stand .tv will not be allowed.
wasistdas said:
Wow. Dedicated .TV forum. That's nice. Let it prosper :)
I just know you are getting into .tv, have you regged one yet?
I can't believe this... :o
I go away for a couple days to work on development, come back and evrythings running amuck! :kickass:

Had to agree with Badger that the thread was a little long and hard to keep the issues, thoughts, ideas, etc all straight. Thanks for the info and encouaragement EQ, and appreciate the support from RJ. I look forward to learning and growing with .TV :tu:
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